lundi 24 août 2020

🍬 Project SlowlyButSurely/TooMuchLinks/KillSomeTime/GooglePedia: Attractive Word Alternatives & Literary Lists of Specific (somewhat) Esthetic Authentic Technical Entities (A to G)



  1. aerodyne,
  2. aerostat,
  3. airliner,
  4. airship,
  5. amphibian,
  6. autogiro or autogyro,
  7. balloon,
  8. biplane,
  9. blimp, bomber,
  10. canard,
  11. coleopter,
  12. convertiplane,
  13. convertaplane, or convertoplane,
  14. cyclogiro,
  15. delta-wing,
  16. dirigible,
  17. dive bomber,
  18. drone, fighter,
  19. fighter-bomber,
  20. flying boat,
  21. flying wing,
  22. freighter,
  23. gas-filled balloon,
  24. glider,
  25. gyrodyne,
  26. hang-glider,
  27. helicopter,
  28. helicopter gunship,
  29. hot-air balloon,
  30. interceptor or intercepter,
  31. jet or jet plane,
  32. jetliner
  33. jumbo jet,
  34. jump jet, 
  35. lifting body,
  36. light aircraft,
  37. microlight or microlite,
  38. monoplane,
  39. multiplane,
  40. night fighter,
  41. ornithopter or orthopter,
  42. rotaplane,
  43. sailplane,
  44. seaplane,
  45. skiplane,
  46. Stealth bomber or Stealth plane,
  47. STOL,
  48. swept-wing,
  49. swing-wing
  50. tanker,
  51. triplane,
  52. troop carrier,
  53. turbofan,
  54. turbojet,
  55. turboprop or propjet,
  56. VTOL,
  57. warplane,
  58. wing,
  59. zeppelin.

  1. bladderwrack,
  2. brown algae,
  3. carrageen, carragheen, or carageen,
  4. diatom,
  5. dinoflagellate,
  6. dulse,
  7. euglena,
  8. fucoid or fucus,
  9. green algae,
  10. gulfweed,
  11. Iceland moss,
  12. Irish moss,
  13. kelp,
  14. laver,
  15. lichen,
  16. oarweed,
  17. phytoplankton or plankton,
  18. red algae,
  19. reindeer moss,
  20. rockweed,
  21. sargasso or sargassum,
  22. sea lettuce,
  23. sea tangle,
  24. seaweed,
  25. sea wrack,
  26. spirogyra,
  27. stonewort,
  28. wrack

  1. ant ant hill or formicary 
  2. badger set or sett 
  3. beaver lodge 
  4. bee hive or apiary 
  5. bird nest 
  6. eagle aerie or eyrie 
  7. fish redd 
  8. fox earth 
  9. otter holt 
  10. pig sty 
  11. puffin puffinry 
  12. rabbit warren 
  13. rook rookery 
  14. seal sealery 
  15. squirrel drey or dray 
  16. termite termitarium 
  17. wasp vespiary or bike

Ants, bees, and wasps
  1. Amazon ant, ant or (archaic or dialect) emmet, 
  2. army ant or legionary ant, 
  3. bee, 
  4. bulldog ant or bull ant, 
  5. bumblebee or humblebee, 
  6. carpenter bee, cuckoo bee, digger wasp, 
  7. driver ant, 
  8. gall wasp, 
  9. honeybee or hive bee, 
  10. horntail or wood wasp, 
  11. ichneumon fly or ichneumon wasp, 
  12. killer bee, 
  13. leafcutter ant, 
  14. leafcutter bee, 
  15. mason bee, 
  16. mason wasp, 
  17. mining bee, 
  18. mud dauber, 
  19. Pharaoh ant, 
  20. ruby-tail wasp, 
  21. sand wasp, 
  22. slave ant, 
  23. spider-hunting wasp, 
  24. termite or white ant, 
  25. velvet ant, 
  26. wasp, 
  27. wood ant, 
  28. yellow jacket (U.S. & Canad.)
Archaeological terms 
  1. acropolis, 
  2. alignment, 
  3. arcade, 
  4. archaeomagnetism or archeomagnetism, 
  5. barrow, 
  6. baulk, 
  7. bifacial, blade, 
  8. bogman, 
  9. bracteate, 
  10. burin, 
  11. cairn, callais, 
  12. cartouch or cartouche, 
  13. caveman, 
  14. celt, 
  15. cirque, 
  16. cist or kist, clovis point, core, 
  17. cromlech
  18. cross-dating, 
  19. dolmen
  20. earthwork
  21. eolith, flake, flint, 
  22. graffito
  23. henge, 
  24. hillfort
  25. hogback
  26. hut circle, larnax, 
  27. ley line, 
  28. microlith
  29. megalith, 
  30. mound, 
  31. neolith, 
  32. obelisk, 
  33. palmette, 
  34. palstave, 
  35. patella, pylon, 
  36. radiocarbon dating, 
  37. retouch, 
  38. robber trench, 
  39. sondage, 
  40. souterrain
  41. stela or stele, 
  42. stone circle, 
  43. stratigraphy, 
  44. tribrach, 
  45. tumulus, 
  46. vallum.

Architectural features 
  1. abacus,
  2. acanthus,
  3. accolade,
  4. acroter,
  5. aisle,
  6. ambulatory,
  7. amphiprostyle,
  8. amphistylar,
  9. ancon or ancone,
  10. annulet,
  11. anta, antefix,
  12. anthemion,
  13. apophyge or hypophyge,
  14. apse or apsis,
  15. apteral,
  16. arcade,
  17. arcature, arch,
  18. architrave,
  19. archivolt, arcuation, arris,
  20. articulation,
  21. astragal,
  22. atlas (plural atlantes) or telamon,
  23. atrium, attic, 
  24. baguette or baguet, balcony,
  25. baldachin,
  26. balk, ballflower, b
  27. aluster, band, banderole,
  28. banderol, or bannerol,
  29. barge couple,
  30. barge course,
  31. barrel vault, tunnel vault, or wagon vault,
  32. base,
  33. basement,
  34. bay window,
  35. bead, beak,
  36. bed moulding,
  37. belfry,
  38. bezant, bezzant, or byzant,
  39. billet, binder, 
  40. bolection or bilection,
  41. bottom house, bow, bow window,
  42. bracket, brattishing, breast,
  43. broach, buttress,
  44. caisson, coffer, or lacuna, 
  45. calotte,
  46. canopy, 
  47. cantilever, capital,
  48. chapiter, or cap, cartouche, caryatid,
  49. case or casing, casement,
  50. Catherine wheel
  51. cavetto,
  52. ceiling, cella or naos,
  53. cellar, channel, chaplet,
  54. cheek, chevron or dancette,
  55. choir, choir loft, cinquefoil,
  56. clerestory, cloister,
  57. colonnade,
  58. columbarium, column,
  59. columniation,
  60. compass window,
  61. concha or conch, congé,
  62. corbeil or corbeille,
  63. corbel or truss,
  64. corbie gable, corbie-step,
  65. corbel step, or crow step,
  66. cordon, string course, belt course, or table,
  67. cornice, corona,
  68. cove or coving,
  69. crenel or crenelle, cresting,
  70. crocket or crochet,
  71. crossing, crown,
  72. cullis, 
  73. cupola,
  74. curb roof, 
  75. curtail step,
  76. curtain wall,
  77. cushion, cusp,
  78. cuspidation,
  79. cyma,
  80. cymatium,
  81. dado,
  82. decastyle,
  83. dentil, die, dogtooth,
  84. drip,
  85. dripstone, label, or hood mould,
  86. echinus, ectype,
  87. egg and dart,
  88. egg and tongue, or egg and anchor,
  89. ell,
  90. embrasure,
  91. entablature,
  92. entasis, exedra,
  93. extrados, facade, facet, fan,
  94. fanlight, fantail,
  95. fan tracery, fan or palm vaulting,
  96. fascia or facia, 
  97. fascial or facial,
  98. fenestella,
  99. fenestra, festoon,
  100. fillet or listel, finial,
  101. flèche, fluting,
  102. flying buttress or arc-boutant, foil, footing,
  103. footstall,
  104. French windows or doors,
  105. frieze,
  106. frontispiece,
  107. frustum, gable,
  108. gable end,
  109. gable window,
  110. gadroon or godroon, gallery,
  111. gambrel, gargoyle,
  112. garret, garth,
  113. gatehouse, gazebo,
  114. glyph, gradin,
  115. griffe, groin, grotto,
  116. gutta, half landing,
  117. haunch or hance,
  118. headstone, headwork,
  119. helicline,
  120. hipped or hip roof, imperial, impost, intrados,
  121. jube,
  122. keystone, quoin, or headstone,
  123. lancet arch, Gothic arch, or ogive,
  124. lancet window, landing,
  125. lantern, leaded,
  126. loggia,
  127. long-and-short work,
  128. louvre, lucarne,
  129. machicolation,
  130. mansard, meander, medallion,
  131. metope, minaret, modillion,
  132. moulding,
  133. mullion, mutule, narthex,
  134. neck, necking or gorgerin, newel,
  135. niche,
  136. Norman arch or Roman arch, obelisk,
  137. oeil-de-boeuf, offset,
  138. ogee, ogee arch, or talon,
  139. ogive,
  140. onion dome,
  141. oriel or oriel window,
  142. ovolo, quarter round, or thumb, pace,
  143. parapet, patio,
  144. pedestal, pediment, pendant, penthouse,
  145. peristyle, perpend,
  146. perron, piazza, pier, pillar, pinnacle,
  147. platform, plinth, podium,
  148. predella, pylon,
  149. quad, poppyhead,
  150. porch or portico,
  151. portal,
  152. porte-cochere, postern,
  153. propylaeum,
  154. quadrangle,
  155. quatrefoil, quirk, quoin, coign, or coigne, 
  156. reed, reeding, reglet,
  157. relief, respond, return, reveal, rib, ridge,
  158. rose window,
  159. rosace, or rosette,
  160. rotunda, roundel,
  161. saddle roof or saddleback,
  162. sash window, scotia, screen,
  163. scrollwork,
  164. semidome,
  165. shaft, shafting, sill, skew arch,
  166. skylight, soffit,
  167. spandrel or spandril,
  168. spire, splay, springer,
  169. squinch,
  170. squint or hagioscope,
  171. steeple, stele or stela, stoa,
  172. straining piece,
  173. strap work, stria, strigil,
  174. stylobate or stereobate,
  175. summer, taenia or (U.S.) tenia, tambour,
  176. tellamon, term,
  177. terminal, or terminus,
  178. torus or tore,
  179. tracery, 
  180. transept,
  181. traverse, trefoil,
  182. tribune,
  183. triforium,
  184. triglyph, 
  185. trophy,
  186. trumeau, turret,
  187. tympanum or tympan,
  188. underpitch vault, vault,
  189. veranda or verandah,
  190. verge,
  191. vignette,
  192. volute or helix,
  193. water table, web,
  194. whispering gallery
  195. xyst.

  1. Art Deco
  2. Art Nouveau
  3. Baroque
  4. Bauhaus
  5. brutalist
  6. Byzantine, 
  7. churrigueresque or churrigueresco, 
  8. classical, 
  9. colonial, 
  10. Composite, 
  11. Corinthian
  12. Decorated, 
  13. Doric
  14. Early Christian, 
  15. Early English, 
  16. Edwardian, 
  17. Elizabethan, 
  18. Empire, 
  19. Federation (Austral.), 
  20. functionalism, 
  21. Georgian
  22. Gothic, 
  23. Gothic Revival, 
  24. Greek Revival
  25. International Style or Modernist, 
  26. Ionic, 
  27. Jacobean, 
  28. Louis Quatorze, 
  29. Louis Quinze, 
  30. Louis Seize, 
  31. Louis Treize, 
  32. Mannerist, 
  33. moderne, 
  34. Moorish or Morisco, 
  35. Mudéjar, 
  36. neoclassicist, 
  37. new brutalist, 
  38. Norman, 
  39. Palladian, 
  40. perpendicular, 
  41. postmodernist, 
  42. Queen-Anne, 
  43. Regency, 
  44. Renaissance, 
  45. Rococo, 
  46. Roman, 
  47. Romanesque, 
  48. Saracen, 
  49. Saxon, 
  50. transition or transitional, 
  51. Tudor, 
  52. Tuscan, 
  53. Victorian

Architectural terms 
  1. abutment or abuttal,
  2. architectonic, architectonics,
  3. architectural, astylar, bolster,
  4. bracket,
  5. castellated or castled,
  6. cinquecento,
  7. cloistered,
  8. colossal or giant,
  9. composite,
  10. cradling, 
  11. crenellate or (U.S.) crenelate,
  12. denticulate, 
  13. diastyle,
  14. diminish, 
  15. dipteral,
  16. discharge, 
  17. drum,
  18. elevation, engaged,
  19. eurhythmy, 
  20. fenestrated, filler,
  21. flamboyant, 
  22. floor plan,
  23. floriated or floreated,
  24. florid, 
  25. fluted, 
  26. foliated,
  27. foliation,
  28. galilee,
  29. galleria,
  30. ground plan,
  31. hexastyle,
  32. high-pitched, hip, hipped,
  33. hypostyle,
  34. imbricate or imbricated,
  35. intercolumniation, invert,
  36. joggle post or king post, 
  37. lanceted, 
  38. lierne,
  39. lintel or summer, 
  40. listed,
  41. loggia, member,
  42. module,
  43. Moresque, naos,
  44. order, orientation,
  45. polychromy,
  46. postiche, profile,
  47. prostyle,
  48. pulvinate or pulvinated,
  49. queen post,
  50. rampant, 
  51. rendering, 
  52. respond, return,
  53. rhythm,
  54. ribbon development, 
  55. rise,
  56. rusticate, 
  57. sexpartite, 
  58. shaft, shafting,
  59. shell, 
  60. soffit, 
  61. springing, 
  62. spring,
  63. springing line, or springing point,
  64. stilted, 
  65. storey, 
  66. stria, 
  67. stringer,
  68. string, or string course, 
  69. stylobate,
  70. subbase, summer or summer tree,
  71. supercolumnar,
  72. surbase,
  73. tailpiece or tail beam,
  74. trabeate or trabeated,
  75. tympanic,
  76. underpitch vault

  1. abstract expressionism, 
  2. abstractionism
  3. Art Deco
  4. Arte Povera
  5. Art Nouveau
  6. Barbizon School
  7. baroque, 
  8. Der Blaue Reiter, 
  9. Brücke, 
  10. classicism, 
  11. conceptual art
  12. constructivism
  13. cubism
  14. Dada or Dadaism, 
  15. De Stijl, 
  16. divisionism, 
  17. expressionism
  18. Fauvism
  19. futurism, 
  20. Gothic, 
  21. Impressionism
  22. Jugendstil
  23. mannerism, 
  24. minimal art, 
  25. modernism
  26. Nabis
  27. naturalism
  28. Nazarene, 
  29. neoclassicism, 
  30. neoimpressionism
  31. neoplasticism
  32. op art
  33. pointillism
  34. pop art, 
  35. postimpressionism, 
  36. postmodernism
  37. Pre-Raphaelite, 
  38. realism, 
  39. rococo
  40. Romanesque
  41. romanticism, 
  42. Suprematism
  43. surrealism, 
  44. symbolism, 
  45. synthetism, 
  46. ukiyo-e, 
  47. vorticism

  1. acrylic  
  2. airbrush  
  3. brush, 
  4. canvas, 
  5. chalk,  
  6. charcoal,  
  7. crayon,  
  8. drawing paper,  
  9. easel,  
  10. fixative 
  11. glaze,  
  12. ground, 
  13. ink,  
  14. lay figure 
  15. linseed oil  
  16. oil paint,  
  17. paint, 
  18. paintbox 
  19. paintbrush,  
  20. palette,  
  21. palette knife,  
  22. pastel,  
  23. pencil, 
  24. sketchbook,  
  25. spatula,  
  26. spray gun,  
  27. varnish,  
  28. watercolour

