- aerodyne,
- aerostat,
- airliner,
- airship,
- amphibian,
- autogiro or autogyro,
- balloon,
- biplane,
- blimp, bomber,
- canard,
- coleopter,
- convertiplane,
- convertaplane, or convertoplane,
- cyclogiro,
- delta-wing,
- dirigible,
- dive bomber,
- drone, fighter,
- fighter-bomber,
- flying boat,
- flying wing,
- freighter,
- gas-filled balloon,
- glider,
- gyrodyne,
- hang-glider,
- helicopter,
- helicopter gunship,
- hot-air balloon,
- interceptor or intercepter,
- jet or jet plane,
- jetliner,
- jumbo jet,
- jump jet,
- lifting body,
- light aircraft,
- microlight or microlite,
- monoplane,
- multiplane,
- night fighter,
- ornithopter or orthopter,
- rotaplane,
- sailplane,
- seaplane,
- skiplane,
- Stealth bomber or Stealth plane,
- swept-wing,
- swing-wing,
- tanker,
- triplane,
- troop carrier,
- turbofan,
- turbojet,
- turboprop or propjet,
- warplane,
- wing,
- zeppelin.
- bladderwrack,
- brown algae,
- carrageen, carragheen, or carageen,
- diatom,
- dinoflagellate,
- dulse,
- euglena,
- fucoid or fucus,
- green algae,
- gulfweed,
- Iceland moss,
- Irish moss,
- kelp,
- laver,
- lichen,
- oarweed,
- phytoplankton or plankton,
- red algae,
- reindeer moss,
- rockweed,
- sargasso or sargassum,
- sea lettuce,
- sea tangle,
- seaweed,
- sea wrack,
- spirogyra,
- stonewort,
- wrack
- ant ant hill or formicary
- badger set or sett
- beaver lodge
- bee hive or apiary
- bird nest
- eagle aerie or eyrie
- fish redd
- fox earth
- otter holt
- pig sty
- puffin puffinry
- rabbit warren
- rook rookery
- seal sealery
- squirrel drey or dray
- termite termitarium
- wasp vespiary or bike
Ants, bees, and wasps
- Amazon ant, ant or (archaic or dialect) emmet,
- army ant or legionary ant,
- bee,
- bulldog ant or bull ant,
- bumblebee or humblebee,
- carpenter bee, cuckoo bee, digger wasp,
- driver ant,
- gall wasp,
- honeybee or hive bee,
- horntail or wood wasp,
- ichneumon fly or ichneumon wasp,
- killer bee,
- leafcutter ant,
- leafcutter bee,
- mason bee,
- mason wasp,
- mining bee,
- mud dauber,
- Pharaoh ant,
- ruby-tail wasp,
- sand wasp,
- slave ant,
- spider-hunting wasp,
- termite or white ant,
- velvet ant,
- wasp,
- wood ant,
- yellow jacket (U.S. & Canad.)
Archaeological terms
- acropolis,
- alignment,
- arcade,
- archaeomagnetism or archeomagnetism,
- barrow,
- baulk,
- bifacial, blade,
- bogman,
- bracteate,
- burin,
- cairn, callais,
- cartouch or cartouche,
- caveman,
- celt,
- cirque,
- cist or kist, clovis point, core,
- cromlech,
- cross-dating,
- dolmen,
- earthwork,
- eolith, flake, flint,
- graffito,
- henge,
- hillfort,
- hogback,
- hut circle, larnax,
- ley line,
- microlith,
- megalith,
- mound,
- neolith,
- obelisk,
- palmette,
- palstave,
- patella, pylon,
- radiocarbon dating,
- retouch,
- robber trench,
- sondage,
- souterrain,
- stela or stele,
- stone circle,
- stratigraphy,
- tribrach,
- tumulus,
- vallum.
Architectural features
- abacus,
- acanthus,
- accolade,
- acroter,
- aisle,
- ambulatory,
- amphiprostyle,
- amphistylar,
- ancon or ancone,
- annulet,
- anta, antefix,
- anthemion,
- apophyge or hypophyge,
- apse or apsis,
- apteral,
- arcade,
- arcature, arch,
- architrave,
- archivolt, arcuation, arris,
- articulation,
- astragal,
- atlas (plural atlantes) or telamon,
- atrium, attic,
- baguette or baguet, balcony,
- baldachin,
- balk, ballflower, b
- aluster, band, banderole,
- banderol, or bannerol,
- barge couple,
- barge course,
- barrel vault, tunnel vault, or wagon vault,
- base,
- basement,
- bay window,
- bead, beak,
- bed moulding,
- belfry,
- bezant, bezzant, or byzant,
- billet, binder,
- bolection or bilection,
- bottom house, bow, bow window,
- bracket, brattishing, breast,
- broach, buttress,
- caisson, coffer, or lacuna,
- calotte,
- canopy,
- cantilever, capital,
- chapiter, or cap, cartouche, caryatid,
- case or casing, casement,
- Catherine wheel,
- cavetto,
- ceiling, cella or naos,
- cellar, channel, chaplet,
- cheek, chevron or dancette,
- choir, choir loft, cinquefoil,
- clerestory, cloister,
- colonnade,
- columbarium, column,
- columniation,
- compass window,
- concha or conch, congé,
- corbeil or corbeille,
- corbel or truss,
- corbie gable, corbie-step,
- corbel step, or crow step,
- cordon, string course, belt course, or table,
- cornice, corona,
- cove or coving,
- crenel or crenelle, cresting,
- crocket or crochet,
- crossing, crown,
- cullis,
- cupola,
- curb roof,
- curtail step,
- curtain wall,
- cushion, cusp,
- cuspidation,
- cyma,
- cymatium,
- dado,
- decastyle,
- dentil, die, dogtooth,
- drip,
- dripstone, label, or hood mould,
- echinus, ectype,
- egg and dart,
- egg and tongue, or egg and anchor,
- ell,
- embrasure,
- entablature,
- entasis, exedra,
- extrados, facade, facet, fan,
- fanlight, fantail,
- fan tracery, fan or palm vaulting,
- fascia or facia,
- fascial or facial,
- fenestella,
- fenestra, festoon,
- fillet or listel, finial,
- flèche, fluting,
- flying buttress or arc-boutant, foil, footing,
- footstall,
- French windows or doors,
- frieze,
- frontispiece,
- frustum, gable,
- gable end,
- gable window,
- gadroon or godroon, gallery,
- gambrel, gargoyle,
- garret, garth,
- gatehouse, gazebo,
- glyph, gradin,
- griffe, groin, grotto,
- gutta, half landing,
- haunch or hance,
- headstone, headwork,
- helicline,
- hipped or hip roof, imperial, impost, intrados,
- jube,
- keystone, quoin, or headstone,
- lancet arch, Gothic arch, or ogive,
- lancet window, landing,
- lantern, leaded,
- loggia,
- long-and-short work,
- louvre, lucarne,
- machicolation,
- mansard, meander, medallion,
- metope, minaret, modillion,
- moulding,
- mullion, mutule, narthex,
- neck, necking or gorgerin, newel,
- niche,
- Norman arch or Roman arch, obelisk,
- oeil-de-boeuf, offset,
- ogee, ogee arch, or talon,
- ogive,
- onion dome,
- oriel or oriel window,
- ovolo, quarter round, or thumb, pace,
- parapet, patio,
- pedestal, pediment, pendant, penthouse,
- peristyle, perpend,
- perron, piazza, pier, pillar, pinnacle,
- platform, plinth, podium,
- predella, pylon,
- quad, poppyhead,
- porch or portico,
- portal,
- porte-cochere, postern,
- propylaeum,
- quadrangle,
- quatrefoil, quirk, quoin, coign, or coigne,
- reed, reeding, reglet,
- relief, respond, return, reveal, rib, ridge,
- rose window,
- rosace, or rosette,
- rotunda, roundel,
- saddle roof or saddleback,
- sash window, scotia, screen,
- scrollwork,
- semidome,
- shaft, shafting, sill, skew arch,
- skylight, soffit,
- spandrel or spandril,
- spire, splay, springer,
- squinch,
- squint or hagioscope,
- steeple, stele or stela, stoa,
- straining piece,
- strap work, stria, strigil,
- stylobate or stereobate,
- summer, taenia or (U.S.) tenia, tambour,
- tellamon, term,
- terminal, or terminus,
- torus or tore,
- tracery,
- transept,
- traverse, trefoil,
- tribune,
- triforium,
- triglyph,
- trophy,
- trumeau, turret,
- tympanum or tympan,
- underpitch vault, vault,
- veranda or verandah,
- verge,
- vignette,
- volute or helix,
- water table, web,
- whispering gallery,
- xyst.
- Art Deco,
- Art Nouveau,
- Baroque,
- Bauhaus,
- brutalist,
- Byzantine,
- churrigueresque or churrigueresco,
- classical,
- colonial,
- Composite,
- Corinthian,
- Decorated,
- Doric,
- Early Christian,
- Early English,
- Edwardian,
- Elizabethan,
- Empire,
- Federation (Austral.),
- functionalism,
- Georgian,
- Gothic,
- Gothic Revival,
- Greek Revival,
- International Style or Modernist,
- Ionic,
- Jacobean,
- Louis Quatorze,
- Louis Quinze,
- Louis Seize,
- Louis Treize,
- Mannerist,
- moderne,
- Moorish or Morisco,
- Mudéjar,
- neoclassicist,
- new brutalist,
- Norman,
- Palladian,
- perpendicular,
- postmodernist,
- Queen-Anne,
- Regency,
- Renaissance,
- Rococo,
- Roman,
- Romanesque,
- Saracen,
- Saxon,
- transition or transitional,
- Tudor,
- Tuscan,
- Victorian

Architectural terms
- abutment or abuttal,
- architectonic, architectonics,
- architectural, astylar, bolster,
- bracket,
- castellated or castled,
- cinquecento,
- cloistered,
- colossal or giant,
- composite,
- cradling,
- crenellate or (U.S.) crenelate,
- denticulate,
- diastyle,
- diminish,
- dipteral,
- discharge,
- drum,
- elevation, engaged,
- eurhythmy,
- fenestrated, filler,
- flamboyant,
- floor plan,
- floriated or floreated,
- florid,
- fluted,
- foliated,
- foliation,
- galilee,
- galleria,
- ground plan,
- hexastyle,
- high-pitched, hip, hipped,
- hypostyle,
- imbricate or imbricated,
- intercolumniation, invert,
- joggle post or king post,
- lanceted,
- lierne,
- lintel or summer,
- listed,
- loggia, member,
- module,
- Moresque, naos,
- order, orientation,
- polychromy,
- postiche, profile,
- prostyle,
- pulvinate or pulvinated,
- queen post,
- rampant,
- rendering,
- respond, return,
- rhythm,
- ribbon development,
- rise,
- rusticate,
- sexpartite,
- shaft, shafting,
- shell,
- soffit,
- springing,
- spring,
- springing line, or springing point,
- stilted,
- storey,
- stria,
- stringer,
- string, or string course,
- stylobate,
- subbase, summer or summer tree,
- supercolumnar,
- surbase,
- tailpiece or tail beam,
- trabeate or trabeated,
- tympanic,
- underpitch vault

- abstract expressionism,
- abstractionism,
- Art Deco,
- Arte Povera,
- Art Nouveau,
- Barbizon School,
- baroque,
- Der Blaue Reiter,
- Brücke,
- classicism,
- conceptual art,
- constructivism,
- cubism,
- Dada or Dadaism,
- De Stijl,
- divisionism,
- expressionism,
- Fauvism,
- futurism,
- Gothic,
- Impressionism,
- Jugendstil,
- mannerism,
- minimal art,
- modernism,
- Nabis,
- naturalism,
- Nazarene,
- neoclassicism,
- neoimpressionism,
- neoplasticism,
- op art,
- pointillism,
- pop art,
- postimpressionism,
- postmodernism,
- Pre-Raphaelite,
- realism,
- rococo,
- Romanesque,
- romanticism,
- Suprematism,
- surrealism,
- symbolism,
- synthetism,
- ukiyo-e,
- vorticism

- acrylic
- airbrush
- brush,
- canvas,
- chalk,
- charcoal,
- crayon,
- drawing paper,
- easel,
- fixative
- glaze,
- ground,
- ink,
- lay figure
- linseed oil
- oil paint,
- paint,
- paintbox
- paintbrush,
- palette,
- palette knife,
- pastel,
- pencil,
- sketchbook,
- spatula,
- spray gun,
- varnish,
- watercolour

