US humor vs UK humour
Friends (season 1-10)
- "The Pilot"--- Rachel moves in with Monica, finding newfound independence after leaving her fiancé, Barry, at the altar. Chandler and Joey console Ross after his divorce from Carol, his wife who turns out to be a lesbian. Monica falls for a colleague and is crushed to learn their moment of passion was only a one night stand.
- "The One with the Sonogram at the End"--- Carol, Ross' lesbian ex-wife, tells him at work that she is pregnant with his child. When Ross attends the sonogram, he is stunned to learn that she wants to give the baby her and her lesbian lover's last names. Ross and Rachel console each other as she has to return her engagement ring to Barry where she finds out that he and her maid of honor Mindy, went on their supposedly honeymoon. Monica nearly has a breakdown from stressing when her and Ross' parents come for dinner.
- "The One with the Thumb"--- Monica becomes irritated when everyone likes her new boyfriend Alan, more than she does. Chandler starts smoking again and when the group complains, he diverts their attention to their own flaws. Phoebe gets money credited into her bank account that isn't hers. When she called it in to inform about the error, she ends up getting more money so she gives it to her homeless friend who buys her a can of soda, only to find a thumb in it. Phoebe uses the money compensated from the soda company to pay Chandler to quit smoking.
- "The One with George Stephanopoulos"--- Ross, upset about it being the anniversary of his first time sleeping with Carol, goes to a Rangers game with Chandler and Joey but gets hit in the face by a puck and is taken to the hospital. There, Ross reveals that Carol is the only woman he has ever slept with. Rachel finally gets her first paycheck but is angry that most of her money went to the Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA). She also gets a visit from her old friends, which depresses her further about her new life. To cheer her up, Monica and Phoebe have a slumber party which isn't very enjoyable due to Rachel's depressed state, until the girls spy on George Stephanopoulos, whose pizza was delivered to them by mistake, across the street.
- "The One with the East German Laundry Detergent"--- Chandler and Phoebe decide to break up with their partners, Janice and Tony, respectively, at the same time, and Phoebe's goes well, but Chandler has a harder time, requiring Phoebe's help. Ross arranges to do laundry with Monica and Rachel but Monica cancels, leaving just the two of them. Rachel reveals she's never done laundry before but Ross helps her stand up to a horrible woman, and Ross gets his first kiss with Rachel. Joey wants to go out with his ex-girlfriend (Angela) who now has a boyfriend (Bob), so he arranges for Monica and him to double-date with them by leading Monica to believe that Angela and Bob are siblings and therefore Angela's actual boyfriend is Monica's date. This creates much confusion when Monica sees Angela and her "brother" being 'inappropriate,' but it eventually works out for them.
- "The One with the Butt"--- Everyone attends Joey's new musical where Chandler meets a beautiful and exotic Italian woman, Aurora, and asks her out. He finds out she is married and already has another boyfriend and is thrilled at the prospect of having "all the fun and none of the responsibility" in this polyamorous relationship. However, when she picks up another, he learns that it's not all it's cracked up to be and ends things. Joey gets picked up at the musical by the 'Estelle Leonard Talent Agency,' which finally gets him a film role as a stand-in for Al Pacino's butt double. However, he loses the job because he overacts. Rachel cleans the apartment by herself for the first time, but she triggers Monica's obsessive tendencies when she moves furniture around.
- "The One with the Blackout"--- During a New York City-wide power outage, while the gang is hanging at Monica and Rachel's apartment, Ross tries to share his true feelings with Rachel but is attacked by a cat. Rachel and Phoebe begin searching for the cat's owner, but when Mr. Heckles tries to claim the cat, he spooks it. The cat turns out to belong to Paolo, a dark, attractive Italian hunk who lives in the building and doesn't speak much English and (in a La Boheme moment) Rachel falls for him immediately. Meanwhile, Chandler is trapped in an ATM vestibule with 'Victoria's Secret' model Jill Goodacre, and he desperately tries to impress her. (This episode was tied to the Mad About You season 3 episode "Pandora's Box" which depicted the cause of the city-wide blackout.)
- "The One Where Nana Dies Twice"--- Ross and Monica get a call that their grandmother is sick and rush to her bedside. After she passes, the family begins to say their goodbyes, however, their grandmother momentarily returns to life before dying again. One of Chandler's work friends tries to fix him up on a date with a colleague and Chandler discovers that a lot of people think he's gay when they first meet him, and he tries to find out why. The gang goes to Ross and Monica's Nana's funeral, where Monica confronts her mother about her critical attitude. Ross falls into an open grave and hurts his back, resulting in him getting a bit loopy on muscle relaxers.
- "The One Where Underdog Gets Away"--- Ross finds out Susan talks to the unborn baby and decides he must too. Monica plans a lovely, quiet Thanksgiving feast for the gang in her apartment because Ross and Monica's parents are away, but her plans go awry. Phoebe joins them because she celebrates Thanksgiving with her grandmother in December. Joey poses for a health poster but later finds out he's become the V.D. poster boy, and so his family thinks he has V.D. and he joins them too. Chandler plans to boycott Thanksgiving because his parents announced their divorce on Thanksgiving when he was younger. The 'Underdog' balloon breaks free during the parade, and everyone goes to the roof to watch and get locked out of Monica's apartment meaning the dinner gets burned. Rachel had planned to go skiing in Vail with her family, but misses her flight home and joins them too. Everyone ends up eating Chandler's cheese sandwiches for dinner.
- "The One with the Monkey"--- Everyone makes a pact not to bring dates to their New Year's Eve party, but everyone breaks the no-date pact except Ross. While performing at Central Perk, Phoebe confronts some noisy scientist guys and ends up dating one of them, David, whom she brings to the party. Their relationship develops well until he gets offered a grant to go to Minsk and has to choose whether to stay with her or go for career-making research. Monica invites 'Fun' Bobby, but he just lost his grandfather and cries all evening. Joey's date is a single mom, Sandy, whom he met whilst working as an elf in a department store and brings her children to the party, but ends up with David's friend. Rachel plans to bring Paolo who was supposed to fly in earlier than expected, but he misses his flight and Rachel gets into a fight at the airport. Chandler snaps and asks Janice to be his date, but he breaks up with her again. Ross arrives at the party bringing his new companion, a monkey named Marcel, who seems to take no interest in Ross at all. In the end, everyone ends up without a date and fulfilling the pact anyway. When Chandler complains he has no-one to kiss at midnight; Joey does the honors.
- "The One with Mrs. Bing"--- Chandler's flamboyant romance-novelist mother comes to New York for a visit, and Joey catches Ross making the mistake of kissing her in a restaurant, after getting himself drunk when he sees Rachel bring Paolo. Monica and Phoebe see a guy they like in the street; when Monica shouts after him, the guy turns and is hit by a car. They fight for him while he is in a coma.
- "The One with the Dozen Lasagnas"--- Everyone knows the sex of Ross' baby except for Ross, who does not want to find out until it's born. Rachel's relationship with Paolo hits a snag when he makes a pass at Phoebe. Monica makes a dozen lasagnas for her aunt, only to discover that her aunt does not eat meat.
- "The One with the Boobies"--- After Chandler accidentally sees Rachel wandering around topless after her shower, a chain reaction of nudity ensues when she tries to even the score by seeing him naked. She sees Joey naked, who then sees Monica naked, who then sees Joey's father naked. Joey finds himself playing parent when he has to decide whether to hide his father's affair from his mom. And no one can stand Phoebe's new boyfriend, an irritating psychologist named Roger.
- "The One with the Candy Hearts"--- Ross' first date in nine years is on Valentine's Day with a beautiful neighbor. Carol and Susan, also out on a romantic date, end up at the same restaurant where Ross ends up kissing Carol. Joey sets Chandler up on a blind date with Janice, and they end up sleeping together. Chandler ends up breaking up with Janice on Valentine's Day. And Phoebe, Monica, and Rachel end up spending the holiday burning mementos of their past boyfriends which ends up causing a huge fire.
- "The One with the Stoned Guy"--- Monica cooks a gourmet meal for a restaurateur named Steve, who is looking for a new chef. Unfortunately, he's stoned and would just as well eat taco shells as her haute cuisine. After working as a data processing permanent temp for five years, Chandler gets promoted to data processing supervisor, then quits. He takes his job back when he is offered more money. Ross has a date with a beautiful colleague named Celia and gives new meaning to the term "spanking the monkey," when he brings her back to his place to meet Marcel. Celia is willing to have sex with him, but only if he talks dirty to her which he cannot do so, he asks Joey for help.
- "The One with Two Parts: Part 1"---Joey falls for Phoebe's twin sister, Ursula, making Phoebe feel neglected. Meanwhile, Chandler finds himself between a rock and a hard place, when he is told to fire an employee he is attracted to. Ross has doubts about parenthood when he attends Lamaze classes with Carol and Susan. Meanwhile, Monica tries to fix her TV after Marcel puts the TV on "SAP" function to Spanish, which she cannot turn off. After weeks of procrastinating, Rachel finally takes down the Christmas lights on their balcony, only to fall off the balcony and sprain her ankle.
- "The One with Two Parts: Part 2"---At the hospital, Rachel, who has no health insurance, convinces Monica into trading identities with her so she can use Monica's coverage. The girls end up trying to date two cute doctors (George Clooney & Noah Wyle). Ursula dumps Joey but plans not to tell him, so Phoebe disguises herself as her twin sister to dump Joey and make sure he does not get hurt. Ross doubts that he will ever feel like a father. Marcel swallows Scrabble tiles, and Ross takes care of him making him feel like he would be a good father after that.
- "The One with All the Poker"--- Tired of being referred to by customers as "Excuse me," Rachel interviews for a job as an assistant buyer at Saks Fifth Avenue. She also sees another side of the usually docile Ross when the girls face the boys during a not-so-friendly game of poker after some help from Monica's aunt.
- "The One Where the Monkey Gets Away"--- The gang searches frantically for Marcel, who slipped out of the apartment while Rachel was babysitting him. Rachel, who does not know that Marcel is an illegal pet, ends up calling Animal Safety. This annoys Ross. The woman who comes to take away Marcel turns out to be an old classmate of Rachel & Monica. After Marcel is found and safe, Ross finally gets up the courage to try to woo Rachel. But just when it looks like the two might actually spend a romantic evening alone together, Barry, Rachel's ex-fiance, barges into the apartment declaring his love for her.
- "The One with the Evil Orthodontist"--- Rachel and Barry start dating again, which is slightly awkward because he's now engaged to Mindy, who wants Rachel to be her maid of honor. But when Rachel finds out that Mindy and Barry had an affair while she was engaged to Barry, the two women decide to call Barry out on it. Meanwhile, Chandler goes nuts when a woman he likes won't return his phone calls. The friends become annoyed after they discover someone is spying on them from the building across the street.
- "The One with the Fake Monica"--- When Monica's credit card is stolen, she, along with Phoebe and Rachel, decide to catch the thief, but Monica begins a friendship with her. Joey enlists his friends to help him come up with a less ethnic-sounding stage name. And when Ross finds out that Marcel has reached sexual maturity and needs to be with other monkeys, he tries to get him accepted into the "Harvard of zoos". Joey and Chandler convey to Ross that San Diego zoo has accepted Marcel. Joey, Chandler, Phoebe, Rachel and Ross bid Marcel an emotional goodbye.
- "The One with the Ick Factor"--- After losing his virginity to her, Monica's boyfriend Ethan reveals that he's a high school senior, not a college senior. Rachel has erotic dreams about Joey and Chandler, making Ross both disgusted and envious. And when Phoebe temps as Chandler's secretary, she finds out that no one at work likes him anymore.
- "The One with the Birth"--- Carol goes into labor, prompting Monica to begin thinking about having a baby of her own. Carol is about to give birth to the baby. As Ross and Susan cannot stop bickering over who gets to help Carol more, Phoebe drags both of them into a small room to settle their differences – but all three end up getting locked in. Rachel flirts with an OB/GYN who has a love-hate relationship with women's private parts due to seeing them every day at work. Joey ends up assisting birth for a single mother. The newborn baby is named Ben, derived from the janitor's shirt in the small room in which Ross, Susan, and Phoebe were locked in.
- "The One Where Rachel Finds Out"--- Ross has to go to China for a fossil dig before Rachel's birthday. Chandler tells Ross to find another girl and get over Rachel. Ross tells Chandler to give Rachel his present, and then leaves. Joey's new girlfriend, Melanie wants to go to bed with him, but Joey's participation in a fertility study is preventing this. During Rachel's birthday party, Chandler accidentally lets it slip that Ross is in love with her, and a big decision presents itself.
- "The One with Ross's New Girlfriend"--- Rachel decides to tell Ross that she loves him and waits for him at the airport, not knowing he is returning with a new girlfriend named Julie (Lauren Tom) thanks to Chandler's advice. Chandler feels guilty because he told Rachel that Ross loves her after he had advised Ross to get over his feelings for her. Joey and Chandler get their hair cut by Phoebe, and Monica wants her hair cut too, but Phoebe gives her an awful haircut. Chandler needs a suit, so Joey takes him to his tailor, who touches Chandler inappropriately. Chandler tells Joey of this, but Joey insists that is how pants are measured. Ross annoys everyone by talking about Julie, and Rachel becomes so desperate and upset that she spends the night with her old lover, Paolo.
- "The One with the Breast Milk"--- The guys are uncomfortable with Carol breastfeeding Ben, and the situation is made worse by Joey and Phoebe tasting it. Rachel is uncomfortable with Monica's growing friendship with Julie. At his day job, Joey competes with a fellow cologne spritzer for the affection of a beautiful colleague.
- "The One Where Heckles Dies"--- Chandler refuses a date with a woman from work, claiming that it is because her nostrils are too big, but truthfully he is trying to escape a potentially serious relationship. Rachel and Monica's downstairs neighbour Mr. Heckles dies. Mr. Heckles leaves all his belongings to Monica and Rachel, addressing them as the noisy neighbours. Chandler discovers eerie similarities between his life and the life of Mr.Heckles. Ross and Phoebe argue with each other over the legitimacy of the theory of evolution. Chandler does not want to end up alone like Mr. Heckles, and thus he makes a phone call to Janice in hopes of rekindling their relationship, only to learn that she is married with a baby on the way.
- "The One with Phoebe's Husband"--- The gang is amazed to learn that Phoebe married a gay Canadian ice dancer Duncan to help him get his green card. Phoebe thinks that she still cares for him, but then he shows up asking for a divorce as he lied to himself about being gay and wants to marry someone else. Interesting facts are revealed about the others, too: Joey starred in a porn film and Chandler has a third nipple. Ross seeks relationship advice from Rachel after revealing that he and Julie have yet to consummate their relationship. Rachel, because she still loves Ross, gives him bad advice, hoping that he and Julie will break up as a result. Unfortunately for Rachel, Joey also gives Ross advice.
- "The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant"--- When a sexy woman calls the wrong number, Chandler seeks to make the most of the situation. Income issues divide the friends: the well-off Ross, Chandler and Monica versus the not-so-well-off Phoebe, Rachel and Joey. Monica loses her job after accepting "gifts" from her restaurant's meat supplier.
- "The One with the Baby on the Bus"--- When Ross has an allergic reaction to Monica's kiwi-lime pie, Chandler and Joey are asked to baby-sit Ross' son, Ben. While using Ben to help them try to pick up girls, they accidentally leave him on a bus. Although they later locate him, they are not sure the baby is really Ben. Phoebe loses her Central Perk singing gig to a professional singer, and she becomes a street singer in front of the café.
- "The One Where Ross Finds Out"--- A drunken Rachel is persuaded to call Ross and reveals her feelings for him on his answering machine. When he finds out, he must make the choice between her and Julie. Meanwhile, Monica finds work as Chandler's personal trainer and Phoebe has a hard time trying to get her boyfriend to have sex with her. She seeks Joey's advice. Ross and Rachel argue, and Ross says that he is not leaving Julie. At the end of the episode Ross and Rachel kiss.
- "The One with the List"--- Ross is still compelled to make a choice between his childhood crush Rachel and his current lover Julie, and enlists Joey and Chandler's help in making a list of the pros and cons of each. He chooses Rachel, but she finds the list and gets angry with Ross. Meanwhile, Monica gets a job making food with a disgusting synthetic chocolate substitute called Mockolate.
- "The One with Phoebe's Dad"--- It's Christmas time and Monica tries tipping with cookies, rather than cash, with mixed results. Phoebe learns that the guy in the pictures her grandmother keeps around is not her father but the Macy's photo frame model. She tries to track down her real father, but in the end she feels that she is not ready to meet him. Chandler and Joey wait too late to shop for presents, and are forced to buy gifts from a gas station. Ross asks Rachel to make a list about him, but he is offended when she calls him obsessive.
- "The One with Russ"--- Monica gets back together with Fun Bobby, who has a drinking problem. She successfully helps him give up drinking, but then he is unhappy and not fun anymore. Joey gets chosen to play the role of Dr. Drake Ramoray, a neurosurgeon on Days of Our Lives after he refuses to sleep with the casting lady. Rachel begins dating a guy named Russ, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Ross (both roles were played by David Schwimmer, yet Russ is credited as being played by "Snaro", a pseudonym of Schwimmer's and a tribute to a friend). Eventually, Rachel dumps Russ, telling him he reminds her of someone, though she doesn't tell him about his resemblance to Ross. In the end, Russ and Julie (Lauren Tom) fall in love at first sight.
- "The One with the Lesbian Wedding"--- Carol and Susan get married, providing Monica with a job: catering the wedding. Phoebe is possessed by the spirit of an eighty-two-year-old massage client who dies in the middle of a session. Rachel's mother comes to visit and announces that she has decided to divorce Rachel's father.
- "The One After the Superbowl"--- Ross goes to visit Marcel while on a trip to California, and finds that the monkey is working in commercials. Joey gets his first fan letter and ends up dating the woman who sent it. She turns out to be a mentally ill stalker who thinks that the happenings on Days of Our Lives are real. Phoebe is asked by a man to sing for the children at a library, but their parents are horrified by her morbid lyrics. However, the kids like the songs and come to the café to listen to her.