Astronomy terms
  1. achondrite, 
  2. aerolite,
  3. aerospace, 
  4. aerosphere, 
  5. albedo,
  6. almucantar or almacantar, 
  7. altitude,
  8. analemma, 
  9. annular eclipse, 
  10. anthelion,
  11. aphelion, 
  12. apocynthion, 
  13. apolune, appulse,
  14. apapsis, apsis or apse, asteroid,
  15. asteroid belt,
  16. astrobleme, 
  17. atmosphere,
  18. aureola or aureole, aurora,
  19. aurora australis,
  20. aurora borealis,
  21. azimuth,
  22. barycentre, 
  23. basin,
  24. binary star, 
  25. black drop,
  26. black hole,
  27. blue straggler, 
  28. bolide,
  29. brown dwarf, 
  30. burst,
  31. cataclysmic variable,
  32. Cepheid variable,
  33. Chandrasekhar limit,
  34. chemosphere, 
  35. chondrite,
  36. chromosphere, 
  37. circumlunar, 
  38. circumpolar,
  39. circumsolar, 
  40. circumstellar, 
  41. cislunar, 
  42. cluster,
  43. collapsar, 
  44. colour index,
  45. colure, coma, comet,
  46. companion, 
  47. conjunction, 
  48. constellation,
  49. cooordinate system,
  50. Copernican system,
  51. corona, cosmic,
  52. cosmogony, cosmology,
  53. crater, crescent, crust,
  54. culmination, cusp,
  55. dwarf, dynamics,
  56. eccentric, ecosphere,
  57. effective temperature, 
  58. ejecta, ellipse,
  59. elongation, 
  60. emersion,
  61. ephemeris, epoch,
  62. equator,
  63. escape velocity,
  64. equinox, evection,
  65. evolved star, 
  66. exosphere,
  67. extinction, facula,
  68. farside, filament,
  69. fireball, flare, 
  70. flocculus,
  71. galactic centre,
  72. galactic equator,
  73. galactic rotation, 
  74. galaxy,
  75. giant, gravitation,
  76. heliocentric system,
  77. heliosphere,
  78. immersion or ingress,
  79. inclination, inequality,
  80. inertia, inferior planet,
  81. inner planet, insolation,
  82. interplanetary, interstellar,
  83. ionosphere, jet, light year, limb,
  84. lodestar or loadstar,
  85. luminosity, lunar,
  86. lunar eclipse,
  87. magnetosphere,
  88. magnitude,
  89. major planet, 
  90. maria, mass, 
  91. mass loss,
  92. mass transfer, 
  93. merger, 
  94. meridian,
  95. meridian passage,
  96. mesosphere,
  97. metallicity, 
  98. metal ratio,
  99. meteor, meteorite,
  100. meteoroid,
  101. meteoroid stream,
  102. meteor shower,
  103. meteor storm,
  104. missing mass,
  105. molecular cloud,
  106. moonquake, moving cluster,
  107. multiple star, nadir,
  108. naked singularity, 
  109. nearside, nebula,
  110. neutron star, new moon, node,
  111. north celestial pole,
  112. northern hemisphere,
  113. northern lights, northing,
  114. north polar distance, nova,
  115. nucleosynthesis, 
  116. nucleus, 
  117. nutation,
  118. oblateness, obliquity, observatory,
  119. occultation, octant, open cluster, opposition,
  120. orbit, orbital elements, orbital velocity,
  121. oscillating universe, 
  122. outer planet, parallax,
  123. partial eclipse,
  124. penumbral eclipse, periapsis,
  125. periastron, percentre,
  126. perigee, perihelion,
  127. photosphere, physical libration, plages,
  128. planetary, 
  129. planetary alignment,
  130. planetary system,
  131. planetesimal, 
  132. planetoid,
  133. plasmasphere, 
  134. plerion,
  135. polar axis, 
  136. pole, 
  137. precession,
  138. precession of the equinoxes, primary,
  139. prominence, 
  140. proper motion,
  141. protogalaxy, 
  142. protoplanet, 
  143. protostar,
  144. Ptolemaic system,
  145. pulsating universe,
  146. pulsating variable,
  147. quadrature, quarter,
  148. quasar, quasi-stellar object,
  149. quiet, radiant,
  150. radio source, ray,
  151. reciprocal mass, red giant,
  152. red supergiant, 
  153. regolith, 
  154. retardation,
  155. revolution, ring, ring plain, rising,
  156. rotation, 
  157. rupes, 
  158. saros, satellite,
  159. Schwarzschild radius, scintillation,
  160. secondary, sextile,
  161. Seyfert galaxy,
  162. shell star, 
  163. shepherd satellite,
  164. sidereal time, 
  165. singularity, solar,
  166. solar constant,
  167. solar eclipse, solar spectrum,
  168. solar system,
  169. solstice, south celestial pole,
  170. southern hemisphere,
  171. southern lights,
  172. southing,
  173. south polar distance, space,
  174. spacetime,
  175. spectral type or spectral class,
  176. spherule, 
  177. spicule, 
  178. spinar,
  179. spray, star, star cloud, stellar,
  180. stellar evolution,
  181. stellar structure, stellar wind,
  182. Strömgren sphere,
  183. sublunar point,
  184. subsolar point,
  185. substellar point, sunspot,
  186. sunspot cycle, 
  187. supercluster,
  188. supergiant,
  189. superior planet, 
  190. supernova,
  191. symbiotic star,
  192. synodic period,
  193. syzygy, 
  194. telluric line,
  195. terminator,
  196. terrestrial planet,
  197. tidal capture,
  198. tidal force,
  199. tidal friction, tide, total eclipse,
  200. total magnitude,
  201. thermosphere, train,
  202. transient lunar phenomena,
  203. triple star,
  204. tropical year, troposphere,
  205. universal time,
  206. universe,
  207. variable star, variation,
  208. velocity dispersion, 
  209. vertical circle,
  210. visual magnitude,
  211. white dwarf,
  212. white hole, zenith,
  213. zenith distance

  1. backpack,
  2. bergen,
  3. briefcase, bum bag,
  4. carpetbag, carrier bag,
  5. clutch bag, ditty bag,
  6. duffel bag,
  7. Gladstone bag,
  8. handbag, 
  9. haversack,
  10. holdall or (U.S. & Canad.) carryall,
  11. kitbag,
  12. knapsack,
  13. nunny bag (Canad.),
  14. reticule,
  15. rucksack,
  16. sabretache,
  17. saddlebag,
  18. satchel, sea bag,
  19. shoulder bag, suitcase,
  20. tucker bag,
  21. valise,
  22. vanity bag,
  23. vanity case, or vanity box,
  24. water bag, workbag

  1. adzuki bean or adsuki bean, 
  2. black bean
  3. black-eyed bean or (U.S.) black-eyed pea
  4. bobby bean
  5. borlotti bean
  6. broad bean
  7. butter bean, 
  8. cannelini bean
  9. chick pea or garbanzo, 
  10. continental lentil,
  11. dhal, field bean, flageolet bean, 
  12. French bean
  13. gram, 
  14. green bean, 
  15. green lentil, 
  16. haricot bean or (U.S.) navy bean, 
  17. kidney bean, 
  18. lentil, 
  19. lima bean, 
  20. mangetout or snow pea, 
  21. marrowfat pea
  22. mung bean
  23. petit pois, 
  24. pigeon pea
  25. pinto bean
  26. puy lentil
  27. red kidney bean or (U.S.) 
  28. red bean, 
  29. red lentil, 
  30. runner bean
  31. soya bean, 
  32. split pea
  33. string bean
  34. sugar snap pea

  1. air bed
  2. bassinet
  3. berth
  4. box bed
  5. bunk, 
  6. bunk bed, 
  7. camp bed
  8. captain's bed
  9. cot, 
  10. couchette
  11. cradle, 
  12. crib, 
  13. day bed
  14. divan bed
  15. double bed, 
  16. feather bed
  17. field bed
  18. foldaway bed
  19. folding bed
  20. four-poster bed
  21. futon
  22. hammock, 
  23. hospital bed, 
  24. king-size or king-sized bed, 
  25. litter, 
  26. loft bed, 
  27. Murphy bed (U.S. & Canada), 
  28. pallet
  29. platform bed
  30. put-u-up, 
  31. queen-size or queen-sized bed, 
  32. shake down, 
  33. single bed, 
  34. sleigh bed
  35. sofa bed, 
  36. trestle bed
  37. truckle or trundle bed, 
  38. twin bed, 
  39. water bed

  1. autocycle
  2. bicycle, 
  3. BMX
  4. boneshaker
  5. chopper, 
  6. exercise bike, 
  7. fairy cycle
  8. mountain bike, 
  9. penny-farthing, 
  10. roadster, 
  11. tandem, 
  12. velocipede

  1. aerobic, 
  2. agglutination, 
  3. albino, 
  4. allele or allelomorph, 
  5. anaerobic, 
  6. anterior, 
  7. asexual reproduction, 
  8. assimilation, 
  9. bacteria, 
  10. binary fission, 
  11. biomass, 
  12. blood, 
  13. blood vessel, 
  14. bone, cell, 
  15. chromosome, 
  16. circulation, 
  17. circulatory system, 
  18. class, 
  19. clone, 
  20. codominance, 
  21. cold-blooded, 
  22. conception, 
  23. copulation, 
  24. cytoplasm
  25. diffusion, digestion, 
  26. diploid, 
  27. division, 
  28. DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid, 
  29. dominant, 
  30. dorsal
  31. ecosystem, 
  32. egg, 
  33. embryo, 
  34. environment, 
  35. enzyme, 
  36. epidermis, 
  37. evolution, 
  38. excretion, 
  39. family, 
  40. fermentation, 
  41. fertilization, 
  42. flower, 
  43. foetus, 
  44. food chain, 
  45. fossil, 
  46. fruit, 
  47. fungus, 
  48. gamete, 
  49. gene, 
  50. genus, 
  51. germination, 
  52. gestation, 
  53. gland, 
  54. gonad, 
  55. growth, 
  56. haploid
  57. heredity, 
  58. hermaphrodite, 
  59. hormone, 
  60. hybrid, 
  61. inheritance, 
  62. invertebrate, 
  63. kingdom, 
  64. Krebs cycle, 
  65. life cycle, 
  66. meiosis, 
  67. menstruation, 
  68. metabolism, 
  69. metamorphosis, 
  70. mitosis, 
  71. muscle, 
  72. mutation, 
  73. natural selection, 
  74. nitrogen cycle, 
  75. nucleus, 
  76. order, 
  77. organ, 
  78. osmosis, 
  79. ovulation, 
  80. ovum, 
  81. parasite, 
  82. pathogen, 
  83. pectoral, 
  84. photosynthesis, 
  85. phylum, 
  86. poikilothermic, 
  87. pollen, 
  88. pollination, 
  89. pollution, 
  90. posterior, 
  91. predator, 
  92. pregnancy, 
  93. progeny, 
  94. propagation, 
  95. protein, 
  96. protoplasm, 
  97. puberty, 
  98. recessive, 
  99. reproduction, 
  100. respiration, 
  101. RNA or ribose nucleic acid, 
  102. ribosome
  103. root, 
  104. seed, 
  105. sexual reproduction, 
  106. skeleton, 
  107. skin, 
  108. soil, 
  109. species, 
  110. spermatozoon or sperm, 
  111. spore, 
  112. symbiosis, 
  113. translocation, 
  114. transpiration, 
  115. ventral, 
  116. vertebrate, 
  117. virus, 
  118. vitamin, 
  119. viviparous, 
  120. warm-blooded, 
  121. X-chromosome, 
  122. Y-chromosome, 
  123. zygote

  1. accentor
  2. amazon, 
  3. ani, 
  4. avadavat or amadavat, 
  5. avocet, 
  6. babbler, 
  7. Baltimore oriole
  8. barbet
  9. beccafico, 
  10. bee-eater, 
  11. bellbird
  12. bird of paradise
  13. bishopbird
  14. bittern
  15. blackbird, 
  16. blackcap, 
  17. blackcock, 
  18. black grouse, 
  19. blackpoll, 
  20. bluebird, 
  21. blue grouse
  22. blue jay, 
  23. bluethroat
  24. bluetit, 
  25. boatbill or boat-billed heron, 
  26. bobolink
  27. bobwhite, 
  28. bokmakierie, 
  29. bowerbird, 
  30. brain-fever bird, 
  31. brambling, 
  32. broadbill
  33. brolga, 
  34. Australian crane, or (Austral.) native companion, 
  35. budgerigar
  36. bulbul, 
  37. bullfinch, 
  38. bunting, 
  39. bush shrike, 
  40. bushtit, 
  41. bush wren, 
  42. bustard, 
  43. button quail, 
  44. cacique, 
  45. canary, 
  46. Cape pigeon, 
  47. capercaillie or capercailzie, 
  48. Cape sparrow, 
  49. capuchin, 
  50. cardinal or cardinal grosbeak, 
  51. carrion crow, 
  52. cassowary
  53. catbird, 
  54. chaffinch, 
  55. chat, 
  56. chickadee
  57. chicken or (Austral. inf.) chook, 
  58. chiffchaff, 
  59. chimney swallow or chimney swift, 
  60. chipping sparrow, 
  61. chough, 
  62. chuck-will's-widow, 
  63. chukar, 
  64. cliff swallow
  65. coal tit or coletit, 
  66. cockatiel or cockateel, 
  67. cockatoo
  68. cock-of-the-rock
  69. collared dove, 
  70. coly or mousebird, 
  71. conure, 
  72. coppersmith
  73. coquette, 
  74. corella, 
  75. corn bunting, 
  76. corncrake, 
  77. cotinga or chatterer, 
  78. coucal, 
  79. cowbird, 
  80. crake, 
  81. crane, 
  82. crested tit, 
  83. crocodile bird
  84. crombec
  85. crossbill
  86. crow or (Scot.) corbie, 
  87. cuckoo, 
  88. cumulet
  89. curassow, 
  90. curlew
  91. currawong or bell magpie, 
  92. darter, anhinga, or snakebird, 
  93. demoiselle (crane) or Numidian crane, 
  94. diamond bird or pardalote, 
  95. dipper or water ouzel, diver, 
  96. dollarbird
  97. dotterel or dottrel,
  98. dove or (archaic or poetic) culver, 
  99. dowitcher
  100. drongo, 
  101. dunlin or red-backed sandpiper, 
  102. egret
  103. emperor penguin, 
  104. emu, 
  105. emu-wren, 
  106. fantail
  107. fernbird
  108. fieldfare
  109. fig-bird, 
  110. finch, 
  111. finfoot, 
  112. firebird, 
  113. firecrest
  114. flamingo, 
  115. flower-pecker, 
  116. flycatcher, 
  117. francolin, 
  118. friarbird
  119. frogmouth, galah, 
  120. gang-gang
  121. gnatcatcher
  122. go-away bird
  123. godwit, 
  124. goldcrest, 
  125. golden oriole, 
  126. goldfinch
  127. grackle or crow blackbird, 
  128. grassfinch
  129. grassquit
  130. great crested grebe
  131. great northern diver
  132. great tit, 
  133. grebe
  134. greenfinch
  135. green leek
  136. greenlet
  137. greenshank
  138. green woodpecker
  139. grey warbler or riroriro (N.Z.), 
  140. grosbeak
  141. grouse, 
  142. guan, 
  143. guinea fowl
  144. hadedah, 
  145. hawfinch, 
  146. hazelhen, 
  147. hedge sparrow or dunnock, 
  148. helldiver, 
  149. pie-billed grebe, or dabchick, 
  150. hen harrier or (U.S. & Canad.) marsh harrier, 
  151. heron, 
  152. hill myna
  153. hoatzin or hoactzin, 
  154. homing pigeon, 
  155. honey creeper, 
  156. honey-eater
  157. honey guide, 
  158. honeysucker
  159. hooded crow, 
  160. hoopoe, 
  161. hornbill
  162. house martin,
  163. house sparrow,
  164. hummingbird or trochilus, 
  165. ibis, 
  166. jabiru, 
  167. jacamar, 
  168. jaçana or lily-trotter, 
  169. jackdaw, 
  170. jacksnipe, 
  171. Jacobin, jaeger (U.S. & Canad.), 
  172. Java sparrow, jay, 
  173. junco, 
  174. jungle fowl, 
  175. kagu, 
  176. kaka, kakapo, kea, 
  177. killdeer
  178. kingbird
  179. kingfisher, 
  180. king penguin, 
  181. kiwi or apteryx, 
  182. knot, 
  183. koel, kokako, 
  184. kookaburra or laughing jackass, 
  185. kotuku, Lahore, 
  186. lapwing or green plover, 
  187. lark, 
  188. limpkin or courlan, 
  189. linnet, 
  190. locust bird, 
  191. loggerhead shrike, 
  192. longspur, 
  193. long-tailed tit, 
  194. lorikeet, 
  195. lory, 
  196. lourie, 
  197. lovebird, 
  198. lyrebird
  199. macaw, 
  200. magpie, 
  201. magpie lark,
  202. Major Mitchell
  203. marabou,
  204. marsh tit,
  205. martin, 
  206. meadowlark
  207. meadow pipit, 
  208. minivet, 
  209. mistle thrush or missel thrush, 
  210. mockingbird, 
  211. monal or monaul, 
  212. motmot or sawbill, 
  213. mourning dove, 
  214. myna, mynah, or mina, 
  215. nighthawk, 
  216. bullbat, or mosquito hawk, 
  217. night heron,
  218. nightingale, nightjar or (U.S. & Canad.) goatsucker,
  219. noddy,
  220. noisy miner, nun,
  221. nutcracker,
  222. nuthatch
  223. oil bird or guacharo, 
  224. oriole, 
  225. ortolan or ortolan bunting, 
  226. ostrich, 
  227. ouzel or ousel, 
  228. ovenbird, 
  229. oxpecker or tick-bird, 
  230. parakeet or parrakeet, 
  231. parrot, 
  232. partridge, 
  233. peacock, 
  234. peafowl, 
  235. peewit, 
  236. pelican, 
  237. penguin, 
  238. phalarope, 
  239. pheasant, 
  240. pied wagtail, 
  241. pigeon, 
  242. pipit, 
  243. plover, 
  244. pratincole, 
  245. ptarmigan, 
  246. puffbird, 
  247. puffin, 
  248. pukeko, 
  249. purple gallinule, 
  250. pyrrhuloxia, 
  251. quail, 
  252. quarrian or quarrion, 
  253. quetzal, 
  254. racket-tail, 
  255. rail, 
  256. rainbow bird, 
  257. raven, 
  258. red-backed shrike, 
  259. redbreast, 
  260. red grouse, 
  261. red-legged 
  262. partridge, 
  263. redpoll, 
  264. redshank, 
  265. redstart, 
  266. redwing, 
  267. reedbird, 
  268. reed bunting, 
  269. reedling or bearded tit, 
  270. reed warbler, 
  271. regent-bird, 
  272. rhea or American ostrich, 
  273. ricebird, 
  274. riflebird, 
  275. rifleman, 
  276. ringed plover, 
  277. ring-necked pheasant, 
  278. ring ouzel, 
  279. roadrunner or chaparral cock, 
  280. robin or robin redbreast, 
  281. rock dove or rock pigeon, 
  282. rockhopper, 
  283. roller, 
  284. rook, 
  285. rosella, 
  286. rosy finch, 
  287. ruff, ruffed grouse, runt, 
  288. saddleback, 
  289. saddlebill or jabiru, 
  290. sage grouse, 
  291. sanderling, 
  292. sandgrouse, 
  293. sand martin, 
  294. sandpiper, 
  295. sapsucker, 
  296. Scandaroon, 
  297. scarlet tanager, 
  298. scrub bird, 
  299. sedge warbler, 
  300. seriema, 
  301. serin, 
  302. sheathbill, 
  303. shoebill, 
  304. shore bird or (Brit.) wader, 
  305. shrike or butcherbird, 
  306. sicklebill, siskin or (formerly) aberdevine, 
  307. sitella or tree-runner, 
  308. skimmer, 
  309. skylark, snipe, 
  310. snow bunting, 
  311. snowy egret, 
  312. solitaire, 
  313. song sparrow, 
  314. song thrush or mavis, sora, 
  315. sparrow, 
  316. spoonbill, 
  317. spotted crake, 
  318. spotted flycatcher, 
  319. spotted sandpiper or (U.S.) peetweet, squacco, 
  320. starling, stilt, 
  321. stint, 
  322. stock dove, 
  323. stonechat, 
  324. stone curlew or thick-knee, 
  325. stork, 
  326. sugar bird, 
  327. sunbird, 
  328. sun bittern, 
  329. surfbird, 
  330. swallow, 
  331. swift, 
  332. swiftlet, 
  333. swordbill, 
  334. tailorbird, 
  335. takahe, 
  336. tanager, 
  337. tattler, 
  338. tawny pippit, tern, 
  339. thornbill, 
  340. thrasher, 
  341. thrush or (poetic) throstle, 
  342. tit, 
  343. titmouse, 
  344. tody, 
  345. toucan, 
  346. touraco, 
  347. turaco, or plantain-eater, 
  348. towhee, 
  349. tragopan, 
  350. tree creeper, 
  351. tree sparrow, 
  352. trochilus, 
  353. trogon, 
  354. tropicbird, 
  355. troupial, 
  356. trumpeter, 
  357. tui, 
  358. turtledove, 
  359. twite, 
  360. umbrella bird, 
  361. veery, 
  362. verdin, 
  363. wader or wading bird, 
  364. wagtail, 
  365. wall creeper, 
  366. warbler, 
  367. water rail, 
  368. water thrush, 
  369. wattlebird, 
  370. waxbill, 
  371. waxwing, 
  372. weaverbird or weaver, 
  373. weka, Maori hen, or wood hen, 
  374. wheatear, 
  375. whimbrel, 
  376. whinchat, 
  377. whip bird, 
  378. whippoorwill, 
  379. white-eye or (N.Z.) blighty, silvereye, or waxeye, 
  380. whitethroat, 
  381. whooping crane, 
  382. willet, 
  383. willow grouse, 
  384. willow tit, 
  385. willow warbler, 
  386. wonga-wonga, woodchat or woodchat shrike, 
  387. woodcock, 
  388. wood ibis, woodlark, 
  389. woodpecker, 
  390. wood pigeon, ringdove, cushat, (Scot.) cushie-doo, or (English dialect) quist, 
  391. woodswallow, 
  392. wood warbler, 
  393. wren, 
  394. wrybill, 
  395. wryneck, 
  396. yellowhammer, 
  397. zebra finch