Astronomy terms
- achondrite,
- aerolite,
- aerospace,
- aerosphere,
- albedo,
- almucantar or almacantar,
- altitude,
- analemma,
- annular eclipse,
- anthelion,
- aphelion,
- apocynthion,
- apolune, appulse,
- apapsis, apsis or apse, asteroid,
- asteroid belt,
- astrobleme,
- atmosphere,
- aureola or aureole, aurora,
- aurora australis,
- aurora borealis,
- azimuth,
- barycentre,
- basin,
- binary star,
- black drop,
- black hole,
- blue straggler,
- bolide,
- brown dwarf,
- burst,
- cataclysmic variable,
- Cepheid variable,
- Chandrasekhar limit,
- chemosphere,
- chondrite,
- chromosphere,
- circumlunar,
- circumpolar,
- circumsolar,
- circumstellar,
- cislunar,
- cluster,
- collapsar,
- colour index,
- colure, coma, comet,
- companion,
- conjunction,
- constellation,
- cooordinate system,
- Copernican system,
- corona, cosmic,
- cosmogony, cosmology,
- crater, crescent, crust,
- culmination, cusp,
- dwarf, dynamics,
- eccentric, ecosphere,
- effective temperature,
- ejecta, ellipse,
- elongation,
- emersion,
- ephemeris, epoch,
- equator,
- escape velocity,
- equinox, evection,
- evolved star,
- exosphere,
- extinction, facula,
- farside, filament,
- fireball, flare,
- flocculus,
- galactic centre,
- galactic equator,
- galactic rotation,
- galaxy,
- giant, gravitation,
- heliocentric system,
- heliosphere,
- immersion or ingress,
- inclination, inequality,
- inertia, inferior planet,
- inner planet, insolation,
- interplanetary, interstellar,
- ionosphere, jet, light year, limb,
- lodestar or loadstar,
- luminosity, lunar,
- lunar eclipse,
- magnetosphere,
- magnitude,
- major planet,
- maria, mass,
- mass loss,
- mass transfer,
- merger,
- meridian,
- meridian passage,
- mesosphere,
- metallicity,
- metal ratio,
- meteor, meteorite,
- meteoroid,
- meteoroid stream,
- meteor shower,
- meteor storm,
- missing mass,
- molecular cloud,
- moonquake, moving cluster,
- multiple star, nadir,
- naked singularity,
- nearside, nebula,
- neutron star, new moon, node,
- north celestial pole,
- northern hemisphere,
- northern lights, northing,
- north polar distance, nova,
- nucleosynthesis,
- nucleus,
- nutation,
- oblateness, obliquity, observatory,
- occultation, octant, open cluster, opposition,
- orbit, orbital elements, orbital velocity,
- oscillating universe,
- outer planet, parallax,
- partial eclipse,
- penumbral eclipse, periapsis,
- periastron, percentre,
- perigee, perihelion,
- photosphere, physical libration, plages,
- planetary,
- planetary alignment,
- planetary system,
- planetesimal,
- planetoid,
- plasmasphere,
- plerion,
- polar axis,
- pole,
- precession,
- precession of the equinoxes, primary,
- prominence,
- proper motion,
- protogalaxy,
- protoplanet,
- protostar,
- Ptolemaic system,
- pulsating universe,
- pulsating variable,
- quadrature, quarter,
- quasar, quasi-stellar object,
- quiet, radiant,
- radio source, ray,
- reciprocal mass, red giant,
- red supergiant,
- regolith,
- retardation,
- revolution, ring, ring plain, rising,
- rotation,
- rupes,
- saros, satellite,
- Schwarzschild radius, scintillation,
- secondary, sextile,
- Seyfert galaxy,
- shell star,
- shepherd satellite,
- sidereal time,
- singularity, solar,
- solar constant,
- solar eclipse, solar spectrum,
- solar system,
- solstice, south celestial pole,
- southern hemisphere,
- southern lights,
- southing,
- south polar distance, space,
- spacetime,
- spectral type or spectral class,
- spherule,
- spicule,
- spinar,
- spray, star, star cloud, stellar,
- stellar evolution,
- stellar structure, stellar wind,
- Strömgren sphere,
- sublunar point,
- subsolar point,
- substellar point, sunspot,
- sunspot cycle,
- supercluster,
- supergiant,
- superior planet,
- supernova,
- symbiotic star,
- synodic period,
- syzygy,
- telluric line,
- terminator,
- terrestrial planet,
- tidal capture,
- tidal force,
- tidal friction, tide, total eclipse,
- total magnitude,
- thermosphere, train,
- transient lunar phenomena,
- triple star,
- tropical year, troposphere,
- universal time,
- universe,
- variable star, variation,
- velocity dispersion,
- vertical circle,
- visual magnitude,
- white dwarf,
- white hole, zenith,
- zenith distance
- backpack,
- bergen,
- briefcase, bum bag,
- carpetbag, carrier bag,
- clutch bag, ditty bag,
- duffel bag,
- Gladstone bag,
- handbag,
- haversack,
- holdall or (U.S. & Canad.) carryall,
- kitbag,
- knapsack,
- nunny bag (Canad.),
- reticule,
- rucksack,
- sabretache,
- saddlebag,
- satchel, sea bag,
- shoulder bag, suitcase,
- tucker bag,
- valise,
- vanity bag,
- vanity case, or vanity box,
- water bag, workbag
- adzuki bean or adsuki bean,
- black bean,
- black-eyed bean or (U.S.) black-eyed pea,
- bobby bean,
- borlotti bean,
- broad bean,
- butter bean,
- cannelini bean,
- chick pea or garbanzo,
- continental lentil,
- dhal, field bean, flageolet bean,
- French bean,
- gram,
- green bean,
- green lentil,
- haricot bean or (U.S.) navy bean,
- kidney bean,
- lentil,
- lima bean,
- mangetout or snow pea,
- marrowfat pea,
- mung bean,
- petit pois,
- pigeon pea,
- pinto bean,
- puy lentil,
- red kidney bean or (U.S.)
- red bean,
- red lentil,
- runner bean,
- soya bean,
- split pea,
- string bean,
- sugar snap pea

- air bed,
- bassinet,
- berth,
- box bed,
- bunk,
- bunk bed,
- camp bed,
- captain's bed,
- cot,
- couchette,
- cradle,
- crib,
- day bed,
- divan bed,
- double bed,
- feather bed,
- field bed,
- foldaway bed,
- folding bed,
- four-poster bed,
- futon,
- hammock,
- hospital bed,
- king-size or king-sized bed,
- litter,
- loft bed,
- Murphy bed (U.S. & Canada),
- pallet,
- platform bed,
- put-u-up,
- queen-size or queen-sized bed,
- shake down,
- single bed,
- sleigh bed,
- sofa bed,
- trestle bed,
- truckle or trundle bed,
- twin bed,
- water bed

- autocycle,
- bicycle,
- BMX,
- boneshaker,
- chopper,
- exercise bike,
- fairy cycle,
- mountain bike,
- penny-farthing,
- roadster,
- tandem,
- velocipede
- aerobic,
- agglutination,
- albino,
- allele or allelomorph,
- anaerobic,
- anterior,
- asexual reproduction,
- assimilation,
- bacteria,
- binary fission,
- biomass,
- blood,
- blood vessel,
- bone, cell,
- chromosome,
- circulation,
- circulatory system,
- class,
- clone,
- codominance,
- cold-blooded,
- conception,
- copulation,
- cytoplasm,
- diffusion, digestion,
- diploid,
- division,
- DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid,
- dominant,
- dorsal,
- ecosystem,
- egg,
- embryo,
- environment,
- enzyme,
- epidermis,
- evolution,
- excretion,
- family,
- fermentation,
- fertilization,
- flower,
- foetus,
- food chain,
- fossil,
- fruit,
- fungus,
- gamete,
- gene,
- genus,
- germination,
- gestation,
- gland,
- gonad,
- growth,
- haploid,
- heredity,
- hermaphrodite,
- hormone,
- hybrid,
- inheritance,
- invertebrate,
- kingdom,
- Krebs cycle,
- life cycle,
- meiosis,
- menstruation,
- metabolism,
- metamorphosis,
- mitosis,
- muscle,
- mutation,
- natural selection,
- nitrogen cycle,
- nucleus,
- order,
- organ,
- osmosis,
- ovulation,
- ovum,
- parasite,
- pathogen,
- pectoral,
- photosynthesis,
- phylum,
- poikilothermic,
- pollen,
- pollination,
- pollution,
- posterior,
- predator,
- pregnancy,
- progeny,
- propagation,
- protein,
- protoplasm,
- puberty,
- recessive,
- reproduction,
- respiration,
- RNA or ribose nucleic acid,
- ribosome,
- root,
- seed,
- sexual reproduction,
- skeleton,
- skin,
- soil,
- species,
- spermatozoon or sperm,
- spore,
- symbiosis,
- translocation,
- transpiration,
- ventral,
- vertebrate,
- virus,
- vitamin,
- viviparous,
- warm-blooded,
- X-chromosome,
- Y-chromosome,
- zygote

- accentor,
- amazon,
- ani,
- avadavat or amadavat,
- avocet,
- babbler,
- Baltimore oriole,
- barbet,
- beccafico,
- bee-eater,
- bellbird,
- bird of paradise,
- bishopbird,
- bittern,
- blackbird,
- blackcap,
- blackcock,
- black grouse,
- blackpoll,
- bluebird,
- blue grouse,
- blue jay,
- bluethroat,
- bluetit,
- boatbill or boat-billed heron,
- bobolink,
- bobwhite,
- bokmakierie,
- bowerbird,
- brain-fever bird,
- brambling,
- broadbill,
- brolga,
- Australian crane, or (Austral.) native companion,
- budgerigar,
- bulbul,
- bullfinch,
- bunting,
- bush shrike,
- bushtit,
- bush wren,
- bustard,
- button quail,
- cacique,
- canary,
- Cape pigeon,
- capercaillie or capercailzie,
- Cape sparrow,
- capuchin,
- cardinal or cardinal grosbeak,
- carrion crow,
- cassowary,
- catbird,
- chaffinch,
- chat,
- chickadee,
- chicken or (Austral. inf.) chook,
- chiffchaff,
- chimney swallow or chimney swift,
- chipping sparrow,
- chough,
- chuck-will's-widow,
- chukar,
- cliff swallow,
- coal tit or coletit,
- cockatiel or cockateel,
- cockatoo,
- cock-of-the-rock,
- collared dove,
- coly or mousebird,
- conure,
- coppersmith,
- coquette,
- corella,
- corn bunting,
- corncrake,
- cotinga or chatterer,
- coucal,
- cowbird,
- crake,
- crane,
- crested tit,
- crocodile bird,
- crombec,
- crossbill,
- crow or (Scot.) corbie,
- cuckoo,
- cumulet,
- curassow,
- curlew,
- currawong or bell magpie,
- darter, anhinga, or snakebird,
- demoiselle (crane) or Numidian crane,
- diamond bird or pardalote,
- dipper or water ouzel, diver,
- dollarbird,
- dotterel or dottrel,
- dove or (archaic or poetic) culver,
- dowitcher,
- drongo,
- dunlin or red-backed sandpiper,
- egret,
- emperor penguin,
- emu,
- emu-wren,
- fantail,
- fernbird,
- fieldfare,
- fig-bird,
- finch,
- finfoot,
- firebird,
- firecrest,
- flamingo,
- flower-pecker,
- flycatcher,
- francolin,
- friarbird,
- frogmouth, galah,
- gang-gang,
- gnatcatcher,
- go-away bird,
- godwit,
- goldcrest,
- golden oriole,
- goldfinch,
- grackle or crow blackbird,
- grassfinch,
- grassquit,
- great crested grebe,
- great northern diver,
- great tit,
- grebe,
- greenfinch,
- green leek,
- greenlet,
- greenshank,
- green woodpecker,
- grey warbler or riroriro (N.Z.),
- grosbeak,
- grouse,
- guan,
- guinea fowl,
- hadedah,
- hawfinch,
- hazelhen,
- hedge sparrow or dunnock,
- helldiver,
- pie-billed grebe, or dabchick,
- hen harrier or (U.S. & Canad.) marsh harrier,
- heron,
- hill myna,
- hoatzin or hoactzin,
- homing pigeon,
- honey creeper,
- honey-eater,
- honey guide,
- honeysucker,
- hooded crow,
- hoopoe,
- hornbill,
- house martin,
- house sparrow,
- hummingbird or trochilus,
- ibis,
- jabiru,
- jacamar,
- jaçana or lily-trotter,
- jackdaw,
- jacksnipe,
- Jacobin, jaeger (U.S. & Canad.),
- Java sparrow, jay,
- junco,
- jungle fowl,
- kagu,
- kaka, kakapo, kea,
- killdeer,
- kingbird,
- kingfisher,
- king penguin,
- kiwi or apteryx,
- knot,
- koel, kokako,
- kookaburra or laughing jackass,
- kotuku, Lahore,
- lapwing or green plover,
- lark,
- limpkin or courlan,
- linnet,
- locust bird,
- loggerhead shrike,
- longspur,
- long-tailed tit,
- lorikeet,
- lory,
- lourie,
- lovebird,
- lyrebird,
- macaw,
- magpie,
- magpie lark,
- Major Mitchell,
- marabou,
- marsh tit,
- martin,
- meadowlark,
- meadow pipit,
- minivet,
- mistle thrush or missel thrush,
- mockingbird,
- monal or monaul,
- motmot or sawbill,
- mourning dove,
- myna, mynah, or mina,
- nighthawk,
- bullbat, or mosquito hawk,
- night heron,
- nightingale, nightjar or (U.S. & Canad.) goatsucker,
- noddy,
- noisy miner, nun,
- nutcracker,
- nuthatch,
- oil bird or guacharo,
- oriole,
- ortolan or ortolan bunting,
- ostrich,
- ouzel or ousel,
- ovenbird,
- oxpecker or tick-bird,
- parakeet or parrakeet,
- parrot,
- partridge,
- peacock,
- peafowl,
- peewit,
- pelican,
- penguin,
- phalarope,
- pheasant,
- pied wagtail,
- pigeon,
- pipit,
- plover,
- pratincole,
- ptarmigan,
- puffbird,
- puffin,
- pukeko,
- purple gallinule,
- pyrrhuloxia,
- quail,
- quarrian or quarrion,
- quetzal,
- racket-tail,
- rail,
- rainbow bird,
- raven,
- red-backed shrike,
- redbreast,
- red grouse,
- red-legged
- partridge,
- redpoll,
- redshank,
- redstart,
- redwing,
- reedbird,
- reed bunting,
- reedling or bearded tit,
- reed warbler,
- regent-bird,
- rhea or American ostrich,
- ricebird,
- riflebird,
- rifleman,
- ringed plover,
- ring-necked pheasant,
- ring ouzel,
- roadrunner or chaparral cock,
- robin or robin redbreast,
- rock dove or rock pigeon,
- rockhopper,
- roller,
- rook,
- rosella,
- rosy finch,
- ruff, ruffed grouse, runt,
- saddleback,
- saddlebill or jabiru,
- sage grouse,
- sanderling,
- sandgrouse,
- sand martin,
- sandpiper,
- sapsucker,
- Scandaroon,
- scarlet tanager,
- scrub bird,
- sedge warbler,
- seriema,
- serin,
- sheathbill,
- shoebill,
- shore bird or (Brit.) wader,
- shrike or butcherbird,
- sicklebill, siskin or (formerly) aberdevine,
- sitella or tree-runner,
- skimmer,
- skylark, snipe,
- snow bunting,
- snowy egret,
- solitaire,
- song sparrow,
- song thrush or mavis, sora,
- sparrow,
- spoonbill,
- spotted crake,
- spotted flycatcher,
- spotted sandpiper or (U.S.) peetweet, squacco,
- starling, stilt,
- stint,
- stock dove,
- stonechat,
- stone curlew or thick-knee,
- stork,
- sugar bird,
- sunbird,
- sun bittern,
- surfbird,
- swallow,
- swift,
- swiftlet,
- swordbill,
- tailorbird,
- takahe,
- tanager,
- tattler,
- tawny pippit, tern,
- thornbill,
- thrasher,
- thrush or (poetic) throstle,
- tit,
- titmouse,
- tody,
- toucan,
- touraco,
- turaco, or plantain-eater,
- towhee,
- tragopan,
- tree creeper,
- tree sparrow,
- trochilus,
- trogon,
- tropicbird,
- troupial,
- trumpeter,
- tui,
- turtledove,
- twite,
- umbrella bird,
- veery,
- verdin,
- wader or wading bird,
- wagtail,
- wall creeper,
- warbler,
- water rail,
- water thrush,
- wattlebird,
- waxbill,
- waxwing,
- weaverbird or weaver,
- weka, Maori hen, or wood hen,
- wheatear,
- whimbrel,
- whinchat,
- whip bird,
- whippoorwill,
- white-eye or (N.Z.) blighty, silvereye, or waxeye,
- whitethroat,
- whooping crane,
- willet,
- willow grouse,
- willow tit,
- willow warbler,
- wonga-wonga, woodchat or woodchat shrike,
- woodcock,
- wood ibis, woodlark,
- woodpecker,
- wood pigeon, ringdove, cushat, (Scot.) cushie-doo, or (English dialect) quist,
- woodswallow,
- wood warbler,
- wren,
- wrybill,
- wryneck,
- yellowhammer,
- zebra finch