- "The One After the Superbowl"---Rachel and Monica compete for the affections of Jean-Claude Van Damme after meeting him on a movie set. Chandler meets a former schoolmate (Julia Roberts), a makeup artist, who seems to be attracted to him but it turns out that Chandler once embarrassed her and she just wants to get revenge. An excited Joey gets a role as an extra in the movie, and Ross and Marcel go on a whirlwind tour of the city.
- "The One with the Prom Video"---After getting his big break with Days of Our Lives, Joey pays Chandler back with $812 and an extremely tacky engraved gold bracelet. Also, an unemployed Monica is hard up for money. A home video from Monica and Rachel's prom night reveals that Monica was previously overweight, and that Rachel had a large nose. Rachel seemed to have been stood up by her prom date, so Ross puts on his father's tuxedo to take her to prom himself, but Rachel's date shows up and they leave before she learns of Ross' plans. The video then shows a speechless and devastated Ross standing at the top of the stairs. The candor of Ross' heartbreak compels Rachel to kiss Ross.
- "The One Where Ross and Rachel...You Know"---Joey buys a big screen TV and two leather recliners with his newfound money, resulting in him and Chandler spending two days watching TV and never getting out of the chairs. Monica has a catering job for an ophthalmologist and a friend of her parents, the attractive Dr. Richard Burke, and later they go on a date. Ross and Rachel attempt to have their first real date, but it's difficult for Rachel to overcome their long friendship. As they tried to schedule another date, Ross has an emergency at the museum and ends up having sex with Rachel for the first time.
- "The One Where Joey Moves Out"--- Joey thinks he needs to move out of Chandler's apartment and wants to get a new one to 'give him time to think'. Monica struggles to tell her parents about her relationship with Richard. Rachel and Phoebe want to get a tattoo. Phoebe chickens out and Rachel gets a heart.
- "The One Where Eddie Moves In"--- Phoebe is discovered by a record producer who wants to make her song "Smelly Cat" a video, but who secretly dubs in the voice of a more talented (but less attractive) woman. Ross' new relationship with Rachel makes Monica feel like she's living with her brother again... and she hates it. Joey is finding living alone is not really for him, and wants to move back in with Chandler. However Chandler, having been led to believe Joey wouldn't want to come back, already has a new roommate Eddie. However Chandler finds that he doesn't really click with Eddie (who won't play foosball and doesn't like Baywatch) as well as he did with Joey, and quickly begins to miss Joey too.
- "The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies"--- Joey's good fortune comes crashing down when he foolishly claims in an interview that he writes his own lines, leading to his character falling down an elevator shaft. Phoebe helps Chandler bond with his new Chandler's horror. And sexual history dominates the discussion between two couples—Monica and Richard, and Ross and Rachel.
- "The One Where Eddie Won't Go"--- Creeped out by his bizarre new roommate, Eddie, Chandler demands that he move out. Eddie agrees, but doesn't move out — nor does he even remember the conversation, as he is obviously mentally ill, imagining he and Chandler took a trip to Las Vegas and believing it to have really happened. Joey has trouble coming to grips with the death of Dr. Ramoray and the accompanying change in his lifestyle. And a new book on empowerment for women inspires the female friends to have a "goddess meeting." Joey moves back in with Chandler, they kick out Eddie (by convincing him he never lived there in the first place) and they make up with each other.
- "The One Where Old Yeller Dies"--- Phoebe's world view is shattered when she learns how Old Yeller really ends. She watches all the films her mother didn't let her watch and becomes depressed. Monica becomes jealous when Richard begins hanging out with other people: namely, Joey and Chandler. However, this is short lived as Joey and Chandler confess to thinking of Richard as a fatherly figure, when Richard was under the impression that they were just buddies. Rachel becomes stressed out when she learns that Ross has planned their whole life together.
- "The One with the Bullies"--- Chandler and Ross run into two bullies at the coffee shop, one of whom steals Chandler's hat. Monica, down to her last few dollars of savings, plays the stock market based solely on the ticker symbols to avoid taking a job at a tacky 1950s themed diner. Phoebe makes multiple attempts to visit her birth father, but instead she meets her half-brother, Frank Buffay Jr., and learns that her father hasn't been home for four years. Monica eventually loses her savings due to her unwise investments, and is forced to work at the Moondance Diner, dressed in a ridiculous costume and dancing on the counter to songs by The Village People.
- "The One with the Two Parties"--- Rachel's birthday is coming up, and Monica is planning a classy party for her and it is decided not to invite her father as her mother Sandra is already coming and the two are at a point in their divorce when they can't stand to be in the same room as each other. However, when Rachel's dad turns up unexpectedly, another impromptu party is set up at Chandler and Joey's for Dr. Green to attend to keep him away from his estranged wife. Things quickly start to go wrong when Sandra worries after seeing Ross fetching things for Dr. Green and believes her daughter is dating a man who reminds her of her father, while the guests at Monica's party quickly tire of the host sucking the fun out of the event with her dull games and strict rules and begin fleeing to Joey and Chandler's more laidback party instead. In the end, despite a few close calls, the six successfully manage to get the couple out of both parties without bumping into each other.
- "The One with the Chicken Pox"--- Phoebe catches chicken pox just as her old flame Ryan (Charlie Sheen) arrives in town on leave from the Navy. Even though he hasn't yet had chicken pox, he can't stand to be apart and they both spend the rest of the time sick and trying to not scratch at the sores. Joey gets a job at Chandler's office but decides to play it as a role. The character he creates, Joseph, has a wife and kids and ultimately blames Chandler for his own screw ups. Monica is upset that Richard doesn't have a "thing": an unexplainable quirk. He eventually comes up with one to ease her mind.
- "The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding"--- Rachel agrees to be maid of honor at her ex-fiancé's wedding, but a fashion faux pas focuses attention away from the bride. To get a role in Warren Beatty's new movie, Joey needs to practice kissing guys. Monica ponders her future with Richard and Chandler falls for a mystery woman on the Internet who turns out to be his ex-girlfriend, Janice. Richard doesn't want to have children, but Monica does, so she breaks up with him.
- "The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy"--- Ross reveals his sexual fantasy to Rachel, which involves her being dressed up in Princess Leia's bikini from Return of the Jedi. Monica suffers from insomnia after her breakup with Richard. And Chandler, willingly back together with Janice, wants Joey to bond with her.
- "The One Where No One's Ready"--- Ross is in a hurry to get everyone dressed for an important banquet at the museum but everyone keeps delaying. Monica freaks when she hears an answer phone message from Richard, and Joey and Chandler fight over a chair.
- "The One with the Jam"---Phoebe is stalked by a man who mistakes her for her twin sister. Ross and Rachel give Chandler "boyfriend" lessons. Monica uses her free time after breaking up with Richard to make jam and considers artificial insemination through a sperm bank.
- "The One with the Metaphorical Tunnel"--- Phoebe pretends to be Joey's agent and has some success in getting him auditions, however the initial rush soon wears off when she is forced to tell him why he isn't getting any parts. Ross is upset when Ben brings a Barbie doll on his weekend visit. Chandler is advancing in his relationship with Janice and, realizing that he has a fear of commitment, goes to the girls for advice.
- "The One with Frank Jr."--- Phoebe's half-brother visits and she offers to give him a massage, but they have trouble bonding. Joey attempts to build an entertainment center. Ross is challenged to name the five celebrities he'd like to sleep with most. Guest star Isabella Rossellini.
- "The One with the Flashback"--- When Janice asks the gang if any of them have ever slept together, the friends flash back to a time three years before, where some dark secrets are revealed among each other, that Ross kissed Phoebe, Joey got naked in front of Monica, and Chandler and Rachel both wanted to have sex with each other (but didn't).
- "The One with the Race Car Bed"--- When Monica buys a new bed from Janice's ex-husband's store, the wrong one is delivered. When she and Joey try to take it back, Joey sees Janice and him, kissing in his office. Rachel tries to have her father and Ross bond by going to dinner together, but things do not work out. Rachel sets up a brunch the day after but ultimately, they bond by criticizing her. Joey gets a job teaching a soap opera acting class. A student gets a job offer for a part that Joey had been going for.
- "The One with the Giant Poking Device"--- When Chandler is about to buy Janice an expensive gift, Joey tells him that he saw Janice kissing her ex-husband. Monica accidentally bumps baby Ben's head into a post. Phoebe is worried that her going to the dentist will cause someone to die, as it has happened before. On returning, she sees that Ugly Naked Guy is unmoving in his apartment. In order to put her fears to rest, the others fashion a long stick made out of chopsticks to poke him with, to which he wakes up.
- "The One with the Football"--- Emotions become the feast of the day when the gang plays a game of touch football on Thanksgiving when Ross and Monica's competitive streaks flare up, while Joey and Chandler argue over who gets to date a Dutch model who's watching the game.
- "The One Where Rachel Quits"--- Wanting to pursue a career in fashion, Rachel decides to quit her job as a waitress. Phoebe tries to help Joey when he gets a job selling Christmas trees. Ross accidentally breaks a girl's leg, and attempts to make it up to her by helping her sell cookies to win a trip to Space Camp.
- "The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister"--- Rachel is frustrated with her new job at Fortunata Fashions, where she spends all day making coffee. While venting her frustration to Monica, Rachel bumps into Mark, an employee of Bloomingdale's who knows of a vacancy in his department. Mark gets Rachel the job, but Ross suspects Mark of ulterior motives. A drunken Chandler fools around with one of Joey's sisters, but later can't remember which one, much to Joey's anger.
- "The One with All the Jealousy"--- Ross is jealous of Mark, thinking he is trying to steal Rachel away, so Ross showers Rachel with romantic gifts at her workplace. Joey's numerous lies on his resume catch up to him, as he is forced to teach a dance to an entire Broadway cast, unsuccessfully. Monica dates Julio, a busboy from the diner who writes a poem for her called 'The Empty Vase'. Touched, Monica sleeps with him but is then told by Phoebe that the poem refers to her, and uses an a capella group to get revenge.
- "The One Where Monica and Richard Are Just Friends"--- Monica's willpower is tested when she runs into Richard at the video store. The two decide to be just 'friends', but quickly start sleeping together again. Joey agrees to read Little Women while Rachel agrees to read The Shining. Phoebe's athletic new boyfriend keeps accidentally exposing himself through his shorts.
- "The One with Phoebe's Ex-Partner"--- Phoebe is reunited with her former singing partner (Elizabeth Daily), who thinks "Smelly Cat" has hit potential. Chandler dates a woman with a prosthetic leg (Sherilyn Fenn). Ross, who is getting sick of Rachel's long work hours, is happy to learn that Mark is leaving Bloomingdale's, just to discover Rachel is still friends with him and are planning to attend a fashion seminar together. In order to make sure Mark can't go, Ross accompanies her instead but then quickly falls asleep which causes a fresh argument and leaves the relationship on very rocky ground.
- "The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break"--- Chandler and Joey ponder a possible threesome with Chloe (Angela Featherstone), whom they both are attracted to. Phoebe dates an eastern Europe diplomat who needs an interpreter to communicate with her. Ross and Rachel's relationship continues to deteriorate when she is forced to work on their one-year anniversary. Ross goes to her office to spend time with her, but she has too much work on. This leads to a bitter fight and Rachel says that they need to go on a break from each other. Upset, Ross goes drinking with Joey and Chandler and ends up kissing Chloe.
- "The One with the Morning After"--- Ross wakes up the next morning full of regret after sleeping with Chloe, and agrees to get back together with Rachel, who later discovers the truth. The two go back to her apartment and have a huge fight, as the other four friends listen in from Monica's bedroom. Ross is desperate for forgiveness, but Rachel refuses and ends the relationship, leaving both of them devastated.
- "The One Without the Ski Trip"--- Ross and Rachel are finding it difficult to be near each other, which means that the friends divide their time between Ross and Rachel. Driving off for a ski-trip with Rachel, their car breaks down, forcing them to call Ross for rescue which Rachel refused to do due to her anger. Upset by all this, Chandler uses it as an excuse to start smoking again. When Ross arrives, Rachel viciously mocks him, which leads Ross to saying that Monica and Joey agrees with him that they were on a break, aka a break-up, and that she is being petty. That leads to a huge fight between everyone, ending with Phoebe begging for the two of them to find some way to be around each other as the bitterness is tearing them all apart.
- "The One with the Hypnosis Tape"--- A desperate Monica agrees to a date with one of her restaurant customers, who turns out to be very well off Pete (played by Jon Favreau). Phoebe freaks when she finds out that her 18-year-old brother is planning to wed a woman more than twice his age (Debra Jo Rupp). Chandler uses a hypnosis tape to quit smoking, but it is meant for women, which causes him to act feminine.
- "The One with the Tiny T-Shirt"--- Rachel goes on her first date after splitting from Ross, with Mark from her office. Joey develops a crush on Kate , his costar in his new play. Monica continues to date Pete, even though she is still not attracted to him.
- "The One with the Dollhouse"--- Rachel regrets making a date for Chandler and her boss, Joanna. Joey's interest in Kate intensifies after they sleep together. Monica's aunt dies, leaving her a beautiful antique dollhouse, but it's too elaborate to play with, so Phoebe makes her own dollhouse, but it meets a sad end.
- "The One with a Chick and a Duck"--- Monica considers a dream job in Pete's new restaurant, but Phoebe senses there is more to the deal. Joey and Chandler adopt a baby chick and a duck. Ross misses a panel for the Discovery Channel to help Rachel, who may have a broken rib, and she is amazed (and impressed) when she learns what he gave up to help her.
- "The One with the Screamer"--- Rachel dates a man (Ben Stiller) who turns out to be an aggressive, testosterone-fuelled bully who frightens and intimidates anyone who irritates him by viciously screaming at them, but for a long time the only one who is subjected to this is Ross and everyone thinks he's just jealous because the guy's dating Rachel. Joey and Kate break up when she gets a big job in Los Angeles and takes it. Phoebe is on hold for days with a company she needs to talk to before her phone warranty expires.
- "The One with Ross's Thing"--- Afflicted with a mysterious skin condition on his back, Ross seeks advice from Phoebe's herbalist. Phoebe can't choose between dating a fireman or a Kindergarten teacher and attempts to date both, which is a problem when the fireman turns out to also be smart and the teacher turns out to be a hunk. Monica can't decide what to do about Pete when she thinks he is going to break up with her because Pete says when he gets back from Atlanta they "need to talk". To Monica's mix of relief and shock, Pete wants to tell her that he's now going to pursue full-time his dream of being an Ultimate Fighting champion.
- "The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion"---Monica tries to be supportive of Pete's UFC dreams, but the brutal losing beatings he sustains leads her to tell him she can't stay with him if he keeps going because he's going to end up crippled or dead. Chandler has a problem when his new boss keeps slapping him on the butt. Phoebe sets Ross up on a date with a gorgeous woman who used to be bald, Bonnie.
- "The One at the Beach"--- The gang goes to the beach. In search of a woman who was friends with her mom, Phoebe meets the woman (who is also named Phoebe) with links to her family's past, who may know more than she's letting on. Ross discovers that Rachel still loves him, and must choose between sex-crazy, but newly bald (thanks to some subversive advice from Rachel) Bonnie, and Rachel, the love of his life.
- "The One with the Jellyfish"--- Ross is torn between Rachel and Bonnie and ultimately regrets his decision. Phoebe receives a shock and is angry when Phoebe Abbott reveals her true identity. Monica has to resort to drastic measures when a jellyfish stings her.
- "The One with the Cat"--- Monica is delighted when Rachel's high school prom date asks her out, causing tensions between her and Rachel (and ultimately Ross). Chandler forces Joey to sell the entertainment unit he constructed. Phoebe is overjoyed when she meets a cat she believes contains her mother Lily's spirit.
- "The One with the Cuffs"--- Joey is enticed when a door-to-door encyclopedia salesman shows up at the apartment. Monica is disappointed at her mother's behavior when she caters a party for her. Chandler is finds himself in a sticky situation when he gets locked in Joanna's office after they make out.
- "The One with the Ballroom Dancing"--- Phoebe struggles to control herself when it comes to massaging an extremely attractive client. Chandler enlists Ross' help when he decides to quit the gym. Joey attempts to fix things in an unusual way when Mr. Treeger makes Rachel cry.
- "The One with Joey's New Girlfriend"--- Phoebe has a cold which improves her singing and is frustrated when it disappears. Ross attempts to make Rachel jealous, ultimately humiliating himself. Chandler becomes smitten with Joey's new girlfriend, Kathy.
- "The One with the Dirty Girl"--- Phoebe helps Monica cater a funeral, but the widow won't pay them. Chandler struggles to find a birthday present for Kathy from Joey that beats his own gift. Ross cannot come to terms with how dirty his new girlfriend's apartment is. Rachel is determined to complete a crossword.
- "The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line"--- Rachel finds a new joy in eating alone at restaurants. Ross starts playing keyboards again leaving the gang (minus Phoebe) unimpressed. Chandler's feelings towards Kathy reach breaking point when they share a kiss, and he vainly tries to fix things after telling Joey the truth.
- "The One with Chandler in a Box"--- During Thanksgiving, Joey decides to punish Chandler for what he did in a very novel way. Ross is shocked when he learns that Rachel exchanges every gift she is given, but Rachel shows Ross that she keeps things that matter. Monica becomes infatuated by Richard's son, also an eye doctor, when she has an appointment with him.
- "The One Where They're Going to Party!"--- Monica and Phoebe buy a van for their new catering business, but things are shaken up when Monica writes a critical review of a restaurant called Alessandro's. Rachel interviews for an assistant buyer job in another Bloomingdale's department and is shocked when her boss tries to sabotage the interview. Ross and Chandler become very excited when their friend Mike 'Gandalf' Ganderson plans to come to town.
- "The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie"--- Chandler's attempt to set Rachel up with one of his work colleagues goes wrong. Monica uses Joey to show who's boss at her new job at Alessandro's. Ross is torn between a pretty girl who lives nearby and a fun one from upstate. Phoebe sets out to write a Christmas song for her friends and has problems with rhyming words.