  1. abernethy,
  2. bannock (Scot.),
  3. Bath Oliver,
  4. bourbon,
  5. brandy snap,
  6. captain's biscuit,
  7. caramel wafer,
  8. chocolate digestive,
  9. cookie (chiefly U.S. & Canad.),
  10. cracker, cracknel,
  11. cream cracker,
  12. crispbread, digestive,
  13. Empire biscuit,
  14. fairing,
  15. farl,
  16. flapjack,
  17. Florentine,
  18. garibaldi,
  19. gingerbread man,
  20. ginger nut or ginger snap,
  21. graham cracker (U.S.),
  22. hardtack, ship's biscuit,
  23. pilot biscuit, or sea biscuit, 
  24. Jaffa cake (trademark),
  25. langue de chat,
  26. lebkuchen,
  27. love letter,
  28. macaroon,
  29. matzo,
  30. oatcake,
  31. petit four,
  32. pretzel,
  33. ratafia, rich tea,
  34. rusk,
  35. shortbread,
  36. shortcake,
  37. soda biscuit,
  38. sweetmeal biscuit or digestive,
  39. Tararua biscuit (N.Z.),
  40. tea biscuit,
  41. wafer,
  42. water biscuit

  1. aqua,
  2. aquamarine,
  3. azure,
  4. Cambridge blue,
  5. cerulean,
  6. clear blue,
  7. cobalt blue,
  8. Copenhagen blue,
  9. cyan,
  10. duck-egg blue,
  11. electric blue,
  12. gentian blue,
  13. heliotrope,
  14. indigo,
  15. lapis lazuli,
  16. midnight blue,
  17. navy blue,
  18. Nile blue,
  19. Oxford blue,
  20. peacock blue,
  21. periwinkle,
  22. perse,
  23. petrol blue,
  24. pewter,
  25. royal blue,
  26. sapphire,
  27. saxe blue,
  28. sky blue,
  29. steel blue,
  30. teal,
  31. turquoise,
  32. ultramarine,
  33. Wedgwood blue.
Boats and ships
  1. airboat,
  2. aircraft carrier,
  3. auxiliary, 
  4. banker,
  5. barge, barque,
  6. barquentine or barquantine,
  7. bateau, 
  8. bathyscaph, bathyscaphe, or bathyscape,
  9. battlecruiser, battleship,
  10. Bermuda rig, boatel,
  11. brigantine, 
  12. bulk carrier,
  13. bumboat, 
  14. cabin cruiser,
  15. canal boat, canoe,
  16. caravel or carvel, carrack,
  17. catamaran, catboat,
  18. caïque, clipper, coble,
  19. cockboat or cockleboat,
  20. cockleshell, 
  21. coracle,
  22. corvette, 
  23. crabber, cruiser,
  24. cutter, 
  25. destroyer,
  26. destroyer escort, 
  27. dhow,
  28. dinghy, dogger, dory,
  29. dreadnought or dreadnaught,
  30. dredger, drifter,
  31. dromond or dromon,
  32. E-boat,
  33. factory ship, faltboat, felucca, ferry,
  34. fireboat, fishing boat, flatboat,
  35. flotel or floatel, 
  36. flyboat,
  37. fore-and-after,
  38. foyboat, 
  39. freighter, 
  40. frigate,
  41. galleas,
  42. galleon, galley, gig,
  43. gondola,
  44. gunboat, 
  45. hooker,
  46. houseboat
  47. hoy, 
  48. hydrofoil,
  49. hydroplane, 
  50. icebreaker,
  51. ice yacht or scooter,
  52. Indiaman,
  53. ironclad, 
  54. jet-boat,
  55. jolly boat, junk,
  56. kayak,
  57. keelboat,
  58. ketch, 
  59. laker, 
  60. landing craft,
  61. lapstrake or lapstreak, launch,
  62. lifeboat,
  63. lightship, liner,
  64. longboat, longship,
  65. lugger,
  66. man-of-war or man o' war, maxi,
  67. merchantman,
  68. minehunter,
  69. minelayer,
  70. minesweeper,
  71. monitor,
  72. monohull, motorboat,
  73. MTB (motor torpedo boat),
  74. multihull, MY or motor yacht,
  75. narrow boat,
  76. nuggar, outboard,
  77. outrigger,
  78. oysterman, packet boat,
  79. paddle steamer, pink,
  80. pocket battleship,
  81. polacre or polacca,
  82. powerboat,
  83. proa or prau, PT boat,
  84. púcán, punt,
  85. quinquereme, raft, randan,
  86. revenue cutter, rowboat,
  87. rowing boat,
  88. sailing boat or (U.S. & Canad.) sailboat,
  89. scow, schooner, scull,
  90. sealer, shallop,
  91. shell, ship of the line,
  92. sidewheeler,
  93. skiff, skipjack, sloop,
  94. square-rigger, steamboat,
  95. steamer,
  96. steamship, stern-wheeler,
  97. submarine, supertanker,
  98. surfboat,
  99. swamp boat, tall ship,
  100. tanker, tartan, tender,
  101. threedecker, torpedo boat,
  102. torpedo-boat destroyer,
  103. towboat,
  104. trawler,
  105. trimaran,
  106. trireme,
  107. troopship,
  108. tub, tug or tugboat,
  109. U-boat,
  110. umiak or oomiak,
  111. vaporetto,
  112. vedette,
  113. VJ (vaucluse junior),
  114. warship,
  115. weathership,
  116. whaler,
  117. wherry,
  118. windjammer,
  119. xebec,
  120. zebec, or zebeck,
  121. yacht,
  122. yawl

  1. album, 
  2. almanac, 
  3. anatomy, 
  4. annual, 
  5. anthology, 
  6. armorial, 
  7. A to Z, 
  8. atlas, 
  9. autobiography, 
  10. Baedeker, 
  11. bestiary, 
  12. bibelot, 
  13. Bible, 
  14. biography, 
  15. breviary, 
  16. brochure, 
  17. casebook, 
  18. catalogue, 
  19. catechism
  20. coffee-table book, 
  21. comic book, 
  22. commonplace book
  23. companion, 
  24. compendium, 
  25. concordance, 
  26. confessional, 
  27. cookery book, 
  28. copybook, 
  29. diary, 
  30. dictionary, 
  31. directory, 
  32. dispensatory, 
  33. encyclopedia or encyclopaedia, 
  34. exercise book, 
  35. formulary, 
  36. gazetteer, 
  37. gradus, 
  38. grammar, 
  39. graphic novel, 
  40. grimoire, 
  41. guidebook, 
  42. handbook, 
  43. hymn book, 
  44. jotter, 
  45. journal, 
  46. lectionary, 
  47. ledger, 
  48. lexicon, 
  49. log or logbook, 
  50. manual, 
  51. miscellany, 
  52. missal, 
  53. monograph, 
  54. notebook, 
  55. novel, 
  56. novelette, 
  57. novella, ordinal, 
  58. peerage, 
  59. pharmacopoeia, 
  60. phrase book, 
  61. prayer book, 
  62. primer, 
  63. prospectus, 
  64. psalter, 
  65. reader, 
  66. reference book, 
  67. register, 
  68. road book, 
  69. score, 
  70. scrapbook, 
  71. service book, 
  72. sketchbook, 
  73. song book, 
  74. speller, 
  75. statute book, 
  76. storybook, 
  77. telephone directory, 
  78. textbook, 
  79. thesaurus, 
  80. vade mecum, 
  81. who's who, 
  82. wordbook, 
  83. workbook, 
  84. yearbook

  1. ampulla, 
  2. carboy
  3. caster, 
  4. decanter
  5. demijohn
  6. feeding bottle,
  7. flacon
  8. flagon, 
  9. flask, gourd, 
  10. half-jack, 
  11. hot-water 
  12. bottle, 
  13. lagena, 
  14. miniature, 
  15. Nansen bottle
  16. phial, 
  17. pycnometer
  18. screw top, 
  19. soda siphon, 
  20. stubby, 
  21. vinaigrette
  22. water bottle, 
  23. Woulfe bottle

  1. ballot box,
  2. bandbox,
  3. bulla,
  4. caisson, carton,
  5. cartouche, case,
  6. casket,
  7. chest,
  8. coffer, coffin,
  9. coin box,
  10. cracket,
  11. deed box,
  12. desiccator,
  13. dispatch box,
  14. ditty box,
  15. glory box,
  16. glove box,
  17. grass box,
  18. hatbox,
  19. haybox,
  20. honesty box,
  21. keister,
  22. matchbox,
  23. music box,
  24. nest box,
  25. pouncet box,
  26. packing case,
  27. paintbox,
  28. papeterie,
  29. pillbox,
  30. poor box,
  31. saggar,
  32. saltbox,
  33. sandbox,
  34. soapbox,
  35. solander,
  36. strongbox,
  37. tinderbox,
  38. trunk,
  39. vanity box,
  40. window box,
  41. wine box

  1. amygdala
  2. brainstem, 
  3. Broca's area, 
  4. central sulcus, 
  5. cerebellum, 
  6. cerebral aqueduct, 
  7. cerebral cortex or (nontechnical) grey matter, 
  8. cerebrospinal fluid, 
  9. cerebrum, 
  10. choroid plexus, 
  11. corpus callosum, 
  12. diencephalon
  13. fourth ventricle, 
  14. frontal lobe, 
  15. hippocampus, 
  16. hypothalamus, 
  17. infundibulum, 
  18. limbic system, 
  19. mamillary body, 
  20. medulla oblongata
  21. meninges, 
  22. midbrain, 
  23. myelencephalon or (nontechnical) afterbrain, 
  24. occipital lobe, 
  25. optic chiasma, 
  26. parietal lobe, 
  27. pineal body, 
  28. pituitary gland, 
  29. pons Varolli, 
  30. substantia alba or (nontechnical) white matter, 
  31. temporal lobe, 
  32. thalamus, 
  33. third ventricle, 
  34. vermis, 
  35. Wernicke's area

Branches of mathematics 
  1. algebra, analysis, 
  2. analytical geometry or coordinate geometry, 
  3. applied mathematics, 
  4. arithmetic, 
  5. Boolean algebra, 
  6. calculus, 
  7. chaos geometry, conics, 
  8. differential calculus, 
  9. Euclidean geometry, 
  10. game theory, 
  11. geometry, 
  12. group theory, 
  13. integral calculus, 
  14. nomography, 
  15. non-Euclidean geometry, 
  16. number theory, 
  17. numerical analysis, 
  18. probability theory, 
  19. pure mathematics, 
  20. set theory, 
  21. statistics, 
  22. topology, 
  23. trigonometry
Branches of physics 
  1. acoustics, 
  2. aerodynamics, 
  3. aerostatics, 
  4. applied physics, 
  5. astrophysics, 
  6. atomic physics, 
  7. biophysics, 
  8. condensed-matter physics or solid-state physics, 
  9. cosmology, 
  10. cryogenics or low-temperature physics, 
  11. dynamics, 
  12. electromagnetism, 
  13. electronics, 
  14. electrostatics, 
  15. geophysics, 
  16. harmonics, 
  17. high-energy physics or particle physics, 
  18. kinetics, 
  19. macrophysics, 
  20. magnetics or magnetism, 
  21. magnetostatics, 
  22. mechanics, 
  23. mesoscopics, 
  24. microphysics, 
  25. nuclear physics, 
  26. nucleonics, 
  27. optics, 
  28. photometry, 
  29. pneumatics, 
  30. quantum mechanics, 
  31. quantum physics, 
  32. rheology, 
  33. solar physics, 
  34. sonics, 
  35. spectroscopy, 
  36. statics, statistical mechanics, 
  37. superaerodynamics, 
  38. theoretical physics, 
  39. thermodynamics, 
  40. thermometry, 
  41. thermostatics, 
  42. ultrasonics

  1. bagel or beigel, 
  2. baguette, 
  3. bap, 
  4. barm cake (dialect), 
  5. barmbrack (Irish), 
  6. barm cake (Lancashire), 
  7. batch loaf
  8. billy-bread (N.Z.), 
  9. black bread
  10. bloomer, 
  11. bridge roll
  12. brioche
  13. brown bread, 
  14. loaf, or roll, 
  15. bun, 
  16. buttery (Scot.), 
  17. challah or hallah, 
  18. chapati or chapatti, 
  19. ciabatta
  20. cob, 
  21. coburg, 
  22. corn bread, corn pone, or Indian bread (U.S.), 
  23. cottage loaf
  24. croissant, 
  25. damper (Austral.), 
  26. farmhouse, 
  27. focaccia
  28. French bread, 
  29. French stick, 
  30. fruit loaf
  31. Granary (trademark), 
  32. gluten bread
  33. griddlebread
  34. half-quartern, 
  35. johnny cake
  36. long tin, 
  37. matzo
  38. matzoh, 
  39. matza, or matzah, 
  40. muffin, 
  41. naan or nan, 
  42. pan bread or loaf (Scot.), 
  43. paratha, pitta, 
  44. plain bread or loaf (Scot.), 
  45. plait, 
  46. poppadom or poppadum, 
  47. pumpernickel
  48. puri
  49. quartern, 
  50. roll, 
  51. roti, 
  52. rye bread or rye, 
  53. schnecken
  54. soda bread
  55. sourdough
  56. split tin, 
  57. square tin
  58. stollen, 
  59. tortilla
  60. unleavened bread
  61. wheaten bread, 
  62. white bread, 
  63. loaf, or roll, 
  64. wholemeal or (esp. U.S. & Canad.) whole-wheat

  1. aqueduct
  2. Bailey bridge
  3. balance, 
  4. bascule, or counterpoise bridge, 
  5. box-girder bridge
  6. cable-stayed bridge
  7. cantilever bridge
  8. clapper bridge
  9. deck bridge
  10. drawbridge, 
  11. flyover, 
  12. footbridge
  13. pivot, swing, or turn bridge, 
  14. pontoon bridge
  15. snow bridge
  16. suspension bridge, 
  17. truss bridge
  18. turn bridge, 
  19. viaduct.