- abernethy,
- bannock (Scot.),
- Bath Oliver,
- bourbon,
- brandy snap,
- captain's biscuit,
- caramel wafer,
- chocolate digestive,
- cookie (chiefly U.S. & Canad.),
- cracker, cracknel,
- cream cracker,
- crispbread, digestive,
- Empire biscuit,
- fairing,
- farl,
- flapjack,
- Florentine,
- garibaldi,
- gingerbread man,
- ginger nut or ginger snap,
- graham cracker (U.S.),
- hardtack, ship's biscuit,
- pilot biscuit, or sea biscuit,
- Jaffa cake (trademark),
- langue de chat,
- lebkuchen,
- love letter,
- macaroon,
- matzo,
- oatcake,
- petit four,
- pretzel,
- ratafia, rich tea,
- rusk,
- shortbread,
- shortcake,
- soda biscuit,
- sweetmeal biscuit or digestive,
- Tararua biscuit (N.Z.),
- tea biscuit,
- wafer,
- water biscuit
- aqua,
- aquamarine,
- azure,
- Cambridge blue,
- cerulean,
- clear blue,
- cobalt blue,
- Copenhagen blue,
- cyan,
- duck-egg blue,
- electric blue,
- gentian blue,
- heliotrope,
- indigo,
- lapis lazuli,
- midnight blue,
- navy blue,
- Nile blue,
- Oxford blue,
- peacock blue,
- periwinkle,
- perse,
- petrol blue,
- pewter,
- royal blue,
- sapphire,
- saxe blue,
- sky blue,
- steel blue,
- teal,
- turquoise,
- ultramarine,
- Wedgwood blue.
Boats and ships
- airboat,
- aircraft carrier,
- auxiliary,
- banker,
- barge, barque,
- barquentine or barquantine,
- bateau,
- bathyscaph, bathyscaphe, or bathyscape,
- battlecruiser, battleship,
- Bermuda rig, boatel,
- brigantine,
- bulk carrier,
- bumboat,
- cabin cruiser,
- canal boat, canoe,
- caravel or carvel, carrack,
- catamaran, catboat,
- caïque, clipper, coble,
- cockboat or cockleboat,
- cockleshell,
- coracle,
- corvette,
- crabber, cruiser,
- cutter,
- destroyer,
- destroyer escort,
- dhow,
- dinghy, dogger, dory,
- dreadnought or dreadnaught,
- dredger, drifter,
- dromond or dromon,
- E-boat,
- factory ship, faltboat, felucca, ferry,
- fireboat, fishing boat, flatboat,
- flotel or floatel,
- flyboat,
- fore-and-after,
- foyboat,
- freighter,
- frigate,
- galleas,
- galleon, galley, gig,
- gondola,
- gunboat,
- hooker,
- houseboat,
- hoy,
- hydrofoil,
- hydroplane,
- icebreaker,
- ice yacht or scooter,
- Indiaman,
- ironclad,
- jet-boat,
- jolly boat, junk,
- kayak,
- keelboat,
- ketch,
- laker,
- landing craft,
- lapstrake or lapstreak, launch,
- lifeboat,
- lightship, liner,
- longboat, longship,
- lugger,
- man-of-war or man o' war, maxi,
- merchantman,
- minehunter,
- minelayer,
- minesweeper,
- monitor,
- monohull, motorboat,
- MTB (motor torpedo boat),
- multihull, MY or motor yacht,
- narrow boat,
- nuggar, outboard,
- outrigger,
- oysterman, packet boat,
- paddle steamer, pink,
- pocket battleship,
- polacre or polacca,
- powerboat,
- proa or prau, PT boat,
- púcán, punt,
- quinquereme, raft, randan,
- revenue cutter, rowboat,
- rowing boat,
- sailing boat or (U.S. & Canad.) sailboat,
- scow, schooner, scull,
- sealer, shallop,
- shell, ship of the line,
- sidewheeler,
- skiff, skipjack, sloop,
- square-rigger, steamboat,
- steamer,
- steamship, stern-wheeler,
- submarine, supertanker,
- surfboat,
- swamp boat, tall ship,
- tanker, tartan, tender,
- threedecker, torpedo boat,
- torpedo-boat destroyer,
- towboat,
- trawler,
- trimaran,
- trireme,
- troopship,
- tub, tug or tugboat,
- U-boat,
- umiak or oomiak,
- vaporetto,
- vedette,
- VJ (vaucluse junior),
- warship,
- weathership,
- whaler,
- wherry,
- windjammer,
- xebec,
- zebec, or zebeck,
- yacht,
- yawl
- album,
- almanac,
- anatomy,
- annual,
- anthology,
- armorial,
- A to Z,
- atlas,
- autobiography,
- Baedeker,
- bestiary,
- bibelot,
- Bible,
- biography,
- breviary,
- brochure,
- casebook,
- catalogue,
- catechism,
- coffee-table book,
- comic book,
- commonplace book,
- companion,
- compendium,
- concordance,
- confessional,
- cookery book,
- copybook,
- diary,
- dictionary,
- directory,
- dispensatory,
- encyclopedia or encyclopaedia,
- exercise book,
- formulary,
- gazetteer,
- gradus,
- grammar,
- graphic novel,
- grimoire,
- guidebook,
- handbook,
- hymn book,
- jotter,
- journal,
- lectionary,
- ledger,
- lexicon,
- log or logbook,
- manual,
- miscellany,
- missal,
- monograph,
- notebook,
- novel,
- novelette,
- novella, ordinal,
- peerage,
- pharmacopoeia,
- phrase book,
- prayer book,
- primer,
- prospectus,
- psalter,
- reader,
- reference book,
- register,
- road book,
- score,
- scrapbook,
- service book,
- sketchbook,
- song book,
- speller,
- statute book,
- storybook,
- telephone directory,
- textbook,
- thesaurus,
- vade mecum,
- who's who,
- wordbook,
- workbook,
- yearbook

- ampulla,
- carboy,
- caster,
- decanter,
- demijohn,
- feeding bottle,
- flacon,
- flagon,
- flask, gourd,
- half-jack,
- hot-water
- bottle,
- lagena,
- miniature,
- Nansen bottle,
- phial,
- pycnometer,
- screw top,
- soda siphon,
- stubby,
- vinaigrette,
- water bottle,
- Woulfe bottle

- ballot box,
- bandbox,
- bulla,
- caisson, carton,
- cartouche, case,
- casket,
- chest,
- coffer, coffin,
- coin box,
- cracket,
- deed box,
- desiccator,
- dispatch box,
- ditty box,
- glory box,
- glove box,
- grass box,
- hatbox,
- haybox,
- honesty box,
- keister,
- matchbox,
- music box,
- nest box,
- pouncet box,
- packing case,
- paintbox,
- papeterie,
- pillbox,
- poor box,
- saggar,
- saltbox,
- sandbox,
- soapbox,
- solander,
- strongbox,
- tinderbox,
- trunk,
- vanity box,
- window box,
- wine box
- amygdala,
- brainstem,
- Broca's area,
- central sulcus,
- cerebellum,
- cerebral aqueduct,
- cerebral cortex or (nontechnical) grey matter,
- cerebrospinal fluid,
- cerebrum,
- choroid plexus,
- corpus callosum,
- diencephalon,
- fourth ventricle,
- frontal lobe,
- hippocampus,
- hypothalamus,
- infundibulum,
- limbic system,
- mamillary body,
- medulla oblongata,
- meninges,
- midbrain,
- myelencephalon or (nontechnical) afterbrain,
- occipital lobe,
- optic chiasma,
- parietal lobe,
- pineal body,
- pituitary gland,
- pons Varolli,
- substantia alba or (nontechnical) white matter,
- temporal lobe,
- thalamus,
- third ventricle,
- vermis,
- Wernicke's area
Branches of mathematics
- algebra, analysis,
- analytical geometry or coordinate geometry,
- applied mathematics,
- arithmetic,
- Boolean algebra,
- calculus,
- chaos geometry, conics,
- differential calculus,
- Euclidean geometry,
- game theory,
- geometry,
- group theory,
- integral calculus,
- nomography,
- non-Euclidean geometry,
- number theory,
- numerical analysis,
- probability theory,
- pure mathematics,
- set theory,
- statistics,
- topology,
- trigonometry
Branches of physics
- acoustics,
- aerodynamics,
- aerostatics,
- applied physics,
- astrophysics,
- atomic physics,
- biophysics,
- condensed-matter physics or solid-state physics,
- cosmology,
- cryogenics or low-temperature physics,
- dynamics,
- electromagnetism,
- electronics,
- electrostatics,
- geophysics,
- harmonics,
- high-energy physics or particle physics,
- kinetics,
- macrophysics,
- magnetics or magnetism,
- magnetostatics,
- mechanics,
- mesoscopics,
- microphysics,
- nuclear physics,
- nucleonics,
- optics,
- photometry,
- pneumatics,
- quantum mechanics,
- quantum physics,
- rheology,
- solar physics,
- sonics,
- spectroscopy,
- statics, statistical mechanics,
- superaerodynamics,
- theoretical physics,
- thermodynamics,
- thermometry,
- thermostatics,
- ultrasonics
- bagel or beigel,
- baguette,
- bap,
- barm cake (dialect),
- barmbrack (Irish),
- barm cake (Lancashire),
- batch loaf,
- billy-bread (N.Z.),
- black bread,
- bloomer,
- bridge roll,
- brioche,
- brown bread,
- loaf, or roll,
- bun,
- buttery (Scot.),
- challah or hallah,
- chapati or chapatti,
- ciabatta,
- cob,
- coburg,
- corn bread, corn pone, or Indian bread (U.S.),
- cottage loaf,
- croissant,
- damper (Austral.),
- farmhouse,
- focaccia,
- French bread,
- French stick,
- fruit loaf,
- Granary (trademark),
- gluten bread,
- griddlebread,
- half-quartern,
- johnny cake,
- long tin,
- matzo,
- matzoh,
- matza, or matzah,
- muffin,
- naan or nan,
- pan bread or loaf (Scot.),
- paratha, pitta,
- plain bread or loaf (Scot.),
- plait,
- poppadom or poppadum,
- pumpernickel,
- puri,
- quartern,
- roll,
- roti,
- rye bread or rye,
- schnecken,
- soda bread,
- sourdough,
- split tin,
- square tin,
- stollen,
- tortilla,
- unleavened bread,
- wheaten bread,
- white bread,
- loaf, or roll,
- wholemeal or (esp. U.S. & Canad.) whole-wheat

- aqueduct,
- Bailey bridge,
- balance,
- bascule, or counterpoise bridge,
- box-girder bridge,
- cable-stayed bridge,
- cantilever bridge,
- clapper bridge,
- deck bridge,
- drawbridge,
- flyover,
- footbridge,
- pivot, swing, or turn bridge,
- pontoon bridge,
- snow bridge,
- suspension bridge,
- truss bridge,
- turn bridge,
- viaduct.

