mad money-She likes to set aside a little mad money when she's doing errands each day, so she can buy something nice for herself if she fancies it.
made for each other
made in China
made in Japan
made in the shade-If you're born into a wealthy family, you've got it made in the shade while the rest of us struggle.
made of sterner stuff-Having to take care of both of us growing up, my brother George was made of sterner stuff as a kid than anyone else I knew.
magic asterisk-The only way that the government can increase its spending without also increasing taxes is through magic asterisks, and you know it.
magic bullet-"there's no magic bullet, and we should just try to eat as varied and well-balanced a diet as possible"
main man-With his new promotion, Jared's going to be the main man of the office next month!
Main Street
make a better door than a window-"step aside, honey, you make a better door than a window"
make a big thing out of
make a break for it-I couldn't wait to get out of school, and I made a break for the door as soon as the bell rang.
make a clean break-After spending years in an emotionally abusive relationship, Patrick finally decided to make a clean break and leave his girlfriend.
make a clean breast-I felt so guilty about cheating on the test that I had to make a clean breast of it to my teacher.
make a difference
make a go of-We went to different schools, but we were able to make a go of the long distance relationship.
make a killing
make a leg- To make a show of obeisance or fealty by bowing deeply (drawing one's right leg back in the process).
make a light-The senator's spokesperson tried to make light of the allegations by saying similar accusations are made all the time.
make a meal of
make a mockery of
make a monkey out of
make a mountain out of a molehill
make a move
make a name for oneself
make a night of it-We went out to have a bite to eat and were having such a good time that we decided to make a night of it. I did not want to make a night of it, so I left early.
make a pig of oneself
make a pig's ear of
make a point
make a run for it
make a scene
make a show of oneself
make a silk purse of a sow's ear
make a spectacle of oneself
make a splash
make a virtue of necessity-There will be many times in your life where you have to do something you don't want to, so it's best to learn very early how to make a virtue of necessity.
make all the difference
make amends
make an appearance
make an ass of
make an example of
make an exhibition of oneself
make an honest woman
make baby Jesus cry
make beautiful music together`To have a great romantic relationship with each other.
make believe
make book-It doesn't sound like too many odds-makers were going to make book on the race.
make bricks without straw-You're never going to have a championship team unless they start recruiting players who are actually any good. You can't make bricks without straw.
make do
make ends meet
make faces
make for
make fun of
make game of
make garden
make good on`Tom made good on his pledge to donate $1,000. Bill refused to make good on his promise.
make ground
make haste slowly-I know we're all eager to get the new software released to the public, but we must make haste slowly. We don't want to end up wasting time fixing bugs that shouldn't be there in the first place.
make hay
make hay while the sun shines
make head or tail of
make headway-After a months-long stalemate, we've finally made headway in the negotiations.
make heavy going of`The Irish rugby squad made heavy going of what should have been a relatively easy win.
make heavy weather
make heavy weather of`The top-ranked team made heavy weather of what should have been a relatively easy win.
make history
make interesting
make it
make it rain
make it snappy-One medium-rare burger, and make it snappy! I'm starving.
make it up as one goes along-I completely forgot the rest of my speech halfway through, so I just started making the rest up as I went along.
make it up to
make light of
make light work of
make like a banana and split-This carnival turned out to be really boring. Come on, let's make like a banana and split!
make like a tree and leave`This carnival turned out to be really boring. Come on, let's make like a tree and leave!
make matters worse
make mincemeat out of
make news
make no bones about
make one's bed
make one's bed and lie in it
make one's bones
make one's bow-The acclaimed director's daughter will be making her bow as an actor in next week's blockbuster.
make one's hand
make one's mark
make one's way
make oneself at home
make out like a bandit`Sarah is making out like a bandit developing apps for government agencies.
make over
make peace
make quick work of-You sure made quick work of that book you were reading. You must have liked it!
make room
make sense
make shit of
make short work of
make someone's blood boil
make someone's blood run cold
make someone's day
make someone's ears sad
make someone's jaw drop
make someone's skin crawl
make someone's teeth itch`Nothing makes my teeth itch like seeing these cyclists run every red light in town!
make something of oneself
make strange
make the cut
make the grade
make the most of
make the weather
make the welkin ring-Participants of the town hall meeting made the welkin ring with their protestations.
make the world go around
make time
make tracks
make up one's mind
make up the numbers
make waves
mama's boy
man among men
man down-Man down! Mike, are you OK?
man in the street
man of few words
man of parts
man of the hour
man of the people
man on the street
man the fort
man up
manners maketh man-To hear that so many of our students intervened to stop this crime restores my faith in the youth of the world. Manners maketh man, you know.
manoeuvre the apostles---Mr. Hardy's firm has fallen into arrears of late, and the solicitor has been manoeuvring the apostles just to keep the business viable.
many happy returns`"Many happy returns" is a greeting which is used by some on birthdays, and by others in response to "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Year".
many moons ago
march to the beat of a different drum`My brother's eschewed the idea of a full-time career and has had every oddball job you could think of, but then he's always been happy marching to the beat of a different drum.
marching orders`We were waiting for the project leader to give us our marching orders before we began development of the next iteration of the software.
mark my words
mark time
marry off
Mary Celeste
mass destruction
Master John Goodfellow`The penis.
Master of the Universe`John liked to think of himself as a self-styled Master of the Universe after earning his first million playing the stock market.
match made in heaven
match made in hell
matter of course
matter of fact
matter of life and death
matter of time
may as well
may the Force be with you
may the Force be without you
may the Force not be with you
me three
meal ticket
mean business
mean streak
mean the world to
meant to
measure the drapes
measure up
meat market
meat on one's bones
meat rack-Everyone knows that the clubs on Leeson Street are just meat racks for single people.
media darling
meet a sticky end`The serial purse snatcher met a sticky end when he encountered a little old lady trained in karate.
meet and greet
meet halfway
meet one's maker
meeting of the minds-After debating for hours, we finally came to a meeting of minds and decided on a name for our band.
melon head-Don't listen to his advice! He's a total melon head when it comes to finances.
melt in the mouth-This decadent chocolate cake positively melts in the mouth.
melt into
melting pot
member for Barkshire`Every morning, the old man woke up sounding like a member for Barkshire due to the toll that lifetime of smoking had taken on his lungs.
memory lane
mend fences
mend one's ways-No matter how old you are, there is still time to mend your ways.
mercy fuck`An act of sexual intercourse performed out of pity for the other person's inadequate sex life
mere mortal
Merry Andrew-Though at first I found him quite funny, Tommy's merry-andrew routine has grown quite tiresome lately.
merry dance-He led me a merry dance before I finally got him to agree to a meeting.
mess of pottage-If we allow our obsession with job creation to undermine the health of the environment, humanity will ultimately end up selling its birthright for a mess of pottage.
mess up
method to one's madness
Mexican breakfast
mic drop
Mickey Mouse
Midas touch`the ability to make money out of anything one undertakes.
middle ground
middle of nowhere
middle of the road
might as well
milieu control
Miller of Dee`Dan was quickly labeled the miller of Dee because of his carefree, bachelor lifestyle.
mince words
mind how you go
mind one's language
mind one's own business
mind one's P's and Q's
mind one's ps and qs
mind the store
mind you
mind's ear
miner's canary
miners' canary
minor miracle
mint condition
Miss Right
miss the mark
miss the point
missing stair
mission creep
Mister Right
mix apples and oranges
mix it up
mix up
mixed bag
mixed blessing
mixed message
mixed picture
moment in the sun
moment of truth
Monday-morning quarterback`Social media seems to have turned everyone into a Monday morning quarterback whenever political issues are discussed.
money for jam`A: "I'm getting paid to stay in my neighbours' mansion while they're on holiday." B: "Wow, that'll be money for jam!"I love working on bicycles, so this job will be money for jam.
money for old rope
money maker
money pit`I bought this restaurant because of its prime downtown location, but with all the repairs and the huge amount of staff needed to run it, it's proven to be quite a money pit.
money's worth
monkey around
monkey business
monkey run
monkey wrench
Monopoly money
monster mash
month of Sundays`A: "Do you think Samantha will agree to go on a date with Jake?" B: "Not in a month of Sundays!"
moon on a stick`Jonathan always wants the moon on a stick when it comes to relationships.
moonlight flit`I can't afford the rent this month, so we need to make a moonlight flit!
mop up
moral high ground
moral low ground`That is a repugnant view of this case—I can't believe you're taking the moral low ground here!
moral support
more cry than wool`My opponent has been making outlandish claims about my track record so as to foment distrust in the public, but I assure you, his remarks are more cry than wool.
more equal
more often than not
more than meets the eye
more than one bargained for
more than you can shake a stick at
more's the pity-A: "Looks like Aunt Leanne and her kids won't be coming tonight." B: "More's the pity, and I made all this extra food for them, too."
morning person
mother hen-"Josephine got to be a real mother hen, giving everybody a bit of what they needed"
mother lode`We haven't hit the mother lode of silver quite yet—but we will!
mouse potato
mouth breather`a stupid person.
mouthful of marbles-I have such a hard time understanding him—he always sounds like he has a mouthful of marbles.
move heaven and earth-I had to move heaven and earth to get a flight home at Christmastime.
move house
move mountains
move on
move one's body
move the goalposts-I hate arguing with that type of person. As soon as you start wearing down their logic, they just move the goalposts on the whole thing!
move the needle-It seems all my efforts to get in good with the CEO have done little to move the needle in my favor.
move the yardsticks`We're never going to get the book design finished in time if the publisher keeps moving the yardsticks every couple of months like this!
move through the gears`With a lot of hard work and perseverance, our little business is finally starting to move through the gears!
much ado about nothing
much less
much of a muchness
mud monkey
muddle along`I forgot my notes for the presentation, so I just had to muddle along off the top of my head.
muddy up
mug's game
mum's the word`"I know I can rely upon your discretion, mum's the word"
murder will out`The government has today finally acknowledged its role in the massacre during the rebellion. Murder will out, even if it is twenty years late.
mush up`Make sure you mush up that banana before you give it to Katie—she's still having trouble chewing solid food.
music to someone's ears
mutton dressed as lamb
mutual admiration society`I can't stand working with Tony and Linda. They praise each other from the moment they walk through the door—it's like they've formed a mutual admiration society!
my arse
my bad
my eye
my foot
my lips are sealed
my way or the highway
my word
na-na na-na boo-boo
nail biter
nail down
nail the hammer on the head
naked ape
name and shame
name names
name of the game
name your poison`A: "Hi there, could I get something to drink?" B: "Of course you can. Name your poison."