  1. apollo, 
  2. argus, 
  3. bag moth (N.Z), 
  4. bagworm moth
  5. bell moth
  6. bogong or bugong, 
  7. brimstone, 
  8. brown-tail moth
  9. buff-tip moth
  10. cabbage white, 
  11. Camberwell beauty or (U.S.) mourning cloak, 
  12. cardinal, 
  13. carpenter moth
  14. carpet moth
  15. cleopatra, 
  16. comma butterfly
  17. copper, 
  18. cecropia moth, 
  19. cinnabar, 
  20. clearwing or clearwing moth, 
  21. Clifden nonpareil
  22. codlin(g) moth, 
  23. death's-head moth
  24. drinker moth or drinker, 
  25. egger or eggar, 
  26. ermine moth or ermine, 
  27. festoon, 
  28. ghost moth
  29. gipsy moth, 
  30. goldtail moth or yellowtail (moth), 
  31. grass moth
  32. grayling, 
  33. hairstreak, 
  34. herald moth
  35. hawk moth, 
  36. sphinx moth, or hummingbird moth, 
  37. house moth
  38. Io moth
  39. Kentish glory
  40. kitten moth
  41. lackey moth
  42. lappet moth
  43. large white or cabbage white, 
  44. leopard moth
  45. lobster moth
  46. luna moth
  47. magpie moth
  48. marbled white
  49. monarch, 
  50. mother-of-pearl moth
  51. Mother Shipton, 
  52. old lady, 
  53. orange-tip, 
  54. painted lady
  55. peacock butterfly
  56. peppered moth
  57. privet hawk, 
  58. processionary moth, 
  59. purple emperor
  60. puss moth, 
  61. red admiral, 
  62. red underwing, 
  63. ringlet, 
  64. silver-Y, 
  65. skipper, 
  66. small white
  67. snout, 
  68. speckled wood, 
  69. swallowtail
  70. swift, 
  71. tapestry moth
  72. thorn (moth), 
  73. tiger (moth), 
  74. tussock moth
  75. two-tailed pasha
  76. umber (moth), 
  77. vapourer moth
  78. wave (moth), 
  79. wax moth, honeycomb moth, or bee moth, 
  80. wall brown, 
  81. white, 
  82. white admiral
  83. winter moth
  84. yellow, 
  85. yellow underwing

Cakes and pastries
  1. almond cake,
  2. angel cake or angel food cake,
  3. Bakewell tart,
  4. baklava,
  5. Banbury cake,
  6. Battenburg cake,
  7. black bun,
  8. Black forest gateau,
  9. brownie,
  10. carrot cake,
  11. cherry cake,
  12. chocolate cake,
  13. Christmas cake,
  14. coconut cake,
  15. coffee kiss,
  16. cream cake,
  17. cream puff,
  18. cruller or kruller (U.S. & Canad.),
  19. crumpet,
  20. cupcake,
  21. Danish pastry,
  22. devil's food cake,
  23. doughnut or donut,
  24. drop scone or pancake (Scot.),
  25. dumpling,
  26. Dundee cake,
  27. Eccles cake,
  28. eclair,
  29. fairy cake,
  30. flapjack,
  31. frangipane,
  32. French pastry,
  33. fruitcake,
  34. fudge cake, gateau,
  35. Genoa cake,
  36. Genoese sponge,
  37. gingerbread,
  38. hot cross bun,
  39. johnny cake (Austral.),
  40. jumble or jumbal, koeksister (S. Afr.),
  41. kuchen, 
  42. kuglehopf,
  43. ladyfinger or sponge finger,
  44. lamington (Austral. & N.Z.),
  45. lardy cake,
  46. layer cake,
  47. Linzer torte,
  48. Madeira cake,
  49. madeleine,
  50. marble cake,
  51. meringue,
  52. millefeuille,
  53. mince pie,
  54. muffin,
  55. pancake,
  56. pandowdy,
  57. panettone,
  58. parkin,
  59. petit four,
  60. pound cake,
  61. profiterole,
  62. queencake,
  63. rock cake,
  64. rum baba,
  65. Sally Lunn,
  66. sandwich cake,
  67. scone,
  68. seedcake,
  69. Selkirk bannock,
  70. simnel cake,
  71. singing hinny,
  72. sponge cake,
  73. stollen,
  74. swiss roll,
  75. tart,
  76. teabread,
  77. teacake,
  78. tipsy cake,
  79. torte,
  80. turnover,
  81. upside-down cake,
  82. Victoria sponge,
  83. wedding cake,
  84. yumyum (Scot.)
Car parts 
  1. accelerator,
  2. air bag,
  3. alternator,
  4. ammeter,
  5. anti-roll bar,
  6. ashtray,
  7. automatic choke,
  8. axle,
  9. battery,
  10. bearing,
  11. big end,
  12. body, 
  13. bonnet,
  14. boot, brake,
  15. brake light,
  16. brake pad,
  17. bucket seat, 
  18. bulb,
  19. bumper,
  20. camshaft,
  21. carburettor,
  22. catalytic converter, 
  23. chassis,
  24. childproof lock,
  25. choke, 
  26. clutch, coil,
  27. connecting rod,
  28. convertible top,
  29. cowl, crank,
  30. crankcase, 
  31. crankshaft,
  32. cylinder, 
  33. cylinder head,
  34. dashboard, demister,
  35. dipstick,
  36. disc brakes, 
  37. distributor,
  38. distributor cap, 
  39. door,
  40. door handle,
  41. driveshaft, 
  42. engine,
  43. exhaust, fan,
  44. fan belt,
  45. fascia, 
  46. fender (U.S. & Canad.), flywheel,
  47. fog lamp, 
  48. fuel gauge, 
  49. fuse, 
  50. fuse box,
  51. gasket, gear,
  52. gearbox,
  53. gear lever or (U.S. & Canad.) gearshift,
  54. generator,
  55. glove compartment, 
  56. grille or radiator grille,
  57. handbrake, 
  58. hard top,
  59. hazard light,
  60. headlight,
  61. headrest,
  62. heater, 
  63. hood, 
  64. horn,
  65. hubcap, 
  66. ignition,
  67. indicator, 
  68. jack, light,
  69. little end, 
  70. lock,
  71. luggage rack, 
  72. manifold,
  73. mileometer, 
  74. milometer, or (U.S. & Canad.) odometer,
  75. mud flap,
  76. numberplate, oil filter,
  77. oil pump,
  78. oil-pressure gauge,
  79. parcel shelf,
  80. parking light, 
  81. pedal, 
  82. petrol cap,
  83. petrol gauge,
  84. petrol tank,
  85. piston, plug, points,
  86. radiator, radius arm,
  87. rear light or (U.S. & Canad.) taillight,
  88. rear-view mirror,
  89. reversing light, roof, seat,
  90. seat belt or safety belt,
  91. shock absorber, 
  92. silencer, 
  93. soft top,
  94. spare wheel,
  95. speedometer, 
  96. springs, 
  97. sprocket, 
  98. starter,
  99. steering column, 
  100. steering wheel, 
  101. sump,
  102. sunroof or sunshine roof, 
  103. suspension,
  104. tailgate, tailpipe, 
  105. tank, top,
  106. torsion bar, 
  107. towbar,
  108. transmission, 
  109. trim, tyre, 
  110. universal joint,
  111. valve, wheel, 
  112. wheel brace,
  113. wheel nut,
  114. wheel trim, 
  115. window,
  116. windscreen,
  117. windscreen wiper, 
  118. wing,
  119. wing mirror, 
  120. wing nut
Cattle and other artiodactyls 
  1. addax, 
  2. alpaca or alpacca, 
  3. antelope, aoudad, 
  4. argali or argal, 
  5. ariel, 
  6. axis (plural axises) or chital, 
  7. babirusa, 
  8. Bactrian camel, 
  9. bharal, bison, 
  10. blacktail, 
  11. blaubok, blesbok, boar, boer goat, 
  12. bongo, bontebok, brocket, 
  13. bubal or bubalis, buffalo, bull, 
  14. bushbuck or boschbok, 
  15. bushpig, camel or (Anglo-Indian) oont, 
  16. Cape buffalo, caribou, 
  17. chamois or izard, 
  18. chevrotain or mouse deer, 
  19. Chinese water deer, 
  20. cow, deer, dik-dik, 
  21. dromedary, 
  22. duiker or duyker, eland, elk, 
  23. gaur, 
  24. gayal, 
  25. gazelle, 
  26. gemsbok, 
  27. gerenuk, 
  28. giraffe or (obsolete) camelopard, 
  29. gnu, goa, goat, goral, grysbok, 
  30. guanaco, 
  31. harnessed antelope, 
  32. hartebeest or hartbeest, 
  33. hippopotamus, ibex, 
  34. impala, 
  35. Jacob or Jacob sheep, 
  36. karakul or caracul, 
  37. Kashmir goat, 
  38. klipspringer, kob, kongoni, 
  39. kouprey, kudu or koodoo, 
  40. llama, 
  41. markhor or markhoor, 
  42. marshbuck, moose, 
  43. mouflon or moufflon, 
  44. mountain goat, 
  45. mule deer, muntjac, 
  46. muntjak, or barking deer, musk deer, nilgai, 
  47. nilghau, or nylghau, 
  48. nyala, 
  49. okapi, 
  50. oribi, oryx, ox, peccary, 
  51. Père David's deer, pig, pronghorn, 
  52. pudu, 
  53. razorback, 
  54. red deer, 
  55. reedbuck or nagor, 
  56. reindeer, 
  57. rhebok or reebok, 
  58. Rocky Mountain goat, 
  59. roe deer, 
  60. sable antelope, 
  61. saiga, 
  62. sambar or sambur, 
  63. sassaby, 
  64. serow, 
  65. sheep or (Austral. slang) jumbuck, 
  66. sika, 
  67. springbok, 
  68. stag, 
  69. steenbok, 
  70. tahr or thar, 
  71. takin, 
  72. vicuña or vicuna, 
  73. wapiti, 
  74. wart hog, 
  75. waterbuck, 
  76. water buffalo, 
  77. water ox, or carabao, 
  78. white-tailed deer, 
  79. wild boar, 
  80. wildebeest, 
  81. yak, zebu, 
  82. zo or zho, or dzo

  1. armchair, 
  2. banquette
  3. barrel chair
  4. bar stool
  5. basket chair, 
  6. Bath chair
  7. beanbag
  8. bench, 
  9. bentwood chair
  10. berbice chair
  11. bergère
  12. bucket seat
  13. campaign chair
  14. camp chair
  15. cane chair, 
  16. carver, 
  17. cathedra
  18. corner chair
  19. curule chair
  20. deck chair
  21. dining chair, 
  22. director's chair, 
  23. dos-à-dos
  24. easy chair
  25. fauteuil
  26. fiddle-back, 
  27. folding chair, 
  28. form, 
  29. garden chair
  30. gestatorial chair
  31. hassock
  32. highchair
  33. jampan (kneeling chair), 
  34. ladder-back chair
  35. lounger
  36. milking stool
  37. Morris chair
  38. music stool (office chair), 
  39. opsitbank (S. Afr.), 
  40. ottoman
  41. pew, 
  42. piano stool, 
  43. platform rocker
  44. pouf or pouffe, 
  45. reclining chair or recliner, 
  46. rocking chair or rocker, 
  47. sedan chair, 
  48. settle, 
  49. shooting stick
  50. stool, 
  51. straight chair, 
  52. súgán chair
  53. swing, 
  54. swivel chair, 
  55. throne, 
  56. tub chair, 
  57. wheelchair, 
  58. window seat, 
  59. Windsor chair, 
  60. Windsor rocker
  61. wing chair.


Chemical warfare gases 
  1. blister gas, 
  2. CS gas, 
  3. lewisite, 
  4. mustard gas, 
  5. nerve gas, 
  6. nitrogen mustard, 
  7. sarin, soman, 
  8. tabun, 
  9. tear gas, 
  10. VX
Chemistry terms 
  1. acid, 
  2. alcohol, 
  3. alkali, 
  4. alkali metal, 
  5. alkaline earth metal, 
  6. alkane, 
  7. allotrope, 
  8. alloy, amino acid, 
  9. analysis, anion, 
  10. anode, atom, 
  11. atomic mass, 
  12. atomic number, base, 
  13. boiling point, 
  14. bond, 
  15. Brownian motion, 
  16. carbohydrate, 
  17. catalyst, 
  18. cathode, 
  19. cation, chain, 
  20. chain reaction, 
  21. chromatography, 
  22. combustion, 
  23. compound, concentrated, 
  24. condensation, 
  25. corrosion, 
  26. covalent bond, crystal, 
  27. crystallization, 
  28. diffusion, dilute, 
  29. distillation, electrode, 
  30. electrolysis, electron, 
  31. electrovalency, element, 
  32. emulsion, 
  33. equation, 
  34. ester
  35. ether
  36. evaporation, 
  37. fat, fatty acid, 
  38. fermentation, 
  39. fission, foam, 
  40. formula, fuel, 
  41. fusion, gas, 
  42. halogen, 
  43. hydrocarbon, 
  44. hydrolysis, inert, 
  45. inorganic, 
  46. insoluble, ion, ionic bond, ionization, 
  47. isomer, isotope, 
  48. lanthanide or rare-earth element, liquid, 
  49. litmus test, 
  50. melting point, metal, 
  51. metalloid, 
  52. mineral, 
  53. mixture, molarity, mole, 
  54. molecule, monomer, 
  55. neutral, 
  56. neutron, 
  57. noble gas or inert gas, 
  58. nonmetal, 
  59. nucleus, 
  60. oil, 
  61. ore, 
  62. organic, 
  63. oxidation, 
  64. periodic table, 
  65. pH, plastic, 
  66. polymer, 
  67. precipitate, proton, 
  68. radioactivity, reaction, 
  69. reagent, 
  70. redox reaction, 
  71. reduction, salt, 
  72. saponification, 
  73. saturated, soap, solid, 
  74. soluble, solution, 
  75. solvent, 
  76. sublimation, 
  77. substitution reaction, sugar, 
  78. suspension, 
  79. synthesis, 
  80. transition metal, 
  81. unsaturated, 
  82. valency, 
  83. van der Waals forces

  1. altocumulus
  2. altostratus
  3. cirrocumulus
  4. cirrostratus
  5. cirrus
  6. cumulonimbus
  7. cumulus
  8. false cirrus, 
  9. fractocumulus
  10. fractostratus, 
  11. nimbostratus
  12. nimbus, 
  13. stratocumulus
  14. stratus

Coats and Cloaks
  1. afghan,
  2. balmacaan,
  3. bathrobe,
  4. box coat,
  5. Burberry (trademark),
  6. burnous,
  7. burnouse, or burnoose,
  8. cape, capote,
  9. capuchin,
  10. cardinal,
  11. chesterfield,
  12. coat dress,
  13. coatee,
  14. cope,
  15. covert coat,
  16. Crombie (trademark),
  17. cutaway,
  18. dolman,
  19. domino,
  20. dreadnought or dreadnaught,
  21. dress coat,
  22. dressing gown,
  23. duffel coat,
  24. duster coat,
  25. fearnought or fearnaught,
  26. frock coat,
  27. fun fur coat,
  28. fur coat,
  29. gabardine,
  30. greatcoat,
  31. hacking coat,
  32. himation,
  33. housecoat,
  34. Inverness,
  35. jellaba or jellabah,
  36. Jodhpuri coat,
  37. joseph,
  38. loden coat,
  39. mac or mack,
  40. Mackinaw coat,
  41. mackintosh or macintosh,
  42. manta,
  43. mantelet,
  44. mantilla,
  45. mantle,
  46. morning coat,
  47. newmarket,
  48. opera cloak or opera hood,
  49. overcoat,
  50. paletot,
  51. pea jacket or peacoat,
  52. parka,
  53. peignoir,
  54. pelisse,
  55. peplum,
  56. poncho,
  57. Prince Albert,
  58. raglan,
  59. raincoat,
  60. redingote,
  61. roquelaure,
  62. sheepskin coat,
  63. sherwani,
  64. slicker (U.S. & Canad.),
  65. snorkel,
  66. sou'wester,
  67. spencer,
  68. surcoat, surtout,
  69. swallow-tailed coat or swallowtail,
  70. tailcoat or tails,
  71. tippet,
  72. topcoat,
  73. trench coat,
  74. ulster,
  75. undercoat,
  76. waterproof

  1. americano, arabica, 
  2. black coffee, 
  3. Blue mountain, 
  4. Brazilian, 
  5. brown coffee, 
  6. café au lait, 
  7. café noir, 
  8. cappuccino, Colombian, 
  9. Continental, 
  10. Costa Rican, 
  11. decaffeinated or decaf, 
  12. espresso, 
  13. frappuccino, 
  14. French roast, 
  15. instant coffee, 
  16. Irish or Gaelic coffee, 
  17. Java, 
  18. Kenyan, latte, 
  19. macchiato, 
  20. mocha, 
  21. mochaccino, 
  22. Turkish coffee, 
  23. robusta, 
  24. skinny latte, 
  25. white coffee
  1. air, albumblatt, 
  2. allemande, 
  3. anthem, 
  4. aria, bagatelle, 
  5. ballade, ballet, 
  6. barcarole, 
  7. barceuse, bolero, 
  8. bourrée, 
  9. canon, 
  10. cantata, 
  11. canticle, 
  12. canzona, 
  13. canzone, 
  14. canzonetta, 
  15. capriccio, 
  16. cavatina, 
  17. chaconne, chorale, 
  18. chorus, concertante, 
  19. concertino, 
  20. concerto, 
  21. concerto grosso, 
  22. concertstück, 
  23. contredanse or contradance, 
  24. czardas, dirge, 
  25. divertimento, 
  26. divertissement, 
  27. duet, 
  28. dumka, duo, 
  29. ecossaise, 
  30. elegy, 
  31. étude, 
  32. fantasy or fantasia, 
  33. farandole, 
  34. fugue, galliard, 
  35. galop, 
  36. gavotte, gigue, 
  37. grand opera, 
  38. hornpipe, 
  39. humoresque, 
  40. impromptu, 
  41. interlude, 
  42. lament, 
  43. ländler, lied, 
  44. madrigal, march, 
  45. mass, 
  46. mazurka, 
  47. medley, 
  48. minuet, 
  49. motet, 
  50. nocturne, 
  51. nonet, 
  52. notturno, 
  53. octet, opera, 
  54. opera buffa, 
  55. opera seria, 
  56. operetta, 
  57. oratorio, 
  58. overture, 
  59. partita, 
  60. part song, 
  61. passacaglia, 
  62. passepied, 
  63. Passion, 
  64.  pastiche, 
  65. pastorale, 
  66. pavane, 
  67. phantasy, 
  68. pibroch, 
  69. polka, 
  70. polonaise, 
  71. prelude, 
  72. psalm, 
  73. quadrille, 
  74. quartet, 
  75. quintet, 
  76. raga, reel, 
  77. Requiem, 
  78. rhapsody, 
  79. ricercar or ricercare, 
  80. rigadoon or rigadoun, 
  81. romance, 
  82. scherzo, 
  83. schottische, septet, 
  84. serenade, sextet, 
  85. sinfonia concertante, 
  86. sinfonietta, 
  87. Singspiel, 
  88. sonata, 
  89. sonatina, song, 
  90. song cycle, 
  91. strathspey, 
  92. suite, 
  93. symphonic poem, 
  94. symphony, 
  95. toccata, 
  96. tone poem, 
  97. trio, 
  98. trio sonata, 
  99. waltz