- apollo,
- argus,
- bag moth (N.Z),
- bagworm moth,
- bell moth,
- bogong or bugong,
- brimstone,
- brown-tail moth,
- buff-tip moth,
- cabbage white,
- Camberwell beauty or (U.S.) mourning cloak,
- cardinal,
- carpenter moth,
- carpet moth,
- cleopatra,
- comma butterfly,
- copper,
- cecropia moth,
- cinnabar,
- clearwing or clearwing moth,
- Clifden nonpareil,
- codlin(g) moth,
- death's-head moth,
- drinker moth or drinker,
- egger or eggar,
- ermine moth or ermine,
- festoon,
- ghost moth,
- gipsy moth,
- goldtail moth or yellowtail (moth),
- grass moth,
- grayling,
- hairstreak,
- herald moth,
- hawk moth,
- sphinx moth, or hummingbird moth,
- house moth,
- Io moth,
- Kentish glory,
- kitten moth,
- lackey moth,
- lappet moth,
- large white or cabbage white,
- leopard moth,
- lobster moth,
- luna moth,
- magpie moth,
- marbled white,
- monarch,
- mother-of-pearl moth,
- Mother Shipton,
- old lady,
- orange-tip,
- painted lady,
- peacock butterfly,
- peppered moth,
- privet hawk,
- processionary moth,
- purple emperor,
- puss moth,
- red admiral,
- red underwing,
- ringlet,
- silver-Y,
- skipper,
- small white,
- snout,
- speckled wood,
- swallowtail,
- swift,
- tapestry moth,
- thorn (moth),
- tiger (moth),
- tussock moth,
- two-tailed pasha,
- umber (moth),
- vapourer moth,
- wave (moth),
- wax moth, honeycomb moth, or bee moth,
- wall brown,
- white,
- white admiral,
- winter moth,
- yellow,
- yellow underwing

Cakes and pastries
- almond cake,
- angel cake or angel food cake,
- Bakewell tart,
- baklava,
- Banbury cake,
- Battenburg cake,
- black bun,
- Black forest gateau,
- brownie,
- carrot cake,
- cherry cake,
- chocolate cake,
- Christmas cake,
- coconut cake,
- coffee kiss,
- cream cake,
- cream puff,
- cruller or kruller (U.S. & Canad.),
- crumpet,
- cupcake,
- Danish pastry,
- devil's food cake,
- doughnut or donut,
- drop scone or pancake (Scot.),
- dumpling,
- Dundee cake,
- Eccles cake,
- eclair,
- fairy cake,
- flapjack,
- frangipane,
- French pastry,
- fruitcake,
- fudge cake, gateau,
- Genoa cake,
- Genoese sponge,
- gingerbread,
- hot cross bun,
- johnny cake (Austral.),
- jumble or jumbal, koeksister (S. Afr.),
- kuchen,
- kuglehopf,
- ladyfinger or sponge finger,
- lamington (Austral. & N.Z.),
- lardy cake,
- layer cake,
- Linzer torte,
- Madeira cake,
- madeleine,
- marble cake,
- meringue,
- millefeuille,
- mince pie,
- muffin,
- pancake,
- pandowdy,
- panettone,
- parkin,
- petit four,
- pound cake,
- profiterole,
- queencake,
- rock cake,
- rum baba,
- Sally Lunn,
- sandwich cake,
- scone,
- seedcake,
- Selkirk bannock,
- simnel cake,
- singing hinny,
- sponge cake,
- stollen,
- swiss roll,
- tart,
- teabread,
- teacake,
- tipsy cake,
- torte,
- turnover,
- upside-down cake,
- Victoria sponge,
- wedding cake,
- yumyum (Scot.)
Car parts
- accelerator,
- air bag,
- alternator,
- ammeter,
- anti-roll bar,
- ashtray,
- automatic choke,
- axle,
- battery,
- bearing,
- big end,
- body,
- bonnet,
- boot, brake,
- brake light,
- brake pad,
- bucket seat,
- bulb,
- bumper,
- camshaft,
- carburettor,
- catalytic converter,
- chassis,
- childproof lock,
- choke,
- clutch, coil,
- connecting rod,
- convertible top,
- cowl, crank,
- crankcase,
- crankshaft,
- cylinder,
- cylinder head,
- dashboard, demister,
- dipstick,
- disc brakes,
- distributor,
- distributor cap,
- door,
- door handle,
- driveshaft,
- engine,
- exhaust, fan,
- fan belt,
- fascia,
- fender (U.S. & Canad.), flywheel,
- fog lamp,
- fuel gauge,
- fuse,
- fuse box,
- gasket, gear,
- gearbox,
- gear lever or (U.S. & Canad.) gearshift,
- generator,
- glove compartment,
- grille or radiator grille,
- handbrake,
- hard top,
- hazard light,
- headlight,
- headrest,
- heater,
- hood,
- horn,
- hubcap,
- ignition,
- indicator,
- jack, light,
- little end,
- lock,
- luggage rack,
- manifold,
- mileometer,
- milometer, or (U.S. & Canad.) odometer,
- mud flap,
- numberplate, oil filter,
- oil pump,
- oil-pressure gauge,
- parcel shelf,
- parking light,
- pedal,
- petrol cap,
- petrol gauge,
- petrol tank,
- piston, plug, points,
- radiator, radius arm,
- rear light or (U.S. & Canad.) taillight,
- rear-view mirror,
- reversing light, roof, seat,
- seat belt or safety belt,
- shock absorber,
- silencer,
- soft top,
- spare wheel,
- speedometer,
- springs,
- sprocket,
- starter,
- steering column,
- steering wheel,
- sump,
- sunroof or sunshine roof,
- suspension,
- tailgate, tailpipe,
- tank, top,
- torsion bar,
- towbar,
- transmission,
- trim, tyre,
- universal joint,
- valve, wheel,
- wheel brace,
- wheel nut,
- wheel trim,
- window,
- windscreen,
- windscreen wiper,
- wing,
- wing mirror,
- wing nut
Cattle and other artiodactyls
- addax,
- alpaca or alpacca,
- antelope, aoudad,
- argali or argal,
- ariel,
- axis (plural axises) or chital,
- babirusa,
- Bactrian camel,
- bharal, bison,
- blacktail,
- blaubok, blesbok, boar, boer goat,
- bongo, bontebok, brocket,
- bubal or bubalis, buffalo, bull,
- bushbuck or boschbok,
- bushpig, camel or (Anglo-Indian) oont,
- Cape buffalo, caribou,
- chamois or izard,
- chevrotain or mouse deer,
- Chinese water deer,
- cow, deer, dik-dik,
- dromedary,
- duiker or duyker, eland, elk,
- gaur,
- gayal,
- gazelle,
- gemsbok,
- gerenuk,
- giraffe or (obsolete) camelopard,
- gnu, goa, goat, goral, grysbok,
- guanaco,
- harnessed antelope,
- hartebeest or hartbeest,
- hippopotamus, ibex,
- impala,
- Jacob or Jacob sheep,
- karakul or caracul,
- Kashmir goat,
- klipspringer, kob, kongoni,
- kouprey, kudu or koodoo,
- llama,
- markhor or markhoor,
- marshbuck, moose,
- mouflon or moufflon,
- mountain goat,
- mule deer, muntjac,
- muntjak, or barking deer, musk deer, nilgai,
- nilghau, or nylghau,
- nyala,
- okapi,
- oribi, oryx, ox, peccary,
- Père David's deer, pig, pronghorn,
- pudu,
- razorback,
- red deer,
- reedbuck or nagor,
- reindeer,
- rhebok or reebok,
- Rocky Mountain goat,
- roe deer,
- sable antelope,
- saiga,
- sambar or sambur,
- sassaby,
- serow,
- sheep or (Austral. slang) jumbuck,
- sika,
- springbok,
- stag,
- steenbok,
- tahr or thar,
- takin,
- vicuña or vicuna,
- wapiti,
- wart hog,
- waterbuck,
- water buffalo,
- water ox, or carabao,
- white-tailed deer,
- wild boar,
- wildebeest,
- yak, zebu,
- zo or zho, or dzo
- armchair,
- banquette,
- barrel chair,
- bar stool,
- basket chair,
- Bath chair,
- beanbag,
- bench,
- bentwood chair,
- berbice chair,
- bergère,
- bucket seat,
- campaign chair,
- camp chair,
- cane chair,
- carver,
- cathedra,
- corner chair,
- curule chair,
- deck chair,
- dining chair,
- director's chair,
- dos-à-dos,
- easy chair,
- fauteuil,
- fiddle-back,
- folding chair,
- form,
- garden chair,
- gestatorial chair,
- hassock,
- highchair,
- jampan (kneeling chair),
- ladder-back chair,
- lounger,
- milking stool,
- Morris chair,
- music stool (office chair),
- opsitbank (S. Afr.),
- ottoman,
- pew,
- piano stool,
- platform rocker,
- pouf or pouffe,
- reclining chair or recliner,
- rocking chair or rocker,
- sedan chair,
- settle,
- shooting stick,
- stool,
- straight chair,
- súgán chair,
- swing,
- swivel chair,
- throne,
- tub chair,
- wheelchair,
- window seat,
- Windsor chair,
- Windsor rocker,
- wing chair.
Chemical warfare gases
- blister gas,
- CS gas,
- lewisite,
- mustard gas,
- nerve gas,
- nitrogen mustard,
- sarin, soman,
- tabun,
- tear gas,
- VX

Chemistry terms
- acid,
- alcohol,
- alkali,
- alkali metal,
- alkaline earth metal,
- alkane,
- allotrope,
- alloy, amino acid,
- analysis, anion,
- anode, atom,
- atomic mass,
- atomic number, base,
- boiling point,
- bond,
- Brownian motion,
- carbohydrate,
- catalyst,
- cathode,
- cation, chain,
- chain reaction,
- chromatography,
- combustion,
- compound, concentrated,
- condensation,
- corrosion,
- covalent bond, crystal,
- crystallization,
- diffusion, dilute,
- distillation, electrode,
- electrolysis, electron,
- electrovalency, element,
- emulsion,
- equation,
- ester,
- ether,
- evaporation,
- fat, fatty acid,
- fermentation,
- fission, foam,
- formula, fuel,
- fusion, gas,
- halogen,
- hydrocarbon,
- hydrolysis, inert,
- inorganic,
- insoluble, ion, ionic bond, ionization,
- isomer, isotope,
- lanthanide or rare-earth element, liquid,
- litmus test,
- melting point, metal,
- metalloid,
- mineral,
- mixture, molarity, mole,
- molecule, monomer,
- neutral,
- neutron,
- noble gas or inert gas,
- nonmetal,
- nucleus,
- oil,
- ore,
- organic,
- oxidation,
- periodic table,
- pH, plastic,
- polymer,
- precipitate, proton,
- radioactivity, reaction,
- reagent,
- redox reaction,
- reduction, salt,
- saponification,
- saturated, soap, solid,
- soluble, solution,
- solvent,
- sublimation,
- substitution reaction, sugar,
- suspension,
- synthesis,
- transition metal,
- unsaturated,
- valency,
- van der Waals forces

- altocumulus,
- altostratus,
- cirrocumulus,
- cirrostratus,
- cirrus,
- cumulonimbus,
- cumulus,
- false cirrus,
- fractocumulus,
- fractostratus,
- nimbostratus,
- nimbus,
- stratocumulus,
- stratus