Nantucket sleigh ride`We're going on a Nantucket sleigh ride today, boys—I can feel it! There's a whale out there just waiting for our harpoons!
narrow down
nary a`I find it galling that there is nary a mention of my contributions in his book.
native soil
nature of the beast`Unfortunately, exhaustion is just the nature of the beast when you're a new parent.
near post
nearest and dearest
neat and tidy
necessary evil
neck of the woods
necker's knob
necktie party
need yesterday
needle in a haystack
needless to say
neither fish nor fowl
neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring
Citations:neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring
neither here nor there
nerves of steel
nervous hit
nest egg
never in a million years
never in a month of Sundays
never mind
never the twain shall meet`My best friend is a staunch conservative, while my brother is a hardcore liberal, and never the twain shall meet.
never you mind
new dawn
new kid on the block
new normal
new school
new wine in old wineskins
next thing one knows
nice guy
nice guys finish last
nickel and dime
nickel nurser
nigger nose
nigger rich
night out
night owl
night person
Nikon choir-As soon as the starlet walked out onto the red carpet, the Nikon choir swelled to a nearly deafening volume.
nine day wonder`The band's biggest fear was becoming a one-day wonder, soon to be forgotten when the next big sound hit the airwaves.
nine times out of ten
nip and tuck
nip at
nip in the bud
nip slip
Nixon goes to China
Nixon in China
Nixon to China
no biggie
no bones about it
no buts
no chance
no comment
no cover
no dice
no flies on
no fun at parties
no go
no great shakes-A: "Did you enjoy the movie?" B: "It was no great shakes, but it was something to do for the afternoon."
no guts, no glory-I was certainly nervous to start playing again after such a bad injury, but no guts, no glory, right?
no hard feelings
no harm, no foul
no holds barred
no horse in this race-Now that I've stopped practicing medicine, new regulations don't bother me in the slightest—I have no horse in this race anymore.
no ifs and buts
no joy
no love lost
no matter how one slices it
no matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney`Susan: "Jim, no matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney: tax hikes will hurt everyone, period."
no mean feat
no more
no pain, no gain
no plan survives contact with the enemy`Men, be ready to make changes on the battlefield—we all know that no plan survives contact with the enemy.
no pressure
no prize for guessing`No prizes for guessing why Sarah didn't show up to work on the day after her birthday.
no score
no screaming hell
no skin off one's back`We all knew that the head chef was stealing from the kitchen, but it was no skin off our backs so we just kept our mouths shut.
no skin off one's nose
no strings attached
no tea, no shade
no two ways about it
no way
no-frills-"cheap fast food in no-frills surroundings"
no-good ass
nod off
nodding acquaintance
non-denial denial
none of someone's business
none other than
nook and cranny
nook or cranny
north forty-Any place which is remote.
nose candy-"we've been up doing nose candy all night"
nose out of joint-Well, something put my mother's nose out of joint—what exactly did you say to her?
nose test
nose to the grindstone
nosebleed seat-I'm sick of watching football games in the nosebleed seats!
nosebleed section
not a chance
not a minute too soon
not a pretty sight
not all it's cracked up to be
not as black as one is painted
not at all
not bad
not be able to get a word in edgeways
not be caught dead
not by any means
not cricket
not do someone any favors
not for the world
not give someone the time of day
not half bad
not have a leg to stand on
not in a million years
not in Kansas anymore`It can actually be quite shocking to finish college and enter the workforce, because suddenly you realize that you aren't in Kansas anymore and life operates in a totally different way now.
not in the least
not in the slightest
not invented here
not just a pretty face
not know which end is up`Give her a break—I didn't know which end was up when I was her age either.
not leave one's thoughts
not likely
not long for this world
not much of anything
not on your life
not on your nelly
not quite
not see someone for dust
not so fast
not the end of the world
not to mention
not to put too fine a point on it
not touch something with a barge pole
not touch something with a ten foot pole
not win for losing
not worth a brass farthing
not worth a Continental`I was so excited when my grandfather said he'd give me his car, but this old clunker isn't worth a continental.
not worth a dime
not worth a plug nickel`Over the years working here I've come to realize that the boss's promises aren't worth a plugged nickel.
not worth a whistle
not worth writing home about
not your father's
notch on one's bedpost`Janet was never interested in a serious boyfriend during college; she was only looking for notches on her bedpost.
nothing doing`A: "Mom, can I borrow the car this Saturday?" B: "After the dent you left in it the last time? Nothing doing!"
nothing for it
nothing special
nothing to it
nothing to write home about
nothing ventured, nothing gained
now and again
now and then
now or never
now you mention it
now you're cooking-That's how to do it, team! Now you're cooking with gas!
now you're talking
nowhere to be found
nuclear option-Calling the CEO about this issue is definitely the nuclear option—let's see what we can do on our own first.
nudge nudge wink wink`"haven't seen much of the beach—we've been catching up on our sleep (nudge nudge)"
nugget of truth`I think the governor's speech is a bunch of hogwash by and large, but there is a nugget of truth in what he said about the need for lower taxes.
null and void`This contract shall be rendered null and void immediately should either party fail to fulfil their obligations.
Number 10
Number 11
Number Eleven
number games
number one
number one with a bullet`The tech giant started of humbly, but it became number one with a bullet in the mid-'90s.
Number Ten
Nuremberg defense`Against the charge of unlawful murder during wartime, the staff sergeant's defense attorney put forward a Nuremberg defense, claiming that the killings were carried out under direct orders by superior officers.
nut out`Each of us has hit the same stumbling block in the assignment, so we're going to get together this weekend and nut it out together.
nut-cutting time-He may not be as flashy a player as some of the other star quarterbacks out there, but when it comes to nut-cutting time, there's no one I'd rather have leading my team.
nuts and bolts
oat opera-My grandfather and I had a tradition of watching old oat operas every Sunday on TV.
odd and curious-We've had some odd and curious findings ever since making that change to the experiment.
odd duck
odd fish
odds and ends
odds and sods
of a
of a kind
of a piece
of all people
of all places
of all things
of an
of choice
of course
of late
of one mind
of sorts
of the same stripe
of two minds
off and on
off and running
off balance
off board
off chance
off like a prom dress-Jared was off like a prom dress in May once his ex-girlfriend showed up to the party.
off one's box
off one's dot
off one's feed
off one's game
off one's nut
off one's own bat
off one's tits
off one's tree
off one's trolley
off pat
off the back foot
off the bat
off the beaten path
off the beaten track
off the chain
off the deep end
off the grid
off the hook
off the radar
off the rails
off the reservation
off the table
off the top of one's head
off the wagon
off to the races`Good news, sir—the architect is already off to the races on that project you approved this morning.
off topic
offer affordances-While many see the increasing amount of technology as a detriment to children's minds, one cannot underestimate how it also offers affordance to their increased capacity to learn and access information.
offer one's condolences
offer up
Officer Friendly
often wrong, never in doubt
oh dark hundred
oh dark thirty`Why on earth are we meeting at oh dark thirty? The only thing we should be doing at this hour is sleeping!
oh my
oh my goodness
oh my goodness gracious
oh my gosh
oh well
oil and water
oil burner
oil trash
old as the hills
old boy network
old chestnut
old enough to vote
old fart
old flame
old fogey
old habits die hard
old hand
old hat
old head on young shoulders
old money
old salt
old saw
old school
old stick
old-fashioned look
oll korrect
on a first-name basis
on a full stomach
on a kick
on a lark`On a lark, we all decided to ditch our Friday classes and drive to New York City for the weekend.
on a losing wicket`Teachers who try to keep mobile phones out of their classrooms are on a losing wicket these days.