Computer parts 
  1. analogue-digital converter,
  2. arithmetic logic unit or ALU,
  3. cartridge,
  4. case, CD-rewriter,
  5. CD-Rom drive,
  6. central processing unit or CPU, chip,
  7. coaxial cable,
  8. console,
  9. control key,
  10. counter,
  11. daisywheel,
  12. DDR-RAM,
  13. digital audio player,
  14. digital camera,
  15. digitizer,
  16. DIMM,
  17. disk, disk drive,
  18. disk unit,
  19. DRAM,
  20. DVD reader,
  21. DVD writer,
  22. emulator,
  23. encoder,
  24. flatbed scanner,
  25. floppy disk,
  26. graphics card,
  27. hard drive,
  28. integrated circuit,
  29. interface,
  30. joystick,
  31. keyboard,
  32. laser printer,
  33. LCD panel,
  34. line printer,
  35. magnetic tape unit or MTU,
  36. memory,
  37. microprocessor,
  38. modem, monitor,
  39. motherboard,
  40. mouse,
  41. MP3 player,
  42. multiplexor,
  43. optical character reader,
  44. optical disk,
  45. optical scanner, port,
  46. printed circuit board,
  47. printer, processor,
  48. scanner, screen,
  49. SDRAM, SIMM,
  50. sound card,
  51. speaker, trackball,
  52. transistor,
  53. USB port,
  54. visual display unit or VDU,
  55. webcam
Computer terms 
  1. 3D graphics,
  2. absolute address,
  3. access, access time,
  4. address, address bus,
  5. ADSL,
  6. algorithm,
  7. alpha-test,
  8. analogue computer, AND gate,
  9. applet,
  10. application program,
  11. architecture,
  12. archival storage,
  13. area, array,
  14. artificial intelligence or AI,
  15. ASCII, assemble, assembler,
  16. assembly language, audio response,
  17. automatic repeat, backbone,
  18. backing store, backup,
  19. bandwidth,
  20. base address,
  21. batch processing,
  22. beta-test, binary notation,
  23. bit or binary digit, black box,
  24. Bluetooth, bomb, boot or bootstrap,
  25. bottom-up processing, bpi (bits per inch),
  26. branch instruction,
  27. broadband, buffer, bug,
  28. bulletin board, bundle, bus or busbar,
  29. bus master, byte,
  30. cache memory, capture,
  31. CD-Rom, character,
  32. chipset,
  33. clip art, clock, code,
  34. COM, command,
  35. command language,
  36. communications,
  37. compatible,
  38. compiler,
  39. complex instruction set computer or CISC,
  40. computer-aided design or CAD,
  41. computer-aided design and manufacture or CADCAM,
  42. computer-aided engineering or CAE,
  43. computer-aided instruction or CAI,
  44. computer-aided (or -assisted) learning or CAL,
  45. computer-aided management or CAM,
  46. computer-aided manufacture or CAM,
  47. computer-aided teaching or CAT,
  48. computer aided trading or CAT, computerate,
  49. computer-based training or CBT,
  50. computer conferencing, computer graphics,
  51. computer input on microfilm or CIM,
  52. computer integrated manufacture or CIM,
  53. computerize,
  54. computer science,
  55. computer typesetting,
  56. concordance,
  57. concurrent processing,
  58. condition codes,
  59. configuration, constant,
  60. control commands,
  61. cookie,
  62. core memory,
  63. co-routine, corrupt, crash,
  64. cross assembler,
  65. cursor, cut and paste,
  66. cybercafé,
  67. cyberpunk,
  68. cyberspace, cycle,
  69. DAC, data, data bank,
  70. database,
  71. database management,
  72. databus,
  73. data capture,
  74. dataflow architecture,
  75. data processing,
  76. data protection,
  77. data structure,
  78. Datel (trademark),
  79. debugging,
  80. decision support system,
  81. decision table,
  82. default, desktop,
  83. desktop publishing or DTP,
  84. development system,
  85. device, digit, digital computer,
  86. digital fount,
  87. digital imaging, digital mapping,
  88. digital watermark,
  89. digitize,
  90. direct-access or random-access storage,
  91. direct memory access or DMA,
  92. directory, disassembler,
  93. distributed array processor,
  94. distributed logic, dithering,
  95. document,
  96. document reader,
  97. DOS or disk operating system (trademark),
  98. dot matrix, 
  99. download, 
  100. downsize,
  101. down time,
  102. dumb terminal, dump,
  103. dpi or dots per inch,
  104. driver, dump, duplex,
  105. EBCDIC or extended binary-coded decimal-interchange code,
  106. echo,
  107. ecommerce, edit, editor,
  108. EEPROM,
  109. electronic flight information systems,
  110. electronic mail or E-mail,
  111. electronic office,
  112. electronic publishing,
  113. emulator,
  114. encryption,
  115. error message,
  116. escape routine,
  117. exclusive OR circuit, exit,
  118. expansion slot,
  119. expert system,
  120. extranet, fail-safe, field,
  121. fifth-generation,
  122. file, file manager,
  123. filename,
  124. firewall,
  125. FireWire,
  126. firmware,
  127. flag, flops or floating-point operations per second,
  128. flowchart, freeware,
  129. front-end processor,
  130. FTP or file transfer protocol, function,
  131. function key, fuzzy, gate,
  132. gateway, gif, giga-,
  133. gigabyte,
  134. global search,
  135. graphical user interface,
  136. graphics, hacker,
  137. hand-held computer,
  138. handshake, hard card, hard copy,
  139. hardware, hard-wired, help screens,
  140. hexadecimal notation,
  141. high-level language, host, hot key,
  142. housekeeping, HTML,
  143. hybrid computer,
  144. hypermedia,
  145. hypertext, icon, idle time,
  146. image enhancement,
  147. incremental plotter,
  148. incremental recorder, infect,
  149. information technology, initialize, input,
  150. input device, input/output or I/O, install, instruction,
  151. intelligent knowledge-based system or IKBS,
  152. intelligent terminal,
  153. interactive, interactive video,
  154. Internet, interpreter, interrupt, intranet,
  155. ISDN, job,
  156. jpeg, key in, keyword, kilo-, kilobyte,
  157. LAN,
  158. language, lapheld, laptop, legacy, linked list,
  159. liveware, load, location,
  160. local area network, logic bomb,
  161. logic circuit,
  162. logic programming,
  163. login, log in, log out, loop,
  164. low-level language,
  165. machine code,
  166. machine learning,
  167. machine readable,
  168. machine translation, macro,
  169. magnetic bubble, mail bombing,
  170. mainframe, main memory,
  171. manager, mega-,
  172. megabyte,
  173. memory mapping, menu,
  174. menu-driven, microcomputer,
  175. microprocessor, midi,
  176. minicomputer, 
  177. mobile device,
  178. module, 
  179. morphing, 
  180. MP3, mpeg,
  181. multiaccess, multiprogramming,
  182. multi-threaded, multi-user,
  183. NAND circuit or gate, network,
  184. neurocomputer or neural computer, node,
  185. NOR gate,
  186. notebook computer,
  187. NOT gate, object program,
  188. OEM or original equipment manufacturer,
  189. offline,
  190. online, open,
  191. operating system, optimize,
  192. OR gate, 
  193. output, 
  194. overflow, 
  195. package,
  196. packet,
  197. packet-switching,
  198. palette,
  199. palmtop computer,
  200. parallel processing,
  201. parameter,
  202. parity check,
  203. parser, password,
  204. patch, patch board, PC or personal computer,
  205. PDA, pdf, personal computer or PC, pixel, platform,
  206. plug compatible,
  207. pointer,
  208. polymorphic function,
  209. portable, power down,
  210. power up, 
  211. printout, 
  212. procedure,
  213. process, 
  214. program, 
  215. program generator,
  216. programmable read only memory or PROM,
  217. programmer,
  218. programming language,
  219. program statement,
  220. prompt, protocol,
  221. query language, queue,
  222. queuing theory,
  223. random access memory or RAM,
  224. Random Instruction Set Computer or RISC,
  225. read in, read out,
  226. read only memory or ROM,
  227. real-time processing, reboot, record,
  228. remote access, rerun,
  229. reserved word, reset,
  230. restricted users group,
  231. retrieval, RISC or reduced instruction set computer,
  232. robustness, routine, run, run time,
  233. screensaver, scroll, SCSI or Small Computer Systems Interface,
  234. search engine, sense,
  235. sequential access,
  236. serial access memory or SAM, serial processing,
  237. server, SGML, 
  238. shareware,
  239. shell program, 
  240. skinning,
  241. smart card, software,
  242. software engineering, sort,
  243. source document,
  244. source program,
  245. speech recognition,
  246. spreadsheet, 
  247. sprite, stack, statement,
  248. storage capacity, 
  249. storage device, store,
  250. store and forward, string,
  251. subroutine, 
  252. supercomputer, 
  253. SWITCH,
  254. syntax, system, systems analysis,
  255. systems disk, 
  256. teleprocessing,
  257. telesoftware, 
  258. terabyte, terminal,
  259. tetrabyte, 
  260. text processing, 
  261. throughput,
  262. time out, time sharing, toggle,
  263. top-down processing,
  264. topology, transcribe,
  265. translator, transputer,
  266. tristate, turnkey system,
  267. underflow,
  268. UNIX (trademark), uptime, USB,
  269. user-defined key,
  270. user group, utility,
  271. vaccine, variable,
  272. virtual address,
  273. virtual memory,
  274. virtual reality, virtual storage, virus,
  275. visual programming, voice input,
  276. voice recognition,
  277. voice response, volatile memory,
  278. WAN, WAP, warez, 
  279. webcasting,
  280. web development,
  281. wild card, window,
  282. windows icons menus pointers or WIMP, 
  283. wizard, word,
  284. word processor,
  285. work station,
  286. World Wide Web, worm,
  287. WYSIWIG,
  288. XML

  1. Andromeda    Andromeda 
  2. Antila    Air Pump
  3. Apus    Bird of Paradise
  4. Aquarius    Water Bearer
  5. Aquila    Eagle
  6. Ara    Altar
  7. Aries    Ram
  8. Auriga    Charioteer
  9. Boötes    Herdsman
  10. Caelum    Chisel
  11. Camelopardalis    Giraffe
  12. Cancer    Crab
  13. Canes Venatici    Hunting Dogs
  14. Canis Major    Great Dog
  15. Canis Minor    Little Dog
  16. Capricornus    Sea Goat
  17. Carina    Keel
  18. Cassiopeia    Cassiopeia
  19. Centaurus    Centaur
  20. Cepheus    Cepheus
  21. Cetus    Whale
  22. Chamaeleon    Chameleon
  23. Circinus    Compasses
  24. Columba    Dove
  25. Coma Bernices    Bernice's Hair
  26. Corona Australis    Southern Crown
  27. Corona Borealis    Northern Crown
  28. Corvus    Crow
  29. Crater    Cup
  30. Crux    Southern Cross
  31. Cygnus    Swan
  32. Delphinus    Dolphin
  33. Dorado    Swordfish
  34. Draco    Dragon
  35. Equuleus    Little Horse
  36. Eridanus    River Eridanus
  37. Fornax    Furnace
  38. Gemini    Twins
  39. Grus    Crane
  40. Hercules    Hercules
  41. Horologium    Clock
  42. Hydra    Sea Serpent
  43. Hydrus    Water Snake
  44. Indus    Indian
  45. Lacerta    Lizard
  46. Leo    Lion
  47. Leo Minor    Little Lion
  48. Lepus    Hare
  49. Libra    Scales
  50. Lupus    Wolf
  51. Lynx    Lynx
  52. Lyra    Harp
  53. Mensa    Table
  54. Microscopium    Microscope
  55. Monoceros    Unicorn
  56. Musca    Fly
  57. Norma    Level
  58. Octans    Octant
  59. Ophiuchus    Serpent Bearer
  60. Orion    Orion
  61. Pavo    Peacock
  62. Pegasus    Winged Horse
  63. Perseus    Perseus
  64. Phoenix    Phoenix
  65. Pictor    Easel
  66. Pisces    Fishes
  67. Piscis Austrinus    Southern Fish
  68. Puppis    Ship's Stern
  69. Pyxis    Mariner's Compass
  70. Reticulum    Net
  71. Sagitta    Arrow
  72. Sagittarius    Archer
  73. Scorpius    Scorpion
  74. Sculptor    Sculptor
  75. Scutum    Shield
  76. Serpens    Serpent
  77. Sextans    Sextant
  78. Taurus    Bull
  79. Telescopium    Telescope
  80. Triangulum    Triangle
  81. Triangulum Australe    Southern Triangle
  82. Tucana    Toucan
  83. Ursa Major    Great Bear (contains the Plough or (U.S.) Big Dipper)
  84. Ursa Minor    Little Bear or (U.S.) Little Dipper
  85. Vela    Sails
  86. Virgo    Virgin
  87. Volans    Flying Fish
  88. Vulpecula    Fox
  1. amphora (historical), 
  2. ampulla (historical), 
  3. Balthazar, 
  4. barrel, 
  5. bottle, 
  6. can, 
  7. carafe
  8. carton, 
  9. cask, 
  10. coldie (Austral. slang), 
  11. decanter, 
  12. firkin
  13. flagon, 
  14. flask, 
  15. gourd, 
  16. half-bottle, 
  17. hogshead
  18. jar, 
  19. jeroboam
  20. jug, 
  21. keg, 
  22. magnum, 
  23. Methuselah, 
  24. miniature, 
  25. Nebuchadnezzar, 
  26. pitcher
  27. polypin, 
  28. rehoboam, 
  29. Salmanazar, 
  30. screw-top (informal), 
  31. stubby (Austral. informal), 
  32. tantalus, 
  33. tin, 
  34. tinny (Austral. slang), 
  35. tube (Austral. slang)
cookery terms 
  1. à la king, 
  2. à la mode, 
  3. antipasto, 
  4. au gratin, 
  5. au jus, 
  6. au lait, 
  7. au naturel, 
  8. bake, 
  9. barbecue or (Austral. slang) barbie, 
  10. bard or barde, 
  11. baste, batter, 
  12. blackened, 
  13. blanch, boil, 
  14. boil-in-the-bag, 
  15. braise, 
  16. broth, 
  17. browning, 
  18. caramelise, 
  19. carbonado, 
  20. casserole, 
  21. caterer, 
  22. chafing dish, 
  23. char-grill, 
  24. chasseur, 
  25. chef, cobbler, 
  26. coddle, colander, 
  27. commis, 
  28. confectioner, 
  29. consommé, 
  30. cook, 
  31. cookbook or cookery book, 
  32. cook-chill, 
  33. corned, 
  34. creole, cuisine, 
  35. cuisine minceur, 
  36. cured, curried, 
  37. custard, 
  38. dice, dough, 
  39. dressing, 
  40. en brochette, 
  41. en croute, entrée, 
  42. entremets, 
  43. fajita, farci, 
  44. fillet, flambé, 
  45. flour, fondue, 
  46. fricassee, 
  47. fry, fumet, garnish, 
  48. gelatine, ghee, 
  49. giblets, 
  50. glacé, glaze, 
  51. goujon, 
  52. goulash, grate, gravy, 
  53. grill, 
  54. hors d'oeuvre, ice, icing, 
  55. jardinière, jerk, 
  56. julienne, 
  57. knead, ladle, lard, 
  58. lardon or lardoon, 
  59. leaven, 
  60. liaison, luau, lyonnaise, 
  61. macedoine, marengo, 
  62. marinade, marinate, 
  63. marmite, mask, mash, 
  64. médaillons or medallions, 
  65. meunière, 
  66. meze, 
  67. mirepoix, 
  68. mornay, Newburg, 
  69. nouvelle cuisine, offal, 
  70. oven-ready, panada, 
  71. parboil, 
  72. Parmentier, 
  73. paste, 
  74. poach, 
  75. potage, 
  76. Provençale, 
  77. purée, 
  78. ragout, 
  79. rijstaffel, 
  80. rise, 
  81. rissole, roast, 
  82. roulade, roux, 
  83. royal icing, 
  84. salipicon, sauce, 
  85. sauté, 
  86. scramble, 
  87. season, 
  88. silver service, 
  89. sippet, smoked, 
  90. soup, steam, stew, 
  91. stock, 
  92. stroganoff, 
  93. supreme, sweat, 
  94. sweet-and-sour, 
  95. tandoori, 
  96. tenderize, 
  97. teriyaki, tikka, 
  98. timbale, 
  99. topping, 
  100. undressed, 
  101. unleavened, 
  102. unsmoked, 
  103. whip, 
  104. wholemeal or (chiefly U.S. and Canad.) wholewheat, 
  105. wholemeal flour or (chiefly U.S. and Canad.) Graham flour, 
  106. yeast