Coats and Cloaks
- afghan,
- balmacaan,
- bathrobe,
- box coat,
- Burberry (trademark),
- burnous,
- burnouse, or burnoose,
- cape, capote,
- capuchin,
- cardinal,
- chesterfield,
- coat dress,
- coatee,
- cope,
- covert coat,
- Crombie (trademark),
- cutaway,
- dolman,
- domino,
- dreadnought or dreadnaught,
- dress coat,
- dressing gown,
- duffel coat,
- duster coat,
- fearnought or fearnaught,
- frock coat,
- fun fur coat,
- fur coat,
- gabardine,
- greatcoat,
- hacking coat,
- himation,
- housecoat,
- Inverness,
- jellaba or jellabah,
- Jodhpuri coat,
- joseph,
- loden coat,
- mac or mack,
- Mackinaw coat,
- mackintosh or macintosh,
- manta,
- mantelet,
- mantilla,
- mantle,
- morning coat,
- newmarket,
- opera cloak or opera hood,
- overcoat,
- paletot,
- pea jacket or peacoat,
- parka,
- peignoir,
- pelisse,
- peplum,
- poncho,
- Prince Albert,
- raglan,
- raincoat,
- redingote,
- roquelaure,
- sheepskin coat,
- sherwani,
- slicker (U.S. & Canad.),
- snorkel,
- sou'wester,
- spencer,
- surcoat, surtout,
- swallow-tailed coat or swallowtail,
- tailcoat or tails,
- tippet,
- topcoat,
- trench coat,
- ulster,
- undercoat,
- waterproof
- americano, arabica,
- black coffee,
- Blue mountain,
- Brazilian,
- brown coffee,
- café au lait,
- café noir,
- cappuccino, Colombian,
- Continental,
- Costa Rican,
- decaffeinated or decaf,
- espresso,
- frappuccino,
- French roast,
- instant coffee,
- Irish or Gaelic coffee,
- Java,
- Kenyan, latte,
- macchiato,
- mocha,
- mochaccino,
- Turkish coffee,
- robusta,
- skinny latte,
- white coffee
- air, albumblatt,
- allemande,
- anthem,
- aria, bagatelle,
- ballade, ballet,
- barcarole,
- barceuse, bolero,
- bourrée,
- canon,
- cantata,
- canticle,
- canzona,
- canzone,
- canzonetta,
- capriccio,
- cavatina,
- chaconne, chorale,
- chorus, concertante,
- concertino,
- concerto,
- concerto grosso,
- concertstück,
- contredanse or contradance,
- czardas, dirge,
- divertimento,
- divertissement,
- duet,
- dumka, duo,
- ecossaise,
- elegy,
- étude,
- fantasy or fantasia,
- farandole,
- fugue, galliard,
- galop,
- gavotte, gigue,
- grand opera,
- hornpipe,
- humoresque,
- impromptu,
- interlude,
- lament,
- ländler, lied,
- madrigal, march,
- mass,
- mazurka,
- medley,
- minuet,
- motet,
- nocturne,
- nonet,
- notturno,
- octet, opera,
- opera buffa,
- opera seria,
- operetta,
- oratorio,
- overture,
- partita,
- part song,
- passacaglia,
- passepied,
- Passion,
- pastiche,
- pastorale,
- pavane,
- phantasy,
- pibroch,
- polka,
- polonaise,
- prelude,
- psalm,
- quadrille,
- quartet,
- quintet,
- raga, reel,
- Requiem,
- rhapsody,
- ricercar or ricercare,
- rigadoon or rigadoun,
- romance,
- scherzo,
- schottische, septet,
- serenade, sextet,
- sinfonia concertante,
- sinfonietta,
- Singspiel,
- sonata,
- sonatina, song,
- song cycle,
- strathspey,
- suite,
- symphonic poem,
- symphony,
- toccata,
- tone poem,
- trio,
- trio sonata,
- waltz
Computer parts
- analogue-digital converter,
- arithmetic logic unit or ALU,
- cartridge,
- case, CD-rewriter,
- CD-Rom drive,
- central processing unit or CPU, chip,
- coaxial cable,
- console,
- control key,
- counter,
- daisywheel,
- digital audio player,
- digital camera,
- digitizer,
- disk, disk drive,
- disk unit,
- DVD reader,
- DVD writer,
- emulator,
- encoder,
- flatbed scanner,
- floppy disk,
- graphics card,
- hard drive,
- integrated circuit,
- interface,
- joystick,
- keyboard,
- laser printer,
- LCD panel,
- line printer,
- magnetic tape unit or MTU,
- memory,
- microprocessor,
- modem, monitor,
- motherboard,
- mouse,
- MP3 player,
- multiplexor,
- optical character reader,
- optical disk,
- optical scanner, port,
- printed circuit board,
- printer, processor,
- scanner, screen,
- sound card,
- speaker, trackball,
- transistor,
- USB port,
- visual display unit or VDU,
- webcam
Computer terms
- 3D graphics,
- absolute address,
- access, access time,
- address, address bus,
- algorithm,
- alpha-test,
- analogue computer, AND gate,
- applet,
- application program,
- architecture,
- archival storage,
- area, array,
- artificial intelligence or AI,
- ASCII, assemble, assembler,
- assembly language, audio response,
- automatic repeat, backbone,
- backing store, backup,
- bandwidth,
- base address,
- batch processing,
- beta-test, binary notation,
- bit or binary digit, black box,
- Bluetooth, bomb, boot or bootstrap,
- bottom-up processing, bpi (bits per inch),
- branch instruction,
- broadband, buffer, bug,
- bulletin board, bundle, bus or busbar,
- bus master, byte,
- cache memory, capture,
- CD-Rom, character,
- chipset,
- clip art, clock, code,
- COM, command,
- command language,
- communications,
- compatible,
- compiler,
- complex instruction set computer or CISC,
- computer-aided design or CAD,
- computer-aided design and manufacture or CADCAM,
- computer-aided engineering or CAE,
- computer-aided instruction or CAI,
- computer-aided (or -assisted) learning or CAL,
- computer-aided management or CAM,
- computer-aided manufacture or CAM,
- computer-aided teaching or CAT,
- computer aided trading or CAT, computerate,
- computer-based training or CBT,
- computer conferencing, computer graphics,
- computer input on microfilm or CIM,
- computer integrated manufacture or CIM,
- computerize,
- computer science,
- computer typesetting,
- concordance,
- concurrent processing,
- condition codes,
- configuration, constant,
- control commands,
- cookie,
- core memory,
- co-routine, corrupt, crash,
- cross assembler,
- cursor, cut and paste,
- cybercafé,
- cyberpunk,
- cyberspace, cycle,
- DAC, data, data bank,
- database,
- database management,
- databus,
- data capture,
- dataflow architecture,
- data processing,
- data protection,
- data structure,
- Datel (trademark),
- debugging,
- decision support system,
- decision table,
- default, desktop,
- desktop publishing or DTP,
- development system,
- device, digit, digital computer,
- digital fount,
- digital imaging, digital mapping,
- digital watermark,
- digitize,
- direct-access or random-access storage,
- direct memory access or DMA,
- directory, disassembler,
- distributed array processor,
- distributed logic, dithering,
- document,
- document reader,
- DOS or disk operating system (trademark),
- dot matrix,
- download,
- downsize,
- down time,
- dumb terminal, dump,
- dpi or dots per inch,
- driver, dump, duplex,
- EBCDIC or extended binary-coded decimal-interchange code,
- echo,
- ecommerce, edit, editor,
- electronic flight information systems,
- electronic mail or E-mail,
- electronic office,
- electronic publishing,
- emulator,
- encryption,
- error message,
- escape routine,
- exclusive OR circuit, exit,
- expansion slot,
- expert system,
- extranet, fail-safe, field,
- fifth-generation,
- file, file manager,
- filename,
- firewall,
- FireWire,
- firmware,
- flag, flops or floating-point operations per second,
- flowchart, freeware,
- front-end processor,
- FTP or file transfer protocol, function,
- function key, fuzzy, gate,
- gateway, gif, giga-,
- gigabyte,
- global search,
- graphical user interface,
- graphics, hacker,
- hand-held computer,
- handshake, hard card, hard copy,
- hardware, hard-wired, help screens,
- hexadecimal notation,
- high-level language, host, hot key,
- housekeeping, HTML,
- hybrid computer,
- hypermedia,
- hypertext, icon, idle time,
- image enhancement,
- incremental plotter,
- incremental recorder, infect,
- information technology, initialize, input,
- input device, input/output or I/O, install, instruction,
- intelligent knowledge-based system or IKBS,
- intelligent terminal,
- interactive, interactive video,
- Internet, interpreter, interrupt, intranet,
- ISDN, job,
- jpeg, key in, keyword, kilo-, kilobyte,
- LAN,
- language, lapheld, laptop, legacy, linked list,
- liveware, load, location,
- local area network, logic bomb,
- logic circuit,
- logic programming,
- login, log in, log out, loop,
- low-level language,
- machine code,
- machine learning,
- machine readable,
- machine translation, macro,
- magnetic bubble, mail bombing,
- mainframe, main memory,
- manager, mega-,
- megabyte,
- memory mapping, menu,
- menu-driven, microcomputer,
- microprocessor, midi,
- minicomputer,
- mobile device,
- module,
- morphing,
- MP3, mpeg,
- multiaccess, multiprogramming,
- multi-threaded, multi-user,
- NAND circuit or gate, network,
- neurocomputer or neural computer, node,
- NOR gate,
- notebook computer,
- NOT gate, object program,
- OEM or original equipment manufacturer,
- offline,
- online, open,
- operating system, optimize,
- OR gate,
- output,
- overflow,
- package,
- packet,
- packet-switching,
- palette,
- palmtop computer,
- parallel processing,
- parameter,
- parity check,
- parser, password,
- patch, patch board, PC or personal computer,
- PDA, pdf, personal computer or PC, pixel, platform,
- plug compatible,
- pointer,
- polymorphic function,
- portable, power down,
- power up,
- printout,
- procedure,
- process,
- program,
- program generator,
- programmable read only memory or PROM,
- programmer,
- programming language,
- program statement,
- prompt, protocol,
- query language, queue,
- queuing theory,
- random access memory or RAM,
- Random Instruction Set Computer or RISC,
- read in, read out,
- read only memory or ROM,
- real-time processing, reboot, record,
- remote access, rerun,
- reserved word, reset,
- restricted users group,
- retrieval, RISC or reduced instruction set computer,
- robustness, routine, run, run time,
- screensaver, scroll, SCSI or Small Computer Systems Interface,
- search engine, sense,
- sequential access,
- serial access memory or SAM, serial processing,
- server, SGML,
- shareware,
- shell program,
- skinning,
- smart card, software,
- software engineering, sort,
- source document,
- source program,
- speech recognition,
- spreadsheet,
- sprite, stack, statement,
- storage capacity,
- storage device, store,
- store and forward, string,
- subroutine,
- supercomputer,
- syntax, system, systems analysis,
- systems disk,
- teleprocessing,
- telesoftware,
- terabyte, terminal,
- tetrabyte,
- text processing,
- throughput,
- time out, time sharing, toggle,
- top-down processing,
- topology, transcribe,
- translator, transputer,
- tristate, turnkey system,
- underflow,
- UNIX (trademark), uptime, USB,
- user-defined key,
- user group, utility,
- vaccine, variable,
- virtual address,
- virtual memory,
- virtual reality, virtual storage, virus,
- visual programming, voice input,
- voice recognition,
- voice response, volatile memory,
- WAN, WAP, warez,
- webcasting,
- web development,
- wild card, window,
- windows icons menus pointers or WIMP,
- wizard, word,
- word processor,
- work station,
- World Wide Web, worm,
- Andromeda Andromeda
- Antila Air Pump
- Apus Bird of Paradise
- Aquarius Water Bearer
- Aquila Eagle
- Ara Altar
- Aries Ram
- Auriga Charioteer
- Boötes Herdsman
- Caelum Chisel
- Camelopardalis Giraffe
- Cancer Crab
- Canes Venatici Hunting Dogs
- Canis Major Great Dog
- Canis Minor Little Dog
- Capricornus Sea Goat
- Carina Keel
- Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
- Centaurus Centaur
- Cepheus Cepheus
- Cetus Whale
- Chamaeleon Chameleon
- Circinus Compasses
- Columba Dove
- Coma Bernices Bernice's Hair
- Corona Australis Southern Crown
- Corona Borealis Northern Crown
- Corvus Crow
- Crater Cup
- Crux Southern Cross
- Cygnus Swan
- Delphinus Dolphin
- Dorado Swordfish
- Draco Dragon
- Equuleus Little Horse
- Eridanus River Eridanus
- Fornax Furnace
- Gemini Twins
- Grus Crane
- Hercules Hercules
- Horologium Clock
- Hydra Sea Serpent
- Hydrus Water Snake
- Indus Indian
- Lacerta Lizard
- Leo Lion
- Leo Minor Little Lion
- Lepus Hare
- Libra Scales
- Lupus Wolf
- Lynx Lynx
- Lyra Harp
- Mensa Table
- Microscopium Microscope
- Monoceros Unicorn
- Musca Fly
- Norma Level
- Octans Octant
- Ophiuchus Serpent Bearer
- Orion Orion
- Pavo Peacock
- Pegasus Winged Horse
- Perseus Perseus
- Phoenix Phoenix
- Pictor Easel
- Pisces Fishes
- Piscis Austrinus Southern Fish
- Puppis Ship's Stern
- Pyxis Mariner's Compass
- Reticulum Net
- Sagitta Arrow
- Sagittarius Archer
- Scorpius Scorpion
- Sculptor Sculptor
- Scutum Shield
- Serpens Serpent
- Sextans Sextant
- Taurus Bull
- Telescopium Telescope
- Triangulum Triangle
- Triangulum Australe Southern Triangle
- Tucana Toucan
- Ursa Major Great Bear (contains the Plough or (U.S.) Big Dipper)
- Ursa Minor Little Bear or (U.S.) Little Dipper
- Vela Sails
- Virgo Virgin
- Volans Flying Fish
- Vulpecula Fox
- amphora (historical),
- ampulla (historical),
- Balthazar,
- barrel,
- bottle,
- can,
- carafe,
- carton,
- cask,
- coldie (Austral. slang),
- decanter,
- firkin,
- flagon,
- flask,
- gourd,
- half-bottle,
- hogshead,
- jar,
- jeroboam,
- jug,
- keg,
- magnum,
- Methuselah,
- miniature,
- Nebuchadnezzar,
- pitcher,
- polypin,
- rehoboam,
- Salmanazar,
- screw-top (informal),
- stubby (Austral. informal),
- tantalus,
- tin,
- tinny (Austral. slang),
- tube (Austral. slang)
cookery terms
- à la king,
- à la mode,
- antipasto,
- au gratin,
- au jus,
- au lait,
- au naturel,
- bake,
- barbecue or (Austral. slang) barbie,
- bard or barde,
- baste, batter,
- blackened,
- blanch, boil,
- boil-in-the-bag,
- braise,
- broth,
- browning,
- caramelise,
- carbonado,
- casserole,
- caterer,
- chafing dish,
- char-grill,
- chasseur,
- chef, cobbler,
- coddle, colander,
- commis,
- confectioner,
- consommé,
- cook,
- cookbook or cookery book,
- cook-chill,
- corned,
- creole, cuisine,
- cuisine minceur,
- cured, curried,
- custard,
- dice, dough,
- dressing,
- en brochette,
- en croute, entrée,
- entremets,
- fajita, farci,
- fillet, flambé,
- flour, fondue,
- fricassee,
- fry, fumet, garnish,
- gelatine, ghee,
- giblets,
- glacé, glaze,
- goujon,
- goulash, grate, gravy,
- grill,
- hors d'oeuvre, ice, icing,
- jardinière, jerk,
- julienne,
- knead, ladle, lard,
- lardon or lardoon,
- leaven,
- liaison, luau, lyonnaise,
- macedoine, marengo,
- marinade, marinate,
- marmite, mask, mash,
- médaillons or medallions,
- meunière,
- meze,
- mirepoix,
- mornay, Newburg,
- nouvelle cuisine, offal,
- oven-ready, panada,
- parboil,
- Parmentier,
- paste,
- poach,
- potage,
- Provençale,
- purée,
- ragout,
- rijstaffel,
- rise,
- rissole, roast,
- roulade, roux,
- royal icing,
- salipicon, sauce,
- sauté,
- scramble,
- season,
- silver service,
- sippet, smoked,
- soup, steam, stew,
- stock,
- stroganoff,
- supreme, sweat,
- sweet-and-sour,
- tandoori,
- tenderize,
- teriyaki, tikka,
- timbale,
- topping,
- undressed,
- unleavened,
- unsmoked,
- whip,
- wholemeal or (chiefly U.S. and Canad.) wholewheat,
- wholemeal flour or (chiefly U.S. and Canad.) Graham flour,
- yeast
- basketry or basket-making,
- batik,
- calligraphy,
- ceramics,
- cloisonnage,
- crewelwork,
- crochet,
- decoupage,
- dressmaking,
- embroidery,
- flower arranging,
- knitting, knotwork, macramé,
- needlepoint,
- patchwork, pottery,
- quilling, quilting,
- raffia work,
- sewing, spinning,
- sugarcraft,
- tapestry,
- weaving,
- wickerwork
- barnacle,
- crab,
- crayfish,
- crawfish, (U.S.) or (Austral. & N.Z. informal) craw,
- Dublin Bay prawn,
- freshwater shrimp,
- goose barnacle,
- gribble,
- hermit crab,
- horseshoe crab or king crab,
- king prawn,
- krill,
- land crab,
- langoustine,
- lobster,
- Norway lobster,
- opossum shrimp,
- oyster crab, prawn,
- robber crab,
- sand hopper,
- beach flea, or sand flea,
- sand shrimp,
- scorpion, sea spider, shrimp,
- soft-shell crab,
- spider crab,
- spiny lobster,
- rock lobster,
- crawfish, or langouste,
- water flea