on a plate
on a regular basis
on a shoestring
on a tear
on a whim
on account of
on acid
on all fours
on an irregular basis
on and off
on average
on board
on cloud nine
on course
on demand
on edge
on end
on fire
on good terms
on hand
on hold
on ice
on in years
on its merits
on one's bill
on one's deathbed
on one's feet
on one's hands
on one's high horse
on one's knees
on one's last legs
on one's lonesome
on one's own
on one's own account
on one's tod
on one's toes
on one's watch
on opposite sides of the barricades
on pins and needles
on purpose
on rare form
on second thought
on sight
on someone's account
on someone's dime
on someone's mind
on steroids
on sufferance`The mediator was required by the court order, so though neither side of the dispute is happy about it, he's been attending each meeting on sufferance.
on talking terms
on tenterhooks
on the anvil
on the back burner
on the back foot
on the back of
on the ball
on the blink
on the bounce
on the brain
on the bubble
on the button
on the cards
on the cheap
on the clock
on the cuff
on the cutting room floor`I really loved the scene, but it just didn't mesh with the rest of the play and had to be left on the cutting room floor.
on the dot
on the double
on the down-low`Keep this on the down low, but Janet is planning to break up with Kevin next week.
on the dry
on the edge of one's seat
on the face of
on the face of it
on the fly
on the front foot
on the game
on the go
on the gripping hand
on the heels of
on the hook
on the horn
on the horns of a dilemma`Mary found herself on the horns of a dilemma. She didn't know which to choose. I make up my mind easily. I'm not on the horns of a dilemma very often.
on the hush-hush
on the ladder
on the lam
on the level
on the line
on the loose
on the make
on the mark
on the mend
on the money
on the nose
on the one hand
on the other hand
on the other side of
on the outs
on the outside, looking in
on the pill
on the plus side
on the point of
on the prowl
on the pull
on the Q.T.`It turns out he's been writing a romance novel on the QT.
on the radar
on the rag
on the rails
on the rampage
on the receiving end
on the right track
on the rise
on the rocks
on the ropes
on the run
on the same page
on the same wavelength
on the shelf
on the side of the angels
on the skids
on the sly
on the spot
on the square
on the street
on the table
on the toss of a coin
on the trot
on the up
on the up-and-up
on the uptake
on the wagon
on the wane
on the warpath
on the way
on the whole
on the wrong side of history
on thin ice
on top
on top of
on top of the world
on track
on wheels
on yer bike
once again
once and for all
once bitten, twice shy
once in a blue moon
once in a while
once or twice
one after another
one age with
one and all
one and only
one and the same
one at a time
one brick short of a full load`He says he's going to start a business selling bees as pets—I think he may be one brick short of a load.
one fell swoop
one flesh
one in the eye for
one of His Majesty's bad bargains
one of these days
one of those days
one of those things
one side
one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind
one step ahead
one step at a time
one step forward, two steps back
one to talk
one too many
one up
one-hit wonder
one-horse race
one-horse town
one-man band
one-track mind
one-trick pony
one's back is up
one's bark is worse than one's bite
one's blood is up
one's blood runs cold
one's days are numbered
one's heart in one's mouth
one's jig is up
one's socks off
one's word is law
onesie-twosie`You'll save yourself a heap of time if you just create a template for printing standard letters, rather than drafting them onesie-twosie from scratch.
only game in town
only time will tell
open a can of whoop ass`If that punk doesn't shut up soon, I'm gonna have to go over there and open up a can of whoop ass!
open book
open doors
open fire
open one's legs
open season
open someone's eyes
open the batting
open the floodgates
open the kimono
open wide
open-door policy
opening of an envelope`In a bid to cultivate a media buzz around herself, the Internet sensation has been to the openings of films, book launches, and celebrity galas. With the way she carries on, she'd even go to the opening of an envelope!
opposite number
or else
or something
or what
or words to that effect
Oreo cookie
ostrich policy
other fish in the sea
other half
other head
other side
other than
out and about
out cold
out for blood
out loud
out of a nightmare
out of bounds
out of central casting`My grandfather looks like a cowboy out of central casting, with his boots, Stetson hat, and mouth full of chewing tobacco.
out of character
out of date
out of fix
out of gas
out of house and home
out of it
out of kilter
out of line
out of luck
out of nowhere
out of one's box
out of one's depth
out of one's element
out of one's face
out of one's league
out of one's mind
out of one's way
out of order
out of place
out of pocket
out of proportion
out of reach
out of shape
out of sight
out of sight, out of mind
out of sorts
out of stock
out of the blue
out of the box
out of the chute
out of the frying pan, into the fire
out of the loop` "he complained of being kept out of the loop and threatened to resign"
out of the ordinary
out of the picture
out of the question
out of the running`With the former champion out of the running, the newcomer saw a path to victory ahead of her.
out of the way
out of the woods
out of thin air
out of this world
out of touch
out of wedlock
out of whack
out on a limb
out on one's ear
out on one's feet
out on the tiles
out the window
out to lunch
outpope the Pope`I can't believe we're not allowed to eat meat on Fridays while we're staying with Grandma. She could outpope the Pope!
outside chance`I don't think Jack would go on a date with me, but on the outside chance that he says yes, I'm going to ask him anyway!
outside the box
outside world
over a barrel`He's had me over a barrel ever since he found out about my affair.
over and out
over and over again
over my dead body
over nine thousand
over one's head
over one's skis
over the hill
over the hills and far away
over the line
over the moon
over the river and through the woods
over the top
over the transom
own up
ox is in the ditch`With our engine shot, stranded out on this desert highway, it seemed pretty clear to me that the ox was in the ditch.
pachyderm - Tarzan laughed aloud and came closer above the head of the pachyderm.
pack fudge`To have anal sex.
pack heat
pack in
pack of lies
packed to the rafters`Her mind was packed to the rafters with ideas for her new book.
pad out
padded cell
paddle one's own canoe
paid up
pain in the neck
painful on the eyes
paint oneself into a corner`The candidate painted himself into a corner during the debate, having to take back several things he'd already said.
paint the town red
paint the wagon`To get things done.
paint with a broad brush
painting rocks`pointless or futile work organised by the government, supposedly to increase employment but in fact merely disguising the unemployment level.
palace intrigue
palace politics
pale in comparison
pale rider`Death, the Grim Reaper or angel of death; and one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
palm off
paper tiger
paper trail
par for the course
parade of horribles
parade passed someone by
paradise on earth
parcel out
pardon me
pardon my French
pare down
park that thought
park the bus
part company
parting of the ways
parting shot
party animal
party hardy
party hearty
party to
pass away
pass muster
pass on
pass the buck
pass the hat
pass the river
pass up
paste up
pat on the back
patch up
patience of a saint
patience of Job
pave the road to hell
pave the way
pay a visit
pay attention
pay dividends
pay one's debt to society
pay one's dues
pay packet
pay the bills
pay the fiddler
pay the freight
pay the piper
pay the rent
pay through the nose
p'd off
pea patch
peaches and cream
peanut gallery
pearl necklace
pearl of wisdom
pearly whites
pee in someone's cornflakes`A: "Watch out, the boss is in a foul mood today." B: "Wow, I wonder who peed in his Corn Flakes?"
pee off
pee one's pants
peed off
peel out
peel the onion
peg down
peg it
pelt of the dog
pen picture
penalty box
pencil in
pencil whip`We're supposed to fill out a detailed checklist after each shift, but I know my boss just pencil whips them.
penguin suit
penny for your thoughts
penny in the fusebox`The fix I made was just a penny in a fusebox; we need to revisit it and fix the problem for real.
penny pincher
penny wedding
penny wise and pound foolish
people person
perfect storm
permanent shave
perp walk`"scores of high-ranking executives have been subject to perp walks"
personal capital
peter out
Peter Pan syndrome
phase out
phone in
phone tag
physical break
pick apart
pick at
pick corners
pick holes
pick of the litter
pick one's nose
pick out
pick out of a hat
pick someone's brain
pick up on
pick up stitches
pick up the pieces
pick up the tab
pick up what someone is putting down
pickin' and grinnin'
pie in the sky
piece of ass
piece of cake
piece of crap
piece of one
piece of shit
piece of tail
piece of the action
piece of work
Pierian spring`Ugh, this poem I'm writing is just terrible—I need a drink from the Pierian Spring.
piffy on a rock bun
pig in a poke`Purchasing a home without inspecting it first is like buying a pig in a poke.
pigs can fly
pigs might fly
pile on
pile up
pill in the pocket`Doctors are hopeful that a pill-in-the-pocket approach might be effective in managing this patient's paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, if he takes one dose of the trial drug at the onset of palpitations.
pill mill`illegal facility that resembles a regular pain clinic, but regularly prescribes painkillers (narcotics) without sufficient medical history, physical examination, diagnosis, medical monitoring, or documentation.
pillow talk
pin down
pin money
pinch one off
pink slip
pip to the post
pipe down
pipe dream
piping hot
piss about
piss and moan
piss around
piss away
piss in someone's cornflakes
piss like a racehorse`This is why I don't drink lots of beer: only a couple of pints and I'm already peeing like a racehorse.
piss money up the wall`Our company needs to stop pissing money up the wall on things like company cars and exorbitant bonuses for management if it wants to survive.
piss more than one drinks
piss off
piss on
piss on someone's bonfire`A: "Watch out, the boss is on a foul mood today." B: "Wow, I wonder who pissed on his bonfire?"
piss on someone's parade
piss one's pants
pissed off
pissing contest`Whenever Jeff and Tim hang out, they always get into this pissing contest about who's the bigger sci-fi fanatic.