- "The One with Phoebe's Uterus"--- Monica and Rachel offer Chandler some advice when he wants to improve his performance in the bedroom with Kathy. Ross lands Joey a job as a tour guide at the museum, but Joey is disappointed that Ross won't sit with him in the lunch room. Phoebe has a huge decision to make when she learns that her brother Frank and his wife Alice want her to carry their baby.
- "The One with the Embryos"---Joey and Chandler argue with Monica and Rachel over who knows whom better, so Ross designs a quiz with high stakes: if the men lose, they give up the chick and duck, but if the women lose, they switch apartments with the men. Phoebe goes to the hospital for the embryos to be implanted into her uterus, leading to a tense wait to find out if she is pregnant.
- "The One with Rachel's Crush"--- Monica is determined to continue being 'the hostess' and strives to succeed since they switched apartments. Chandler becomes concerned when Kathy and a fellow actor get steamy on stage in a play. Rachel receives a shock when she is moved to another department and develops a crush on one of her clients.
- "The One with Joey's Dirty Day"--- Chandler struggles to get over Kathy and requires a little help from the girls. Rachel becomes double-booked when Joshua invites her to a club opening but her boss also asks her to accompany his niece, Emily, to the opera. Joey develops an unpleasant aroma following a fishing trip with his father and goes to work (where he is starring in a movie alongside Charlton Heston) without taking a shower.
- "The One with All the Rugby"--- Ross wants to prove that he is tough to Emily by playing rugby with some of her British friends. Monica becomes stressed when she discovers a switch in the apartment that appears to have no function. Chandler regrets running into Janice and goes to extreme measures to get away from her.
- "The One with the Fake Party"--- Phoebe, a vegetarian, begins to have cravings for meat thanks to the baby and enlists Joey's help. Ross wants to spend as much time with Emily as possible before she returns to London. Rachel decides to throw a surprise leaving party for Emily as an excuse to see Joshua outside of work in order to seduce him.
- "The One with the Free Porn"--- Phoebe is shocked to find out that she is going to have triplets and quickly tries to find a way of financially supporting Frank and Alice. Ross is persuaded by Monica to go after Emily once she has gone to the airport. Chandler and Joey are delighted when they discover a free pornography channel on their TV.
- "The One with Rachel's New Dress"--- Phoebe is allowed to name one of Frank and Alice's unborn triplets, prompting Chandler to have doubts about his own name. Phoebe ultimately chooses to name the baby after Chandler, disappointing Joey... but this was ultimately a ruse by Chandler to get the name instead of his friend. Ross worries when Emily and Carol's wife Susan start bonding over in London, worrying that history is repeating with what happened with Carol. Everyone points out how ridiculous it is and that he is being overly paranoid, citing his fears over Mark when nothing happened between him and Rachel. Phoebe points out that he was trusting of women until Carol came out, then he became a paranoid schizophrenic afterwards. Rachel soon realizes she has made a mistake when she wears a revealing dress on a date with Joshua.
- "The One with All the Haste"--- Monica and Rachel make desperate attempts to win their apartment back from Joey and Chandler, including bribing them with Knicks tickets and enlisting Phoebe's help in a game. Ross is once again disheartened at Emily returning to London, so they suddenly decide to get married.
- "The One with All the Wedding Dresses"--- Chandler grows frustrated by Joey's constant snoring, so takes him to a sleep clinic where he meets an attractive woman. Rachel, struggling to adapt to Ross's engagement, tries to take her relationship with Joshua to another level. Monica and Phoebe collect Emily's wedding dress and have a little fun of their own.
- "The One with the Invitation"--- A clip show where Phoebe is frustrated that she will not be able to attend Ross's wedding in London due to her pregnancy. Ross surprises Emily by inviting Rachel, causing him to reminisce about their time together. Rachel believes it will be too heart-breaking to watch, so she decides not to go.
- "The One with the Worst Best Man Ever"--- Rachel and Monica throw Phoebe a baby shower while she is having constant mood swings, starting to feel upset that she'll have to give the babies away. Ross chooses Joey to be his best man, but Joey loses the wedding ring.
- "The One with Ross's Wedding"---Everyone but Rachel and Phoebe goes to London for the wedding of Ross and Emily. Joey bores Chandler while sightseeing in London. Ross and Emily are shocked to discover that their wedding venue is going through a demolition, and Monica tries to persuade Emily to postpone it. Back in New York, Phoebe attempts to make Rachel forget about Ross, but Rachel goes to the airport to inform Ross that she still loves him.
- "The One with Ross's Wedding"---Later, Ross and Monica surprise Emily by turning the ruins into a stunning venue. Joey becomes homesick but has one of the bridesmaids to cheer him up. Rachel arrives in London but cannot bring herself to tell Ross the truth. Phoebe repeatedly calls London to try to stop Rachel. Monica and Chandler sleep together, then try to hide that there's anything between them from the other friends. At the altar, Ross says Rachel's name instead of Emily's.
- "The One After Ross Says Rachel"--- After Ross mistakenly says Rachel's name instead of Emily's at the altar, he tries to patch things up with her but she goes into hiding. Monica and Chandler are desperate to hook up again. Rachel debates whether she should confront Ross about his mistake. Ross persuades Rachel to go with him on his Ross and Emily's canceled Greece honeymoon but he abandons her at the last minute, and she unintentionally goes alone.
- "The One with All the Kissing"--- Phoebe feels left out when the other friends talk about their London trip. Rachel arrives back home, livid that Ross abandoned her on the plane to Greece when he attempted to reconcile with Emily. Monica and Chandler struggle to refrain their feelings for one another.
- "The One with the Triplets"--- Phoebe's water breaks and the gang head to the hospital: Rachel asks out a pair of male nurses for her and Monica in an attempt to get over Ross. This causes friction between Monica and Chandler. At the hospital, Joey, in pain, is diagnosed with kidney stones while Phoebe gives birth to Frank and Alice's triplets: Frank Jr. Jr, Leslie and Chandler. Phoebe has difficulty giving them up.
- "The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS"--- Chandler starts behaving rather arrogantly after learning Monica thinks he is the best sex she has ever had. Phoebe does her best to find a selfless good deed. Ross finally makes contact with Emily and tries to work things out. Joey lands a job on a PBS telethon much to Phoebe's disapproval.
- "The One with the Kips"--- Ross breaks the news to Rachel that Emily does not want him to see her anymore and Rachel worries about being phased out of the group entirely much like Chandler's old roommate and seeks help from Phoebe while Monica and Chandler escape for a weekend away together and end up fighting - Joey eventually puts two and two together and realises the truth about their relationship.
- "The One with the Yeti"--- Phoebe's mother sends her a fur coat causing her to rethink her views but finally has it cremated. Emily's demands on Ross become more unreasonable to the annoyance of his friends, causing him to make a huge decision about his marriage. Monica and Rachel encounter what they think is a yeti in the storage room leading to an unexpected outcome.
- "The One Where Ross Moves In"--- Rachel tries acting indifferent to Danny despite liking him. Phoebe begins dating Larry, a health inspector, but her friends soon become annoyed when he shuts down all their favorite restaurants. After Ross is evicted, Joey and Chandler invite him to move in with them but soon regret this and want to get rid of him.
- "The One with All the Thanksgivings"--- Monica cooks Thanksgiving dinner for everyone. When they are too full to do anything else, they share stories of their worst-ever Thanksgivings: Chandler learned of his parents' divorce; Joey got a turkey stuck on his head; years before, when Monica tried seducing Chandler, she accidentally cut off his toe tip with a sharp knife.
- "The One with Ross's Sandwich"--- Phoebe takes a literature class and regrets bringing Rachel along so has a little fun of her own. Joey tires of covering up Monica and Chandler's secret relationship. Ross is advised to take time off work after losing his temper when a colleague eats his Thanksgiving leftover sandwich.
- "The One with the Inappropriate Sister"--- During his time off work, Ross, bored, encourages Joey to write and star in his own movies, ultimately causing friction between the three guys. Phoebe encounters problems while collecting money for the poor in the run up to Christmas. Monica sets Rachel up on a date with Danny but Rachel quickly loses interest after seeing the overly-intimate way Danny interacts with his sister.
- "The One with All the Resolutions"--- The gang decide to make some New Year resolutions: Rachel promises to stop gossiping, Monica tries to be less clean and tidy (which ultimately fails, so she starts taking more group photos). Phoebe wants to pilot a commercial aircraft, and Joey would like to learn the guitar. Chandler must stop making jokes and Ross wants to try something new each day. Phoebe's attempt to teach Joey the guitar ends badly. Ross encounters a few problems when he goes on a date wearing a new pair of leather pants. Rachel receives a shock when she picks up the phone at the apartment.
- "The One with Chandler's Work Laugh"--- Monica is dismayed by how Chandler kisses up to his boss at work. Rachel tries to get Monica to confess her secret to her. However, when she does not, Rachel feels hurt that Monica is apparently unwilling to confide in her. Ross learns Emily is engaged again, and has a one-night stand with someone the group is all too familiar with, Janice. Later, Janice breaks up with him, as she ironically "can't take another second of [his] whining."
- "The One with Joey's Bag"--- Phoebe's grandmother dies, and she is shocked when her father turns up at the funeral (When he identifies himself as "Frank Buffay," there is an audible gasp from the studio audience.). Wanting to know more about him, she decides to arrange an encounter without telling him her identity. With an audition coming up, Joey wants to look good, but doesn't feel he has a 'style'. Rachel steps in to help out and convinces Joey to start carrying a "man's bag" to help him get the part. Joey soon starts loving the bag, but to everyone else he just looks like a man carrying a purse. Monica is upset that Chandler doesn't like her massages, but her competitive nature is placated when Chandler says she gives the "best bad massages."
- "The One Where Everybody Finds Out"--- Ugly Naked Guy is moving out, and Ross decides to apply to sublet his apartment. Phoebe finds out about Monica and Chandler after seeing them through Ugly Naked Guy's window and although Joey is happy that now they can just confront them, Rachel and Phoebe instead decide to pretend Phoebe is romantically interested in Chandler, so as to make them confess. Monica and Chandler realize something's up so they play along. Ross finds out that quite a few people are interested in Ugly Naked Guy's apartment and goes to extremes to win him over. Eventually the competition between Monica, Chandler, Phoebe and Rachel comes to a head, and Chandler and Monica admit that they love each other. Despite this, they still wish to keep their relationship a secret from Ross ... but he soon finds out.
- "The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey"--- Ross is initially furious upon learning of Chandler and Monica's relationship, but quickly comes round when he learns it is serious. Joey dates a girl who likes to punch him (Soleil Moon Frye). Ross gets off on the wrong foot with his new neighbors when he, not unreasonably, refuses to contribute towards the retiring superintendent's collection. Chandler and Monica have problems with their relationship after everyone jokes around about marriage. Monica is upset that Chandler refuses to consider getting married one day, and he becomes so worried about losing her that he hastily proposes. Monica turns him down, telling him that while she wants him to be open to the idea of getting married one day, they certainly aren't ready yet (much to Chandler's relief).
- "The One with the Cop"--- Phoebe finds a police badge at the coffeehouse and has fun pretending she's a cop – until she pulls it on the owner, a cop named Gary, who later successfully asks her out for dinner. Ross buys a new couch, but refuses to pay the huge delivery fee. As a result, he and Rachel struggle to lift it up to his apartment and Ross soon wishes he'd just paid the money. Joey thinks he is in love with Monica, after having a romantic dream about her. However, Monica later reasons with him that this is not the case, and that Joey actually wants a serious relationship, similar to Monica and Chandlers'.
- "The One with Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss"--- Rachel interviews with Ralph Lauren and accidentally kisses her interviewer and prospective boss – Mr. Zelner. Monica wants to prove that she and Chandler are a hotter couple than Phoebe and her new boyfriend. Joey flirts with a girl across the street—in Ross' building, but when he goes to meet her, he instead ends up visiting Ross all the time, due to a miscalculation with the floor number.
- "The One Where Rachel Smokes"--- Rachel tries to take up smoking so she'll feel more included at work with her boss and co-worker. Joey auditions for a soup commercial with Ben playing his son, however the director pairs Ben with another father and eventually Joey is left in the uncomfortable position of going up against his friend's son. Monica and Phoebe throw a birthday party for Rachel, and Phoebe gets upset about Monica taking charge, so when they agree to work together, Phoebe goes all out, when she is in charge of cups and ice.
- "The One Where Ross Can't Flirt"--- Ross has trouble flirting with the pizza delivery girl. So he orders lots of pizzas to try to gain her attention. Joey invites his grandmother over to watch his role on Law & Order – but his part's been cut. So he films his own 2-minute role while everybody is watching the show. Monica asks Phoebe for a pair of earrings she lent her, but Phoebe has lent them to Rachel, who lost one.
- "The One with the Ride-Along"--- Ross, Joey and Chandler go on a ride-along with Phoebe's cop boyfriend Gary, but in an attempt to save his sandwich from a car backfire, Joey unintentionally ends up saving Ross as well. Because of this, Chandler thinks that Joey cares more about Ross than Chandler — until he finds out Joey was only trying to save his sandwich. Meanwhile, stealing margarita ingredients from Ross' apartment, Rachel intercepts a message from Emily who is about to get married but is having second thoughts and is considering giving Ross another chance. When Rachel accidentally deletes it she agonises over if she should tell Ross.
- "The One with the Ball"--- Phoebe learns that Gary is planning to ask her to move in with him and freaks out. She asks Chandler, as a commitment-phobe, to put him off however he can't bring himself to do it after seeing the depth of Gary's feelings. Phoebe ends up warming to the idea and agrees to move in, however the relationship ends on their first morning together when Gary shoots a bird tweeting outside the bedroom window. Rachel buys a hairless Sphynx cat for $1,000 but quickly regrets her purchase when all her friends make fun of it and the cat itself doesn't like her. She eventually unloads the creature on Gunther, making a profit. Ross and Joey pass time by tossing a ball back and forth, and subsequently try to make a record of how long they can throw it, without dropping the ball. Their game is disrupted, however, when Monica feels the need to include herself. Chandler is called a 'Dropper' when he wants to join the game.
- "The One with Joey's Big Break"--- Joey borrows Phoebe's taxicab to arrive on time at the production set of the upcoming film, located in Las Vegas. Chandler comes along with him, but then in the cab learns that Joey won't get paid unless the movie is successful and remarks that he doesn't think the movie will be the big break he is looking for. Furious at Chandler's apparent lack of faith, he kicks him out of the cab and leaves him stranded on the bridge. Feeling guilty, Chandler later phones Joey and apologizes, however Joey doesn't tell Chandler that he was right... production has been shut down due to lack of funds forcing him to get a job as a costumed Roman soldier at Caesars Palace. Meanwhile, Rachel has eye problems but is too resistant to receive eyedrops on her eyes; Phoebe is angry at Ross and can't remember why, but refuses to make up leaving it to Ross to find out how he upset her.
- "The One in Vegas"---Monica has lunch with Richard but doesn't want to tell Chandler. She and Chandler go to Las Vegas for their anniversary, but Phoebe tags along to make up for her missing out on the London trip. They find out that Joey is working as a gladiator in a casino while the recording for his movie has been postponed. Rachel takes Phoebe's advice and wanders around in her apartment naked, which Ross mistakes as an invitation to "the physical act of love." To get back at Rachel for making fun of him, he attempts to embarrass her on the flight to Las Vegas; mishap ensues.
- "The One in Vegas"---When Ross and Rachel arrive in Vegas, they get drunk. Joey discovers his "identical hand twin" and decides that he can make money off him so he can fund his delayed movie. Phoebe feuds with a slots "lurker" and gets thrown out of the casino, though she returns, posing as "Regina Phalange". Chandler and Monica contemplate marriage, and almost go through with it – until they see Ross and Rachel drunkenly stumbling out of the chapel, with Ross throwing rice and Rachel with a white bouquet of flowers.
- "The One After Vegas"---Ross and Rachel deal with the aftermath of their drunken escapade. Phoebe and Joey take a road trip back to New York in Phoebe's grandmother's cab. Monica and Chandler ponder the idea of marriage and decide to take their relationship forward a step.
- "The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel"--- Monica and Chandler tell Rachel and Joey that they're moving in together. Joey takes the news badly, and Chandler reassures him that their friendship won't be affected. On the other hand, Rachel takes the news surprisingly well, but only because she doesn't realize that if Chandler is moving in, she will have to move out. Eventually when Monica explains the situation, Rachel is distraught and seeks comfort from Ross. Phoebe thinks Ross still loves Rachel because he didn't get the annulment, and her belief is strengthened when Ross hugs Rachel in an attempt to comfort her and smells Rachel's hair.
- "The One with Ross's Denial"--- Ross tries to deny he still has feelings for Rachel, yet invites her to move in with him. When Monica flatly dismisses Chandler's idea to turn the spare bedroom into a game room, the two get into a fight when Chandler worries that she'll still consider it to be her apartment. Meanwhile, Joey has trouble finding a new roommate.
- "The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance"--- Joey's health benefits lapse just as he develops a hernia. Unable to afford the treatment and not wanting to borrow the money from Chandler, he takes on an acting role to allow him to renew his insurance, during which the hernia helps out with an uncooperative child star. Ross is given a professorship at NYU and, eager to impress his students, he puts on a fake English accent. Rachel finds out that she and Ross are still married and goes down to his class to yell at him... in front of all his students.
- "The One with Joey's Porsche"--- Rachel forces Ross to get an annulment, but Ross is unwilling, as he doesn't want to get divorced for the third time. When Rachel finds out that Ross didn't get the annulment, in retribution she fills out the form saying Ross is gay, mentally unstable, and addicted to intravenous drugs, resulting in the judge disallowing an annulment, which leads to Ross and Rachel, both disgruntled, seeking a divorce. Ross is miserable about now having three failed marriages, but cheers up when Rachel confesses that getting married was her idea. Joey pretends to be the owner of a Porsche whose owner left its keys in Central Perk. Phoebe babysits the triplets and ropes in Monica and Chandler, but Chandler swallows a toy gun and has to be taken to the hospital, leaving Phoebe alone.