Cupboards and cabinets
- ambry, armoire,
- bookcase,
- buffet, bureau,
- cabinet,
- canterbury,
- cellaret, chest,
- chest of drawers,
- chest-on-chest,
- chiffonier or chiffonnier, closet,
- clothes-press,
- commode, console,
- Coolgardie safe,
- court cupboard,
- credence table or credenza,
- dooket (Scot.),
- drawer, dresser,
- filing cabinet, étagère,
- garderobe (archaic),
- highboy (U.S.),
- larder, locker,
- lowboy (U.S.),
- medicine chest,
- pantry,
- press,
- safe, shelf,
- sideboard, stand,
- tallboy,
- vitrine,
- wardrobe,
- Welsh dresser,
- whatnot
- canteen,
- champagne flute,
- chalice,
- copita,
- cup,
- demitasse,
- glass,
- goblet,
- mug,
- porrón,
- quaich,
- schooner,
- tankard,
- tassie,
- tumbler,
- water bottle

Desserts and sweet dishes
- Atholl Brose or Athole Brose,
- baked Alaska,
- banana split,
- bavarois or Bavarian cream,
- Black Forest gateau,
- blancmange,
- blintz, bombe,
- bread and butter pudding,
- cabinet pudding,
- cassata,
- charlotte,
- charlotte russe,
- cheesecake,
- Christmas pudding,
- cobbler,
- college pudding,
- compote,
- coupe,
- cranachan,
- crème brûlée,
- crème caramel,
- crêpe, crêpe suzette,
- crumble,
- custard,
- death by chocolate,
- duff, dumpling,
- Easter-ledge pudding,
- Eve's pudding,
- flummery,
- fondant, fool,
- fruit cup,
- fruit salad or cocktail,
- gâteau,
- hasty pudding,
- ice cream,
- Île Flottante,
- jelly or (U.S.) jello,
- junket,
- kissel,
- knickerbocker glory,
- kulfi,
- marrons glacés,
- milk pudding,
- Mississippi mud pie,
- mousse,
- Neapolitan ice cream,
- nesselrode, panocha (U.S.),
- parfait, pashka,
- pavlova or (Austral. & N.Z. informal) pav,
- peach Melba,
- plum duff,
- plum pudding,
- queen of puddings,
- rice pudding,
- roly-poly,
- sabayon,
- sago,
- semolina,
- shoofly pie (U.S.), shortcake,
- slump (U.S.),
- sorbet, soufflé,
- sponge pudding,
- spotted dick,
- spumone or spumoni,
- steamed pudding,
- strudel,
- suet pudding,
- summer pudding,
- sundae,
- syllabub or sillabub,
- tapioca,
- tartlet,
- tiramisu,
- torte,
- trifle,
- tutti-frutti,
- vacherin,
- water ice,
- whip,
- yogurt,
- zabaglione.
- allosaur(us),
- ankylosaur(us),
- apatosaur(us),
- atlantosaur(us),
- brachiosaur(us),
- brontosaur(us),
- ceratosaur(us),
- compsognathus,
- dimetrodon,
- diplodocus,
- dolichosaur(us),
- dromiosaur(us),
- elasmosaur(us),
- hadrosaur(us),
- ichthyosaur(us),
- iguanodon or iguanodont,
- megalosaur(us),
- mosasaur(us),
- oviraptor,
- plesiosaur(us),
- pteranodon,
- pterodactyl or pterosaur,
- protoceratops,
- stegodon or stegodont,
- stegosaur(us),
- theropod,
- titanosaur(us),
- trachodon,
- triceratops,
- tyrannosaur(us),
- velociraptor

- ballgown,
- burka,
- busuuti,
- button-through dress,
- chemise,
- cheongsam,
- chiton,
- coat dress,
- cocktail dress,
- dirndl,
- gymslip,
- kaftan or caftan,
- kimono,
- mantua,
- maxidress,
- microdress,
- midi, minidress,
- Mother Hubbard,
- muu-muu,
- negligee or negligée,
- nightdress or (U.S. & Canad.) nightrobe,
- nightgown or (informal) nightie or nighty,
- nightshirt,
- overdress,
- peignoir,
- pinafore dress,
- pinafore, pinny (informal), or (U.S. & Canad.) jumper,
- riding habit,
- sack,
- sari or saree,
- sheath,
- shift,
- shirtdress,
- shirtwaister or (U.S. and Canad.) shirtwaist,
- sundress,
- sweater dress,
- tea gown, tunic,
- wedding dress
- abirritant,
- abortifacient,
- ACE inhibitor,
- adjuvant,
- agrypnotic,
- alexipharmic,
- alkylating agent,
- alterative,
- anaesthetic or (U.S.) anesthetic,
- analeptic,
- analgesic,
- anaphrodisiac,
- anodyne,
- antagonist,
- antibiotic,
- anticholinergic,
- anticonvulsant,
- antidepressant,
- antidote,
- antiemetic,
- antifebrile,
- antihistamine,
- anti-inflammatory,
- antimalarial,
- antimetabolite,
- antimycotic,
- antiperiodic,
- antiphlogistic,
- antipyretic,
- antispasmodic,
- antitussive,
- anxiolytic,
- aphrodisiac,
- astringent,
- ataractic or ataraxic,
- attenuant,
- beta-blocker,
- bronchodilator,
- calcium antagonist or blocker,
- calmative,
- cardiac,
- carminative,
- cathartic,
- cholagogue,
- cimetedine,
- cisplatin,
- clomiphene,
- colestipol,
- contraceptive,
- convulsant,
- cytotoxin,
- decongestant,
- demulcent,
- depressant,
- depressomotor,
- diaphoretic,
- diuretic,
- ecbolic,
- emetic,
- emmenagogue,
- errhine,
- euphoriant,
- excitant,
- expectorant,
- expellant or expellent,
- febrifuge,
- general anaesthetic or (U.S.) general anesthetic,
- haemagogue or (U.S.) hemagogue or hemagog,
- haemostatic or (U.S.) hemostatic,
- hallucinogen,
- hepatic,
- hypnotic,
- immunosuppressive,
- inotropic,
- laxative,
- lenitive,
- local anaesthetic or (U.S.) local anesthetic,
- masticatory,
- miticide,
- narcotic,
- nervine,
- neuroleptic,
- NSAID or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug,
- opiate,
- oxytocic,
- painkiller,
- palliative,
- pectoral,
- preventive,
- prophylactic,
- psychedelic or psychodelic,
- psychoactive,
- psychotomimetic,
- pulmonic (rare),
- purgative,
- radio mimetic,
- recreational,
- relaxant,
- resolvent,
- restorative,
- revulsive,
- roborant,
- sedative,
- sialagogue or sialogogue,
- soporific,
- sorbefacient,
- spermicide or (less commonly)
- spermatocide,
- steroid,
- stimulant,
- stupefacient,
- styptic, suppurative,
- sympatholytic,
- sympathomimetic,
- synergist,
- taeniacide or (U.S.) teniacide,
- taeniafuge or (U.S.) teniafuge,
- tetanic,
- tonic,
- tranquillizer, tranquilliser, or (U.S.) tranquilizer,
- tumefacient,
- vasoconstrictor,
- vasodilator,
- vasoinhibitor,
- vermifuge, anthelminthic, anthelmintic, or helminthic,
- vesicant or vesicatory,
- vomit,
- vulnerary