  1. basketry or basket-making,
  2. batik,
  3. calligraphy,
  4. ceramics,
  5. cloisonnage,
  6. crewelwork,
  7. crochet,
  8. decoupage,
  9. dressmaking,
  10. embroidery,
  11. flower arranging,
  12. knitting, knotwork, macramé,
  13. needlepoint,
  14. patchwork, pottery,
  15. quilling, quilting,
  16. raffia work,
  17. sewing, spinning,
  18. sugarcraft,
  19. tapestry,
  20. weaving,
  21. wickerwork

  1. barnacle, 
  2. crab, 
  3. crayfish
  4. crawfish, (U.S.) or (Austral. & N.Z. informal) craw, 
  5. Dublin Bay prawn
  6. freshwater shrimp, 
  7. goose barnacle, 
  8. gribble
  9. hermit crab, 
  10. horseshoe crab or king crab, 
  11. king prawn
  12. krill
  13. land crab, 
  14. langoustine, 
  15. lobster, 
  16. Norway lobster
  17. opossum shrimp, 
  18. oyster crab, prawn, 
  19. robber crab
  20. sand hopper
  21. beach flea, or sand flea, 
  22. sand shrimp
  23. scorpion, sea spider, shrimp, 
  24. soft-shell crab
  25. spider crab, 
  26. spiny lobster, 
  27. rock lobster
  28. crawfish, or langouste, 
  29. water flea

Cupboards and cabinets
  1. ambry, armoire,
  2. bookcase,
  3. buffet, bureau,
  4. cabinet,
  5. canterbury,
  6. cellaret, chest,
  7. chest of drawers,
  8. chest-on-chest,
  9. chiffonier or chiffonnier, closet,
  10. clothes-press,
  11. commode, console,
  12. Coolgardie safe,
  13. court cupboard,
  14. credence table or credenza,
  15. dooket (Scot.),
  16. drawer, dresser,
  17. filing cabinet, étagère,
  18. garderobe (archaic),
  19. highboy (U.S.),
  20. larder, locker,
  21. lowboy (U.S.),
  22. medicine chest,
  23. pantry,
  24. press,
  25. safe, shelf,
  26. sideboard, stand,
  27. tallboy,
  28. vitrine,
  29. wardrobe,
  30. Welsh dresser,
  31. whatnot

  1. canteen, 
  2. champagne flute
  3. chalice
  4. copita
  5. cup, 
  6. demitasse
  7. glass, 
  8. goblet, 
  9. mug, 
  10. porrón
  11. quaich
  12. schooner
  13. tankard
  14. tassie, 
  15. tumbler
  16. water bottle

Desserts and sweet dishes
  1. Atholl Brose or Athole Brose,
  2. baked Alaska,
  3. banana split,
  4. bavarois or Bavarian cream,
  5. Black Forest gateau,
  6. blancmange,
  7. blintz, bombe,
  8. bread and butter pudding,
  9. cabinet pudding,
  10. cassata,
  11. charlotte,
  12. charlotte russe,
  13. cheesecake,
  14. Christmas pudding,
  15. cobbler,
  16. college pudding,
  17. compote,
  18. coupe,
  19. cranachan,
  20. crème brûlée,
  21. crème caramel,
  22. crêpe, crêpe suzette,
  23. crumble,
  24. custard,
  25. death by chocolate,
  26. duff, dumpling,
  27. Easter-ledge pudding,
  28. Eve's pudding,
  29. flummery,
  30. fondant, fool,
  31. fruit cup,
  32. fruit salad or cocktail,
  33. gâteau,
  34. hasty pudding,
  35. ice cream,
  36. Île Flottante,
  37. jelly or (U.S.) jello,
  38. junket,
  39. kissel,
  40. knickerbocker glory,
  41. kulfi,
  42. marrons glacés,
  43. milk pudding,
  44. Mississippi mud pie,
  45. mousse,
  46. Neapolitan ice cream,
  47. nesselrode, panocha (U.S.),
  48. parfait, pashka,
  49. pavlova or (Austral. & N.Z. informal) pav,
  50. peach Melba,
  51. plum duff,
  52. plum pudding,
  53. queen of puddings,
  54. rice pudding,
  55. roly-poly,
  56. sabayon,
  57. sago,
  58. semolina,
  59. shoofly pie (U.S.), shortcake,
  60. slump (U.S.),
  61. sorbet, soufflé,
  62. sponge pudding,
  63. spotted dick,
  64. spumone or spumoni,
  65. steamed pudding,
  66. strudel,
  67. suet pudding,
  68. summer pudding,
  69. sundae,
  70. syllabub or sillabub,
  71. tapioca, 
  72. tartlet,
  73. tiramisu,
  74. torte,
  75. trifle,
  76. tutti-frutti,
  77. vacherin,
  78. water ice,
  79. whip,
  80. yogurt,
  81. zabaglione.

  1. allosaur(us), 
  2. ankylosaur(us), 
  3. apatosaur(us), 
  4. atlantosaur(us), 
  5. brachiosaur(us), 
  6. brontosaur(us), 
  7. ceratosaur(us), 
  8. compsognathus
  9. dimetrodon
  10. diplodocus
  11. dolichosaur(us), 
  12. dromiosaur(us), 
  13. elasmosaur(us), 
  14. hadrosaur(us), 
  15. ichthyosaur(us), 
  16. iguanodon or iguanodont, 
  17. megalosaur(us), 
  18. mosasaur(us), 
  19. oviraptor
  20. plesiosaur(us), 
  21. pteranodon
  22. pterodactyl or pterosaur, 
  23. protoceratops
  24. stegodon or stegodont, 
  25. stegosaur(us), 
  26. theropod
  27. titanosaur(us), 
  28. trachodon, 
  29. triceratops, 
  30. tyrannosaur(us), 
  31. velociraptor

  1. ballgown,
  2. burka, 
  3. busuuti,
  4. button-through dress,
  5. chemise,
  6. cheongsam,
  7. chiton,
  8. coat dress,
  9. cocktail dress,
  10. dirndl,
  11. gymslip
  12. kaftan or caftan,
  13. kimono,
  14. mantua,
  15. maxidress,
  16. microdress,
  17. midi, minidress,
  18. Mother Hubbard,
  19. muu-muu,
  20. negligee or negligée,
  21. nightdress or (U.S. & Canad.) nightrobe,
  22. nightgown or (informal) nightie or nighty,
  23. nightshirt,
  24. overdress,
  25. peignoir,
  26. pinafore dress,
  27. pinafore, pinny (informal), or (U.S. & Canad.) jumper,
  28. riding habit,
  29. sack,
  30. sari or saree,
  31. sheath,
  32. shift,
  33. shirtdress,
  34. shirtwaister or (U.S. and Canad.) shirtwaist,
  35. sundress,
  36. sweater dress,
  37. tea gown, tunic,
  38. wedding dress

  1. abirritant
  2. abortifacient
  3. ACE inhibitor
  4. adjuvant
  5. agrypnotic, 
  6. alexipharmic, 
  7. alkylating agent, 
  8. alterative, 
  9. anaesthetic or (U.S.) anesthetic, 
  10. analeptic, 
  11. analgesic, 
  12. anaphrodisiac, 
  13. anodyne, 
  14. antagonist, 
  15. antibiotic, 
  16. anticholinergic, 
  17. anticonvulsant, 
  18. antidepressant, 
  19. antidote, 
  20. antiemetic, 
  21. antifebrile, 
  22. antihistamine, 
  23. anti-inflammatory, 
  24. antimalarial, 
  25. antimetabolite, 
  26. antimycotic, 
  27. antiperiodic, 
  28. antiphlogistic, 
  29. antipyretic, 
  30. antispasmodic, 
  31. antitussive, 
  32. anxiolytic, 
  33. aphrodisiac, 
  34. astringent, 
  35. ataractic or ataraxic, 
  36. attenuant, 
  37. beta-blocker, 
  38. bronchodilator, 
  39. calcium antagonist or blocker, 
  40. calmative, 
  41. cardiac, 
  42. carminative, 
  43. cathartic, 
  44. cholagogue, 
  45. cimetedine, 
  46. cisplatin, 
  47. clomiphene, 
  48. colestipol, 
  49. contraceptive, 
  50. convulsant, 
  51. cytotoxin, 
  52. decongestant, 
  53. demulcent,
  54. depressant,
  55. depressomotor, 
  56. diaphoretic, 
  57. diuretic, 
  58. ecbolic, 
  59. emetic, 
  60. emmenagogue, 
  61. errhine, 
  62. euphoriant, 
  63. excitant, 
  64. expectorant, 
  65. expellant or expellent, 
  66. febrifuge, 
  67. general anaesthetic or (U.S.) general anesthetic, 
  68. haemagogue or (U.S.) hemagogue or hemagog, 
  69. haemostatic or (U.S.) hemostatic, 
  70. hallucinogen, 
  71. hepatic, 
  72. hypnotic, 
  73. immunosuppressive, 
  74. inotropic, 
  75. laxative, 
  76. lenitive, 
  77. local anaesthetic or (U.S.) local anesthetic, 
  78. masticatory, 
  79. miticide, 
  80. narcotic, 
  81. nervine, 
  82. neuroleptic, 
  83. NSAID or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, 
  84. opiate, 
  85. oxytocic, 
  86. painkiller, 
  87. palliative, 
  88. pectoral, 
  89. preventive, 
  90. prophylactic, 
  91. psychedelic or psychodelic, 
  92. psychoactive, 
  93. psychotomimetic, 
  94. pulmonic (rare), 
  95. purgative, 
  96. radio mimetic, 
  97. recreational, 
  98. relaxant, 
  99. resolvent, 
  100. restorative, 
  101. revulsive, 
  102. roborant, 
  103. sedative, 
  104. sialagogue or sialogogue, 
  105. soporific, 
  106. sorbefacient, 
  107. spermicide or (less commonly) 
  108. spermatocide, 
  109. steroid, 
  110. stimulant, 
  111. stupefacient, 
  112. styptic, suppurative, 
  113. sympatholytic, 
  114. sympathomimetic, 
  115. synergist, 
  116. taeniacide or (U.S.) teniacide, 
  117. taeniafuge or (U.S.) teniafuge, 
  118. tetanic, 
  119. tonic, 
  120. tranquillizer, tranquilliser, or (U.S.) tranquilizer, 
  121. tumefacient, 
  122. vasoconstrictor, 
  123. vasodilator, 
  124. vasoinhibitor, 
  125. vermifuge, anthelminthic, anthelmintic, or helminthic, 
  126. vesicant or vesicatory, 
  127. vomit, 
  128. vulnerary

  1. ancus, 
  2. auditory nerve, 
  3. cochlea, 
  4. eardrum, tympanic membrane, or tympanum, 
  5. ear lobe, Eustachian tube, 
  6. external auditory canal, 
  7. incus, 
  8. malleus, 
  9. meatus or auditory canal, 
  10. organ of Corti, 
  11. oval window, 
  12. pinna, 
  13. round window, 
  14. saccule, 
  15. semicircular canals, 
  16. stapes, 
  17. tragus, 
  18. utricle

Economics terms 
  1. arbitration, asset, 
  2. autarky, 
  3. automation, balanced budget,  
  4. balance of payments,  
  5. balance of trade,  
  6. balance sheet, bank, 
  7. bankruptcy,  
  8. barriers to entry, 
  9. barriers to exit, 
  10. barter, base rate,  
  11. bear market, bid,  
  12. black economy, boom, 
  13. boycott, bridging loan,  
  14. budget, budget deficit,  
  15. building society,  
  16. bull market, 
  17. business cycle,  
  18. buyer's market,  
  19. capacity, capital, 
  20. capital good, 
  21. capitalism,  
  22. cartel, cash, central bank,  
  23. Chamber of Commerce, 
  24. closed shop,  
  25. collective bargaining,  
  26. command economy or planned economy,   
  27. commercial bank or clearing bank, 
  28.  commission, commodity,  
  29. common market,  
  30. comparative advantage,  
  31. competition, conspicuous consumption,   
  32. consumer, consumer good,  
  33. consumption, cooperative,  
  34. corporation, corporation tax, 
  35.  cost-benefit analysis,  
  36. cost effectiveness,  
  37. cost of living,  
  38. cost-push inflation,  
  39. credit, credit controls, 
  40.  credit squeeze, currency,  
  41. current account, 
  42.  customs union, debt,  
  43. deflation, 
  44.  deindustrialization, 
  45. demand, 
  46.  demand management or stabilization policy,  
  47. demand-pull inflation,  
  48. deposit account,  
  49. depreciation, depression, 
  50.  deregulation,  
  51. devaluation, diminishing returns,  
  52. discount, discount house (Brit.), discount rate,  
  53. disequilibrium, disinflation, 
  54. disposable income,  
  55. diversification,  
  56. divestment, 
  57. dividend,  
  58. division of labour, 
  59. dumping, 
  60. duopoly, durable good, 
  61. Dutch disease, duty,  
  62. earned income,  
  63. earnings,  
  64. economic growth, 
  65. economic policy, 
  66. economic sanctions,  
  67. economies of scale, 
  68. embargo, employee,  
  69. employer, employment,  
  70. entrepreneur, environmental audit, exchange,  
  71. exchange rate,  
  72. expenditure, export, finance,  
  73. financial year, fiscal drag, 
  74. fiscal policy, fiscal year,  
  75. Five-Year Plan, fixed assets, 
  76. fixed costs,  
  77. fixed exchange-rate system,  
  78. fixed investment,  
  79. floating exchange-rate system, 
  80. foreclosure, 
  81. foreign exchange controls, 
  82. foreign exchange market, forfaiting,  
  83. franchise, free-market economy, 
  84. free rider, free trade, 
  85. free trade area, free trade zone or freeport,  
  86. freight, 
  87.  friendly society,  
  88. fringe benefits, 
  89.  full employment, 
  90.  funding, 
  91.  futures market or forward exchange market, 
  92.  gains from trade,  
  93. game theory, gilt-edged security or government bond,  
  94. gold standard,  
  95. greenfield investment, gross domestic product or GDP, 
  96.  gross national product or GNP,  
  97. gross profit,  
  98. hard currency,  
  99. hedging, hire,  
  100. hire purchase or HP, hoarding,  
  101. holding,  
  102. horizontal integration, 
  103.  hot money,  
  104. human capital,  
  105. hyperinflation, 
  106. imperfect competition, 
  107.  import,  
  108. import restrictions, income, 
  109. income support,  
  110. income tax, 
  111.  index-linked, indirect tax, 
  112.  industrial dispute,  
  113. industrial estate, 
  114.  industrial policy, 
  115.  industrial relations, 
  116. industrial sector, 
  117.  inflationary spiral,  
  118. information agreement,  
  119. infrastructure, 
  120. inheritance tax, insolvency, 
  121. instalment credit,  
  122. institutional investors, 
  123. insurance, 
  124. intangible assets, intangibles,  
  125. intellectual property right, interest, 
  126. interest rate, 
  127. international competitiveness,  
  128. international debt,  
  129. international reserves, 
  130. investment,  
  131. invisible balance, 
  132. invisible hand,  
  133. invoice,  
  134. joint-stock company, 
  135. joint venture,  
  136. junk bond, labour,  
  137. labour market,  
  138. labour theory of value,  
  139. laissez faire or laisser faire,  
  140. lease, 
  141. legal tender, lender,  
  142. liability, 
  143.  liquidation,  
  144. liquid asset, 
  145.  liquidity, listed company, 
  146.  loan, lockout,  
  147. macroeconomic policy, 
  148.  management buy-out,  
  149. marginal revenue,  
  150. marginal utility,  
  151. market, market failure,  
  152. mass production, means test,  
  153. mediation, 
  154.  medium of exchange,  
  155. medium-term financial strategy,  
  156. mercantilism, merchant bank,  
  157. merger, microeconomic policy,  
  158. middleman, mint, mixed economy,  
  159. monetarism,  
  160. monetary compensatory amounts, MCAs, or green money,  
  161. monetary policy, money, 
  162.  money supply,  
  163. monopoly,  
  164. moonlighting,  
  165. mortgage, 
  166.  multinational,  
  167. national debt,  
  168. national income,  
  169. national insurance contributions,  
  170. nationalization,  
  171. national product,  
  172. natural rate of unemployment,  
  173. net profit, nondurable good,  
  174. offshore, oligopoly,  
  175. overheads,  
  176. overheating,  
  177. overmanning,  
  178. overtime, patent,  
  179. pawnbroker, pay, 
  180. pay-as-you-earn or PAYE,  
  181. payroll, pension, pension fund,  
  182. per capita income,  
  183. perfect competition, 
  184.  personal equity plan or PEP, picket,  
  185. piecework,  
  186. polluter pays principle, 
  187.  portfolio,  
  188. poverty trap, premium,  
  189. premium bond, price, 
  190.  prices and incomes policy,  
  191. primary sector,  
  192. private enterprise, 
  193.  private property,  
  194. privatization, 
  195.  producer, production,  
  196. productivity,  
  197. profit, profitability,  
  198. profit-and-loss account,  
  199. profit margin,  
  200. profit sharing,  
  201. progressive taxation,  
  202. protectionism, 
  203.  public expenditure, 
  204. public finance,  
  205. public interest,  
  206. public-sector borrowing requirement or PSBR,  
  207. public-sector debt repayment,  
  208. public utility,  
  209. public works,  
  210. pump priming,  
  211. purchasing power,  
  212. quality control, 
  213.  ratchet effect, 
  214.  rational expectations, 
  215.  rationalization,  
  216. rationing, recession, 
  217.  recommended retail price,  
  218. recovery,  
  219. recycling, 
  220.  redundancy,  
  221. reflation,  
  222. regional policy, rent,  
  223. rent controls, 
  224.  research and development or R & D, 
  225. residual unemployment,  
  226. restrictive labour practice, retail, 
  227.  retail price index, 
  228.  revaluation, revenue,  
  229. risk analysis, salary, sales, 
  230.  saving, savings bank,  
  231. seasonal unemployment, 
  232.  self-employment,  
  233. self service,  
  234. self-sufficiency,  
  235. seller's market,  
  236. sequestration,  
  237. service sector, 
  238.  share, 
  239.  shareholder, 
  240.  share issue, 
  241.  share price index, shop,  
  242. shop steward, 
  243.  simple interest,  
  244. slump,  
  245. social costs,  
  246. socio-economic group,  
  247. soft currency,  
  248. specialization, 
  249.  speculation,  
  250. stagflation, 
  251.  standard of living, stock, 
  252.  stockbroker, stock control,  
  253. stock exchange or stock market,  
  254. stop-go cycle, 
  255.  structural unemployment, 
  256.  subsidiary company, subsidy, 
  257.  supplier, supply,  
  258. supply-side economics, 
  259.  surplus, 
  260.  synergy,  
  261. takeover, 
  262.  tangible assets,  
  263. tariff, tax, 
  264.  taxation, 
  265. tax avoidance,  
  266. tax evasion,  
  267. tax haven, terms of trade, trade,  
  268. trade barrier, trademark, trade union,  
  269. trade-weighted index, training,  
  270. transaction, trust, trustee,  
  271. underwriter, unearned income,  
  272. unemployment,  
  273. unemployment benefit, 
  274. uniform business rate or UBR,  
  275. unit of account,  
  276. unit trust, utility,  
  277. value-added tax or VAT,  
  278. variable costs, 
  279.  venture capital,  
  280. vertical integration,  
  281. voluntary unemployment,  
  282. wage, 
  283.  wage restraint,  
  284. wealth,  
  285. welfare state,  
  286. wholesaler,  
  287. worker participation,  
  288. working capital,  
  289. yield