- "The One on the Last Night"--- It's the final night before Chandler moves in with Monica. When Chandler tries to give Joey money, and Joey refuses, Chandler makes up a fake game called "cups" and 'loses' the money to Joey only for Joey to lose the money to Ross in the same game. Upon finding out Rachel hasn't packed, Monica and Phoebe agree to help her move, however, when the two start to get emotional, Phoebe suggests they think of the things they don't like about each other. But this plan backfires when the two then get into a massive argument.
- "The One Where Phoebe Runs"--- Rachel and Phoebe start living together. However, Rachel is embarrassed by Phoebe's odd running style and attempts to avoid her during her morning jogs through Central Park. Joey takes in a new roommate: dancer Janine (played by Elle Macpherson). Chandler wants to impress Monica by cleaning the apartment but forgets how everything is supposed to look.
- "The One with Ross's Teeth"--- Ross goes too far while trying to impress a date by over-whitening his teeth. Phoebe may or may not have made out with Ralph Lauren, which gets Rachel into trouble with her boss. Joey picks up some feminine preferences from his new roommate Janine, worrying Chandler.
- "The One Where Ross Got High"--- Ross is forced to tell Chandler why Jack and Judy don't like him. It turns out that in college, Ross experimented with pot, and blamed the smell on Chandler, who had supposedly jumped out of the window because he was stoned. Rachel tries to make dessert, but because the recipe book's pages were glued together, she makes half of an English trifle and half of a shepherd's pie. Phoebe develops a crush on Jack Geller after a sensual dream. Joey and Ross try to get out of Thanksgiving when they are invited to hang out with Janine and her dancer friends.
- "The One with the Routine"--- Janine is invited to appear in the studio audience for the taping of Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve, and invites Joey, Ross and Monica to come with her. While there, Joey tries to ensure he gets a kiss at midnight, while Monica and Ross try to ensure they get on camera, leading them to pull out an old dance routine. Meanwhile, Phoebe, Chandler and Rachel look for Monica's Christmas presents so that they can buy her something suitable in return.
- "The One with the Apothecary Table"--- Janine and Joey are finally dating, only for Janine to tell Joey she doesn't like Monica and Chandler, forcing him to choose between them. Meanwhile, Rachel buys an apothecary table from Pottery Barn, a store that Phoebe hates, and pretends she got it at a flea market. Her plan is then thrown into jeopardy when Phoebe sees the same table at Ross' apartment.
- "The One with the Joke"--- Chandler is upset when Playboy prints Ross' joke; both he and Ross claim to have originated the joke. Meanwhile, Joey reluctantly takes a waiter job at Central Perk but is fired by Gunther when he closes the shop to go to an audition, causing Rachel to stand up for him. Phoebe says she would choose Rachel over Monica as a girlfriend because Monica is high-maintenance, but also that Rachel is a pushover, causing tension between the girls.
- "The One with Rachel's Sister"--- Joey uses his position as waiter to give all the pretty female customers free things at the coffee house, but quickly gets in trouble with Gunther. Monica is sick and won't admit it. Rachel's sister Jill (Reese Witherspoon) shows up because she's been financially cut off and has to try to make it on her own.
- "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry"--- Chandler admits that not much makes him cry, resulting in his friends trying everything to get him to do so. Larry Joe Campbell makes an appearance as Phoebe's fan asking for her autograph and later tells Joey that he has watched all of her porn movies. Phoebe discovers that Ursula has been in pornographic movies under Phoebe's name, but Phoebe gets her back by having all of Ursula's paychecks sent to her own address. Ross and Jill continue their relationship, although it soon becomes clear Jill is only pursuing Ross because it irks Rachel.
- "The One That Could Have Been"---The gang ponders what might have been if Ross and Carol had stayed married, Monica had still been fat, Chandler had become a struggling writer, Joey had still worked on Days of our Lives, Rachel had married Barry and Phoebe had become a stockbroker. Fat virgin Monica is dating Roger and considers having sex with him for the first time. Ross attempts to spice up his marriage with Carol and ends up suggesting a threesome. Rachel instantly falls for Joey after seeing him for the first time in Central Perk, while Chandler attempts to cope with being Joey's assistant, with mixed results.
- "The One That Could Have Been"---Phoebe ends up in the hospital because of a mishap at work and a heart attack. Rachel almost has an affair with Joey, and finds Barry cheating on her. Ross realizes Carol is a lesbian by engaging in a threesome with Susan only to find himself very much left out. Phoebe is very stressed because of her time away from work; she has a heart attack and is subsequently fired. Monica's attempts to sleep with Roger go awry, due to Roger's busy schedule, and when Chandler attempts to comfort her, they end up in bed together.
- "The One with the Mix Tape"--- Rachel and Phoebe take self-defense classes. Ross, who had previously practiced karate, tries to attack them by surprise and convince them that they lack unagi, supposedly a state of "total awareness". In reality, as pointed out by Phoebe and Rachel, unagi is just a Japanese dish (in karate, zanshin is the state of total awareness). Chandler and Monica celebrate Valentine's Day several days after the actual date because of their schedules, but they forget to make each other homemade gifts: Monica gives Chandler one of Phoebe's "sock bunnies", and Chandler gives Monica a mixtape, which was originally a present from Janice. Joey decides to get money through medical research, but learns that the only study available is for identical twins, which pays $2,000. As a result, Joey tries to find someone to play his twin.
- "The One Where Ross Dates a Student"--- Ross starts dating a student from one of his paleontology classes, much to his friends' amusement, although he has fears about how the relationship may jeopardize his career. Rachel's and Phoebe's apartment catches fire, causing them to move in with Monica and Joey. At first it appears that Rachel will get to live with Monica and Phoebe will be forced to live with Joey when it appears that Phoebe's candles caused the fire. However, when it emerges that the fire was actually Rachel's fault, the two switch and Rachel finds herself preferring Joey's easygoing nature while Phoebe chafes over Monica's desire to keep her apartment clean.
- "The One with Joey's Fridge"--- Joey's refrigerator breaks, but he can't afford a new one so he tries desperately to get one of his friends to pay for it. Ross' student girlfriend prepares to head to Miami for spring break and Ross tries to contain his paranoia over what she might do there. Meanwhile, Rachel asks Phoebe, Chandler and Monica to find her a date to attend a Ralph Lauren ball, which sparks a competition between them so fierce that when Rachel finds her own date the three scare him off.
- "The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E."--- Joey gets his hopes up over his first significant acting job since Dr. Drake Ramoray. He has the part of science fiction hero Mac Machiavelli, the crime-fighting partner of a cool robot, C.H.E.E.S.E., which stands for Computerised Humanoid Electronically Enhanced Secret Enforcer. Monica bursts into the apartment making Chandler forget to finish a note for Joey that his decisive second audition has been moved two hours earlier. The friends reminisce about other instances when they have messed up. By miracle Joey gets another chance, which Chandler writes down correctly.
- "The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad"--- Ross is nervous when he meets Elizabeth's father Paul (Bruce Willis) for the first time; Paul shows interest in Rachel. Joey begins working on Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. but is openly unimpressed with C.H.E.E.S.E. his robot sidekick, which is a clumsy, slow-moving machine which speaks in a thin, distorted voice piped through a mike. This angers the operator of the robot, who has the power to get Joey fired. Phoebe writes a book based on Monica and Chandler.
- "The One Where Paul's the Man"--- Paul tells Ross that he disapproves of Ross' relationship with Elizabeth and threatens to have him fired if they continue seeing each other. Deciding to continue their relationship, Ross and Elizabeth sneak away to her family's cabin, not knowing Paul and Rachel have the same idea. The girls put their names down on a wedding list that gets back to Chandler, who promptly bolts. Eventually Monica finds him and calms him down, little realizing that Chandler is actually planning to propose.
- "The One with the Ring"--- Chandler and Phoebe go looking for an engagement ring, and Chandler finds the perfect one but does not have the money with him to purchase it. When he gets his hands on the cash and returns to the store, he is dismayed to find Phoebe allowed the ring to be sold, so he tries to track it down. Meanwhile, Rachel attempts to get Paul to open up emotionally but does too good a job when Paul starts crying and won't stop. Joey and Ross are upset that it appears that Chandler prefers to spend time with Phoebe, so they decide to close Chandler out.
- "The One with the Proposal"---Chandler takes Monica out to dinner where he plans to propose. However, as Chandler starts to broach the subject, Richard suddenly turns up at the same restaurant and the moment is lost. Returning to the apartment, Chandler starts to worry that Monica may be getting suspicious and, desperate to surprise her, pretends that he isn't interested in settling down. Ross finds himself rethinking his relationship with Elizabeth because of her immaturity, and when he finds himself in the middle of a water balloon fight, his fears are confirmed and he breaks up with her. Joey accidentally buys a boat at a silent auction, falls in love with the idea of being a sailor, and decides to keep the boat.
- "The One with the Proposal"---Richard reveals he's still in love with Monica and is willing to give her the marriage and children she wants if she is willing to take him back. Chandler begins his attempts to make Monica believe he isn't interested in ever settling down, however this backfires and she begins to reconsider their relationship. Eventually, Chandler is led to believe that Monica has left him but then discovers that she has planned the perfect proposal for him, while she proposes to him, she cries and says "there's a reason why girls don't do this!". Chandler finally asks Monica to marry him and she accepts. The season ends with Chandler and Monica dancing to "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton and the screen fades to black.
- "The One with Monica's Thunder"--- The gang prepare to celebrate Monica and Chandler's engagement. However, when Monica opens the door to Ross kissing Rachel in the hall, Monica accuses them of stealing her thunder. Ross and Rachel had been planning a "bonus night", where two exes have a one-night stand. Meanwhile, Chandler has bedroom-related problems, Joey auditions to play as a 19-year-old, and Phoebe is desperate to be asked to play her guitar at the wedding.
- "The One with Rachel's Book"--- Monica learns her parents have spent her wedding fund but soon perks up when she learns Chandler has saved enough money to pay for her dream wedding. However, Chandler isn't keen on spending all of the money on the wedding when he'd rather save it for their future. Joey finds an erotic novel Rachel's been reading and mocks her. Phoebe moves temporarily into Ross' apartment bringing her massage clients with her, leading Ross to end up massaging an old man in a failed pass at a woman.
- "The One with Phoebe's Cookies"--- Phoebe wants to give Monica her grandmother's secret cookie recipe – but the recipe was destroyed in the fire. Later, the two make many test cookies, only to realize the true recipe comes from Nestle Toll House. Rachel tries to teach Joey how to sail, but to no avail. Rachel's demanding manner on the boat makes her realize she can be like her father. Meanwhile, Chandler gets new glasses and a mishap in a steam room results in Chandler sitting on his future father-in-law's nude lap.
- "The One with Rachel's Assistant"--- Rachel must choose between a hunky young guy, Tag, or an experienced and well-qualified woman, for the job of executive assistant. Joey is offered the part of Dr. Stryker Ramoray, the twin of his old character Dr. Drake Ramoray, on Days of Our Lives but is offended when he is asked to audition. However, when Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. is cancelled, Joey finds himself crawling back to the producers. Monica, Chandler and Ross (who wore leg warmers) all reveal secrets to each other. Monica tells Chandler about Phoebe's secret of an employee getting fired, and Chandler tells about his trip to Disney with Ross who ended up ill on a ride after eating tacos. Ross tells Monica about the Atlantic City trip in which Chandler's secret by accidentally kissed a guy. Monica ate her macaroni diorama. Ross ended up kissing a cleaning lady.
- "The One with the Engagement Picture"--- Chandler can't seem to photograph well. Joey teaches Tag to pick up women, much to Rachel's annoyance. Ross and Phoebe date a couple who are divorcing.
- "The One with the Nap Partners"--- Joey and Ross accidentally take a nap together and much to their dismay, find that they like it. Phoebe and Rachel compete to be Monica's maid of honor. Meanwhile, Chandler's breakup with a past girlfriend because of weight issues places Monica in doubt about him being committed to their relationship.
- "The One with Ross's Library Book"--- Ross is happy that his dissertation is in the school library until he finds out where it's located: the dead part of the library where people go to hook up. Rachel and Phoebe believe they've found the perfect girl (Kristin Davis) for Joey. Janice invites herself to Chandler and Monica's wedding, and they try to stop her by convincing her Chandler still has feelings for her. Ross, while trying to guard his dissertation from potential lovers, meets a woman who enjoyed his work, and they end up fooling around (and getting caught) in the library.
- "The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs"--- Phoebe sneaks a dog into the apartment; Chandler reveals that he hates dogs. Ross becomes obsessed with naming all fifty U.S. states in order to earn his Thanksgiving dinner. After revealing Tag broke up with his girlfriend and has nowhere to go for Thanksgiving, Rachel invites him to Monica and Chandler's apartment, and is hesitant on whether to tell Tag her true feelings.
- "The One with All the Candy"--- Monica's plan to get to know her neighbors backfires when she is overworked. Phoebe finally gets her first bicycle, thanks to Ross, but is unable to ride it. Rachel and Tag's relationship is nearly discovered at Ralph Lauren.
- "The One with the Holiday Armadillo"--- Ross wants to introduce Ben to Hanukkah but Ben always loved Christmas. Phoebe learns that her and Rachel's apartment has been repaired; however she then fears that Rachel would rather continue to live with Joey instead of her. To prevent this problem she presents Joey with various gifts – a spider that scares Joey more than Rachel and a drum kit that annoys Monica. Ross dresses up as a "Holiday Armadillo" to make Ben excited about Hanukkah.
- "The One with All the Cheesecakes"--- Rachel and Chandler get hooked on cheesecakes meant for someone else. David (Hank Azaria), Phoebe's Scientist Guy, comes into town for just one night and wants to have dinner with Phoebe when she already has plans with Joey. Monica's cousin Frannie, with whom she was once best friends, is getting married, and she is not invited. As it turns out, her husband is Stuart, an old flame who slept with Monica once.
- "The One Where They're Up All Night"--- Everyone is awake for the whole night after they try to see a comet on the roof. Monica and Chandler can't seem to sleep, Rachel and Tag search for a business file, Joey and Ross try to get off the roof staying after the others and getting locked out, and Phoebe's smoke detector won't stop beeping, leading to a run-in with a firefighter.
- "The One Where Rosita Dies"--- Rachel and Chandler both think they've broken Rosita, Joey's recliner, so Rachel goes out with Joey to buy the La-Z-Boy E-Cliner 3000, while Chandler secretly swaps his recliner with Joey's. Joey believes that Rosita has been healed, so Rachel keeps the luxurious La-Z-Boy for herself (making Joey jealous). Meanwhile, Monica and Ross visit their childhood house, finding out their parents are selling it. However, an incident with the Porsche and a flood leads to Monica's childhood boxes being ruined while Ross' stay dry. Phoebe takes a telemarketing job selling toner and tries to save a man named Earl (Jason Alexander) from committing suicide.
- "The One Where They All Turn Thirty"---Rachel frets over turning 30, prompting everyone else to remember what they did when they reached the same milestone. After realizing that Tag is too young and immature, she breaks up with him.
- "The One with Joey's New Brain"---Joey's Days of our Lives character has another character's brain transplanted into his body, and tells the actress, Cecilia Monroe (Susan Sarandon) by accident. Using his charm, Joey and Cecilia work to maintain the character's legacy, and they sleep together. Ross cooks up a special surprise for the wedding: dreadful bagpipe playing. Meanwhile, after finding a cute guy's phone, Phoebe and Rachel compete over who gets to keep the phone to start 'a fairytale for the digital age'. Later, an elderly gentleman claims the phone, and Phoebe happily goes to dinner with him, finding him more attractive than the young man whose phone they thought it was.
- "The One with the Truth About London"--- Rachel teaches Ben practical jokes, which angers Ross. However, Ross and Ben get back at Rachel with a prank of their own. Chandler learns that Monica was actually planning on sleeping with Joey the night they first got together, making Chandler paranoid that she would leave him for Joey. Joey becomes ordained over the Internet in preparation to officiate Monica and Chandler's wedding.
- "The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress"--- Monica beats another bride-to-be in a fight over a wedding dress; however she is forced to reconsider her victory when the other bride-to-be books Chandler's favorite band on the same day as her wedding and holds them as ransom for the dress. Joey and Ross fight over the same girl (Gabrielle Union) they met and go to drastic measures to win.
- "The One with Joey's Award"--- Joey is nominated for a "Soapie" but loses, much to his chagrin. But when he accepts a different award on behalf of a co-star, he finds himself unwilling to hand it over. One of Ross' male students claims he is in love with him to get a higher mark on a test. It is revealed by another student that he is straight and has fooled other professors in a similar manner. The student ends up with a C after some of Ross' colleagues overhear a conversation that made it seem that Ross and the student dated.
- "The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin"---Ross and Monica's gorgeous cousin, Cassie (Denise Richards) comes to visit, and Chandler, Ross, and Phoebe become attracted to her. Rachel and Phoebe quickly throw together a bridal shower for Monica. Joey auditions for a part which is perfect for him, apart from the fact it calls for an uncircumcised actor (which Joey is not). Upon finding out he lied about his 'downstairs' area, Monica tries to fix it so he can still get the part, using a variety of methods including Silly Putty and cold cuts.
- "The One with Rachel's Big Kiss"--- Rachel runs into Melissa (Winona Ryder), a former sorority sister with whom she once had a passionate kiss. However, with Melissa denying it and Phoebe unable to believe Rachel is capable of something like that, Rachel decides to recreate the kiss with surprising results: Melissa was faking and has feelings for Rachel. Meanwhile Chandler is excited when he rents the same tuxedo that Pierce Brosnan wore as James Bond, but feels outdone when Ross claims to have tried the same tux Val Kilmer wore in Batman Forever.
- "The One with the Vows"---Chandler and Monica struggle to write their wedding vows. The group remember the journey Monica and Chandler have made the past few years via flashbacks.