pissing match
pissing war
pit against
pitch in
pitch woo
pitched battle
pixel peeper
pizza table
place of business
place to be
plant a seed
plant one's feet
play a part
play along
play around
play back
play ball
play both sides against the middle
play by ear
play down
play dumb
play fast and loose
play first fiddle
play for love
play for time
play games
play hardball
play hob with
play hooky
play in Peoria
play it cool
play it safe
play it straight
play Old Gooseberry
play Old Harry
play on words
play one against another
play one's cards right
play possum
play second fiddle
play silly buggers
play someone like a fiddle
play the angles
play the ball and not the man
play the field
play the fool
play the gender card
play the hand one is dealt
play the man and not the ball
play the ponies
play the race card
play the same tape
play to the gallery
play to win
play up
play well with others
play with a full deck
play with fire
pleased as Punch
plow on
plug in
plumber's helper
plunge in
poacher turned gamekeeper
pocket dial
poetry in motion
point blank
point fingers
point man
point out
point the finger
point the finger at
point up
poison pen
poison-pen letter
poisoned chalice
poke someone's eye out
poles apart
polish a turd
polish off
Polish parliament
polite fiction
political football
politically correct
pony in the barn
pony up
poop factory
poop machine
poop one's pants
poor little rich girl
poor power
pop one's cork
pop someone's cherry
pop the cherry
pop the question
pop up
popcorn movie
pope's nose
porcelain goddess
porcelain skin
porch monkey
poster boy
poster child
poster girl
pot calling the kettle black
potato chaser
Potemkin village
potter's clay
potter's field
potty mouth
pound a beat
pound of flesh
pound sand
pound the pavement
pour cold water on
pour down the drain
pour fuel on the fire
pour gasoline on the fire
pour oil on troubled waters
pour one's heart out
powder keg
power behind the throne
power chord
power of the purse
powers that be
praise to the skies
prawn cocktail offensive
pray tell
preach to deaf ears
preach to the choir
present company excepted
press into service
press on
press the flesh
press the panic button
pressed for time
pretty penny
pretty pictures
prevail upon
price is right
price of tea in China
price on one's head
prick up one's ears
prim and proper
prime of life
private branch exchange
private eye
problem child
professional victim
progressive love
Promised Land
prop up
prop up the bar
prophet of doom
protest too much
proud as a peacock
psyched up
psychological warfare
public enemy number one
public eye
public intellectual
publicity hound
puddle jumper
pull a
pull a face
pull a fast one
pull a rabbit out of a hat
pull ahead
pull an all-nighter
pull apart
pull away
pull faces
pull in
pull in one's horns
pull my finger
pull off
pull one's finger out
pull one's punches
pull one's socks up
pull one's weight
pull oneself together
pull oneself up by one's bootstraps
pull out
pull out all the stops
pull out of one's ass
pull out of the fire
pull out of the hat
pull over
pull punches
pull rank
pull someone's bacon out of the fire
pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire
pull someone's leg
pull strings
pull teeth
pull the other leg
pull the other one, it's got bells on
pull the plug
pull the rug out from under
pull the trigger
pull up
pull up stakes
pulling power
pulling the plug
pump iron
pump out
pump someone's tires
pumpkin head
punch above one's weight
punch below one's weight
punch it
punch someone's lights out
purple prose
push against an open door
push in
push it
push one's luck
push the boat out
push the envelope
push up daisies
put a damper on
put a foot wrong
put a gun to someone's head
put a lid on it
put a sock in it
put a stop to
put all one's eggs in one basket
put an end to
put back
put down
put down as
put down for
put down roots
put down to
put food on the table
put foot to ass
put forward
put hair on someone's chest
put in the ground
put in with
put into practice
put it past
put it there
put lipstick on a pig
put off
put on a clinic
put on a pedestal
put on airs
put on one's dancing shoes
put on the dog
put on the map
put on the red light
put on the ritz
put one foot in front of the other
put one over
put one past
put one through one's paces
put one's ass on the line
put one's back into
put one's best foot forward
put one's cards on the table
put one's feet up
put one's finger on
put one's foot down
put one's foot down on
put one's foot down upon
put one's foot in it
put one's foot in one's mouth
put one's head in the sand
put one's house in order
put one's mind to it
put one's money where one's mouth is
put one's name in the hat
put one's pants on one leg at a time
put oneself across
put oneself in someone's shoes
put out
put out a fire
put out feelers
put out of one's misery
put out to pasture
put paid to
put someone in mind of
put someone in their place
put someone under
put someone's back up
put someone's lights out
put something behind one
put something into perspective
put that in your pipe and smoke it
put the bee on
put the boot in
put the bottom rail on top
put the brakes on
put the cart before the horse
put the cat among the pigeons
put the clock back
put the clock forward
put the fear of God into
put the feedbag on
put the hammer down
put the kibosh on
put the moves on
put the pedal to the metal
put the plug in the jug
put the screws
put the wind up
put through
put through its paces
put through the mangle
put through the wringer
put to bed
put to the sword
put to the test
put to work
put two and two together
put up
put up one's dukes
put up or shut up
put up to
put up with
put words in someone's mouth
put-up job
putty in someone's hands
quake in one's boots
Quaker gun
quarter of
quarter past
queen bee
queen of beasts
queer bashing
queer fish
queer someone's pitch
Queer Street
quelle surprise
quick as a flash
quick buck
quick off the mark
quick on the draw
quick on the uptake
quiet as a mouse
quit while one is ahead
quite a bit
quote unquote
qwerty syndrome
rabble rouser
race against time
race out of the traps
race queen
rack and ruin
rack one's brain
rack up
rag bagger
rag the puck
rags to riches
rain cats and dogs
rain check
rain cheque
rain dogs and cats
rain down
rain fire and brimstone
rain off
rain on one's parade
rain or shine
rain pitchforks
rain stopped play
rainbows and unicorns
rainy day
raise a hand
raise Cain
raise eyebrows
raise hell
raise one's hand
raise one's voice
raise someone's hackles
raise someone's shag
raise the bar
raise the flag and see who salutes
raise the roof
raise the spectre
raise the stakes
raised by wolves
rake over
rake over the coals
rake together
rake up
rally around
rally round
rank and file
rare animal
rarer than hens' teeth
rat race
rat run
rat's nest
rattle off
rattle someone's cage
rattle through`We've only got a few more things to do before we can close up for the night, so let's just rattle through them and get the heck out of here.
raw deal
ray of light
reach for the sky
reach for the stars
reach-around`Manual stimulation of a sexual partner's genitals during anal or vaginal intercourse from behind.