  1. acrobatics,
  2. aerobatics, agon,
  3. airshow, all-dayer,
  4. all-nighter, antimasque,
  5. après-ski, aquashow, ball,
  6. ballet, banquet,
  7. bear-baiting,
  8. bullfighting, burlesque show,
  9. busking, cabaret,
  10. carnival, ceilidh, charade,
  11. circus, cockfighting,
  12. comedy,
  13. command performance, concert,
  14. conjuring,
  15. cotillion or cotillon (U.S. & Canad.), dance,
  16. escapology, exhibition,
  17. fair, farce,
  18. fashion show,
  19. feast, fête or fete, film,
  20. fireworks or pyrotechnics,
  21. floor show,
  22. funambulism or tightrope-walking,
  23. gala,
  24. galanty show,
  25. garden party,
  26. gaudy,
  27. gig (informal),
  28. ice show, juggling, karaoke,
  29. kermis or kirmess (U.S. & Canad.),
  30. levee, light show, magic,
  31. masked ball, masque, melodrama,
  32. minstrel show,
  33. musical, music hall,
  34. opera, operetta,
  35. pantomime, party,
  36. play,
  37. puppet show,
  38. raree show, rave,
  39. reading, reception,
  40. recital, recitation,
  41. revue or review, ridotto,
  42. road show, rodeo,
  43. shadow play, show,
  44. sideshow, singsong,
  45. slide show, slot machine,
  46. soiree, son et lumière,
  47. street theatre,
  48. striptease, tragedy,
  49. variety, vaudeville,
  50. ventriloquism, video game,
  51. wall of death, waltzer,
  52. warehouse party,
  53. whist drive,
  54. zarzuela
  1. aqueous humour, 
  2. blind spot, 
  3. choroid or chorioid, 
  4. ciliary body, 
  5. cone, 
  6. conjunctiva, 
  7. cornea, 
  8. eyeball, 
  9. fovea, iris, 
  10. lens, 
  11. ocular muscle, 
  12. optic nerve, 
  13. pupil, 
  14. retina, 
  15. retinal vessels, 
  16. rod, 
  17. sclera, 
  18. suspensory ligament, 
  19. vitreous body, 
  20. vitreous humour

  1. Acrilan (trademark),
  2. alpaca,
  3. armure, baize,
  4. balbriggan, 
  5. barathea,
  6. barège, 
  7. batik or battik,
  8. batiste, 
  9. bayadere, beige,
  10. bengaline, bird's-eye,
  11. bobbinet,
  12. bombazine or bombasine,
  13. bouclé, 
  14. brilliantine,
  15.  broadcloth,
  16. brocade, 
  17. buckskin, 
  18. bunting, 
  19. burlap,
  20. calamanco, calico, cambric,
  21. camlet,
  22. cavalry twill,
  23. challis or challie,
  24. chambray,
  25. Charmeuse (trademark),
  26. cheesecloth, chenille,
  27. cheviot, chiffon,
  28. chintz,
  29. cilice, ciré,
  30. cloqué, cord,
  31. corduroy, cotton, cottonade,
  32. cotton flannel, covert cloth,
  33. crepe or crape,
  34. cretonne,
  35. Crimplene (trademark),
  36. crinoline, cypress or cyprus,
  37. Dacron (trademark),
  38. damask, delaine, denim,
  39. diamanté, dimity,
  40. Donegal tweed, drab, drabbet,
  41. Dralon (trademark), drugget, duck,
  42. dungaree,
  43. duvetyn, duvetine, or duvetyne,
  44. etamine or etamin,
  45. façonné or faconne, faille,
  46. fearnought or fearnaught, felt, fishnet,
  47. flannel, fleece,
  48. folk weave,
  49. foulard, frieze,
  50. frisé, fur, fustian,
  51. gaberdine, galatea,
  52. georgette,
  53. gingham, gloria,
  54. Gore-Tex (trademark),
  55. gossamer, grogram,
  56. gros de Londres, grosgrain, gunny (chiefly U.S.),
  57. Harris Tweed (trademark),
  58. hessian, honan,
  59. hopsack,
  60. huckaback or huck,
  61. India print,
  62. jaconet,
  63. Jacquard or Jacquard weave, jean, jersey,
  64. khaki, kincob, knit, lace,
  65. lambskin, lamé,
  66. lawn, leather, linen,
  67. linsey-woolsey, lisle,
  68. Lurex (trademark),
  69. Lycra (trademark),
  70. madras,
  71. marabou,
  72. marocain,
  73. marquisette, marseille or marseilles, melton,
  74. messaline
  75. mohair, moire or moiré, moleskin,
  76. monk's cloth,
  77. moquette,
  78. moreen,
  79. mousseline, mull,
  80. muslin, nainsook,
  81. nankeen or nankin,
  82. needlecord, net, ninon,
  83. nun's cloth or veiling, oilskin,
  84. organdie, organza, organzine,
  85. Orlon (trademark), ottoman,
  86. Oxford,
  87. paduasoy,
  88. paisley pattern,
  89. panne,
  90. paramatta or parramatta,
  91. peau de soie,
  92. percale, percaline,
  93. petersham, piña cloth,
  94. piqué, plush, pongee, poplin,
  95. poult or poult-de-soie,
  96. prunella, prunelle, or prunello, rayon, russet,
  97. sailcloth, samite,
  98. sarcenet or sarsenet, sateen, satin,
  99. satinet or satinette, saxony, say (archaic),
  100. schappe, scrim, seersucker, sendal, serge, shag,
  101. shalloon, shantung,
  102. sharkskin, sheeting,
  103. shirting, shoddy, silesia, silk,
  104. silkaline, slipper satin,
  105. spandex, spun silk,
  106. stockinet, stroud, stuff,
  107. suiting, surah, surat,
  108. swan's-down, swanskin,
  109. swiss muslin, tabaret, tabby,
  110. taffeta, tammy, tarlatan,
  111. tarpaulin,
  112. tartan, tattersall, terry,
  113. Terylene (trademark), tick,
  114. ticking, tiffany, toile,
  115. towelling, tricot, tricotine, tulle,
  116. tussore, tusser, or (chiefly U.S.) tussah,
  117. tweed, twill, velours, velure,
  118. velvet, velveteen,
  119. Viyella (trademark),
  120. voile,
  121. wadmal, webbing,
  122. whipcord, wild silk,
  123. winceyette,
  124. wool,
  125. worsted

  1. adder's-tongue
  2. bladder fern
  3. beech fern
  4. bracken
  5. buckler fern
  6. hard fern
  7. hart's-tongue
  8. lady fern
  9. maidenhair
  10. male fern
  11. marsh fern
  12. moonwort
  13. oak fern, 
  14. parsley fern
  15. pillwort
  16. rock brake, 
  17. royal fern
  18. shield fern
  19. sword fern
  20. tree fern
  21. Venus's-hair
  22. walking fern
  23. wall rue
  24. woodsia

Figures of speech
  1. alliteration, 
  2. allusion, 
  3. anacoluthia, 
  4. anadiplosis, 
  5. analogy, 
  6. anaphora,
  7. anastrophe, 
  8. antiphrasis, 
  9. antithesis, 
  10. antonomasia, 
  11. apophasis, 
  12. aporia, 
  13. aposiopesis, 
  14. apostrophe, 
  15. catachresis, 
  16. chiasmus, 
  17. circumlocution, 
  18. climax, 
  19. emphasis, 
  20. epanaphora, 
  21. epanorthosis, 
  22. exclamation, 
  23. gemination, 
  24. hendiadys, 
  25. hypallage, 
  26. hyperbaton, 
  27. hyperbole, 
  28. hysteron proteron, 
  29. inversion, irony, 
  30. kenning, 
  31. litotes, 
  32. malapropism, 
  33. meiosis, 
  34. metaphor, 
  35. metonymy, 
  36. onomatopoeia, 
  37. oxymoron, 
  38. paralipsis or paraleipsis, 
  39. parenthesis, 
  40. periphrasis, 
  41. personification, 
  42. pleonasm, 
  43. polysyndeton, 
  44. rolepsis, 
  45. prosopopoeia or prosopopeia, 
  46. repetition, 
  47. rhetorical question, 
  48. sarcasm, simile, 
  49. spoonerism, 
  50. syllepsis, 
  51. synechdoche, 
  52. tmesis, 
  53. zeugma

  1. alewife, 
  2. amberjack, 
  3. anabantid, 
  4. anabas, 
  5. anableps, 
  6. anchoveta, 
  7. anchovy, 
  8. angelfish, 
  9. arapaima, 
  10. archerfish, 
  11. argentine, 
  12. barbel, 
  13. barracouta or (Austral.) hake, 
  14. barracuda, 
  15. barramunda, 
  16. barramundi, 
  17. bass, 
  18. batfish, 
  19. beluga, 
  20. bib, pout, or whiting pout, 
  21. bigeye, 
  22. billfish, 
  23. bitterling, 
  24. black bass, 
  25. blackfish, 
  26. bleak, 
  27. blenny, 
  28. blindfish, 
  29. bloodfin, 
  30. blowfish, 
  31. blue cod, rock cod, or (N.Z.) rawaru, pakirikiri, or patutuki, 
  32. bluefish or snapper, 
  33. bluegill, 
  34. boarfish, 
  35. bonefish, 
  36. bonito, 
  37. bowfin or dogfish, 
  38. bream or (Austral.) brim, 
  39. brill, 
  40. brook trout or speckled trout, 
  41. brown trout, 
  42. buffalo fish, 
  43. bullhead, 
  44. bull trout, bully or (N.Z.) pakoko, titarakura, or toitoi, 
  45. burbot, eelpout, or ling, 
  46. butterfish, 
  47. butterfish, greenbone, or (N.Z.) koaea or marari, 
  48. butterfly fish, 
  49. cabezon or cabezone, cabrilla, 
  50. callop, candlefish or eulachon, 
  51. capelin or caplin, 
  52. carp, 
  53. catfish, 
  54. cavalla or cavally, 
  55. cavefish, 
  56. cero, 
  57. characin or characid, 
  58. chimaera, 
  59. Chinook salmon, quinnat salmon, or king salmon, 
  60. chub, 
  61. chum, 
  62. cichlid, cisco or lake herring, 
  63. climbing fish or climbing perch, 
  64. clingfish, 
  65. coalfish or (Brit.) saithe or coley, 
  66. cobia, 
  67. cockabully, 
  68. cod or codfish, 
  69. coelacanth, 
  70. coho or silver salmon, 
  71. coley, 
  72. conger, 
  73. crappie, 
  74. croaker, 
  75. crucian, 
  76. dab, 
  77. dace, 
  78. damselfish, 
  79. danio, 
  80. darter, 
  81. dealfish, 
  82. dentex, 
  83. dollarfish, 
  84. dorado, 
  85. dory, 
  86. dragonet, 
  87. eel, 
  88. eelpout, 
  89. electric eel, 
  90. fallfish, 
  91. father lasher or short-spined sea scorpion, 
  92. fighting fish or betta, 
  93. filefish, flatfish, 
  94. flathead, 
  95. flounder, 
  96. flying fish, 
  97. flying gurnard, 
  98. four-eyed fish, 
  99. frogfish, 
  100. garpike, 
  101. garfish, or gar, 
  102. geelbek, 
  103. gemfish, 
  104. gilthead, 
  105. goby, 
  106. goldeye, 
  107. goldfish, 
  108. goldsinny or goldfinny, 
  109. gourami, 
  110. grayling, 
  111. greenling, 
  112. grenadier or rat-tail, 
  113. groper or grouper, 
  114. grunion, 
  115. grunt, 
  116. gudgeon, 
  117. guitarfish, 
  118. gunnel, 
  119. guppy, 
  120. gurnard or gurnet, 
  121. gwyniad, 
  122. haddock, 
  123. hagfish or hag, 
  124. hairtail or (U.S.) cutlass fish, 
  125. hake, 
  126. halfbeak, 
  127. halibut, 
  128. herring, 
  129. hogfish, 
  130. horned pout or brown bullhead, 
  131. horse mackerel, 
  132. houndfish, 
  133. houting, 
  134. ice fish, 
  135. jacksmelt, 
  136. jewelfish, 
  137. jewfish, 
  138. John Dory, 
  139. jurel, 
  140. kahawai or Australian salmon, 
  141. killifish, 
  142. kingfish, 
  143. kingklip (S. Afr.), 
  144. kokanee, 
  145. labyrinth fish, 
  146. lampern or river lamprey, 
  147. lamprey or lamper eel, 
  148. lancet fish, 
  149. lantern fish, 
  150. largemouth bass, 
  151. latimeria, 
  152. leatherjacket, 
  153. lemon sole, 
  154. lepidosiren, 
  155. ling, 
  156. lingcod, 
  157. lionfish, 
  158. loach, 
  159. louvar, 
  160. luderick, 
  161. lumpfish or lumpsucker, 
  162. lungfish, 
  163. mackerel or (colloquial) shiner, 
  164. manta, 
  165. manta ray, devilfish, or devil ray, 
  166. marlin or spearfish, 
  167. megrim, 
  168. menhaden, 
  169. milkfish, 
  170. miller's thumb, 
  171. minnow or (Scot.) baggie minnow, 
  172. mirror carp, 
  173. moki, 
  174. molly, monkfish or (U.S.) goosefish, 
  175. mooneye, 
  176. moonfish, 
  177. Moorish idol, 
  178. moray, 
  179. morwong, 
  180. mudcat, 
  181. mudfish, 
  182. mudskipper, 
  183. mullet, 
  184. mulloway, 
  185. muskellunge, 
  186. maskalonge, 
  187. maskanonge, or (informal) musky or muskie, 
  188. nannygai or redfish, 
  189. needlefish, 
  190. numbfish, 
  191. oarfish or king of the herrings, 
  192. oldwife, 
  193. opah, moonfish, or kingfish, 
  194. orange chromide, 
  195. orfe, ouananiche, 
  196. paddlefish, 
  197. panchax, 
  198. pandora, 
  199. paradise fish, 
  200. parrotfish, 
  201. perch, 
  202. pickerel, 
  203. pigfish or hogfish, 
  204. pike, luce, or jackfish, 
  205. pikeperch, 
  206. pilchard, 
  207. pilot fish, 
  208. pinfish or sailor's choice, 
  209. pipefish or needlefish, 
  210. piranha or piraña, plaice, 
  211. platy, 
  212. pogge or armed bullhead, 
  213. pollack or pollock, 
  214. pollan, 
  215. pomfret, 
  216. pompano, 
  217. porcupine fish or globefish, 
  218. porgy or pogy, 
  219. pout, powan or lake herring, 
  220. puffer or globefish, 
  221. pumpkinseed, 
  222. Queensland lungfish, 
  223. rabbitfish, 
  224. rainbow trout, 
  225. ray, 
  226. red cod, 
  227. redfin, 
  228. redfish, 
  229. red mullet or (U.S.) goatfish, 
  230. red salmon, 
  231. red snapper, 
  232. remora, 
  233. ribbonfish, 
  234. roach, 
  235. robalo, 
  236. rock bass, 
  237. rockfish or (formerly) rock salmon, 
  238. rockling, 
  239. rosefish, 
  240. rudd, 
  241. ruffe, ruff, or pope, 
  242. runner, 
  243. salmon, 
  244. salmon trout, 
  245. sand dab, 
  246. sand eel, 
  247. sand lance, or launce, 
  248. sardine, 
  249. sauger, saury or skipper, 
  250. sawfish, 
  251. scabbard fish, 
  252. scad, 
  253. scaldfish, 
  254. scat, 
  255. scorpion fish, 
  256. sculpin (U.S. & Canad.), scup or northern porgy, 
  257. sea bass, 
  258. sea bream, 
  259. sea horse, 
  260. sea lamprey, 
  261. sea perch, 
  262. sea raven, 
  263. sea robin, 
  264. sea scorpion, 
  265. sea snail or snailfish, 
  266. sea trout, 
  267. Sergeant Baker, 
  268. sergeant major, 
  269. shad, 
  270. shanny, 
  271. sheepshead, 
  272. shiner, 
  273. shovelnose, 
  274. Siamese fighting fish, 
  275. sild, 
  276. silver belly (N.Z.), 
  277. silverfish, 
  278. silverside or silversides, 
  279. skate, 
  280. skelly, 
  281. skipjack or skipjack tuna, 
  282. sleeper or sleeper goby, 
  283. smallmouth bass, 
  284. smelt, 
  285. smooth hound, 
  286. snapper, 
  287. snipefish or bellows fish, 
  288. snoek, 
  289. snook, 
  290. sockeye or red salmon, 
  291. sole, 
  292. solenette, 
  293. spadefish, 
  294. Spanish mackerel, 
  295. sprat, 
  296. squeteague, 
  297. squirrelfish, 
  298. steelhead, 
  299. sterlet, 
  300. stickleback, 
  301. stingray, 
  302. stone bass or wreckfish, 
  303. stonefish, 
  304. stone roller, 
  305. sturgeon, 
  306. sucker, 
  307. sunfish, 
  308. surfperch or sea perch, 
  309. surgeonfish, 
  310. swordfish, 
  311. swordtail, tailor, tarakihi or terakihi, 
  312. tarpon, 
  313. tarwhine, 
  314. tautog or blackfish, 
  315. tench, 
  316. teraglin, 
  317. tetra, 
  318. thornback, 
  319. threadfin, 
  320. tilapia, 
  321. tilefish, 
  322. toadfish, 
  323. topminnow, 
  324. torsk or (U.S. & Canadian) cusk, 
  325. trevally (Austral. & N.Z.), 
  326. triggerfish, 
  327. tripletail, 
  328. trout, 
  329. trunkfish, boxfish, or cowfish, 
  330. tuna or tunny, 
  331. turbot, 
  332. vendace, 
  333. wahoo, 
  334. walleye, 
  335. walleyed pike, or dory, 
  336. weakfish, 
  337. weever, 
  338. whitebait, 
  339. whitefish, whiting, 
  340. wirrah, 
  341. witch, 
  342. wobbegong, 
  343. wolffish or catfish, 
  344. wrasse, 
  345. yellow belly (Austral.), 
  346. yellow jack, 
  347. yellowtail, 
  348. zander