- "The One with Chandler's Dad"--- Chandler tries to reconcile with his estranged father (Kathleen Turner), per Monica's request. Monica and Chandler attend one of Mr. Bing's drag shows, where father and son reconcile and Mr. Bing agrees to attend. Rachel, an irresponsible driver, takes Monica's Porsche for a spin with Ross (much to his fear). Joey takes advice from Phoebe about his masculinity, resulting in him trying on women's underwear. Rachel gets caught driving the Porsche without a license and flirts with the officer to get out of being fined. Later, Ross is pulled over for driving too slow on the freeway, resulting in similar (but unsuccessful) flirtatious attempts.
- "The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding"---Joey gets a part in a movie and learns the art of enunciation (and therein spitting) from his famous co-star (Gary Oldman). He later finds out he is supposed to work on the day of Monica and Chandler's wedding. Chandler's fear of commitment catches up to him and he runs away from his wedding. Phoebe finds someone's positive pregnancy test in the bathroom trash, and assumes it is Monica's. Joey learns he is only supposed to shoot one scene before he can leave for the wedding, but when his co-star turns up drunk it seems Joey won't make it to the ceremony.
- "The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding"---Chandler is found but, upon overhearing Phoebe discuss Monica's assumed pregnancy, disappears again. Luckily he turns up again, used to the idea of becoming a father. Joey arrives just in time, still in costume from his war movie. Monica and Chandler become husband and wife, getting married to the tune of the song "Everlong" by Foo Fighters. In the end, it's revealed that the pregnancy test belonged to Rachel.
- "The One After 'I Do'"---Everybody thinks Monica's pregnant, but her denial quickly shifts the focus to Phoebe, who takes the heat off of Rachel--who is actually pregnant. Chandler's shoes are slippery, rendering his dance lessons useless. Joey tries to impress a Broadway director. Ross dances with children to impress Monica's attractive, funny friend Mona, which leads to him getting injured quite a bit.
- "The One with the Red Sweater"--- Rachel won't tell anybody who the father of her baby is until she tells him. Joey tells Monica and Phoebe that a guy slept with Rachel a few weeks earlier, and left a red sweater behind. Phoebe thinks it's Tag Jones and arranges a meeting for Rachel with him. Ross and Chandler attempt to recreate the wedding pictures, after Chandler loses the disposable cameras. Monica opens all of her and Chandler's wedding presents. Monica, Joey and Phoebe find out that Tag is not the father of Rachel's baby. They're still pondering the mystery when the red sweater is spotted in front of them and retrieved by its owner: Ross.
- "The One Where Rachel Tells..."---Chandler and Monica prepare to leave for their honeymoon as Rachel prepares to tell the father of her baby. Phoebe and Joey try to get into Monica and Chandler's apartment by telling Mr. Treeger there is a gas leak. However, not all goes to plan when Treeger, who could not find Monica and Chandler's key, orders firefighters to break down the door. Note: There was a subplot of Chandler and Monica's honeymoon that was completely shot and filmed but ultimately never aired. It involved Chandler playfully joking about bombs when preparing to board first-class. The airport security mistake Chandler's joke as a real threat then take him and Monica to interrogation. Towards the end of the episode they're determined not to be a threat to the aircraft, but shortly after their release Joey calls Monica and pretends that there is a gas leak in their apartment in an attempt to cover for the broken door. When Joey asked her whether they'll charge them for the damage of breaking down the door, she sarcastically replied, "No, I want you to stand there and wait for the entire place to blow up!", causing the authorities to re-interrogate the couple. Following 9/11, the writers felt the humor of this subplot was off color and quickly replaced it with a story about Chandler and Monica getting jealous over another newly married couple who got free perks by arriving just before they did. The cut scenes from this episode were later shown as a special feature on the 2004 UK version of the DVDs.
- "The One with the Videotape"--- Ross and Rachel disagree over who came onto whom when they hooked up, with Rachel (and the group) sure that Ross was the initiator of their pregnancy-causing sex and Ross being sure that Rachel hit on him first. He wants to prove it and accidentally reveals that he has the encounter on videotape. Rachel goes from being disgusted to being intrigued, and everyone watches the tape where they find out that Ross was right because Rachel used Joey's patented "story that leads to having sex". Monica and Chandler meet another couple while on their honeymoon.
- "The One with Rachel's Date"---Phoebe begins dating a guy who works for Monica, causing a problem when Phoebe wants to dump him on the same day Monica plans to fire him. A guy at Chandler's work thinks that Chandler's name is Toby. Rachel goes on a date with Joey's costar, despite being pregnant, much to Ross' annoyance.
- "The One with the Halloween Party"--- Monica and Chandler are throwing a Halloween Party. At the party Phoebe runs into her sister's fiance, Eric (Sean Penn), and finds herself attracted to him as they bond over what a total liar Ursula is. Ross and Chandler arm wrestle ineffectually, as Ross laments that his goofy "Spudnik" outfit makes him look like feces. Rachel asks if she can be the person who hands out candy to the trick-or-treaters, as she says 'ever since I got pregnant, I have had the strongest maternal instincts', only to find out she isn't as maternal as she thought.
- "The One with the Stain"--- Chandler hires a maid to help Monica but she thinks the maid is stealing her clothes. After getting Chandler to look her over, much to his embarrassment, she is approached by Rachel, who returns the clothes Monica thinks the maid stole. The maid promptly quits thanks to Chandler's forced perversion. Eric broke up with Ursula and wants to date Phoebe but she reminds him too much of her sister. Ross attempts to secure the apartment of a dying Dutch woman for Rachel, while Joey tries to convince Rachel to continue living with him.
- "The One with the Stripper"--- Rachel's having dinner with her dad to tell him that she's pregnant, and Rachel is intimidated and lies about Ross being unsupportive, leading to Dr. Green threatening Ross and nearly ruining his budding romance with Mona. Meanwhile Monica hires a stripper, who turns out to be a hooker, for Chandler because he never got to have a bachelor party.
- "The One with the Rumor"--- Monica invites a high school friend, Will (Brad Pitt) to her Thanksgiving dinner. Rachel finds out that Will (who was a loser like Ross in high school and is now a gorgeous guy) and Ross started a rumor about Rachel having both male and female "reproductive parts" during their senior year of high school. Joey tries to eat an entire turkey because 'he's a Tribbiani'. Chandler and Phoebe avoid helping Monica by sitting on the couch and watching a game.
- "The One with Monica's Boots"---Monica buys very expensive boots and promises Chandler to wear them all the time. After a while they are killing Monica's feet but she doesn't dare to tell Chandler. Joey's youngest sister Dina (Marla Sokoloff) is pregnant and comes to Rachel for advice. Phoebe finds out that Sting's son is in Ben's class so she goes to see Sting's wife (real wife, Trudie Styler) pretending to want to talk about Ben and Jack in order to get tickets to Sting's concert.
- "The One with Ross's Step Forward","The One with The Creepy Holiday Card"--- Ross freaks out when Mona wants to send out joint Christmas cards and wants to have "the talk". Chandler tries to get out of spending time with his boss. Rachel has hormonal problems as a result of pregnancy and becomes "erotically charged", or as Phoebe calls it, the “Evander Holyfield” phase.
- "The One Where Joey Dates Rachel"--- Now that Rachel can't go on dates any more due to her pregnancy, Joey decides to take her on a date. But instantly, he begins to have a crush on Rachel, something that even he is scared about. Monica and Chandler get a Ms. Pac-Man arcade game from Phoebe as a late wedding present. After Phoebe hogs the game, Chandler becomes a pro by repeatedly playing and putting swear words as his initials, however Monica wants them to be removed as Ben would be coming over to play on it. After Ross gets to teach an advanced class, he struggles to get to the class on time.
- "The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath"--- Monica sways Chandler's dislike of baths but he soon becomes addicted to them. Phoebe, who thinks Joey has a crush on her, is shocked to discover that Joey actually likes Rachel; Ross and Rachel debate over potential names for their baby and find out the baby's sex.
- "The One with the Secret Closet"--- Chandler becomes obsessed with finding out what is behind the door of Monica's secret closet. Phoebe feels betrayed when she discovers Monica has been using a different massage therapist. Ross feels left out after missing the baby's first kick especially when Joey is mistaken for the father. Joey, feeling bad about the situation, suggests that Rachel should move in with Ross even though he wanted Rachel to live with him.
- "The One with the Birthing Video"--- Phoebe gives a birthing video to Rachel. Chandler, mistaking the tape for porn, watches it and is horrified after watching it with Monica, which kills the mood for Valentine's Day. Ross struggles to tell Mona that Rachel is now living with him, and she breaks up with him over his dishonesty. Joey is depressed and in an effort to lighten his mood, Phoebe lends him a dog to cheer him up. However Joey ends up subduing the dog with his depression, and in the end tells Ross about his feelings for Rachel.
- "The One Where Joey Tells Rachel"--- Ross, shocked at Joey's declaration, avoids him, but eventually convinces him to tell Rachel. Joey confesses his love for Rachel, but Rachel politely and lovingly turns him down. Phoebe is convinced that a British man called Don is Monica's soulmate.
- "The One with the Tea Leaves"--- Phoebe determines through tea leaves that she'll soon meet the man of her dreams, which leads her to a disastrous date with a disturbing man and then a pleasant meeting with a charming one at the dry cleaners. Rachel invents a crazy work problem to reduce the awkwardness of hanging out with Joey, since he confessed his feelings for her. Ross tries to retrieve his 'faded salmon' shirt from Mona's apartment.
- "The One with the Zesty Guy"--- Monica botches an attempt at giving a heartfelt speech for her parents' 35th anniversary party. Phoebe dates Parker (Alec Baldwin), who's very enthusiastic about everything and ultimately annoys the entire group including herself. Ross and Rachel have to pretend to be married and Ross' "wedding toast" stirs feelings in Rachel.
- "The One with Joey's Interview"--- Joey prepares for an interview with Soap Opera Digest, although he's afraid of saying something stupid that may jeopardize his career. (In a previous episode, in an interview, he said he writes a lot of his own lines, which led to his firing from Days of Our Lives.) Joey enlists his friends to make sure things go well. This is the fourth of Friends' six clip shows.
- "The One with the Baby Shower"--- Phoebe and Monica prepare for Rachel's baby shower and forget to invite Rachel's mother. During the shower Monica tries desperately to seek forgiveness from Sandra, but to no avail. Rachel realizes she has no idea how to look after the baby after the birth, so her mother insists on staying with her for eight weeks, much to her and Ross' annoyance. Monica eventually gives Rachel the confidence to be a mom and lets Sandra know she's furious at her spitefulness. Joey auditions for a job as a host for a new game show called "Bamboozled" that makes absolutely no sense, and Chandler and Ross help him practice.
- "The One with the Cooking Class"--- Monica's cooking skills get a bad review in The Post. After confronting the critic who wrote it, she decides to join a cooking class, with Joey in tow. Rachel gets jealous when Ross meets a girl who flirts with him at the baby department store. Phoebe helps Chandler prepare for an interview by stopping his natural instinct to make immature jokes.
- "The One Where Rachel Is Late"--- Joey invites Chandler to his movie's premiere but Chandler falls asleep during it. Rachel is very frustrated with the fact that she's eight days late, and will try anything to induce labor, which leads to a bet between Monica and Phoebe.
- "The One Where Rachel Has a Baby"---Ross and Rachel arrive at the hospital. Judy Geller gives Ross her mother's engagement ring to propose to Rachel with. Monica and Chandler decide to have a baby.
- "The One Where Rachel Has a Baby"---After forty-seven hours of labor, Rachel has her and Ross' baby, Emma as "River Of Tears" by Eric Clapton plays in the background. Joey finds Ross' engagement ring. Rachel thinks he's proposing and says "Okay". Monica and Chandler try for a baby in the hospital.
- "The One Where No One Proposes"--- After Joey accidentally proposes to Rachel, he tries to tell her it was an accident, but can never find an opportune moment. Meanwhile, Monica and Chandler continue trying for a baby, while Ross, not knowing that Joey has proposed to her, plans to start things up again with Rachel.
- "The One Where Emma Cries"--- Rachel can't get Emma to stop crying after waking her. Chandler accidentally agrees to relocate to Tulsa due to him falling asleep in a meeting. Meanwhile Joey and Ross end up in the hospital, as Ross, still angry at Joey for proposing to Rachel, attempts to hit Joey after he asks him to but misses and hits a pole in the coffeehouse.
- "The One with the Pediatrician"--- Monica is offered a great job in New York City, and as a result of Chandler not being able to get out of moving to Tulsa, he is forced to leave during the week and return on the weekends since the only alternative is quitting. Phoebe and Joey set each other up on blind dates, and Joey finds a complete stranger named Mike (Paul Rudd) for Phoebe's date. After Rachel gets fired from Emma's pediatrician, Dr. Weiner, due to her constant calls, she takes Emma to Dr. Gettleman, the pediatrician Ross and Monica went to while growing up – and learns that Ross is still a patient.
- "The One with the Sharks"--- Monica goes to visit Chandler in Tulsa as a surprise, however he's watching porn on the hotel television and when she arrives he, in a panic, switches on a shark documentary leading Monica to believe the sea creatures turn him on. Joey thinks he's already slept with the girl he's dating. Phoebe fears losing Mike, after realizing that she has never been in a long-term relationship, because Ross said that she "jumps around from guy to guy without a care in the world". Trying to comfort her, Ross goes to talk to Mike, but ends up telling him that Phoebe had a six-year long relationship with some Indian guy named Vikram.
- "The One with Phoebe's Birthday Dinner"--- Phoebe plans a night out for her birthday, but only she and Joey are on time as all the other friends have issues which make them late.
- "The One with the Male Nanny"---Ross and Rachel hire a male nanny (Freddie Prinze, Jr.). Chandler freaks when Monica tells him that she has met somebody else who is the funniest man she has ever met. Meanwhile, Phoebe's scientist ex David (Hank Azaria) resurfaces, and this time, he meets Mike.
- "The One with Ross's Inappropriate Song"--- Ross finds a way to make Emma laugh by singing "Baby Got Back". Phoebe meets Mike's parents and tries to impress them with a snobbish accent. Chandler and Joey find a videotape in Richard's apartment with Monica's name on it.
- "The One with Rachel's Other Sister"--- Rachel's sister Amy (Christina Applegate) shows up and stays for Thanksgiving Dinner. With her arrival a big fight starts over who will get Emma if, hypothetically, Rachel and Ross were to pass away, since they said they would pass Emma onto Monica and Chandler. However, Chandler gets upset as well, when Amy asks if she would get the baby if Monica died along with them, because they said that in that case, Emma would go to Ross' parents, making Chandler believe that Ross and Rachel don't trust him. Meanwhile, Monica obsesses over her expensive china plates and Phoebe tries to teach Joey how to lie after Joey forgets to go to the Thanksgiving parade for Days of Our Lives.
- "The One with Rachel's Phone Number"--- On a girls night out with Phoebe, Rachel gives a guy her phone number, but instantly regrets it after realizing she would need to move on from Ross. Joey thinks Monica is having an affair when Chandler claims he needs to work, as he does not want to lie to Joey about wanting to spend time with Monica, rather than going to a game with him. While Phoebe and Rachel are out, Ross invites Mike to hang out, but as Mike doesn't want to talk about his divorce and Ross hasn't got his keyboards with him, they realize they have little in common.
- "The One with Christmas in Tulsa"--- Chandler, stuck in Tulsa and forced to work on Christmas Eve, is alarmed when a female co-worker Wendy (Selma Blair, "the second prettiest girl in Oklahoma") makes a pass at him. Deciding enough is enough, he quits his job and makes it home to Monica and his friends for Christmas. This story serves as a framing device for the fifth of Friends' six clip shows.
- "The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work"---Rachel returns from maternity leave early when she finds out Ralph Lauren has hired a temp as her replacement, and she fears he might have the job permanently. Meanwhile, Phoebe works as an extra on Days of our Lives.
- "The One with Phoebe's Rats"--- Phoebe adopts an orphaned rat family. Ross and Rachel hire a new nanny – Molly (Melissa George), but Ross becomes worried when Joey starts hitting on her. He's relieved when he finds out Molly's a lesbian, but Joey gets more turned on. Rachel continues to quarrel with Gavin, but at her birthday party, kisses him on Monica and Chandler's balcony. Unbeknownst to her, Ross, while caring for Emma, sees this and is shocked.
- "The One Where Monica Sings"--- Phoebe suggests that Monica sing at Mike's piano bar. After some doubt, Monica does. The audience loves her but only because when the light is on her they can see her breasts as she isn't wearing a bra. Meanwhile, an angry paranoid Ross is thinking Rachel is moving on 'without the courtesy of telling', tries desperately to find a date. Rachel, wanting to talk with Ross, realizes their situation isn't working and decides to move back in with Joey, taking Emma with her.
- "The One with the Blind Dates"---To get Ross and Rachel to realize they're perfect for each other, Phoebe and Joey set them up on bad blind dates. Monica and Chandler babysit Emma.
- "The One with the Mugging"---Phoebe and Ross get mugged by one of Phoebe's old friends from the street (Kyle Gass), and Ross finds out that Phoebe was the person who had mugged him when he was a teenager. Meanwhile, Chandler gets a job in an advertising internship, but feels out of place due to his age. Joey auditions for a play starring Leonard Hayes (Jeff Goldblum), but must go to painful extremes to get the part.
- "The One with the Boob Job"--- Chandler and Monica each ask Joey for a loan behind each others back. When Chandler learns Monica asked Joey for money, even though he said that Bings never borrow money, Joey claims Monica needed the money for a boob job. Rachel tries to baby-proof the apartment but realizes she can't. Mike tells Phoebe that he never wants to marry again, which leads Phoebe to question if they should live together.
- "The One with the Memorial Service"--- Ross and Chandler post false information about each other on their college's alumni website, resulting in Chandler posted as being gay while Ross is dead. Meanwhile Joey and Emma fight over Joey's 'bedtime penguin pal' Hugsy. Phoebe asks Monica to help her get over Mike.
- "The One with the Lottery"---The gang buys lottery tickets and fight over how to divide them up. Chandler waits for a promotion, while Rachel and Ross anticipate Emma's first word.