read between the lines
read in
read lips
read out
read someone the riot act
read someone's lips
read someone's mind
read the room
ready up
real deal
real McCoy
reality check
reap the harvest
reap the whirlwind
reap what one sows
rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic
rebound relationship
reckon without one's host
Red Baron
red face test
red flag
red in the face
red ink
red letter day
red light
red meat
red mist
red rider
red tape
redeem oneself
rediscover fire
reduce someone to tears
reel in
reel off
refrigerator mother
rein in
reinvent the wheel
remain to be seen
render unto Caesar
rent out
rest assured
rest his soul
rest on one's laurels
return to form
return to one's muttons
returns to scale
rev up
revolving door syndrome
rhyme off
rhyme or reason
rice chaser
rice queen
Richard Roe
rickle o' banes
rid out
rid up
ridden hard and put away wet
riddle wrapped up in an enigma
ride down
ride herd on
ride high
ride on a rail
ride one's luck
ride out
ride roughshod over
ride shotgun
ride tall in the saddle
ride the ... train
ride the coattails
ride the pine
ride the rails
ride the wave
rig out
right away
right on
ring a bell
ring down the curtain
ring false
ring hollow
ring off the hook
ring one's bell
ring someone's bell
ring true
ring up
ring up the curtain
ringside seat
rip into
rip off
rip to shreds
rip-snorting mad
ripe old age
ripen up
rise and shine
rise from the ashes
rise to the challenge
rise to the occasion
risk one's life and limb
rivet counter
roach coach
road apple
road to Damascus
rob Peter to pay Paul
rob the cradle
robber baron
rock bottom
rock hound
rock on
rock out with one's cock out
rock the boat
rocket science
rocking horse shit
rocking-horse shit
rod for one's back
roger that
rogues' gallery
roll back the years
roll in the aisles
roll in wealth
roll off the tongue
roll one's eyes
roll out the red carpet
roll the dice
roll up one's sleeves
rolling in it
rolling stone
Roma locuta est, causa finita est
romp home
roof over one's head
room for doubt
room-temperature IQ
root around
root cause
rooting interest
rose garden
rose-colored glasses
rotten apple
rotten egg
rough and ready
rough around the edges
rough out
rough sledding
rough sleeper
rough trot
roughen up
round of applause
round the bend
round the clock
round up
roving eye
row back
royal bumps
rub down
rub elbows
rub in
rub off
rub off on
rub one's hands together
rub salt in someone's wounds
rub salt in the wound
rub shoulders
rub someone the wrong way
rub the fear of God into
rubber johnny
rubber jungle
rubber room
rubber-chicken dinner
ruby slippers
rue the day
ruffle someone's feathers
rule in
rule of thumb
rule OK
rule out
rule the day
rule the roost
rule the school
rumor campaign
rumor mill
rumple up
run a mile
run a red light
run about
run across
run afoul of
run amok
run around
run around after
run around like a chicken with its head cut off
run around with
run at the mouth
run deep
run down the clock
run for one's life
run for one's money
run for the hills
run for the roses
run hot and cold
run in the family
run into the ground
run its course
run late
run of play
run off
run off at the mouth
run off with
run on
run on empty
run on fumes
run out
run out of steam
run out of town
run out the clock
run over
run past
run rampant
run rings around
run riot
run scared
run someone ragged
run something up the flagpole
run the clock down
run the gamut
run the gauntlet
run the rule over
run the show
run through
run to
run to earth
run up
run wild
run with
run with scissors
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
running target
rush hour
rush in
Russian roulette
rustle up
sacked out
sacred cow
sad sack
saddle tramp
sag off
sail close to the wind
salad year
salt away
salt in the wound
salt of the earth
same difference
same old story
Santa's workshop
save by the bell
save it
save one's breath
save oneself
save someone's bacon
save someone's skin
save something for a rainy day
save the day
save the furniture
saved by the bell
saw wood
sawdust trail
say again
say cheese
say goodbye
say grace
say it all
say no more
say the quiet part loud
say uncle
say what
say when
scare out of one's wits
scare someone to death
scare story
scare straight
scare the living daylights out of
scare the pants off
scared shitless
scared to death
scholar and gentleman
school of hard knocks
schoolboy error
score off
Scotch mist
scrape along
scrape the bottom of the barrel
scrape through
scrape together
scratch an itch
scratch beneath the surface
scratch by
scratch one's head
scratch that
scratch the surface
scratch together
scream bloody murder
scream blue murder
scream loudest
scream one's head off
screw off
screw the pooch
screw you
screwed up
sea change
sea legs
sea load
seagull approach
seagull manager
seal the deal
second banana
second childhood
second fiddle
second gear
second nature
second string
second Tuesday of the week
see a man
see a man about a dog
see a man about a horse
see eye to eye
see how the land lies
see one's way clear to
see past the end of one's nose
see red
see someone's point
see stars
see the dark side of the moon
see the elephant
see the forest for the trees
see the light
see the light of day
see things
see through
see which way the cat jumps
see yellow
see you later
see you next Tuesday
seeing is believing
seismic shift
seize the day
sell down
sell down the river
sell ice to Eskimos
sell like hot cakes
sell one's body
sell one's soul
sell oneself
sell someone a bill of goods
sell the pass
sell-by date
seller's market
selling point
send away
send away for
send shivers down someone's spine
send someone packing
send someone to the showers
send to Coventry
send word
sense of craft
separate the wheat from the chaff
serve notice
serve someone right
serve time
serve two masters
serve up
set a spell
set back
set by the ears
set down
set eyes on
set foot
set for life
set in motion
set in one's ways
set in stone
set of pipes
set of wheels
set off
set one's cap at
set one's hair on fire
set one's heart on
set one's shoulder to the wheel
set one's sights on
set pulses racing`You could feel it in the air that the singer's performance was setting pulses racing.
set straight
set the bar
set the pace
set the stage
set the Thames on fire
set the wheels in motion
set the world on fire
set to work
set up shop
settle for
settle in
settle into
settle someone's hash`Her comment about the achievements of various women of color really settled that internet troll's hash.
settle upon
sex machine
sex on legs`An extremely sexually attractive person.
sex pact`an agreement about having sex with particular frequency, or in a particular way regardless of circumstances
sex talk
sex up
sexual congress`the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur
sexual relation
sexual tension
shacked up
shake a leg
shake like a leaf
shake out
shake the pagoda tree
sham Abraham
shanks' mare
shanks' nag
shanks' pony
shape up
shape up or ship out
share and share alike
sharp cookie
sharp tongue
sharp-elbowed`"a sharp-elbowed businessman who knows how to work the system"
shed a tear
shed blood
shed find
shed light upon
she'll be right
shift gears
shimmy on down`Once we had settled into our room, we shimmied down to Main Street to see what the city had to offer.
shit a brick`My brother is so strong and scary-looking that people shit bricks when he threatens them.
shit in someone's Cheerios`I don't mean to shit in your Cheerios, but I'm staying home tonight.
shit one's pants
shit or get off the can`You've been going back and forth between the same two models of car for the last two hours—either shit or get off the pot!
shit or get off the pot
shit out of luck
shit stain
shit the bed
shit-eating grin`I really wanted to wipe that shit-eating grin off his face after he won the poker game.
shitstorm`a situation marked by violent controversy.
shitting match
shitting planks
shoot down
shoot 'em up
shoot first and ask questions later
shoot from the lip
shoot off
shoot off at the mouth
shoot one's bolt
shoot one's load
shoot oneself in the foot
shoot the boots
shoot the breeze
shoot the bull
shoot the messenger
shore up
short end of the stick
short fuse
short hairs
short leash
short of a length
short on looks
short strokes
short temper
short-sheet`"we retirees have been short-sheeted for a long time"
shot across the bow
shot in the arm
shot in the dark
shot with a shovel
shotgun approach
shotgun shack
shotgun wedding
shots fired
shoulder the burden
shoulder to cry on
shove it up your ass
show a clean pair of heels`He showed the mugger a clean pair of heels, skittering down a side alley and escaping out of sight.
show a leg`"come on, rise and shine, show a leg"
show ankle`To provide a hint or to reveal partial information in order to gain attention or arouse interest.
show off
show one's butt
show one's cards
show one's face
show one's true colors
show one's true stripes
show someone the door
show the flag
show up
show what one is made of
show who's boss
shower down
shrinking violet`After years of being seen as nothing more than a shrinking violet, Christine decided to overcome her fears and start talking to strangers.
shuffle off this mortal coil`After years of being seen as nothing more than a shrinking violet, Christine decided to overcome her fears and start talking to strangers.
shut one's eyes
shut one's face
shut one's mouth
shut one's trap
shut the door on
shy bladder` finds it difficult or impossible to urinate (pee) when other people are around.
sick and tired
sick as a parrot`Tim was as sick as a parrot when he learned that he had been passed over for the promotion.
sick at heart
sick list
sick man
sick note
sick puppy
side issue
sift out
sigh of relief
sight for sore eyes
sight to behold
sight unseen`In this country, it's not uncommon to be arranged to marry someone sight unseen.
sign in
sign of the times
sign off
sign on
sign on the dotted line
silent as the grave
silent treatment
silky smooth
silly money
silly season`I don't even buy the paper during the silly season because there's nothing worth reading about.
silver bullet
silver screen
silver spoon
silver tongue
simmer down
simple as kiss your hand
sin tax
sing along
sing from the same hymnbook
sing off the same hymn sheet`Make sure everyone from the campaign is singing from the same hymn sheet before we release any kind of statement to the press.
sing soprano
sing the praises of
singe one's wings`He used to be one of the most successful financial advisers on Wall Street, but he singed his wings going after high-risk, high-profit investments that ultimately bankrupted him.
singing soprano
sink in
sinking ship
siren song` After his hit single brought the singer overnight fame and fortune, he was quickly lured by the siren song of drugs, alcohol, and promiscuous sexual activity.
sit back
sit in
sit in for
sit on
sit on it`It's hard to do your best when you know that someone is sitting on you, and no matter what you do, it won't help your advancement.
sit on one's hands
sit on the fence
sit out
sit still
sit through
sit tight
sitting duck
sitting pretty
six and two threes
six feet under
six of one, half a dozen of the other`It doesn't matter to me which way you do it. It's six of one and half a dozen of the other. What difference does it make? They're both the same—six of one and half a dozen of the other.
six of the best`When I was growing up, teachers wouldn't hesitate to give you six of the best for mouthing off in class. These days, most teachers are afraid to even raise their voices at their pupils.
six ways to Sunday`We researched the case six ways to Sunday, but there didn't seem to be any way that we could win with the evidence at hand.
size queen
size up
skate on thin ice
skate one's lane
skate over
skeleton at the feast`Don't invite Chris to your engagement party—he's always so gloomy and will just be a skeleton at the feast.