- ancus,
- auditory nerve,
- cochlea,
- eardrum, tympanic membrane, or tympanum,
- ear lobe, Eustachian tube,
- external auditory canal,
- incus,
- malleus,
- meatus or auditory canal,
- organ of Corti,
- oval window,
- pinna,
- round window,
- saccule,
- semicircular canals,
- stapes,
- tragus,
- utricle
Economics terms
- arbitration, asset,
- autarky,
- automation, balanced budget,
- balance of payments,
- balance of trade,
- balance sheet, bank,
- bankruptcy,
- barriers to entry,
- barriers to exit,
- barter, base rate,
- bear market, bid,
- black economy, boom,
- boycott, bridging loan,
- budget, budget deficit,
- building society,
- bull market,
- business cycle,
- buyer's market,
- capacity, capital,
- capital good,
- capitalism,
- cartel, cash, central bank,
- Chamber of Commerce,
- closed shop,
- collective bargaining,
- command economy or planned economy,
- commercial bank or clearing bank,
- commission, commodity,
- common market,
- comparative advantage,
- competition, conspicuous consumption,
- consumer, consumer good,
- consumption, cooperative,
- corporation, corporation tax,
- cost-benefit analysis,
- cost effectiveness,
- cost of living,
- cost-push inflation,
- credit, credit controls,
- credit squeeze, currency,
- current account,
- customs union, debt,
- deflation,
- deindustrialization,
- demand,
- demand management or stabilization policy,
- demand-pull inflation,
- deposit account,
- depreciation, depression,
- deregulation,
- devaluation, diminishing returns,
- discount, discount house (Brit.), discount rate,
- disequilibrium, disinflation,
- disposable income,
- diversification,
- divestment,
- dividend,
- division of labour,
- dumping,
- duopoly, durable good,
- Dutch disease, duty,
- earned income,
- earnings,
- economic growth,
- economic policy,
- economic sanctions,
- economies of scale,
- embargo, employee,
- employer, employment,
- entrepreneur, environmental audit, exchange,
- exchange rate,
- expenditure, export, finance,
- financial year, fiscal drag,
- fiscal policy, fiscal year,
- Five-Year Plan, fixed assets,
- fixed costs,
- fixed exchange-rate system,
- fixed investment,
- floating exchange-rate system,
- foreclosure,
- foreign exchange controls,
- foreign exchange market, forfaiting,
- franchise, free-market economy,
- free rider, free trade,
- free trade area, free trade zone or freeport,
- freight,
- friendly society,
- fringe benefits,
- full employment,
- funding,
- futures market or forward exchange market,
- gains from trade,
- game theory, gilt-edged security or government bond,
- gold standard,
- greenfield investment, gross domestic product or GDP,
- gross national product or GNP,
- gross profit,
- hard currency,
- hedging, hire,
- hire purchase or HP, hoarding,
- holding,
- horizontal integration,
- hot money,
- human capital,
- hyperinflation,
- imperfect competition,
- import,
- import restrictions, income,
- income support,
- income tax,
- index-linked, indirect tax,
- industrial dispute,
- industrial estate,
- industrial policy,
- industrial relations,
- industrial sector,
- inflationary spiral,
- information agreement,
- infrastructure,
- inheritance tax, insolvency,
- instalment credit,
- institutional investors,
- insurance,
- intangible assets, intangibles,
- intellectual property right, interest,
- interest rate,
- international competitiveness,
- international debt,
- international reserves,
- investment,
- invisible balance,
- invisible hand,
- invoice,
- joint-stock company,
- joint venture,
- junk bond, labour,
- labour market,
- labour theory of value,
- laissez faire or laisser faire,
- lease,
- legal tender, lender,
- liability,
- liquidation,
- liquid asset,
- liquidity, listed company,
- loan, lockout,
- macroeconomic policy,
- management buy-out,
- marginal revenue,
- marginal utility,
- market, market failure,
- mass production, means test,
- mediation,
- medium of exchange,
- medium-term financial strategy,
- mercantilism, merchant bank,
- merger, microeconomic policy,
- middleman, mint, mixed economy,
- monetarism,
- monetary compensatory amounts, MCAs, or green money,
- monetary policy, money,
- money supply,
- monopoly,
- moonlighting,
- mortgage,
- multinational,
- national debt,
- national income,
- national insurance contributions,
- nationalization,
- national product,
- natural rate of unemployment,
- net profit, nondurable good,
- offshore, oligopoly,
- overheads,
- overheating,
- overmanning,
- overtime, patent,
- pawnbroker, pay,
- pay-as-you-earn or PAYE,
- payroll, pension, pension fund,
- per capita income,
- perfect competition,
- personal equity plan or PEP, picket,
- piecework,
- polluter pays principle,
- portfolio,
- poverty trap, premium,
- premium bond, price,
- prices and incomes policy,
- primary sector,
- private enterprise,
- private property,
- privatization,
- producer, production,
- productivity,
- profit, profitability,
- profit-and-loss account,
- profit margin,
- profit sharing,
- progressive taxation,
- protectionism,
- public expenditure,
- public finance,
- public interest,
- public-sector borrowing requirement or PSBR,
- public-sector debt repayment,
- public utility,
- public works,
- pump priming,
- purchasing power,
- quality control,
- ratchet effect,
- rational expectations,
- rationalization,
- rationing, recession,
- recommended retail price,
- recovery,
- recycling,
- redundancy,
- reflation,
- regional policy, rent,
- rent controls,
- research and development or R & D,
- residual unemployment,
- restrictive labour practice, retail,
- retail price index,
- revaluation, revenue,
- risk analysis, salary, sales,
- saving, savings bank,
- seasonal unemployment,
- self-employment,
- self service,
- self-sufficiency,
- seller's market,
- sequestration,
- service sector,
- share,
- shareholder,
- share issue,
- share price index, shop,
- shop steward,
- simple interest,
- slump,
- social costs,
- socio-economic group,
- soft currency,
- specialization,
- speculation,
- stagflation,
- standard of living, stock,
- stockbroker, stock control,
- stock exchange or stock market,
- stop-go cycle,
- structural unemployment,
- subsidiary company, subsidy,
- supplier, supply,
- supply-side economics,
- surplus,
- synergy,
- takeover,
- tangible assets,
- tariff, tax,
- taxation,
- tax avoidance,
- tax evasion,
- tax haven, terms of trade, trade,
- trade barrier, trademark, trade union,
- trade-weighted index, training,
- transaction, trust, trustee,
- underwriter, unearned income,
- unemployment,
- unemployment benefit,
- uniform business rate or UBR,
- unit of account,
- unit trust, utility,
- value-added tax or VAT,
- variable costs,
- venture capital,
- vertical integration,
- voluntary unemployment,
- wage,
- wage restraint,
- wealth,
- welfare state,
- wholesaler,
- worker participation,
- working capital,
- yield
- acrobatics,
- aerobatics, agon,
- airshow, all-dayer,
- all-nighter, antimasque,
- après-ski, aquashow, ball,
- ballet, banquet,
- bear-baiting,
- bullfighting, burlesque show,
- busking, cabaret,
- carnival, ceilidh, charade,
- circus, cockfighting,
- comedy,
- command performance, concert,
- conjuring,
- cotillion or cotillon (U.S. & Canad.), dance,
- escapology, exhibition,
- fair, farce,
- fashion show,
- feast, fête or fete, film,
- fireworks or pyrotechnics,
- floor show,
- funambulism or tightrope-walking,
- gala,
- galanty show,
- garden party,
- gaudy,
- gig (informal),
- ice show, juggling, karaoke,
- kermis or kirmess (U.S. & Canad.),
- levee, light show, magic,
- masked ball, masque, melodrama,
- minstrel show,
- musical, music hall,
- opera, operetta,
- pantomime, party,
- play,
- puppet show,
- raree show, rave,
- reading, reception,
- recital, recitation,
- revue or review, ridotto,
- road show, rodeo,
- shadow play, show,
- sideshow, singsong,
- slide show, slot machine,
- soiree, son et lumière,
- street theatre,
- striptease, tragedy,
- variety, vaudeville,
- ventriloquism, video game,
- wall of death, waltzer,
- warehouse party,
- whist drive,
- zarzuela
- aqueous humour,
- blind spot,
- choroid or chorioid,
- ciliary body,
- cone,
- conjunctiva,
- cornea,
- eyeball,
- fovea, iris,
- lens,
- ocular muscle,
- optic nerve,
- pupil,
- retina,
- retinal vessels,
- rod,
- sclera,
- suspensory ligament,
- vitreous body,
- vitreous humour
- Acrilan (trademark),
- alpaca,
- armure, baize,
- balbriggan,
- barathea,
- barège,
- batik or battik,
- batiste,
- bayadere, beige,
- bengaline, bird's-eye,
- bobbinet,
- bombazine or bombasine,
- bouclé,
- brilliantine,
- broadcloth,
- brocade,
- buckskin,
- bunting,
- burlap,
- calamanco, calico, cambric,
- camlet,
- cavalry twill,
- challis or challie,
- chambray,
- Charmeuse (trademark),
- cheesecloth, chenille,
- cheviot, chiffon,
- chintz,
- cilice, ciré,
- cloqué, cord,
- corduroy, cotton, cottonade,
- cotton flannel, covert cloth,
- crepe or crape,
- cretonne,
- Crimplene (trademark),
- crinoline, cypress or cyprus,
- Dacron (trademark),
- damask, delaine, denim,
- diamanté, dimity,
- Donegal tweed, drab, drabbet,
- Dralon (trademark), drugget, duck,
- dungaree,
- duvetyn, duvetine, or duvetyne,
- etamine or etamin,
- façonné or faconne, faille,
- fearnought or fearnaught, felt, fishnet,
- flannel, fleece,
- folk weave,
- foulard, frieze,
- frisé, fur, fustian,
- gaberdine, galatea,
- georgette,
- gingham, gloria,
- Gore-Tex (trademark),
- gossamer, grogram,
- gros de Londres, grosgrain, gunny (chiefly U.S.),
- Harris Tweed (trademark),
- hessian, honan,
- hopsack,
- huckaback or huck,
- India print,
- jaconet,
- Jacquard or Jacquard weave, jean, jersey,
- khaki, kincob, knit, lace,
- lambskin, lamé,
- lawn, leather, linen,
- linsey-woolsey, lisle,
- Lurex (trademark),
- Lycra (trademark),
- madras,
- marabou,
- marocain,
- marquisette, marseille or marseilles, melton,
- messaline,
- mohair, moire or moiré, moleskin,
- monk's cloth,
- moquette,
- moreen,
- mousseline, mull,
- muslin, nainsook,
- nankeen or nankin,
- needlecord, net, ninon,
- nun's cloth or veiling, oilskin,
- organdie, organza, organzine,
- Orlon (trademark), ottoman,
- Oxford,
- paduasoy,
- paisley pattern,
- panne,
- paramatta or parramatta,
- peau de soie,
- percale, percaline,
- petersham, piña cloth,
- piqué, plush, pongee, poplin,
- poult or poult-de-soie,
- prunella, prunelle, or prunello, rayon, russet,
- sailcloth, samite,
- sarcenet or sarsenet, sateen, satin,
- satinet or satinette, saxony, say (archaic),
- schappe, scrim, seersucker, sendal, serge, shag,
- shalloon, shantung,
- sharkskin, sheeting,
- shirting, shoddy, silesia, silk,
- silkaline, slipper satin,
- spandex, spun silk,
- stockinet, stroud, stuff,
- suiting, surah, surat,
- swan's-down, swanskin,
- swiss muslin, tabaret, tabby,
- taffeta, tammy, tarlatan,
- tarpaulin,
- tartan, tattersall, terry,
- Terylene (trademark), tick,
- ticking, tiffany, toile,
- towelling, tricot, tricotine, tulle,
- tussore, tusser, or (chiefly U.S.) tussah,
- tweed, twill, velours, velure,
- velvet, velveteen,
- Viyella (trademark),
- voile,
- wadmal, webbing,
- whipcord, wild silk,
- winceyette,
- wool,
- worsted
- adder's-tongue,
- bladder fern,
- beech fern,
- bracken,
- buckler fern,
- hard fern,
- hart's-tongue,
- lady fern,
- maidenhair,
- male fern,
- marsh fern,
- moonwort,
- oak fern,
- parsley fern,
- pillwort,
- rock brake,
- royal fern,
- shield fern,
- sword fern,
- tree fern,
- Venus's-hair,
- walking fern,
- wall rue,
- woodsia

Figures of speech
- alliteration,
- allusion,
- anacoluthia,
- anadiplosis,
- analogy,
- anaphora,
- anastrophe,
- antiphrasis,
- antithesis,
- antonomasia,
- apophasis,
- aporia,
- aposiopesis,
- apostrophe,
- catachresis,
- chiasmus,
- circumlocution,
- climax,
- emphasis,
- epanaphora,
- epanorthosis,
- exclamation,
- gemination,
- hendiadys,
- hypallage,
- hyperbaton,
- hyperbole,
- hysteron proteron,
- inversion, irony,
- kenning,
- litotes,
- malapropism,
- meiosis,
- metaphor,
- metonymy,
- onomatopoeia,
- oxymoron,
- paralipsis or paraleipsis,
- parenthesis,
- periphrasis,
- personification,
- pleonasm,
- polysyndeton,
- rolepsis,
- prosopopoeia or prosopopeia,
- repetition,
- rhetorical question,
- sarcasm, simile,
- spoonerism,
- syllepsis,
- synechdoche,
- tmesis,
- zeugma
- alewife,
- amberjack,
- anabantid,
- anabas,
- anableps,
- anchoveta,
- anchovy,
- angelfish,
- arapaima,
- archerfish,
- argentine,
- barbel,
- barracouta or (Austral.) hake,
- barracuda,
- barramunda,
- barramundi,
- bass,
- batfish,
- beluga,
- bib, pout, or whiting pout,
- bigeye,
- billfish,
- bitterling,
- black bass,
- blackfish,
- bleak,
- blenny,
- blindfish,
- bloodfin,
- blowfish,
- blue cod, rock cod, or (N.Z.) rawaru, pakirikiri, or patutuki,
- bluefish or snapper,
- bluegill,
- boarfish,
- bonefish,
- bonito,
- bowfin or dogfish,
- bream or (Austral.) brim,
- brill,
- brook trout or speckled trout,
- brown trout,
- buffalo fish,
- bullhead,
- bull trout, bully or (N.Z.) pakoko, titarakura, or toitoi,
- burbot, eelpout, or ling,
- butterfish,
- butterfish, greenbone, or (N.Z.) koaea or marari,
- butterfly fish,
- cabezon or cabezone, cabrilla,
- callop, candlefish or eulachon,
- capelin or caplin,
- carp,
- catfish,
- cavalla or cavally,
- cavefish,
- cero,
- characin or characid,
- chimaera,
- Chinook salmon, quinnat salmon, or king salmon,
- chub,
- chum,
- cichlid, cisco or lake herring,
- climbing fish or climbing perch,
- clingfish,
- coalfish or (Brit.) saithe or coley,
- cobia,
- cockabully,
- cod or codfish,
- coelacanth,
- coho or silver salmon,
- coley,
- conger,
- crappie,
- croaker,
- crucian,
- dab,
- dace,
- damselfish,
- danio,
- darter,
- dealfish,
- dentex,
- dollarfish,
- dorado,
- dory,
- dragonet,
- eel,
- eelpout,
- electric eel,
- fallfish,
- father lasher or short-spined sea scorpion,
- fighting fish or betta,
- filefish, flatfish,
- flathead,
- flounder,
- flying fish,
- flying gurnard,
- four-eyed fish,
- frogfish,
- garpike,
- garfish, or gar,
- geelbek,
- gemfish,
- gilthead,
- goby,
- goldeye,
- goldfish,
- goldsinny or goldfinny,
- gourami,
- grayling,
- greenling,
- grenadier or rat-tail,
- groper or grouper,
- grunion,
- grunt,
- gudgeon,
- guitarfish,
- gunnel,
- guppy,
- gurnard or gurnet,
- gwyniad,
- haddock,
- hagfish or hag,
- hairtail or (U.S.) cutlass fish,
- hake,
- halfbeak,
- halibut,
- herring,
- hogfish,
- horned pout or brown bullhead,
- horse mackerel,
- houndfish,
- houting,
- ice fish,
- jacksmelt,
- jewelfish,
- jewfish,
- John Dory,
- jurel,
- kahawai or Australian salmon,
- killifish,
- kingfish,
- kingklip (S. Afr.),
- kokanee,
- labyrinth fish,
- lampern or river lamprey,
- lamprey or lamper eel,
- lancet fish,
- lantern fish,
- largemouth bass,
- latimeria,
- leatherjacket,
- lemon sole,
- lepidosiren,
- ling,
- lingcod,
- lionfish,
- loach,
- louvar,
- luderick,
- lumpfish or lumpsucker,
- lungfish,
- mackerel or (colloquial) shiner,
- manta,
- manta ray, devilfish, or devil ray,
- marlin or spearfish,
- megrim,
- menhaden,
- milkfish,
- miller's thumb,
- minnow or (Scot.) baggie minnow,
- mirror carp,
- moki,
- molly, monkfish or (U.S.) goosefish,
- mooneye,
- moonfish,
- Moorish idol,
- moray,
- morwong,
- mudcat,
- mudfish,
- mudskipper,
- mullet,
- mulloway,
- muskellunge,
- maskalonge,
- maskanonge, or (informal) musky or muskie,
- nannygai or redfish,
- needlefish,
- numbfish,
- oarfish or king of the herrings,
- oldwife,
- opah, moonfish, or kingfish,
- orange chromide,
- orfe, ouananiche,
- paddlefish,
- panchax,
- pandora,
- paradise fish,
- parrotfish,
- perch,
- pickerel,
- pigfish or hogfish,
- pike, luce, or jackfish,
- pikeperch,
- pilchard,
- pilot fish,
- pinfish or sailor's choice,
- pipefish or needlefish,
- piranha or piraña, plaice,
- platy,
- pogge or armed bullhead,
- pollack or pollock,
- pollan,
- pomfret,
- pompano,
- porcupine fish or globefish,
- porgy or pogy,
- pout, powan or lake herring,
- puffer or globefish,
- pumpkinseed,
- Queensland lungfish,
- rabbitfish,
- rainbow trout,
- ray,
- red cod,
- redfin,
- redfish,
- red mullet or (U.S.) goatfish,
- red salmon,
- red snapper,
- remora,
- ribbonfish,
- roach,
- robalo,
- rock bass,
- rockfish or (formerly) rock salmon,
- rockling,
- rosefish,
- rudd,
- ruffe, ruff, or pope,
- runner,
- salmon,
- salmon trout,
- sand dab,
- sand eel,
- sand lance, or launce,
- sardine,
- sauger, saury or skipper,
- sawfish,
- scabbard fish,
- scad,
- scaldfish,
- scat,
- scorpion fish,
- sculpin (U.S. & Canad.), scup or northern porgy,
- sea bass,
- sea bream,
- sea horse,
- sea lamprey,
- sea perch,
- sea raven,
- sea robin,
- sea scorpion,
- sea snail or snailfish,
- sea trout,
- Sergeant Baker,
- sergeant major,
- shad,
- shanny,
- sheepshead,
- shiner,
- shovelnose,
- Siamese fighting fish,
- sild,
- silver belly (N.Z.),
- silverfish,
- silverside or silversides,
- skate,
- skelly,
- skipjack or skipjack tuna,
- sleeper or sleeper goby,
- smallmouth bass,
- smelt,
- smooth hound,
- snapper,
- snipefish or bellows fish,
- snoek,
- snook,
- sockeye or red salmon,
- sole,
- solenette,
- spadefish,
- Spanish mackerel,
- sprat,
- squeteague,
- squirrelfish,
- steelhead,
- sterlet,
- stickleback,
- stingray,
- stone bass or wreckfish,
- stonefish,
- stone roller,
- sturgeon,
- sucker,
- sunfish,
- surfperch or sea perch,
- surgeonfish,
- swordfish,
- swordtail, tailor, tarakihi or terakihi,
- tarpon,
- tarwhine,
- tautog or blackfish,
- tench,
- teraglin,
- tetra,
- thornback,
- threadfin,
- tilapia,
- tilefish,
- toadfish,
- topminnow,
- torsk or (U.S. & Canadian) cusk,
- trevally (Austral. & N.Z.),
- triggerfish,
- tripletail,
- trout,
- trunkfish, boxfish, or cowfish,
- tuna or tunny,
- turbot,
- vendace,
- wahoo,
- walleye,
- walleyed pike, or dory,
- weakfish,
- weever,
- whitebait,
- whitefish, whiting,
- wirrah,
- witch,
- wobbegong,
- wolffish or catfish,
- wrasse,
- yellow belly (Austral.),
- yellow jack,
- yellowtail,
- zander