- "The One with Rachel's Dream"--- After seeing him practice a scene from Days of Our Lives and watching the filming of it, Rachel develops feelings for Joey. Phoebe performs at Monica's restaurant, much to Monica's dismay. Chandler plans a weekend away in Vermont with Monica, but has to take Ross instead.
- "The One with the Soap Opera Party"---While Rachel is in the same position as Joey was a year ago, Joey holds a Days of our Lives party for the cast, but doesn't want any of his friends to come. Ross gets a crush on another professor, Charlie (Aisha Tyler), who has only ever dated "Nobel Prize" winners. He and Rachel catch her and Joey kissing at the party.
- "The One with the Fertility Test"---Chandler and Monica undergo fertility testing and are surprised when they encounter Janice. Rachel makes an appointment at a massage place, Phoebe tells her the place is horrible and rips up Rachel's certificate. Rachel tapes the certificate back together and goes to the massage place against Phoebe's wishes, but she doesn't know that Phoebe actually works there. Joey needs help advancing in his relationship with Charlie, and turns to Ross for advice.
- "The One with the Donor"--- After finding out they're both infertile, Chandler and Monica search for a sperm donor, but, after interviewing a potential donor, even though he is suitable — Chandler describes him as 'Spermtastic!' — they realize they don't want a donor, so look to adoption. Phoebe finds out about Rachel's feelings for Joey when she and Rachel take Charlie shopping, and Rachel fears Charlie heard that she likes Joey. While getting ready to go to Mike's sister's party, Phoebe meets David, the scientist guy, again. Ross has an interview for a conference in Barbados.
- "The One in Barbados"---The gang goes to Barbados for Ross' conference. David (Hank Azaria), Phoebe's Scientist Guy, almost proposes to her – but her ex-boyfriend Mike does so before he gets the chance. Ross and Charlie find they have a lot in common. Rachel and Joey get even closer.
- "The One in Barbados"---Monica's hair reacts to the humidity. Joey and Charlie break up when he realizes they have nothing in common. He later sees Charlie and Ross kissing, and so he kisses Rachel. Monica and Mike play ping-pong to the distaste of Chandler and Phoebe.
- "The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss"---Rachel and Joey decide to talk to Ross about their relationship, while Ross tries to talk to Joey about his relationship with Charlie. Ross confesses his relationship to Joey but Joey chickens out. Ross later walks in on Rachel and Joey kissing. Monica has her hair done in cornrows to get rid of her frizzy hair but Chandler hates it. Monica finally comes around to Chandler's way of thinking when she gets her hair caught on the shower curtain. Phoebe finds out that Mike has been seeing a woman named Precious (Anne Dudek) for the past few months and now needs to break up with her. Phoebe waits for Mike to return from his break-up but finds herself breaking up for him when Precious shows up at Mike's apartment.
- "The One Where Ross Is Fine"--- Monica and Chandler are having a lot of trouble figuring out the adoption process so Phoebe sends them to a couple who have adopted. Monica and Chandler meet them and Monica instantly gets along with the woman (Kellie Waymire), however later Chandler casually mentions to their son (Daryl Sabara) that he was adopted only to find out that he didn't know about it. Chandler also tells him that Santa isn't real. The couple then kick out Monica & Chandler after finding out about both this & Chandler trying to bribe him. Rachel and Joey think Ross might have problems with their new relationship but he assures them he's fine. Ross invites Rachel and Joey on a double-date with him and Charlie. They agree but Ross gets drunk at the awkward date. Joey stays with Ross overnight to make sure he's okay and they talk. Ross realizes that he has been apart from Rachel for so long that he shouldn't stop Joey and Rachel's relationship. He does give Joey his blessing even though it still hurts him because they should see where the relationship is going. Phoebe hangs out with Frank Jr. (Giovanni Ribisi) and the triplets. The kids are driving Frank Jr. crazy and he offers Phoebe one of them. He comes to the realization that he could not possibly give up any of the children so Phoebe offers to babysit so Frank Jr. and Alice will have more time to relax. The episode ends with Chandler accidentally revealing to the triplets that Phoebe gave birth to them.
- "The One with Ross's Tan"--- After Ross sees Monica's tan, he decides to get a spray-on tan. After hearing seemingly straight-forward instructions, he gets confused and accidentally gets a double dose on the front of his body and nothing on his back. Through a series of mishaps he gets more spray tan on his front until he is incredibly dark. Rachel and Joey attempt to take their relationship to the next level but Rachel keeps accidentally slapping Joey, while Joey can’t get Rachel out of her clothes. Joey and Rachel ultimately decide to stay friends. Monica and Phoebe try to "cut out" an obnoxious old friend from the building when she visits from England (Jennifer Coolidge). This brings up memories of the time when Phoebe tried to “cut out” Monica many years before.
- "The One with the Cake"--- Ross and Rachel throw a birthday party for Emma and desperately want everyone to be there for it. Everyone has prior commitments: Chandler and Monica have a romantic weekend planned, Phoebe has a client, and Joey has an audition. Ross' parents show up and the group begins celebrating. Rachel soon realizes the cake is not a bunny, as planned, but an erotic cake with her daughter's picture on it. She goes off to get it fixed but Ross needs to go get her. Phoebe, Joey, Chandler and Monica battle to see who can leave with Monica and Chandler being left behind. Luckily everyone gets back before Rachel and Ross and Emma's birthday is celebrated just as Rachel envisioned.
- "The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits"---Rachel's sister Amy (Christina Applegate) shows up at Ross' looking for Rachel and Rachel quickly learns she plans to marry her ex-boyfriend's father. Rachel takes her in, much to Joey's chagrin, and tries to help her get her life together. Amy offers to baby-sit Emma, who she calls Ella, but messes up by getting Emma's ears pierced. Rachel is incredibly upset but eventually her and Amy come to an understanding when Rachel finds out her other sister, Jill, is now fat. Mike attempts to propose to Phoebe on the big screen but Phoebe tells him how lame that is when another couple gets engaged that way. Phoebe tries to fix it by proposing to him on the big screen but Mike gets laughed at. Mike finally proposes at a restaurant and Phoebe accepts. Monica and Chandler ask Rachel to write a letter of recommendation for them to their adoption agency but Joey feels left out. They ask Joey but he tries to write the letter using big words, only for Joey to use a thesaurus to a ridiculous degree (to the point that he refers to himself as a baby kangaroo). He finally re-drafts the letter but gives the handwritten letter to the agency before Monica and Chandler can approve it. The agency thinks a child has written the letter and love it.
- "The One with Ross's Grant"--- Ross applies for a paleontology grant – and finds out Charlie's ex-boyfriend – Benjamin Hobart (Greg Kinnear) reviews the applications. Ross and Charlie have dinner with him and it becomes obvious, Benjamin still has feelings for her. During the interview, Benjamin sabotages Ross' application by not asking him any paleontological questions. Ross is upset so he informs Charlie and Charlie doesn't believe him. Benjamin confesses his feelings to Charlie and his ploy to get her back. Charlie reveals she still has feelings for Benjamin and breaks up with Ross. Phoebe is getting rid of things so Mike can move in but is sad to part with her disturbing artwork, Gladys. Monica pretends to like it but secretly hates it. Phoebe gives it to her but Monica and Rachel fight over who should have it since Phoebe thinks they both want it. She makes another even more disturbing artwork Glynnis which Monica keeps while Rachel keeps Gladys. Joey wants Chandler to get him a job in a commercial Chandler is working on but Chandler doesn't think he's right for the part. Chandler lies to Joey, but Joey realises when Chandler doesn’t comment on the bizarre Japanese male lipstick commercial from his audition tape. Chandler makes it up to Joey by wearing the lipstick from the commercial.
- "The One with the Home Study"--- Monica and Chandler are worried about the adoption agency interviewer when they learn Joey slept with her and never called her back. They keep assuring her they are not friends with Joey. Joey climbs up the fire escape to check on Chandler and Monica when they won't open the door. Joey pretends he was heartbroken since the interviewer never called him and successfully convinces her of that idea. Phoebe and Mike are hesitant to spend such a large amount of money on their wedding and agree to marry at City Hall with the money donated to charity. They have a change of heart and take the money back but then are guilt-ridden. Eventually the charity rejects their donation and tells them to have a good wedding. Ross tries to help Rachel get over her fear of swings while she helps him get over his fear of spiders.
- "The One with the Late Thanksgiving"--- Monica and Chandler decide not to host Thanksgiving but Phoebe convinces them to by appealing to Monica's competitive nature. Chandler helps out for the first time by making Cranberry sauce and surprisingly, Monica lets him. Rachel and Phoebe enter Emma in a beauty pageant and win while Ross and Joey go to a Rangers game and as a result all four are nearly an hour late. Angry that nobody turned up on time when they didn't want to host the meal to begin with, Monica and Chandler lock the door and refuse to let anyone in. Everyone manages to get their heads in the door but no further due to the chain being bolted, and eventually Joey gets stuck and is sent flying into the food when the door breaks. However the argument is forgotten when Monica and Chandler get a call telling them a girl from Ohio has picked them to adopt her baby and everyone sits down for a belated Thanksgiving.
- "The One with the Birth Mother"--- Monica and Chandler fly to Ohio to meet the birth mother, Erica (Anna Faris), of their prospective child. It becomes clear very quickly their files have been mixed up since Erica thinks Chandler is a doctor and Monica is a minister. They go along with the lie but Chandler feels guilty. He soon convinces Monica to come clean which causes Erica to reject them. Chandler catches up to Erica and convinces her to still consider them. He tells her about their jobs and how much Monica wants this child and he feels horrible that he cannot give his wife this one thing. Erica decides they are the right couple and decides they can adopt her baby. Meanwhile, Joey is set up with one of Phoebe's friends (Annie Parisse) but has problems on the date when she keeps eating off of his plate. Rachel and Phoebe take Ross shopping for clothes but Rachel and Ross' bags get switched. Ross doesn't realize he's wearing a woman's sweater and is incredibly comfortable in it, only to go on a date with a woman which comes to a very quick end when she wears the same garment.
- "The One Where Chandler Gets Caught"--- Rachel and Phoebe see Chandler getting into a car with another woman. He dodges their questions by pretending to be at work but they follow him to the suburbs and find them entering a house. They believe he is cheating on Monica and tell Ross and Joey. The four of them tell Monica but Monica doesn't react the way they thought she would. It soon comes out they are looking to buy a house in the suburbs to raise their family (the woman having been their realtor). The group tries to convince them to stay in the city while reminiscing about the past few years. In the end Monica and Chandler get the house and tell everyone they are moving right after giving them gifts.
- "The One Where the Stripper Cries"---Monica and Rachel throw Phoebe a bachelorette party but Phoebe is disappointed there is no stripper. Rachel and Monica hire a male stripper (Danny DeVito) at the last minute; but when he gets there, Phoebe insults him. He begins to cry. Ross and Chandler attend their college reunion and remember the girl they made a pact not to date. Ross makes his move but discovers Chandler used to make out with her all the time. Chandler informs Ross that he broke the pact as well but with a different girl (Kimberley Davies) at a party. At the same party, Monica and Rachel were visiting and Chandler made-out with Rachel to get back at Ross. Ross is upset because this is also the night of the first kiss between him and Rachel but later finds out he actually kissed Monica. Joey is a guest star on the television game show Pyramid and does horribly. Joey nearly redeems himself in the final round but messes up on the final question.
- "The One with Phoebe's Wedding"---Phoebe's wedding to Mike is nearly upon the gang, and wedding planner Monica is going overboard much to everyone's irritation. Eventually it gets too much for Phoebe who fires her intending to do the job herself. Meanwhile Phoebe has also asked Joey to give her away, causing him to give Mike more than a few warnings about Phoebe's welfare. Ross and Chandler also find they're not part of the wedding party but compete when one of Mike's groomsmen drops out and he offers to let one of them fill the position. A freak blizzard hits New York and it becomes obvious the wedding will have to be postponed, but Phoebe and Mike decide to get married outside with a still-ordained Joey acting as minister and Phoebe rehires Monica knowing she can pull it all off in time. Mike tells Ross and Chandler that he's decided to allow his family dog to fill in the vacant groomsman position but still needs one of them to walk the dog down the aisle and Chandler's fear of dogs allows Ross to fill the role only while Chandler fills in for Joey giving Phoebe away. In the end, everything works out and Phoebe has the wedding of her dreams in the snow-filled street outside Central Perk.
- "The One Where Joey Speaks French"--- Phoebe tries to teach Joey how to speak French for a play. Rachel's dad has a heart attack, so she goes to Long Island, accompanied by Ross, to visit him, which leads Rachel to want sympathy sex with Ross, but he turns her down since he thinks it's not a good idea. Rachel, the next morning, becomes mad at Ross because of this and he says they should never have sex again, saying it's "off the table". Back in the city, Rachel again thanks Ross for coming with her and the two comment about their history of sleeping together. Rachel says for her and Ross, it's "never off the table", confusing him and he leaves. Meanwhile, Erica, the birth mother, comes for a visit and reveals that the father of her baby may be a shovel killer, which is not the case as the father is another guy she slept with.
- "The One with Princess Consuela"--- Rachel has an interview in a restaurant for Gucci however her boss from Ralph Lauren catches her when he ends up at the next table and she ends up fired, with her erratic behaviour in front of the Gucci representative (Brent Spiner) causing her to not get that job either. By a twist of fate she bumps into her old colleague Mark from Bloomingdale's who arranges for her an interview which she passes, only for the job offer to be from Louis Vuitton in Paris. Newly married Phoebe tries to change her name to Phoebe Hannigan, but learning from a government worker (Craig Robinson) that can change her name to whatever she wants, she changes it to Princess Consuela Bananahammock, but insists her friends call her Valerie. Mike is unimpressed by this, and decides to make a point by changing his name to Crap Bag. Eventually Princess Consuela gets it and changes her name again to Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan. Meanwhile, Monica and Chandler plead with a depressed Joey to see their new prospective house, and he meets an eight-year-old girl (Dakota Fanning) who makes him realize he needs to let them go.
- "The One Where Estelle Dies"--- Joey's agent Estelle dies, but the group doesn't want to tell him as it could push him over the edge after all the recent changes he's witnessed. Phoebe impersonates Estelle's voice and pretends to still be alive to try to get Joey to fire her, but Joey ends up terrified when he gets a phone call from 'Estelle' after learning about her death. While being shown their new home by their realtor (Jane Lynch), Monica and Chandler are horrified to find that Janice (Maggie Wheeler) is considering buying the house next door to them, leading Chandler to take drastic measures to ensure she doesn't move in. Ross tries to get Rachel her old job back so she won't have to move to Paris. However, when he succeeds, Rachel becomes upset that, although she won't have to leave her friends, she won't be able to visit the 'Fashion Capital of the World'. In the end, Ross persuades her to do what she wants to do.
- "The One with Rachel's Going Away Party"--- As Erica arrives in New York to prepare for the baby's birth, the gang hold Rachel's going away party, during which gives each of her friends an individual goodbye moving them all to tears, except Ross leaving him hurt and wondering why she doesn't say goodbye to him. Rachel later reveals to Ross that with their history, it would be too hard for her to say goodbye to him and the emotional argument leads to them sleeping together. Monica and Chandler start packing up their apartment and Chandler finds a pair of handcuffs and tries to find out who they belong to. Erica goes into labor, leading Chandler and Monica to rush her to the hospital.
- "The Last One"---After having sex with Ross, Rachel says it was 'the perfect way to say goodbye', and he realizes he is still in love with her. Phoebe and Joey pack Monica and Chandler's belongings as the couple accompany Erica to the hospital. Ross and Phoebe race to the airport to tell Rachel of his feelings – but she gets on the plane anyway.
- "The Last One"---Meanwhile, Erica gives birth to twins which Chandler and Monica name Jack and Erica. Still on the plane, contemplating Ross' plea, Rachel has a change of heart. She leaves the plane and goes to Ross' apartment to tell him that she loves him. After years of separation, the two finally get back together for good, saying "this is it", hinting they will marry after the series (which is revealed to be true in the spin-off, Joey). Back in Monica's apartment, the friends turn in their keys and go out for their last cup of coffee together as a group. The series ends with the friends leaving and a camera panning the apartment and the city.

Joey (season 1-2)
- "Pilot"--- When Joey's new TV show is cancelled and the show he turned down is a big hit, it leaves Joey kicking himself and in search of work. Joey's nephew wants to leave his mother's house and live with his cool uncle but is afraid to tell her.
- "Joey and the Student"--- When Joey plans to teach Michael how to pick up women, Gina invites herself along, even though the guys don't want her to come. Joey finds out that Alex is the one who has been placing complaint notes about everything he does and that everyone hates her because of this.
- "Joey and the Party"---Joey and Michael plan a party, with the hopes that Joey makes a new friend. Michael's college rival announces he'll be showing up with his girlfriend, Michael tries to compete by enlisting the help of Alex to play his fake girlfriend.
- "Joey and the Book Club"--- To woo a girl in his book club, Michael assigns a romantic novel to the group. However, when he tries to make his move, he finds out that she is already in love with Joey. Gina makes a deal with Alex in order to get more work.
- "Joey and the Perfect Storm"--- When Joey gets the job of understudying in three different plays, it leaves him in a tight spot when all three main actors call in sick. Meanwhile, there is a vacant apartment in the complex, and Joey, Michael, and Alex try to hide it from Gina.
- "Joey and the Nemesis"--- An actor named Brian Michael David Scott (Bob Odenkirk) repeatedly tricks Joey into missing auditions. When Michael gets sick, Gina moves into Joey's place to take care of him, and Joey moves to Gina's place to get away from them. However, when staying at Gina's, her secret boyfriend mistakes Joey for her, and snuggles up to him.
- "Joey and the Husband"--- Alex tells Joey that her husband may be threatened by him. When Joey finally meets Alex's husband, Eric, he is stunned when Eric is not threatened by him. Joey decides to donate his savings to Gina so that she can open up her own salon, but she has second thoughts.