skeleton crew`minimum number of personnel needed to operate and maintain an item at its most simple operating requirements
skeleton in the closet
skeleton in the cupboard
ski-jump nose
skin in the game
skip a beat
skip out
skip rope
skirt chaser
skittles party
skunk at a garden party
slag off
slam dunk
slanging match
slap and tickle
slap in the face
slap leather
slap on the wrist
slave to fashion
sleep a wink
sleep camel
sleep in
sleep on
sleep rough
sleep together
sleep with
sleep with the fishes
sleeping at the switch
sleeping giant
sleeping policeman
sleepy head
sleeves from one's vest
sleight of hand
slender reed
slice of the pie
sling off
sling one's hook
slip into
slip of the pen
slip of the tongue
slip someone's mind
slip through the cracks
slip under the radar
slip up
slippery as an eel
slop bowl
slop out
slow burn
slow march
slow on the uptake
slow up
slower than molasses
slug away
slut's wool
smack of
small change
small fry
small potatoes
small print
small talk
small wonder
smart arse
smart chance
smash hit
smash up
smear campaign
smell a rat
smell blood
smell like a rose
smell of an oily rag
smell of the lamp
smell test
smell the barn
smile from ear to ear
smoke like a chimney
smoke out
smoke signal
smoke-filled room
smoking gun
smooth down
smooth operator
smooth sailing
snake eyes
snake in the grass
snake oil
snap it up
snap judgment
snap out of
snap someone's head off
snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
snatch the pebble
snatch victory from the jaws of defeat
sneck posset
sniff test
snipe hunt
snitches get stitches
snow job
snow on the mountaintop
snow on the rooftop
snow out
snowball's chance in hell
snowed under
snuggle bunny
so be it
so far
so far so good
so long as
so much for
so quiet one could hear a pin drop
so there
soak up
soaked to the bone
soaked to the skin
soaking wet
sob story
social death
social ladder
sod all
sod off
soda jerk
soft Mick
soft sawder
soft shoe
soft spot
soft touch
soft underbelly
soften the blow
soften the ground
soften up
solo run
some old
some people
someone's jaw dropped
something awful
something is rotten in the state of Denmark
something like
somewhere along the line
somewhere over the rainbow
son of Adam
son of the morning
sore point
sort of
sort oneself out
sort out
soul kiss
sound asleep
soup sandwich
sour grapes
sour note
sour stomach
space out
spank the monkey
spare no effort
spare someone's blushes
spare tire
spare tyre
spark spread
speak for
speak for oneself
speak in circles
speak of the devil
speak of the devil and he appears
speak of the devil and he shall appear
speak one's mind
speak out
speak someone's language
speak to
speak up
speak with a forked tongue
spear carrier
special delivery
special needs
spectator sport
speed merchant
speed up
Speedy Gonzales
spend a penny
spic and span
spice up
spick and span
spiff up
spill one's guts
spill one's seed
spill the beans
spin a yarn
spin one's wheels
spin out
spit feathers
spit in the wind
spit into the wind
spit nails
spit out
spitting distance
splash down
splice the mainbrace
split hairs
split one's sides
split the difference
split up
Spock ears
spoil someone rotten
spoilt for choice
spot check
spot of bother
spread out
spring fever
spring for
spring in one's step
spring to life
spring to mind
spruce up
spur of the moment
square away
square meal
square one
square peg in a round hole
square shooter
squint like a bag of nails
stab in the back
stack up
stage of the game
stage right
stage-door Johnny
staircase wit
stalking horse
stall for time
stand a chance
stand behind
stand by
stand corrected
stand down
stand for
stand from under
stand in for
stand in one's own light
stand in someone's shoes
stand in the gap
stand on ceremony
stand on its own
stand on one's head
stand on one's own two feet
stand one's ground
stand pat
stand tall
stand the test of time
stand to reason
stand treat
stand trial
stand up
stand up and be counted
stand up with
standard fare
star turn
star vehicle
Appendix:Star Wars derivations
stare someone in the face
stars align
stars are aligned
stars in one's eyes
start a family
start off on the right foot
start off on the wrong foot
start over
start with a clean sheet
start with a clean slate
starvin' Marvin
state of affairs
stave off
stay behind
stay on
stay put
stay the course
stay the distance
stay tuned
steady hand on the tiller
steady the ship
steal a glance
steal a march
steal someone's heart
steal someone's thunder
steal the show
stem the rose
stem the tide
step back
step down
step forward
step on a rake
step on it
step on someone's toes
step out
step out of line
step over
step up
step up one's game
step up to the plate
stepping razor
stepping stone
stew in one's juices
stick a fork in something
stick by
stick in someone's craw
stick in the mud
stick it to the man
stick one's dick in crazy
stick one's head in the sand
stick one's neck out
stick one's oar in
stick out
stick the knife in
stick the landing
stick to
stick to one's guns
stick to one's knitting
stick to one's text
stick to someone's ribs
stick together
stick up
stick up one's ass
stick with
sticker shock
sticking point
sticky fingers
stiff upper lip
stink eye
stink on ice
stir shit
stock phrase
stock still
stone cold
stone dead
stone deaf
stone's throw
stop and smell the roses
stop at nothing
stop dead
stop press
stop someone in their tracks
stop the lights
stop the presses
store away
storm off
storm out of the blocks
stovepipe hat
straight arrow
straight away
straight face
straight from the horse's mouth
straight from the shoulder
straight goods
straight man
straight out of the chute`Yes, our company is relatively new, but we've had great success straight out of the chute.
straight shooter
straighten out
strange bedfellows
strange bird
straw poll
straw that stirs the drink
streak of good luck
street appeal
streets ahead
streets behind
stretch one's legs
stretch the truth
strike a blow
strike a chord
strike it lucky
strike it rich
strike one's flag
strike up
strike while the iron is hot
string along
string attached
string to one's bow
string up
strings attached
strip off
stroke of business
stroke of work
strut one's stuff
stub out
stuck on
stuck up
stud muffin
stuff it
stuff one's face
stuff the ballot box
stuff you
stuffed like a turkey
stuffed shirt
stuffed to the gills
stumbling block
suck a big one
suck a lemon
suck and blow
suck donkey balls
suck donkey cock
suck down
suck face
suck hind tit
suck it
suck it up
suck my balls
suck my cock
suck someone's cock
suck the kumara
suck tits
sucker punch
suffer fools gladly
sugar and spice
sugar coated
sugarcoat a bitter pill
sugarcoat the pill
suit down to the ground
summer and winter
sun worshipper
Sunday best
Sunday driver
supposed to
sure enough
sure of oneself
surf's up
suspend one's disbelief
Sussex Drive
swaddling clothes
swallow a bitter pill
swallow one's pride
swallow the leek
swan song
swear by
swear off
swear on a stack of Bibles
sweat bullets
sweat equity
sweat of one's brow
sweat the small stuff
sweep aside
sweep away
sweep out
sweep someone off their feet
sweep something under the rug
sweep the board
sweet dreams
sweet fuck all
sweet hereafter
sweet Jesus
sweet Mary
sweet Mary mother of God
sweet nothings
sweet tooth
sweet young thing
sweeten the pot
sweeten up
sweetheart deal
sweetness and light
swell up
swim upstream
swim with sharks
swing and a miss
swing both ways
swing for the fences
swing of things
swing through
switch off
switch on
sword and sandal
sword and sorcery
table scrap
table talk
tag along
tail between one's legs
tail wagging the dog
take a back seat
take a bath
take a bead on
take a bite
take a bow
take a breath
take a breather
take a bullet
take a chance
take a crack at
take a dim view of
take a dive
take a flyer
take a gamble
take a gander
take a hike
take a joke
take a leaf out of someone's book
take a licking and keep on ticking
take a load off
take a long walk on a short pier
take a look
take a nap
take a number
take a pew
take a picture
take a powder
take a ride to Tyburn
take a risk
take a run at
take a seat
take a shit
take a shot in the dark
take a stab at
take a stand
take a tumble
take a turn
take a turn for the better
take a turn for the worse
take a walk
take a wife
take a wrong turn at Albuquerque
take aback
take aim
take by storm
take cover
take delight in
take down a peg
take effect
take five
take flight
take for a spin
take for granted
take form
take guard
take heed
take ill
take into account
take into consideration
take it away
take it easy
take it from me
take it like a man
take it or leave it
take it out on
take it outside
take it up the ass
take it upon oneself
take its toll
take kindly
take leave of one's senses
take liberties
take lightly
take lying down
take matters into one's own hands
take no for an answer
take no notice of
take no prisoners
take on
take on faith
take on the chin
take on water
take one for the team
take one's chance
take one's eye off the ball
take one's hat off to
take one's lumps
take one's pick
take one's time
take out
take out an onion
take out of context
take out the trash
take part
take pride
take sick
take sides
take silk
take someone to the grave
take someone's head off
take someone's word for it
take something as read
take something in one's stride
take something in stride
take something to the grave
take the bait
take the biscuit
take the bitter with the sweet
take the Browns to the Super Bowl
take the bull by the horns
take the count
take the cure
take the fall
take the fifth
take the game to
take the gilt off the gingerbread
take the hint
take the law into one's own hands
take the lead
take the liberty
take the Michael
take the mick
take the mickey
take the offensive
take the pee
take the piss
take the plunge
take the point
take the red pill
take the reins
take the shadow for the substance
take the stand
take the veil
take the wheel
take the wind out of someone's sails
take things as they come
take to
take to heart
take to one's heels
take to something like a duck to water
take to task
take to the bank
take to the cleaners
take to the hills
take up a collection
take up the cudgel for
take up the gauntlet
talent management
talk a blue streak
talk a good game
talk a mile a minute
talk about
talk back
talk big
talk dirty
talk down
talk in circles
talk is cheap
talk jockey
talk like an apothecary
talk of the devil
talk of the town
talk out of one's ass
talk out of turn
talk over someone's head
talk someone into something
talk someone out of something
talk someone under the table
talk the talk
talk through one's hat
talk to oneself