- acacia,
- acanthus,
- African violet,
- aloe,
- alyssum,
- amaranth,
- amaryllis,
- anemone,
- arbutus,
- asphodel,
- aspidistra,
- aster,
- aubrietia,
- aubrieta, or aubretia,
- azalea,
- begonia,
- betony,
- bignonia,
- black-eyed Susan,
- bluebell,
- bog asphodel,
- bougainvillea,
- burdock,
- Busy Lizzie,
- buttercup,
- cactus,
- calendula,
- camellia,
- camomile or chamomile,
- cardinal flower,
- carnation,
- celandine,
- Christmas cactus,
- chrysanthemum,
- clematis,
- columbine,
- cornflower,
- cotoneaster,
- cowslip,
- crocus,
- cyclamen,
- daffodil,
- dahlia,
- daisy,
- dandelion,
- deadly nightshade,
- delphinium,
- digitalis,
- dog rose,
- edelweiss,
- eglantine,
- forget-me-not,
- foxglove,
- freesia,
- geranium,
- gilliflower or gillyflower,
- gladiolus,
- godetia,
- grape hyacinth,
- groundsel,
- guelder-rose,
- gypsophila,
- harebell,
- heartsease or heart's-ease,
- heliotrope,
- hellebore,
- hemlock,
- hibiscus,
- hollyhock,
- hyacinth,
- hydrangea,
- iris,
- jasmine,
- jonquil,
- larkspur,
- lavender,
- lily,
- lily of the valley,
- lobelia,
- London pride,
- lotus,
- love-in-idleness,
- love-lies-bleeding,
- lupin,
- magnolia,
- mallow,
- mandrake,
- marguerite,
- marigold,
- marjoram,
- meadowsweet,
- monkshood,
- Michaelmas daisy,
- morning-glory,
- narcissus,
- nasturtium,
- old man's beard,
- orchid,
- oxeye daisy,
- oxlip, oxtongue,
- pansy,
- passionflower,
- peony or paeony,
- petunia,
- phlox,
- pimpernel,
- pink,
- poppy,
- primrose,
- primula,
- ragged robin,
- ragweed,
- rose,
- saffron,
- samphire,
- saxifrage,
- scarlet pimpernel,
- snapdragon,
- snowdrop,
- speedwell,
- stock,
- sunflower,
- sweetbrier,
- sweet pea,
- sweet william,
- tiger lily,
- tulip,
- valerian,
- verbena,
- violet,
- wallflower,
- water lily,
- willowherb,
- wintergreen,
- wisteria,
- wood anemone,
- woodbine,
- yarrow,
- zinnia

- ananas,
- anchovy pear,
- apple,
- apricot,
- avocado,
- avocado pear, or (U.S.) alligator pear,
- babaco,
- banana,
- Bartlett pear,
- beach plum,
- bergamot pear,
- berry,
- Beurre Hardy pear,
- bigarreau cherry,
- bilberry,
- blaeberry, huckleberry, whortleberry, or (Irish) fraughan,
- blackberry or (Scot.) bramble,
- black cherry,
- blackcurrant,
- blackheart cherry,
- blood orange,
- blueberry,
- Bon Chretien pear,
- boxberry,
- boysenberry,
- breadfruit,
- calamondin,
- cantaloup or cantaloupe melon,
- carambola or star fruit,
- casaba or cassaba melon,
- Charentais melon,
- chayote,
- chempaduk,
- cherry,
- chokecherry,
- choko,
- citron,
- clementine,
- cloudberry or (Canad.) bakeapple,
- Concord grape,
- Conference pear,
- cranberry,
- custard apple,
- damson,
- date,
- dewberry,
- durian or durion,
- elderberry,
- fig,
- Galia melon,
- gooseberry or (informal) goosegog,
- grape,
- grapefruit,
- greengage,
- guava,
- hackberry,
- heart cherry,
- honeydew melon,
- jackfruit or jack,
- Jaffa orange,
- kiwano (trademark),
- Kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry,
- kumquat or cumquat,
- lemon,
- lime,
- lychee,
- litchi, lichee, or lichi,
- loganberry,
- longan,
- loquat or Japan plum,
- mandarin,
- mango,
- mangosteen,
- May apple,
- medlar,
- melon,
- minneola,
- morello cherry,
- mulberry,
- muskmelon,
- nashi or Asian pear,
- navel orange,
- nectarine,
- Ogen melon,
- olive,
- orange,
- ortanique,
- papaw or pawpaw,
- papaya,
- passion fruit or granadilla,
- peach,
- pear,
- pepper,
- physalis, Cape gooseberry, or strawberry tomato,
- pineapple,
- plantain,
- plum,
- pomegranate,
- pomelo or shaddock,
- prickly pear,
- prune,
- pumpkin,
- Queensland blue,
- quince,
- raisin,
- rambutan,
- raspberry,
- redcurrant,
- rockmelon,
- salmonberry,
- sapota,
- sapodilla,
- sapodilla plum, or naseberry,
- saskatoon,
- satsuma,
- Seville orange,
- serviceberry,
- sharon fruit or persimmon,
- sloe,
- snowberry,
- sour cherry,
- sour gourd,
- soursop,
- star-apple,
- strawberry,
- sultana,
- sweet cherry,
- sweetie,
- sweetsop,
- tamarillo or tree tomato,
- tamarind,
- tangelo,
- tangerine or (S. African) naartje,
- tayberry,
- tomato or (archaic) love apple,
- UGLI (trademark),
- victoria or victoria plum,
- watermelon,
- white currant,
- Williams pear,
- winter melon,
- youngberry.

- bedpost,
- bedstead,
- canopy,
- cheval glass,
- coatstand,
- dumbwaiter,
- epergne,
- footstool,
- girandole or girandola,
- grandfather clock,
- grandmother clock,
- hallstand, hatstand,
- headboard,
- lectern,
- litter,
- longcase clock,
- screen,
- tester,
- trolley,
- umbrella stand,
- vanitory or vanity unit,
- washstand

- acetylene,
- afterdamp,
- ammonia,
- argon,
- arsine,
- biogas,
- butadiene,
- butane, butene,
- Calor gas (trademark),
- carbon dioxide or carbonic-acid gas,
- carbon monoxide,
- chlorine, coal gas,
- compressed natural gas (CNG), cyanogen,
- diazomethane,
- diborane,
- dichlorodifluoromethane,
- electrolytic gas,
- ethane, ethylene,
- flue gas, fluorine,
- formaldehyde,
- helium, hydrogen,
- hydrogen bromide,
- hydrogen chloride,
- hydrogen fluoride,
- hydrogen iodide,
- hydrogen sulphide, ketene, krypton,
- laughing gas or nitrous oxide (LNG),
- liquefied petroleum gas (LPG),
- marsh gas, methane, methylamine,
- methyl bromide,
- methyl chloride, natural gas, neon,
- nitric oxide, nitrogen,
- nitrogen dioxide,
- nitrous oxide, oilgas,
- oxygen, ozone, phosgene,
- phosphine,
- producer gas or air gas,
- propane, radon,
- sewage gas, stibine,
- synthetic natural gas (SNG),
- sulphur dioxide,
- synthesis gas, tail gas,
- tetrafluoroethene,
- tetrafluoroethylene,
- town gas, vinyl chloride,
- water gas,
- xenon
- adularia,
- agate,
- alexandrite,
- almandine,
- amazonite,
- amethyst,
- andalusite,
- andradite,
- aquamarine,
- aventurine,
- aventurin, or avanturine,
- balas,
- beryl,
- black opal,
- bloodstone,
- bone turquoise,
- cairngorm,
- carnelian,
- cat's-eye,
- chalcedony,
- chrysoberyl,
- chrysolite,
- chrysoprase,
- citrine,
- Colorado ruby,
- Colorado topaz,
- corundum,
- cymophane,
- demantoid,
- diamond,
- diopside,
- emerald,
- fire opal,
- garnet,
- girasol, girosol, or girasole,
- grossularite,
- hawk's-eye,
- helidor,
- heliotrope,
- hessonite,
- hiddenite,
- hyacinth,
- indicolite or indigolite,
- jacinth,
- jadeite or jade,
- jasper,
- jet,
- kunzite,
- lapis lazuli,
- liver opal,
- Madagascar aquamarine,
- melanite,
- moonstone,
- morganite,
- morion,
- moss agate,
- New Zealand greenstone,
- odontolite,
- onyx,
- opal,
- Oriental almandine,
- Oriental emerald,
- peridot,
- plasma,
- pyrope,
- quartz,
- rhodolite,
- rose quartz,
- rubellite,
- ruby,
- sapphire,
- sard or sardine,
- sardonyx,
- smoky quartz,
- Spanish topaz,
- spessartite,
- sphene,
- spinel,
- spodumene,
- staurolite,
- sunstone,
- titanite,
- topaz, topazolite,
- tourmaline,
- turquoise,
- uvarovite,
- vesuvianite,
- water sapphire,
- white sapphire,
- zircon

Geography terms and features
- afforestation,
- antipodes, arête, atlas,
- atmosphere, atoll, basin, bay,
- beach, canyon, cliff, climate, col,
- conservation, continent,
- continental drift,
- continental shelf, contour,
- conurbation, coombe,
- coral reef, core, corrie,
- cirque, or cwm, crag,
- crater,
- crevasse, crust,
- culvert,
- deforestation,
- delta, desert,
- desertification,
- dormitory,
- dyke, earthquake,
- eastings, environment,
- epicentre,
- equator, erosion,
- escarpment,
- estuary, fault, fell,
- fjord,
- flood plain,
- glaciation,
- glacier, glade,
- glen,
- global warming,
- green belt,
- greenhouse effect,
- grid reference,
- hanging valley,
- headland,
- ice cap,
- infrastructure,
- International Date Line,
- irrigation, isobar,
- isobath,
- isohyet,
- isotherm,
- isthmus, jungle,
- lagoon, latitude, levée, loch,
- longitude,
- longshore drift,
- mantle, map,
- meander,
- Mercator projection,
- moraine, new town,
- northern hemisphere,
- northings,
- North Pole,
- occidental, ocean,
- Ordnance Survey,
- oriental,
- ozone layer,
- permafrost,
- plate tectonics,
- pollution,
- precipitation, rainforest,
- rain shadow, reef,
- relief map,
- ridge, rift valley, rill,
- river basin,
- rivulet,
- salt flat,
- salt lake,
- sandbank, sand bar,
- sand dune,
- savanna or savannah,
- scree,
- sierra,
- snow line,
- southern hemisphere,
- South Pole, spit,
- spring,
- spur, stack,
- steppe,
- subsoil,
- suburb, tarn,
- temperate,
- Third World,
- topsoil, tor, tropics,
- tsunami,
- tundra,
- urbanization,
- veld or veldt,
- volcano,
- wadi, watercourse,
- water cycle, waterfall,
- watershed,
- water table,
- weathering,
- wetland,
- whirlpool
- barley,
- Bermuda grass,
- bluegrass,
- buffalo grass,
- cane,
- citronella,
- cotton grass,
- couch grass,
- crab grass,
- darnel,
- elephant grass,
- esparto,
- fescue,
- maize,
- marram grass,
- millet,
- oat,
- pampas grass,
- reed,
- rice,
- rye,
- rye-grass,
- sorghum,
- sugar cane,
- wheat,
- wild oat,
- wild rye
- almond green,
- apple green,
- aqua,
- aquamarine,
- avocado,
- celadon,
- chartreuse,
- citron,
- cyan,
- eau de nil,
- emerald green,
- jade,
- lime green,
- Lincoln green,
- Nile green,
- olive,
- pea green,
- pine green,
- pistachio,
- sea green,
- teal,
- turquoise
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