- "Joey and the Dream Girl, Part 1"--- Gina's high school friend Donna, who Joey used to have a huge crush on, visits. Joey promises Gina he won't do anything with Donna, who is getting a divorce, but cannot resist. Michael learns he used to be a great baseball player when he was younger.
- "Joey and the Dream Girl, Part 2"--- Joey tries to plan the perfect week for Donna, so she will choose him over her husband, who is attempting to reconcile with her. Alex discovers that she can get free stuff because she is a "hot girl".
- "Joey and the Big Audition"--- At Alex's Northwestern alumni party, Joey is mistaken for a fellow alumnus by a movie producer. This helps him get an audition for a new show called Deep Powder, described as "Baywatch on skis". However, Joey soon finds out that the audition is not for the lead character, but for the lead's father.
- "Joey and the Road Trip"--- Joey gets a job as a celebrity judge for the Miss Southwestern U.S.A. pageant in Las Vegas. There, Joey sleeps with a woman, not realizing she is a contestant, while Alex goes to a Celine Dion concert and Michael teaches Gina how to count cards. Guest stars Steven Schirripa as the Pit Boss and Bob Saget as himself.
- "Joey and the Plot Twist"---At a press conference for Deep Powder, Joey accidentally reveals a plot twist leading him to believe his character will get killed off in the first episode. Meanwhile, when the California heat makes it hard for Joey to get in the holiday spirit, Gina, Michael, and Alex decorate Joey's apartment for Christmas.
- "Joey and the Taste Test"---After Gina teaches Alex how to make lasagna, Joey and Michael are forced to partake in a taste test. Joey's relationship with his costar Katie gets him in trouble with the executive producer.
- "Joey and the Premiere"--- Joey brings Gina, Michael, and Alex to the premiere of Deep Powder. Gina's date is Lauren's ex-boyfriend and Alex's is a lesbian. Michael must decide between a girl and Star Trek actor (Guest star Brent Spiner as himself), and Joey kisses Lauren. Guest stars Lucy Liu as Lauren and Colby Donaldson as Gunnar.
- "Joey and the Assistant"--- Joey hires an assistant named Glenn (Richard Ruccolo), who turns out to be perfect. However, after he starts dating Gina, things start to go downhill. Meanwhile, Alex holds a mediation between Michael and his friend Seth (Simon Helberg) over a patent dispute.
- "Joey and the Tonight Show"--- Joey is supposed to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno but gets stuck in heavy traffic. In traffic, Michael ends up stuck next to a guy he gave the finger to, and Gina meets two guys. Guest stars Jay Leno as himself and Antonio Sabato Jr. as Kyle.
- "Joey and the Valentine's Date"--- Joey unintentionally makes a date with a People magazine reporter on Valentine's Day, which causes her to believe Joey is looking for a serious relationship. A drunken Alex reveals sexual secrets to Gina, and Michael becomes 'one of the girls' after an attempt to hit on a group of girls.
- "Joey and the Wrong Name"---Joey is nominated for a Daytime Soap Award, and he is also presenting an award but ends up announcing the wrong name. He brings Gina, who is uncomfortable because she is forced by Joey to dressed unlike herself.
- "Joey and the Fancy Sister"--- Joey's sister Mary Theresa (Christina Ricci) comes to visit, who Gina dislikes. When Mary Theresa discovers her engagement ring is fake, she decides to call off her wedding and stay in LA, causing Joey and Gina to try to find a way to get her to move back to New York. Meanwhile, Michael is oblivious that a girl likes him.
- "Joey and the Neighbor"--- Joey starts to date his new, hot next-door neighbor Sara (Mädchen Amick), but Joey forgets to cancel his backup date on the same day. Eric is back for the first time in two months but Alex and he have problems after being apart for so long.
- "Joey and the Spying"--- Even though Joey and Sara agreed to see other people, Joey realizes he cares too much about her. Alex and Eric separate, leading Eric to move into the apartment next door. Alex sees Eric with another woman and spies on him. Gina wants to break up with Glenn and tells him the reason is because Michael doesn't like him, causing Glenn to try to become closer with him.
- "Joey and the Temptation"--- Joey and Sara become exclusive, but Joey has a love scene with Carmen Electra for Deep Powder. Joey brings Michael along to help him resist her. Alex finds out Eric kissed another woman.
- "Joey and the Breakup"--- Joey helps Sara get an interview with Newsweek, but she gets offered a job in Washington, D.C. Gina meets Michael's new girlfriend, who turns out to be a much older woman. Meanwhile, Alex struggles with her divorce, and Gina tries to cheer her up.
- "Joey and the Moving In"--- Joey freaks out after asking Sara to move in with him. Alex doesn't know how to act on her first date after her divorce. Bobbie gives Michael tickets to a Star Wars preview but shows up as well, which leads Gina to confront Bobbie about her behavior around Michael.
- "Joey and the Big Break"---Things become awkward between Joey and Alex after having sex. Due to Joey's popularity on Deep Powder, Bobbie makes some outrageous demands leading to him being fired. Gina starts working for Bobbie. A young aspiring actress moves in the complex and thinks Michael is Joey.
- "Joey and the Big Break"---Hearing voices in his head causes Joey to blow a couple of auditions. Gina gets to tell everyone bad news for Bobbie, Michael wants Joey to go on a double date with him, and Alex wants Joey to take her on a romantic date so she feels better about sleeping with him.
- "Joey and the Spanking"---Joey has to deal with an unruly child actor on the set of his new movie. In order to discipline him, Joey spanks him. Gina helps Alex meet a guy so she can get over Joey.
- "Joey and the Stuntman"--- Joey's stuntman shadows him to learn his mannerisms. Abby, the script supervisor at the movie set, who nags Joey to memorize his lines, dates Michael which annoys Joey. A photo of Joey and Alex appears in US Magazine, and Alex freaks out after Joey lets her tell the magazine what their relationship status is. Guest stars Dan Cortese as Chuck.
- "Joey and the House"--- Joey thinks about buying a new house because of the amount of money he is making from his new movie. After helping Bobbie with anger management, Alex learns that she too has anger because of her relationship with Joey.
- "Joey and the ESL"--- Joey follows a girl into an English as a second language class. After losing a client for Bobbie, Gina tries to sign Joey's costar Benjamin Lockwood, which irritates Joey.
- "Joey and the Poker"--- Joey and Alex play poker, but Alex lets Joey win so he'll continue to play with her. Because of this, he decides to play in Celebrity Poker Showdown. Zach tries to get Joey to donate to a children's rec center.
- "Joey and the Sex Tape"--- Joey tries to prevent a woman from releasing a sex tape of him. Gina discovers Bobbie has no plans for her 40th birthday.
- "Joey and the Musical"--- Joey and Zach direct a musical starring Gloria, Joey's girlfriend's grandmother. Alex writes a letter to Joey as a way to vent her anger, but Joey reads it and thinks it's about Eric. Bobbie's mother wants a part in the musical.
- "Joey and the Bachelor Thanksgiving"--- Despite Gina spending a lot of time planning Thanksgiving dinner, Joey decides to go to his bachelor neighbor Dean's party instead. Joey finds ancient Native American artifacts in his backyard and accidentally gives them away.
- "Joey and the High School Friend"--- Joey's best friend, Jimmy, from high school visits. It turns out their friendship abruptly ended because Gina was secretly sleeping with him. The crew from Joey's movie use chocolate milk as code for marijuana, but Joey thinks they are actually talking about chocolate milk. Joey thinks Jimmy is Michael's father.
- "Joey and the Tijuana Trip"--- Joey and the guys go to Tijuana after Michael breaks up with Abby. After Dean criticizes Alex's lifestyle, she and Gina go to a party to have fun.
- "Joey and the Christmas Party"--- Joey finds out Alex is in love with him. Joey throws a Christmas party.
- "Joey and the Snowball Fight"--- Joey wants to be with Alex, but she is dating Dean. The action figure of Joey's character has problems. Gina thinks she is pregnant, and Jimmy must deal with the prospects of being a father.
- "Joey and the Dad"--- Joey flies his dad in for his movie premiere, who disapproves of Joey's career, which is oblivious to him until Alex tells him. Joey's billboard is right next to Carmen Electra's, which is getting a lot more attention than his.
- "Joey and the Party for Alex"--- Joey's feelings for Alex grow stronger. Dean throws a party for Alex's 30th birthday and plans to propose. Meanwhile, Gina and Jimmy decide to get tattoos together.
- "Joey and the Big Move"--- Joey finally moves into his house, but a fire destroys it. Jimmy learns that he is Michael's father, and he and Joey try to get Michael's DNA without him knowing so they can conduct a paternity test. Meanwhile, Michael gets new roommates.
- "Joey and the Beard"--- Joey dates a famous actress Edie but doesn't know she only needs him as a beard. Jimmy moves in with Gina.
- "Joey and the Critic"--- Joey's movie is getting great reviews except one critic gives it a 0%. The critic turns out to be an 11-year-old girl. Joey starts his own production company and hires Jimmy, but things do not go well. Alex breaks up with Dean but needs Joey to be her friend.
- "Joey and the Actor's Studio"--- Joey appears on Inside the Actors Studio. There, Alex learns how badly Joey has treated some women in the past and is unsure if she wants to go out with Joey. Joey and Jimmy sign up for a clinical trial for testing new medicine so Jimmy can afford a ring to propose to Gina.
- "Joey and the Holding Hands"--- Joey's sexual relationship with Alex is great, but he wants a deeper connection. Michael meets a woman online named sexysteve87. After Gina accepts Jimmy's proposal, she learns he is already married.
- "Joey and the Wedding"--- After Alex gets really excited about planning the wedding, Joey thinks she wants to get married. However, it turns out she doesn't want to get married ever. Michael thinks he's the best man even though Jimmy asked Joey. Jimmy and Gina both get cold feet right before the wedding.

Mr. Bean episodes
- "Mr. Bean"--- Mr. Bean attends a maths exam, during which he tries to copy from a student (Paul Bown) under the nose of the invigilator (Rudolph Walker); he surreptitiously changes into his swimming trunks so as not to be noticed by someone nearby (Roger Sloman); and he struggles to stay awake during a church service, much to the annoyance of the man sitting next to him, Mr. Sprout (Richard Briers).
- "The Return of Mr. Bean"--- Bean busks to pay a busker (Dave O'Higgins), tries out his new credit card in a department store, visits a restaurant and is served an unwanted dish, leading him to try a variety of strategies to avoid eating it, and then has an unfortunate altercation with Queen Elizabeth II.
- "The Curse of Mr. Bean"--- Bean visits the local swimming pool where he realises that he is scared of diving, tries to find a way to leave the car park without paying, makes a sandwich in the park sitting next to Angus Deayton, jumps a traffic light in his car by getting out and pushing it and then takes his girlfriend to watch a scary movie at the cinema.
- "Mr. Bean Goes to Town"--- Bean buys a new portable television but seems to be having difficulty getting a good reception. He then has his camera stolen in the park and later finds a unique way of identifying the culprit (Nick Hancock). After leaving his shoe on top of a car, Bean finds himself hopping around town to retrieve it. Later he finds a novel use of a photo booth and then takes his girlfriend to see a magic show and have a dance at the disco.
- "The Trouble with Mr. Bean"--- Bean wakes up late and has to drive to his dental appointment on the other side of town, while dressing and brushing his teeth. His appointment progresses badly after he manages to anaesthetise the dentist (Richard Wilson). Later he tries to help a young boy with his remote control boat sending an electric wheelchair out of control. He then tries and fails to have a picnic without being pestered by wasps.
- "Mr. Bean Rides Again"--- Bean tries to save a man suffering from a heart attack but when the ambulance arrives, Bean uses it to jump start his car, inadvertently disabling the ambulance. Later he tries to post a letter and ends up getting locked inside a post box. Bean then packs for a holiday, suffers a noisy laughing man (Stephen Frost) on a train journey and then has to find a way to entertain a sick boy on the plane.
- "Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean"--- Bean finds a miniature nativity scene in Harrods and performs his own take on the birth of Jesus with army troops and Daleks. Later he conducts a brass band and attempts to cook a turkey. He then relaxes for a somewhat reserved Christmas meal with his girlfriend, but has he got her the present that she wanted?
- "Mr. Bean in Room 426"---Bean treats himself to a weekend in a hotel and seeks competition with his hotel neighbour. After he eats some spoiled oysters, he is confined to a nightmare about them and his neighbour. With his stomach turning, he goes outside of his room to complain to the other neighbour (who is playing very loud music) but is locked out and naked. All in all, all hell breaks loose, ending with a certain someone's bottom on show...
- "Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean"--- It is the end of 1993, and Bean is hosting a New Year's Eve party with his own unique style of fun. However it is not long before his guests discover that there is more fun to be had at the flat next door and devise a way of tricking Bean into letting them go. The following morning Bean tries a spot of DIY and literally starts off the new year with a bang.
- "Mind the Baby, Mr. Bean"--- While visiting Southsea, Bean accidentally becomes lumbered with a baby, with no idea of how or where it came from. So he does the honourable thing of treating it to a day at the fun fair. Somehow the baby manages to survive Bean's unique style of mishaps before thankfully being reunited with its mother.
- "Back to School Mr. Bean"--- Bean attends an open day at a school and unleashes his usual brand of chaos in the various classes he visits. Despite all his fun, Bean's day takes a somber turn when he discovers that his cherished Mini is not where he left it.
- "Tee Off, Mr. Bean"--- After causing chaos in the town launderette, Bean tries his hand at Krazy Golf, but after being told he can only touch the ball with the club, Bean's poor aim leads him on an elaborate tour around town before returning to the course several hours later to score 3,427.
- "Goodnight Mr. Bean"--- Bean tries to find ways to jump the queue in a hospital waiting room. Later he tries to get his camera to automatically take a picture of him standing next to a Queen's Guard. Unhappy with this he takes advantage of the guards duty to remain still by doing all he can to comically alter his appearance. At the end of the day Bean tries to cure his insomnia with some unusual methods.
- "Hair by Mr. Bean of London"--- Bean ends up holding the fort for his hairdresser and gives several customers terrible haircuts. Bean then attends a fete but cheats at all the games and enters Teddy into a dog show. Later, after a train journey Bean loses his ticket so tries various ways to leave without being seen by the guards. His efforts fail as he ends up on a mail train bound for Moscow.
- "The Library"---Mr. Bean visits a rare book library, where he reads a rare tome that must be handled with gloves. Soon after he uses a pencil and a crayon to copy a page of the book by shading on a piece of tracing paper, he sneezes, and the tracing paper slips away. He does not notice this, and continues to go about shading, but directly onto the book instead of the tracing paper. When he finally realises this, he attempts to remove the crayon marks – first by erasing, and then by using correction fluid (which only adds to the problem when it spreads to the opposite page after Bean shuts the book to a passing librarian), eventually resorting to tearing out the pages he has ruined. Bean then proceeds to use a box-cutter knife to neaten up the stubs of the pages he has torn out, but does not realize that while doing so, he also cuts out other pages. Bean's final solution is to swap his book with that of someone else at his table; he almost succeeds, but when he returns to retrieve his Dennis the Menace and Gnasher bookmark from his original book, he is subsequently caught red-handed.
- "The Bus Stop"---Mr. Bean waits at a bus stop behind a man; when the bus arrives, the man gets on, but the driver turns Bean away. Determined to be the first in line for the next bus, Bean tries to cut ahead of a woman (Matilda Ziegler) with a baby carriage (who gets in line ahead of Bean when he steps away for a moment), and a blind man (Robin Driscoll). Soon after Bean manages to get to the front, several people join the end of the line, and the bus arrives. But the bus does not stop in front of Bean, it drives on for another few yards – just far enough so that the end of the line logically becomes the front of the line, also sarcastically when the first bus arrives, the door is in front, but when the second bus arrives, the door is in the back; everyone but Bean is allowed on the bus, and Bean, now at the end of the line, is left behind again. Judging by the location and setting, this adventure appears to have originally been part of "Mr. Bean Rides Again", in which Mr. Bean does attempt to board a bus, but perhaps cut for time.

Back to School Mr. Bean
Act 1: At School
Attending the opening day of a new school, Mr. Bean is unable to find a parking space but spots a Mini looking near-identical to his own (albeit with missing wing mirrors) in a reserved parking space, finds it unlocked and replaces the one in the parking space with his own. 2 Army Cadets then find him pushing his Mini (actually the one moved from the parking space) and help him. While they push the Mini, Bean slowly closes the door and runs behind a wall and makes a humorous sound as if he were inside. He then confuses a troop of Army Cadets, while the commander has gone into an office, by coughing and causing them to respond by standing in unusual ceremonial stances and heads inside the school while the angry commander scolds his troops upon his return.
Bean then gets in another man's way, messes up a philatelist's stamp collection and frightens a calligrapher, causing him to make a mistake. Later, he sees a woman using a Van de Graaff generator to make her hair stand on end, and then tries it himself but finds it doesn't work on him. However, it leaves his body electrostatically charged, and as a result he finds when he picks up a leaflet to read that it remains stuck to him. When a lady takes the offending piece of leaflet, the static electricity causes her skirt to rise up to cover her head and reveal her legs and expose her white knickers. Bean promptly leaves while other people try to pull down her skirt.
Act 2: Laboratory Trouble and the Art Class
In the science lab, Bean experiments with several chemicals and makes a creative but very unstable chemical reaction, forcing Bean to escape from the laboratory as a young boy (Sam Driscoll) enters and inspects the experiment. As Bean walks out of the laboratory, a violent explosion erupts, with blue smoke emerging from beneath the door.
In a still-life art class, Bean is first made to draw a bowl of fruit. A moment later, the bowl of fruit is replaced with a nude model (Cindy Milo); he does not notice this immediately, but then suddenly realises he has drawn the woman's breasts and not a piece of fruit; like he initially thought he was doing. Bean is so appalled at realizing what he was drawing was a naked woman, he is reluctant to draw any further despite the French art teacher's (Suzanne Bertish) attempts to persuade him.