talk turkey
talk up
talking head
tall in the saddle
tall order
tall tale
tamp down
tan someone's hide
taper off
tar with the same brush
taste of one's own medicine
taste of one's own poison
teach grandma how to suck eggs
teach someone a lesson
teacher's pet
team up
team up with
tear one's hair out
tear up
tear up the pea patch
tee off
teed off
teensy weensy
teeny weeny
teething problems
teething trouble
teething troubles
telephone tag
tell against
tell all
tell apart
tell fortunes
tell it like it is
tell it to Sweeney
tell it to the judge
tell it to the marines
tell someone where to shove it
tell tales
tell tales out of school
tell the truth
tell you the truth
temper temper
tempest in a teapot
temple of immensity
tempt fate
tempus fugit
ten a penny
ten to one
ten-dollar word
tentpole movie
term out
territorial pissing
test bed
test of time
test the waters
than a bygod
thank one's lucky stars
thanks a bunch
thanks for nothing
that does it
that figures
that way
that'll be the day
that's all she wrote
that's just me
that's saying something
that's that
that's the ticket
that's what she said
the apple does not fall far from the tree
the ball is in someone's court
the bee's knees
the biter bit
the box they're going to bury it in
the buck stops here
the cat's out of the bag
the chickens come home to roost
the devil
the devil is a liar
the die is cast
the end of one's rope
the feathers fly
the finger
the genie's out of the bottle
the good doctor
the good doctors
the handbags come out
the hell out of
the hell you say
the icing on the cake
the jig is up
the joke is on someone
the length of the Flemington straight
the man
the matter
the nail that sticks out gets hammered down
the nose knows
the old woman is plucking her goose
the other day
the pants off
the pen is mightier than the sword
the plot thickens
the quality
the rabbit died
the rest is history
the rubber meets the road
the shoe is on the other foot
the show must go on
the straw that broke the camel's back
the streets are paved with gold
the terrorists will have won
the thing is
the thing of it
the wheels came off
the wheels came off the bus
the wheels came off the wagon
the wheels fell off
the wheels fell off the bus
the wheels fell off the wagon
the whole world and his dog
the word is go
the world over
them's the breaks
them's the facts
then again
then and there
there and back
there for everyone to see
there is a new sheriff in town
there is no there there
there must be something in the water
there we go
there you are
there you go
there you have it
thick and thin
thick as thieves
thick of things
thick skin
thief in the night
thin air
thin end of the wedge
things that go bump in the night
think aloud
think back
think of England
think on one's feet
think one's shit doesn't stink
think over
think tank
think the world of
think twice
think up
think with one's little head
third country
third degree
third hand
third string
third wheel
this is where we came in
this minute
thorn in someone's side
thorn in the flesh
though but
thought bubble
thrash out
thread the needle
three Rs
three score and ten
three sheets to the wind
three skips of a louse
Three Stooges
three-martini lunch
three-ring circus
thrill kill
thrill killer
through the mill
through the roof
throw a bone to
throw a fit
throw a spanner in the works
throw a sprat to catch a mackerel
throw a tantrum
throw a wobbly
throw an eye
throw aside
throw away
throw caution to the wind
throw cold water on
throw down
throw dust in someone's eyes
throw good money after bad
throw in
throw in at the deep end
throw in the towel
throw in with
throw money away
throw off
throw off balance
throw off the trail
throw one's cap over the windmill
throw one's hat in the ring
throw one's hat over the fence
throw one's hat over the wall
throw one's toys out of the pram
throw one's weight around
throw out
throw shapes
throw stones in a glass house
throw the baby out with the bathwater
throw the book at
throw the bull around
throw to the dogs
throw to the wind
throw to the wolves
throw under the bus
thumb a ride
thumb on the scale
thumb one's nose
thus and so
thus and such
tick all the boxes
tick over
tickle pink
tickle someone's fancy
tickle someone's funny bone
tickle someone's pickle
tickle the dragon's tail
tickle the ivories
tide over
tie someone's hands
tie the knot
tie up
tie up loose ends
tight lips
tight ship
tight spot
tighten the purse strings
till death do us part
time alone will tell
time and material
time bandit
time burglar
time flies
time of the month
time off
time out
time out of mind
time thief
time will tell
tin ear
tin god
Tinker to Evers to Chance
tip of the hat
tip of the iceberg
tip off
tip one's hand
tip one's hat
tip the scale
tip the scales
tire fire
tired and emotional
tit for tat
tits up
to a fare-thee-well
to a fault
to a nicety
to a T
to a turn
to all intents and purposes
to be honest
to be sure
to beat the band
to boot
to date
to death
to die for
to do with
to go
to hell in a handbasket
to little avail
to no avail
to one's heart's content
to one's mind
to pieces
to say nothing of
to say the least
to speak of
to tell the truth
to that end
to the bone
to the gills
to the letter
to the max
to the moon
to the moon and back
to the nth degree
to the point
to the T
to the tee
to the tonsils
to the tune of
toast of the town
today we are all
toe the line
toes up
tomayto, tomahto
tone down
tonsil hockey
tonsil tennis
too bad
too big for one's boots
too big for one's britches
too clever by half
too good for this world
too hot to hold
too many balls in the air
too rich for one's blood
tool around
toot one's own horn
toothpaste is out of the tube
top banana
top brass
top cat
top dog
top dollar
top drawer
top end of town
top it off
top notch
top of mind
top of the line
top of the morning
top oneself
top shelf
top up
top-heavy with drink
topple over
torque off
torqued off
totus porcus
touch a nerve
touch cloth
touch of the tar brush
touch off
touch on
touch oneself
touch the hem of someone's garment
touch up
touch wood
tough as nails
tough call
tough cookies
tough going
tough love
tough luck
tough nut to crack
tough titty
tough tuchus
toughen up
town and gown
toy boy
toys in the attic
track down
track record
trailer nigger
trailer park trash
trailer trash
transform and roll out
tread lightly
treat like dirt
trench mouth
trial balloon
trial by fire
trial by media
trick of the trade
trick up one's sleeve
tried and tested
trip balls
trip out
trip to the woodshed
trot out
trouble at mill
trouble in paradise
true stripes
true to form
true to one's colors
trump up
truth be told
try it on
try one's hand
try one's luck
tube steak
tug of war
tumble on
tune in
tune out
tune up
tuppence worth
turd in the punchbowl
turf war
turkey shoot
turn a blind eye
turn a corner
turn a deaf ear
turn a hair
turn a phrase
turn a profit
turn a trick
turn against
turn around
turn back
turn back the clock
turn down
turn heads
turn in
turn in one's grave
turn into
turn into a pumpkin
turn loose
turn of events
turn of phrase
turn off
turn on
turn on its head
turn on one's heel
turn one on
turn one's back
turn one's coat
turn one's nose up
turn out
turn over
turn over a new leaf
turn someone's crank
turn someone's head
turn tail
turn the air blue
turn the boat
turn the corner
turn the other cheek
turn the page
turn the scale
turn the screw
turn the tables
turn the tide
turn to dust
turn two
turn up
turn up for the book
turn up one's nose
turn up trumps
turn upside down
twelve-ounce curls
twenty to
twenty to the dozen
twenty winks
twenty-twenty hindsight
twiddle one's thumbs
twilight years
twinkle in one's father's eye
twist in the wind
twist of fate
twist someone's arm
two a penny
two birds with one stone
two bob
two cents
two dogs fight for a bone, but a third runs away with it
two for two
two ha'pennies for a penny
two lamps burning and no ship at sea
two left feet
two pennies to rub together
two pennies' worth
two penn'orth
two sides of the same coin
two steps ahead
two thumbs up
two-fisted drinker
two-second rule
two-way street
tyre kicker
ugly American
ugly duckling
under a cloud
under a spell
under control
under erasure
Citations:under erasure
under glass
under lock and key
under no circumstances
under one's breath
under one's hat
under one's own steam
under one's thumb
under one's very eyes
under one's wing
under sail
under someone's nose
under the carpet
under the cosh
under the covers
under the gun
under the impression
under the influence
under the microscope
under the radar
under the rose
under the rug
under the saya
under the sun
under the weather
under the wire
under water
under way
university of life
unknown quantity
uno ab alto
unring a bell
until hell freezes over
until one is blue in the face
until the cows come home
Citations:until the cows come home
until the last dog is hung
unto the ages of ages
unwashed masses
up a height
up a tree
up against
up against it
up and at 'em
up and down
up and running
up for
up for grabs
up front
up hill and down dale
up in arms
up in the air
up on
up on one's ear
up one's own ass
up one's sleeve
up poo creek
up shit creek without a paddle
up shit's creek
up shit's creek without a paddle
up someone's street
up the ante
up the creek
up the river
up the wall
up the walls
up the ying yang
up to eleven
up to here
up to no good
up to one's ears
up to par
up to scratch
up to snuff
up to something
up to speed
up with the chickens
up with the lark
up with the larks
uphill battle
upper crust
upper hand
ups and downs
upset the applecart
urban fabric
use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
use one's head
use one's noggin
used to
vale of tears
valley of death
valley of the shadow of death
velvet handcuffs
verge on
very well
vest buster
victory at sea
vim and vigor
virgin territory
voice in the wilderness
vote down
vote with one's feet
vouch for
wag the dog
wait for it
wait for the ball to drop
wait for the other shoe to drop
wait in the wings
wait on hand, foot and finger
wait on someone hand and foot
wait on someone hand, foot and finger
wait out
wait upon hand and foot
waiting game
wake up and smell the coffee
wake up on the wrong side of bed
walk a mile in someone's shoes
walk all over
walk and chew gum at the same time
walk away
walk away from
walk down the aisle
walk free
walk in on
walk in the park
walk in the snow
walk of life
walk off with
walk on eggshells
walk on sunshine
walk on the wild side`I liked to take a walk on the wild side while I was in college, but now that I'm a bit older, I tend to be a bit more conservative in the things I do for fun.