  1. acacia
  2. acanthus
  3. African violet
  4. aloe, 
  5. alyssum
  6. amaranth
  7. amaryllis
  8. anemone, 
  9. arbutus
  10. asphodel
  11. aspidistra
  12. aster
  13. aubrietia
  14. aubrieta, or aubretia, 
  15. azalea, 
  16. begonia
  17. betony
  18. bignonia
  19. black-eyed Susan
  20. bluebell
  21. bog asphodel, 
  22. bougainvillea
  23. burdock
  24. Busy Lizzie
  25. buttercup, 
  26. cactus, 
  27. calendula
  28. camellia, 
  29. camomile or chamomile, 
  30. cardinal flower, 
  31. carnation, 
  32. celandine
  33. Christmas cactus, 
  34. chrysanthemum, 
  35. clematis
  36. columbine, 
  37. cornflower, 
  38. cotoneaster
  39. cowslip, 
  40. crocus, 
  41. cyclamen
  42. daffodil, 
  43. dahlia, 
  44. daisy, 
  45. dandelion, 
  46. deadly nightshade, 
  47. delphinium
  48. digitalis, 
  49. dog rose, 
  50. edelweiss, 
  51. eglantine
  52. forget-me-not, 
  53. foxglove, 
  54. freesia
  55. geranium
  56. gilliflower or gillyflower, 
  57. gladiolus, 
  58. godetia, 
  59. grape hyacinth, 
  60. groundsel, 
  61. guelder-rose, 
  62. gypsophila, 
  63. harebell, 
  64. heartsease or heart's-ease, 
  65. heliotrope
  66. hellebore
  67. hemlock, 
  68. hibiscus, 
  69. hollyhock, 
  70. hyacinth, 
  71. hydrangea, 
  72. iris, 
  73. jasmine, 
  74. jonquil, 
  75. larkspur, 
  76. lavender, 
  77. lily, 
  78. lily of the valley, 
  79. lobelia
  80. London pride, 
  81. lotus, 
  82. love-in-idleness, 
  83. love-lies-bleeding, 
  84. lupin, 
  85. magnolia, 
  86. mallow, 
  87. mandrake, 
  88. marguerite, 
  89. marigold, 
  90. marjoram, 
  91. meadowsweet, 
  92. monkshood, 
  93. Michaelmas daisy, 
  94. morning-glory, 
  95. narcissus, 
  96. nasturtium, 
  97. old man's beard, 
  98. orchid, 
  99. oxeye daisy, 
  100. oxlip, oxtongue, 
  101. pansy, 
  102. passionflower
  103. peony or paeony, 
  104. petunia, 
  105. phlox, 
  106. pimpernel
  107. pink, 
  108. poppy, 
  109. primrose, 
  110. primula, 
  111. ragged robin, 
  112. ragweed
  113. rose, 
  114. saffron, 
  115. samphire, 
  116. saxifrage
  117. scarlet pimpernel, 
  118. snapdragon, 
  119. snowdrop
  120. speedwell
  121. stock, 
  122. sunflower, 
  123. sweetbrier, 
  124. sweet pea, 
  125. sweet william, 
  126. tiger lily, 
  127. tulip, 
  128. valerian, 
  129. verbena
  130. violet, 
  131. wallflower, 
  132. water lily, 
  133. willowherb, 
  134. wintergreen
  135. wisteria, 
  136. wood anemone, 
  137. woodbine, 
  138. yarrow
  139. zinnia

  1. ananas, 
  2. anchovy pear
  3. apple, 
  4. apricot, 
  5. avocado, 
  6. avocado pear, or (U.S.) alligator pear, 
  7. babaco
  8. banana, 
  9. Bartlett pear, 
  10. beach plum, 
  11. bergamot pear, 
  12. berry, 
  13. Beurre Hardy pear
  14. bigarreau cherry
  15. bilberry, 
  16. blaeberry, huckleberry, whortleberry, or (Irish) fraughan, 
  17. blackberry or (Scot.) bramble, 
  18. black cherry, 
  19. blackcurrant, 
  20. blackheart cherry, 
  21. blood orange
  22. blueberry, 
  23. Bon Chretien pear
  24. boxberry
  25. boysenberry
  26. breadfruit, 
  27. calamondin
  28. cantaloup or cantaloupe melon, 
  29. carambola or star fruit, 
  30. casaba or cassaba melon, 
  31. Charentais melon
  32. chayote
  33. chempaduk
  34. cherry, 
  35. chokecherry
  36. choko, 
  37. citron, 
  38. clementine
  39. cloudberry or (Canad.) bakeapple, 
  40. Concord grape
  41. Conference pear
  42. cranberry, 
  43. custard apple
  44. damson
  45. date, 
  46. dewberry
  47. durian or durion, 
  48. elderberry, 
  49. fig, 
  50. Galia melon, 
  51. gooseberry or (informal) goosegog, 
  52. grape, 
  53. grapefruit, 
  54. greengage
  55. guava, 
  56. hackberry
  57. heart cherry
  58. honeydew melon, 
  59. jackfruit or jack, 
  60. Jaffa orange, 
  61. kiwano (trademark), 
  62. Kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry, 
  63. kumquat or cumquat, 
  64. lemon, 
  65. lime, 
  66. lychee, 
  67. litchi, lichee, or lichi, 
  68. loganberry, 
  69. longan, 
  70. loquat or Japan plum, 
  71. mandarin, 
  72. mango, 
  73. mangosteen
  74. May apple
  75. medlar, 
  76. melon, 
  77. minneola
  78. morello cherry, 
  79. mulberry, 
  80. muskmelon
  81. nashi or Asian pear, 
  82. navel orange, 
  83. nectarine, 
  84. Ogen melon, 
  85. olive, 
  86. orange, 
  87. ortanique, 
  88. papaw or pawpaw, 
  89. papaya, 
  90. passion fruit or granadilla, 
  91. peach, 
  92. pear, 
  93. pepper, 
  94. physalis, Cape gooseberry, or strawberry tomato, 
  95. pineapple, 
  96. plantain
  97. plum, 
  98. pomegranate, 
  99. pomelo or shaddock, 
  100. prickly pear, 
  101. prune, 
  102. pumpkin, 
  103. Queensland blue, 
  104. quince
  105. raisin, 
  106. rambutan, 
  107. raspberry, 
  108. redcurrant, 
  109. rockmelon
  110. salmonberry, 
  111. sapota, 
  112. sapodilla
  113. sapodilla plum, or naseberry, 
  114. saskatoon, 
  115. satsuma, 
  116. Seville orange, 
  117. serviceberry, 
  118. sharon fruit or persimmon, 
  119. sloe
  120. snowberry, 
  121. sour cherry, 
  122. sour gourd, 
  123. soursop
  124. star-apple, 
  125. strawberry, 
  126. sultana, 
  127. sweet cherry, 
  128. sweetie, 
  129. sweetsop
  130. tamarillo or tree tomato, 
  131. tamarind
  132. tangelo, 
  133. tangerine or (S. African) naartje, 
  134. tayberry
  135. tomato or (archaic) love apple, 
  136. UGLI (trademark), 
  137. victoria or victoria plum, 
  138. watermelon, 
  139. white currant, 
  140. Williams pear, 
  141. winter melon, 
  142. youngberry.

  1. bedpost
  2. bedstead
  3. canopy, 
  4. cheval glass
  5. coatstand
  6. dumbwaiter
  7. epergne
  8. footstool
  9. girandole or girandola, 
  10. grandfather clock
  11. grandmother clock
  12. hallstand, hatstand, 
  13. headboard
  14. lectern
  15. litter, 
  16. longcase clock
  17. screen, 
  18. tester, 
  19. trolley, 
  20. umbrella stand
  21. vanitory or vanity unit, 
  22. washstand

  1. acetylene,
  2. afterdamp,
  3. ammonia,
  4. argon,
  5. arsine,
  6. biogas,
  7. butadiene,
  8. butane, butene,
  9. Calor gas (trademark),
  10. carbon dioxide or carbonic-acid gas,
  11. carbon monoxide,
  12. chlorine, coal gas,
  13. compressed natural gas (CNG), cyanogen,
  14. diazomethane,
  15. diborane,
  16. dichlorodifluoromethane,
  17. electrolytic gas,
  18. ethane, ethylene,
  19. flue gas, fluorine,
  20. formaldehyde,
  21. helium, hydrogen,
  22. hydrogen bromide,
  23. hydrogen chloride,
  24. hydrogen fluoride,
  25. hydrogen iodide,
  26. hydrogen sulphide, ketene, krypton,
  27. laughing gas or nitrous oxide (LNG),
  28. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG),
  29. marsh gas, methane, methylamine,
  30. methyl bromide,
  31. methyl chloride, natural gas, neon,
  32. nitric oxide, nitrogen,
  33. nitrogen dioxide,
  34. nitrous oxide, oilgas,
  35. oxygen, ozone, phosgene,
  36. phosphine,
  37. producer gas or air gas,
  38. propane, radon,
  39. sewage gas, stibine,
  40. synthetic natural gas (SNG),
  41. sulphur dioxide,
  42. synthesis gas, tail gas,
  43. tetrafluoroethene,
  44. tetrafluoroethylene,
  45. town gas, vinyl chloride,
  46. water gas,
  47. xenon

  1. adularia
  2. agate
  3. alexandrite
  4. almandine
  5. amazonite
  6. amethyst
  7. andalusite
  8. andradite
  9. aquamarine
  10. aventurine
  11. aventurin, or avanturine, 
  12. balas, 
  13. beryl
  14. black opal
  15. bloodstone
  16. bone turquoise
  17. cairngorm
  18. carnelian
  19. cat's-eye
  20. chalcedony
  21. chrysoberyl
  22. chrysolite
  23. chrysoprase, 
  24. citrine, 
  25. Colorado ruby, 
  26. Colorado topaz, 
  27. corundum, 
  28. cymophane, 
  29. demantoid, 
  30. diamond, 
  31. diopside, 
  32. emerald, 
  33. fire opal, 
  34. garnet, 
  35. girasol, girosol, or girasole, 
  36. grossularite, 
  37. hawk's-eye, 
  38. helidor, 
  39. heliotrope, 
  40. hessonite, 
  41. hiddenite, 
  42. hyacinth, 
  43. indicolite or indigolite, 
  44. jacinth, 
  45. jadeite or jade, 
  46. jasper, 
  47. jet, 
  48. kunzite, 
  49. lapis lazuli, 
  50. liver opal, 
  51. Madagascar aquamarine, 
  52. melanite, 
  53. moonstone, 
  54. morganite, 
  55. morion, 
  56. moss agate,
  57. New Zealand greenstone, 
  58. odontolite, 
  59. onyx, 
  60. opal, 
  61. Oriental almandine, 
  62. Oriental emerald, 
  63. peridot, 
  64. plasma, 
  65. pyrope, 
  66. quartz, 
  67. rhodolite, 
  68. rose quartz, 
  69. rubellite, 
  70. ruby, 
  71. sapphire, 
  72. sard or sardine, 
  73. sardonyx, 
  74. smoky quartz, 
  75. Spanish topaz, 
  76. spessartite, 
  77. sphene, 
  78. spinel, 
  79. spodumene, 
  80. staurolite, 
  81. sunstone, 
  82. titanite, 
  83. topaz, topazolite, 
  84. tourmaline, 
  85. turquoise, 
  86. uvarovite, 
  87. vesuvianite, 
  88. water sapphire, 
  89. white sapphire, 
  90. zircon

Geography terms and features 
  1. afforestation,
  2. antipodes, arête, atlas,
  3. atmosphere, atoll, basin, bay,
  4. beach, canyon, cliff, climate, col,
  5. conservation, continent,
  6. continental drift,
  7. continental shelf, contour,
  8. conurbation, coombe,
  9. coral reef, core, corrie,
  10. cirque, or cwm, crag,
  11. crater,
  12. crevasse, crust,
  13. culvert,
  14. deforestation,
  15. delta, desert,
  16. desertification,
  17. dormitory,
  18. dyke, earthquake,
  19. eastings, environment,
  20. epicentre,
  21. equator, erosion,
  22. escarpment,
  23. estuary, fault, fell,
  24. fjord,
  25. flood plain,
  26. glaciation,
  27. glacier, glade,
  28. glen,
  29. global warming,
  30. green belt,
  31. greenhouse effect,
  32. grid reference,
  33. hanging valley,
  34. headland,
  35. ice cap,
  36. infrastructure,
  37. International Date Line,
  38. irrigation, isobar,
  39. isobath, 
  40. isohyet, 
  41. isotherm,
  42. isthmus, jungle,
  43. lagoon, latitude, levée, loch,
  44. longitude,
  45. longshore drift, 
  46. mantle, map,
  47. meander,
  48. Mercator projection,
  49. moraine, new town,
  50. northern hemisphere,
  51. northings,
  52. North Pole,
  53. occidental, ocean,
  54. Ordnance Survey, 
  55. oriental,
  56. ozone layer,
  57. permafrost,
  58. plate tectonics,
  59. pollution,
  60. precipitation, rainforest,
  61. rain shadow, reef,
  62. relief map,
  63. ridge, rift valley, rill,
  64. river basin,
  65. rivulet, 
  66. salt flat, 
  67. salt lake,
  68. sandbank, sand bar,
  69. sand dune,
  70. savanna or savannah,
  71. scree, 
  72. sierra, 
  73. snow line,
  74. southern hemisphere,
  75. South Pole, spit,
  76. spring, 
  77. spur, stack,
  78. steppe, 
  79. subsoil,
  80. suburb, tarn,
  81. temperate,
  82. Third World,
  83. topsoil, tor, tropics,
  84. tsunami, 
  85. tundra,
  86. urbanization,
  87. veld or veldt,
  88. volcano,
  89. wadi, watercourse,
  90. water cycle, waterfall,
  91. watershed,
  92. water table, 
  93. weathering,
  94. wetland,
  95. whirlpool

  1. barley,
  2. Bermuda grass,
  3. bluegrass,
  4. buffalo grass,
  5. cane,
  6. citronella,
  7. cotton grass,
  8. couch grass,
  9. crab grass,
  10. darnel,
  11. elephant grass,
  12. esparto,
  13. fescue,
  14. maize,
  15. marram grass,
  16. millet,
  17. oat,
  18. pampas grass,
  19. reed,
  20. rice,
  21. rye,
  22. rye-grass,
  23. sorghum,
  24. sugar cane,
  25. wheat,
  26. wild oat,
  27. wild rye

  1. almond green,
  2. apple green,
  3. aqua,
  4. aquamarine,
  5. avocado,
  6. celadon,
  7. chartreuse,
  8. citron,
  9. cyan,
  10. eau de nil,
  11. emerald green,
  12. jade,
  13. lime green,
  14. Lincoln green,
  15. Nile green,
  16. olive,
  17. pea green,
  18. pine green,
  19. pistachio,
  20. sea green,
  21. teal,
  22. turquoise



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  欢愉诞生的玫瑰,落下一些残败的美好 曾许诺,曾无言到无可救药,落寞开花 许久不能朗诵的诗篇夹杂在尘埃里 落满它说的夏天,一阵春雨,一阵凉 一个人来,一个人去,包裹着情欲 像蚂蚁寻到了盛夏的芍药花 我并不能就此读懂它飞扬的歌谣 不能明白野花簇簇的欢欣 黑白相间的世界之外,总有人...