walk on water
walk over
walk the dog
walk the floor
walk the line
walk the plank`The person who's embezzling money from the company will have to walk the plank once their identity is discovered.
walk the talk
walk through
walking dictionary
wall of silence
Wall Street
wanker's cramp
war bride
war of nerves
war of words
warm body
warm regards
warm the cockles of someone's heart`Thank you so much—your kind words really warmed the cockles of my heart.
warmest regards
warts and all
wash one's dirty linen in public
wash one's hands
wash one's hands of
wash out
washed out
waste away
waste breath
waste not, want not
watch it
watch one's mouth
watch one's step
watch out
watch over
watch this space
water down
water over the dam
water to one's mill`Romantic poetry is water to Lisa's mill—she could talk about Shelley and Keats all day.
water under the bridge
watering hole
watery grave
wave away
wave of the hand
wave the white flag
way back when
way out of a paper bag
we haven't got all day
weak sister
weak tea
weaker vessel
wear one's heart on one's sleeve
wear out one's welcome
wear rose-colored glasses
wear thin
wear too many hats
weasel out
weather the storm
weed out
weekend warrior
weigh against
weigh down
weigh in
weight of the world
welcome to my world
welfare Cadillac
well and good
well and truly
well done
well hung
well, I never
were you born in a tent
wet behind the ears
wet blanket
wet boy
wet dream
wet firecracker
wet one's beak
wet one's pants
wet one's whistle`"they meet ostensibly to discuss politics, but also to wet their whistles with brandy and soda"
wet the bed
what are the odds
what can I say
what did your last slave die of
what do you say
what else is new
what for
what in tarnation
what is more
what it takes
what not
what of it
what someone said
what the Devil
what was someone smoking
what was someone thinking
what with
what you see is what you get
what's it to you
what, me worry
whatever creams your twinkie
whatever floats your boat
whatever it takes
what's cooking
what's eating
what's eating you
what's going on
what's in it for me
what's new
what's the beef
what's the difference
what's the good of
what's the matter
what's up
what's what
wheel away
wheel out
wheel within a wheel
when all is said and done
when Hell freezes over
when it's at home
when one's ship comes in
when pigs fly
when push comes to shove
when the chips are down
when two Sundays come together
when two Sundays meet`A: "When are you going to help me clean out the garage?" B: "How about when two Sundays meet?"
where the sun don't shine
where's the beef
which foot the shoe is on
which way the wind is blowing
whichever way one slices it
while we're young
whip hand
whip into shape
whip through
whips and jingles`The whips and jingles can be agonizing. Hope you never have to experience them.
whisk away
whisk off
whiskey dick
whisper campaign
whistle Dixie`You're whistling Dixie if you think we're making the playoffs this year.
whistle for
whistle in the dark
whistle in the wind
whistle past the graveyard-He shows a confident manner, but he may just be whistling past the graveyard.
whistle walk
white coat hypertension`when the blood pressure readings at your doctor's office are higher than they are in other settings, such as your home.
white elephant
white hat
White House
white lie
white magic
white marriage
white on rice
white rider
white sheep
white trash
white trashery
Whitman's sampler`The client wants a lot of options, so be sure to give him a Whitman's sampler of designs.
who are you telling
who shot John
whole ball of wax
whole cloth
whole shebang
whole shooting match
whomp on-We had high hopes going into the game, but the other team totally whomped on us, giving us our first loss.
whoop ass
whoop it up-If you're a speaker or entertainer, you know the value of having someone who can whoop it up and warm up the crowd.
who's 'she', the cat's mother-A: "Oh, and she was there too." B: "Who's she, the cat's mother?"
who's who
why in God's name
why on Earth
wicked tongue-Can't you say anything nice? You have such a wicked tongue!
wide awake
wide berth
wide of the mark
widow's mite
wild horses
wild-goose chase
will o' the wisp
willful ignorance-I can't believe you're still smoking, despite knowing all the risks! Your willful ignorance just blows me away.
willing horse-Mark is a willing horse, so we can definitely get him to do this stupid project.
willow in the wind-Julia has always been a willow in the wind—we can definitely get her to side with us on this.
win back
win by a nose
win one for the Gipper`Let's work hard to meet the last sales goal before Jim retires—let's win one for the Gipper!
win over
win the battle, but lose the war
win the day
wind at one's back
wind back the clock`I wish I could wind back the clock and study harder before that exam I failed.
wind down
wind off
wind up one's bottoms
window dressing`actions taken to improve the appearance of a company's financial statements
window on the world
wine tosser-A person who buys wine, but does not drink it.
wing it
winged word
winning ways
winter rat
wipe out
wipe someone's eye
wipe the slate clean
wise apple`Does that kid ever shut up? He's a real wise apple.
wise head on young shoulders
wishful thinking
with a grain of salt
with a quickness
with a vengeance
with a view to
with a will
with all due respect
with an eye to
with an eye towards
with any luck
with bated breath
with bells on
with both hands
with flying colors
with knobs on`Your report is like my report with brass knobs on—it's 30 pages longer!
with no further ado
with one voice
with one's bare hands
with one's dick in one's hand
with one's hand in the cookie jar
with one's head held high
with one's jaw in one's lap
with open arms
with pleasure
with the manner
wither on the vine
within ames ace
within an ace of`I came within an ace of winning that race, but I guess I'll have to settle for second place.
within living memory
within reach
without fail
without further ado
woe betide`And woe betide anyone who tries to ruin my plans!
wolf down
wolf in sheep's clothing
woman among women
woman of few words
woman of the hour
woman of the people
woman on the street
wooden spoon
wooden spoonist
word of mouth
word on the street
word on the wire
word to the wise
words fail someone
words of one syllable
work like a dream
work one's fingers to the bone
work one's magic
work someone's arse off
work someone's ass off
work spouse
work the crowd
work the room`At parties, my dad always works the room and chats with everyone, but I'm too shy for that.
work to rule
work wonders
worked up
working girl
worlds apart
worm food
worm turns`The dictatorship's killing of the beloved political rebel has stoked the flames of insurrection in the population. Now the worm turns.
worm's-eye view
worry wart`a person who tends to dwell unduly on difficulty or troubles.
worse for wear
worship the ground someone walks on
worship the porcelain god
worship the porcelain goddess`If Tommy doesn't slow down on the vodka, he's going to be up worshipping the porcelain goddess all night.
worst comes to worst
worst of both worlds
worth a Jew's eye
worth every penny
worth its weight in gold
worth one's salt
worth one's while
wouldn't hurt a fly
wouldn't shout if a shark bit him
wouldn't you know
wouldn't you know it
wrack and ruin`The neighbor's property has really gone to wrack and ruin lately. I'm thinking about filing a complaint with the neighborhood association!
wrap around one's little finger
wrap in the flag`He has refused to respond to the valid criticisms of this war. Instead he just warps himself in the flag and talks about "security."
wrap up
wrestle with a pig
write one's own ticket`The movie star began writing her own tickets after she exploded in popularity in the early 2000s.
writer's cramp
writing on the wall
written all over someone's face
wrong crowd
wrong number
wrong side of the tracks`I was always looked down on as a kid because I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks.
X factor
X marks the spot`If you look at this financial chart, X marks the spot across all of them where the company began to seriously falter.
X's and O's`Before you start on that report, call Shelly—she knows all the x's and o's of the budget.
yank someone's chain`Quit yanking my chain, I know there isn't a Hollywood director calling me right now.
Yankee dime`A kiss
Yankee go home
yardarm to yardarm`When I planted the bushes, I put them yardarm to yardarm—I hope they don't overcrowd each other once they start blooming.
ye gods
yeah, right
yeah, yeah
year dot
year in, year out
yell at
yell silently`Bill knew he couldn't talk back to Mrs. Miller, so instead he yelled silently in his head as she reprimanded him.
yellow brick road
yellow grease
yellow journalism
yellow journalist
yellow light
yellow press
yellow state
yeoman's service`This rickety wooden ladder has done me yeoman's service over the years, but now it's time to upgrade.
yes man
yes to death
yield the ghost
you all
you bet
you can say that again
you can't be half pregnant
you can't judge a book by its cover
you can't polish a turd
you can't say fairer than that
you can't step in the same river twice
you don't say
you gals
you know it
you know what
you knows it
you lot
you name it
you shouldn't have
you think
you what
you wish
you'll never guess
young at heart
young fogey`a young person with conservative tastes or ideas.
young Turk
your ass
your guess is as good as mine
your mileage may vary`It isn't a mind-blowing or important film to watch, but I enjoyed it for its spectacle and humor. Your mileage may vary, though.
you're telling me
yours sincerely
yours trulies
yours truly
zero in on
zig when one should zag`He really should have won the election, but he zigged when he should have zagged by focusing so much of his campaign on taxes instead of attacking his opponent's political policies.
zip one's lip
zip up`I need to zip up to Chicago to meet with our business partners.
zonk out`fall asleep, esp from physical exhaustion or the effects of alcohol or drugs
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