While the teacher is tending to somebody else, Bean goes over to the potter's wheel and makes some clay pots; when he is doing it, the boy covered in blue chemical powder and his teacher arrive inside the room to seek the person responsible for causing the laboratory explosion. Failing to find him, and having just noticed the nude model, they rush out of the classroom. After Bean finishes making clay pots, he puts them on the model's breasts, allowing him to draw her without embarrassment. The teacher confronts Bean for drawing the wrong object again, suddenly realizing that the grimaced woman's chest is covered in a clay bra. After that, Bean finishes his work and walks proudly out of the class, while the teacher looks at Bean's work and turns out to be impressed with it.
Act 4: The Judo Class and the Stolen Pants
At a judo class, a frightened Bean is reluctant to allow himself to be thrown, but ultimately manages to confuse his teacher by running behind him during the bowing process and roll him up in a mat.
After the class, when Bean has just changed back into his regular clothes, he finds that he has swapped trousers with someone else and goes on a long search for his own. In the men's toilets, he spots them, cleverly seeing his name on the label while the man is sitting on the toilet. Bean distracts the man, frantically grabs him by the legs and trying to grab his pants. While doing this, a guard enters the toilet and Bean fools him by cleaning the man's shoes and the guard immediately leaves the toilet. Bean continues and finally retrieves his pants, as well, as the man's underwear, which he throws back to the man—though his underpants end up falling into the toilet.
Act 5: The Unexpected Disaster
Just as Bean exits the school, there is an announcement over the intercom stating that there will be a demonstration shortly. Bean walks over to where he parked his Mini at the beginning of the day, but soon realizes it is no longer where he parked it. After looking, he sees his Mini in the middle of the car park, with a lot of people watching it from behind. Not bothered by this, Bean makes a beeline for his Mini, but on the way, he is distracted by a woman's cake stall set up nearby. He walks over to the stall and buys a delicious cupcake, unaware that a giant Chieftain tank has just appeared in the car park and that the crushing sound he hears is his Mini being crushed. After the tank leaves, Bean turns around, does a double take, drops his cupcake on the road and walks over to his Mini slowly with a sad look on his face. As the ending credits roll, Bean examines the destroyed Mini and finds that the padlock he uses to lock his Mini was left intact and unharmed. Seemingly satisfied with this, he smiles and walks off.
During The Best Bits of Mr. Bean, Bean finds the wreckage of his destroyed Mini in his loft.
Although the Mini has been crushed it reappears 2 episodes later in "Goodnight, Mr Bean". This Mini was also Austin Citron Green with a matte black bonnet also with the registration number SLW 287R
It is possible that this Mini was the one (registration ACW 497V) that was supposed to have been crushed in "Back to School, Mr Bean" and that Bean took it in as his own after his was destroyed by the tank.
The Curse of Mr. Bean
Act 1: The Swimming Pool and the Car Park
Bean decides to go the local public swimming pool, where he uses a mechanical arm grabber to take out his ticket from the machine and parks his Mini in the nearby car park. Once inside and changed, he becomes excited upon seeing a couple of kiddie slides and attempts to use one, only for a lifeguard to spot and force him out to the main pool. Bean soon spots the diving boards and decides to try out the highest one instead. However, he soon becomes frightened when he learns how high up he is, and tries to chicken out, only to find two boys waiting for their turn. Forced to attempt a dive, Bean fails at his initial try and decides to climb off the edge. One of the impatient boys decides to get him off the diving board and stamps down hard on his hand, causing him to fall into the pool. Upon surfacing, Bean spots that his trunks came off and fails to retrieve them as a young girl in a yellow swimsuit fishes them out and takes them with her without her parents noticing. Left naked, just as the lifeguard orders everyone out, Bean attempts to get back to the changing room, hiding to avoid being spotted by a female lifeguard only to encounter and freak out a group of female swimmers who scream and run away from him.[4]
After drying and changing back into his clothes, Bean prepares to leave the car park, only to find he must pay £16 in order to raise the barrier over the exit. Refusing to do so, he opts to find a way to avoid this and decides to find a way of leaving through the entrance. Bean pushes a rubbish bin into the entrance to trick the ticket machine into issuing a ticket to open the barrier and he drives his Mini out, but just as he moves the bin out of the way to leave, a car drives in and forces him to reverse into the car park. Tentatively waiting to drive at the barrier over the entrance, Bean suddenly spots the blue Reliant about to enter the car park. As the driver takes out a ticket from the machine and opens up the barrier, Bean drives his Mini at full speed towards the Reliant, forcing it out of his way and causing it to topple over as he leaves.
Act 2: Lunch in the Park
Heading for the park for lunch, Bean greets a man who is also having lunch while sitting on a bench. Spotting him having a sandwich, Bean sets about making his own using ingredients and tools he stuffed into his coat. He cuts two slices of bread from a loaf with scissors, spreads butter on them with his credit card, washes lettuce under a drinking fountain's water before using his sock to dry it, kills two sardines he takes out of a jar and then crushes peppercorns folded into a handkerchief using his shoe. After making his sandwich, Bean notices the man sipping some tea, and prepares to make his own using a hot water bottle, putting a teabag into it while placing the bottle's cap in his ear. He then proceeds to suck up milk from a baby bottle and spit it into the water in the hot water bottle, before sloshing it together. As he prepares to have his lunch, he ties his handkerchief around his neck, opting to use it as a napkin, only for the pepper traces on it to cause him to sneeze, making him drop his sandwich onto the ground and spray his tea all over himself, ruining his own lunch. The man, witnessing this, offers Bean the other half of his pre-packed sandwich as replacement, much to Bean's gratitude as the cap pops out of his ear.
Act 3: The Horror Film
Driving to meet up with his girlfriend Irma Gobb at the Odeon cinema, Bean is temporarily stopped at a junction by a set of traffic lights, but upon seeing a cyclist push his bike manually, he opts to do the same with his Mini and push it round to the road he wants to take, before driving off. Arriving at the cinema, Bean prepares to watch a short horror film which appears to be titled A Nightmare (but the film poster shown is that of A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child, depicting Freddy Krueger, with the camera placed to cut off the last words) with Irma, providing them with popcorn – a large tub for himself along with a hidden drink in his top, and a small tub for Irma, stealing some from her tub but scolding her when she tries to do the same. Before the film begins, Bean teases her by scaring her with silly practical jokes. However, as the film begins, he soon finds himself being scared witless with the various scenes frightening him to the point he tries to avoid watching it, even trying to force Irma to leave with him only to be forced to remain in his seat. Bean then tries to cover his head with his sweater, causing Irma to scream when she thinks his head has been cut off. Finally, Bean manages to find a solution by using some popcorn as earplugs, and using the popcorn tub to cover his eyes from the film. This works, and he manages to avoid the remaining scenes. As everyone begins to leave as the film ends, Irma lets Bean know they are leaving to which he removes the tub and eats the popcorn earplugs, before trying to tease another of the cinema's customers.
The episode ends with Bean failing to notice that she put her coat over her like a cape, causing the pair to scream in fright when Bean finds her coat arm empty.

Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean
Act 1: New Years Party
It's New Year's Eve 1993 and Mr. Bean is excited. He has invited his two best friends Rupert and Hubert over to his flat for a New Year party and is putting the finishing touches on his decorations, which aren't much (a circle of chairs in the living room and a bunch of balloons hanging from the front door). He greets his neighbour who is also throwing a party, and goes back inside to prepare for his guests' arrival. Soon enough, Rupert and Hubert arrive, and they realise that it's not really the party they were expecting: Bean gives his guests party hats made of newspaper, assigns them designated chairs, and the only form of entertainment is a radio. Bean then goes to the kitchen to prepare refreshments. However, he finds he has almost run out of Twiglets, and so improvises by chopping up a branch outside his kitchen window with a butcher knife and dipping the twigs in Marmite in an attempt to disguise them. He then opens a bottle of Champagne, but discovers that there is only enough to fill half a glass. As Rupert and Hubert wait in the living room, Bean improvises again by using a bottle of vinegar and adding sugar to sweeten it.
As the night goes on, it becomes apparent that Rupert and Hubert are not having a good time. They've uncovered that the "food" they've been given isn't genuine (there is a small leaf growing on one of the sticks on Rupert's plate and Hubert is repulsed by the smell of vinegar) and refuse to eat it, despite Bean eating his and pretending to like it. Bean then heads back to the kitchen and takes peanuts from a bird feeder outside and pours them onto a plate. Meanwhile, Rupert and Hubert turn the clock in the living room to just before midnight. When Bean comes back, the clock chimes and Rupert and Hubert say "Happy New Year!". Bean is also happy, saying "Doesn't time fly while you're enjoying yourself?". They then link hands (almost forgetting Teddy) and sing "Auld Lang Syne" to celebrate (although Bean over-excitedly rushes through the song). Rupert and Hubert then feign yawning and claim that they are tired, so Bean puts the doorknob back on his door (for some reason he had taken it off and put it into a fruit bowl; this is a running gag throughout the episode) and bids them goodnight. Right outside the door, Rupert and Hubert come across two women who laugh at their paper hats before heading into the neighbour's flat, where a swinging New Year's party is underway. They then ponder whether to leave or go to the party, ultimately deciding to do the latter.
Meanwhile, Bean is in bed and puts Teddy next to him before turning off the light and going to sleep. However, he hears the countdown process at the party across from him as well as everyone singing "Auld Lang Syne", indicating the real New Year has started. Confused, he turns the light back on and takes a small clock out of his chest of drawers, which indicates that it's just past midnight (at this point, the clock in the living room shows 1:40). He is angered when he finds out that Rupert and Hubert deceived him and attended the larger party next door. Just as Bean switches off the light, a person from the party shouts "Three cheers for Rupert and Hubert!".
Act 2: The Sale
Rowan Atkinson recreating a famous scene from the episode on a Mini at Goodwood Circuit
On New Year's Day 1994, Bean drives to the Arding and Hobbs department store in order to take full advantage of the January sales, nearly running over several pedestrians while parking. Dozens of other people have queued overnight to get there first, but Bean manages to jump the queue and annoy everyone in the process by revealing that he created the "person" as a dummy, which he placed there the night before in order to cheat his way to the front of the queue. When the doors finally open, Bean excitedly runs in, but not knowing where to go first, he heads downstairs.
Later, Bean has purchased many items, including the armchair that was on display in the window, tins of paint, brushes and mops. After strapping the armchair to the roof, he runs into a problem: because he squeezed everything else inside of his Mini, there is no room left for himself. However, he manages to construct a way of driving the Mini while sitting on the armchair. He first places a brick attached to a string in front of the front wheel to hold the Mini, and releases the handbrake. He then uses a paint can attached to another string to operate the clutch, further strings for the gear stick and steering wheel, and joins his mop and broom together to form a long rod with which to operate the accelerator and footbrake. At first, all goes incredibly well, but he ends up on a steep downhill slope after swerving to avoid a roadworks barrier (and behind a parked police car). He desperately tries to keep the Mini under control as it starts to pick up speed, and things get worse when the head accidentally comes off the broom. Now with no way to stop the Mini, his only braking method is to drive it into a parked lorry delivering mattresses, creating an explosion of pillow feathers.[2]
Act 3: Painting with Fireworks
Back at the flat, Bean begins to redecorate with the new items he bought, although it doesn't go as planned. He first realises that moving the table from in front of the hole in the kitchen wall and moving it to the other kitchen wall is impractical, as he can no longer drop objects onto it through the hole while he is in the kitchen (they just smash onto the ground). His solution: just move the hole. After getting exact measurements using three pencils (one in his mouth and one in each hand), he uses a reciprocating saw to cut out a section of the wall before moving it into the original hole. However, he neglects to consider what is on the opposite side of the wall, and cuts through a telephone cable and several pictures (including decapitating one of Prince Charles and Princess Diana) in the process. He also cuts a picture of a body builder, near the groin area.
He then begins to paint the whole living room white, but finds that the bristles on his paintbrush are dried solid. He uses a hammer to attempt soften them, but when he goes into the living room and dips the brush into the paint, the bristles disappear into the paint, annoying Bean. In a cruel improvisation, he shoves the brush handle into Teddy's rear and uses his head to paint the walls. However, he manages to only get a few lines of paint done before accidentally dripping paint onto things.
Bean then realises a more efficient way of painting the wall. He carefully covers virtually everything in the living room and kitchen (including each individual grape in his fruit bowl) in newspaper and, when he runs out of paper to cover his clock, uses the hat Hubert left behind. Bean then looks through his box of fireworks until he finds a suitable one to explode the can of paint. He places the firework in the paint can and ignites the fuse; however, as he tries to escape, he realises that there is no doorknob as he has wrapped it up and put it in the fruit bowl. He retrieves it and escapes just as the firecrackers are about to explode. Bean quickly runs out and hides behind a corner in the hall. At that moment, a tired and hungover Hubert stumbles out of the neighbour's flat covered in lipstick from the party he and Rupert attended. He is just about to leave, when he realises that he left his hat in Bean's flat and goes in to retrieve it just as the firecracker explodes. When Bean returns to his flat, he is puzzled to find his front door wide open and a trail of white footprints leading out to the stairs.
He goes inside and is satisfied that his paint bomb worked, as his whole flat is covered with white paint. However, he is shocked to discover a silhouette of Hubert getting his hat is frozen onto a section of wall as the only unpainted area. The episode ends with Bean looking at the camera.
Deleted scene
The following scene was originally cut from the episode in the middle of Act 2, although it was included in early United States VHS releases.
Mr. Bean is shopping in a department store, when he sees a chair that he wishes to purchase. Upon approaching the reclining chair, he discovers that a sales assistant is already demonstrating its features to an elderly couple. When Bean realises that the couple wants to take the chair, Bean find the ways of fooling them into thinking it's broken: he unplugs it, which is almost immediately noticed by the assistant.
While the elderly woman enjoyably sitting on a chair, Bean then sneaks up to a control panel on the chair's arm and tampering the wires inside, unknown to the elderly woman. As the elderly woman tries out the reclining feature this time, it folds over, sandwiching her in the middle, she yells to her hearing-impaired husband for help but is unheard despite being only a couple of metres away. In addition, Bean turns up the music playing on the store's intercom, to make it harder for her to be heard. Ultimately, she falls backward.

Goodnight Mr. Bean
Act 1: The Hospital
Because his left hand got stuck in a teapot, Mr. Bean drives to the hospital where he parks his car right behind an ambulance, obstructing the rear doors in the process. Inside, Bean gets impatient while waiting in the queue and cheats his way to the front by first throwing away a little girl's doll and then starting a fight between two men (one short and the other tall). After Bean pulls his numbered ticket from the dispenser, he races towards the last remaining chair in the waiting room, sitting down just in time to prevent a frail old man from sitting there. Bean sees his ticket numbered 76 as the digital counter shows 23. Just as Bean checks the time on his watch, he inadvertently reveals his hand stuck in his teapot, prompting the woman at the reception desk and a seriously-injured patient sitting next to him (with head wrapped in bandages, and an arm and a leg in plaster) to laugh at him.
Bean then swaps his ticket for a lower numbered ticket, showing 52, from the severely-injured patient, and sneakily turns the digital counter upside down to make 25 look like 52. However, the patient thwarts Bean by grabbing on the handle of the teapot on his hand, and the digital counter is returned to its normal position after patients complain of their tickets being ignored. Some time later, Bean falls asleep in waiting and, as the digital counter actually shows the correct 52, he wakes up and loses his ticket (back to the patient who originally had it). As a result, Bean has to get another ticket and he, once again, starts a fight between the same two men from earlier to get immediately to the reception desk. Bean gets angry and frustrated when he takes a higher number ticket and he throws it in the bin, but his other hand becomes stuck as he tries to push down the ticket into the bin to show his frustration. Unable to recover it, he uses his mouth to take out another ticket from the dispenser, and Bean walks to his seat with his hand still stuck in the bin.
Act 2: The Queen's Guard
Following the hospital, Bean visits Windsor Castle where he takes a few photographs, including one of the inside of a dustbin and another of a nude statue after covering the private part with a plastic wrapper from the bin. He then pries the gnomon off a sundial to place his polaroid camera on the stand, in order to get a photo of himself with a Queen's Guard (Rupert Vansittart). He dresses the guard up with flowers and other things, trims his moustache (into a toothbrush style, similar to that of Adolf Hitler and Charlie Chaplin) and hangs Teddy off his bayonet. While Bean is doing this, the guard is forced[clarification needed] to remain almost motionless (which proves difficult as especially when Bean starts to dangerously clean the trigger of his rifle). Just as Bean has wound the self-timer on his camera, the charge is called and the guard marches away along with Teddy just before the camera snaps the photo. Off screen, Bean groans in anger and frustration from this.
Act 3: Sleeping Trouble
Later that night, Bean gets ready for bed (after using his new electric toothbrush to clean his teeth and ears, reading an Asterix comic with Teddy and then putting Teddy to sleep and finally shooting out the incandescent light bulb with a pistol) but has trouble falling asleep. He scares away noisy cats outside his window by disguising himself as a dog and barking, then tries sleeping in different positions (along with sleeping with his face on pillow until he can't breath), then watches a televised chess match. As he nearly falls asleep, he becomes startled when the television channel cuts to a Bodyform advertisement featuring loud rock music. Finally, he takes out a picture of a flock of sheep and begins counting them, first with his finger and then, after losing count a few times, with the assistance of a calculator. When he sees the number of sheep (albeit inaccurate) on the calculator display, he finally falls asleep. After the closing credits, he rolls out of bed and falls onto the floor.

Hair by Mr. Bean of London
Act 1: The Barbershop
Mr. Bean goes to Derrick (Colin Wells)'s barbershop to have a haircut. After choosing what hair style he wants (by pointing to a calendar of Prince Charles), Derrick attempts to make the first snip but is unable to do so as Bean keeps tilting his head forward so he can read a magazine. The office phone then starts to ring to which Derrick reluctantly goes to answer it. All alone, Bean entertains himself by pretending to give someone a haircut until two customers come in and mistake Bean as the hairdresser. The first customer is a young boy and his mother leaves him in Bean's care as she runs to retrieve her purse she left at the shop. Bean places a bowl over the boy's head and cuts his messy shoulder length mullet and fringe into a neater bowl hairstyle. He then accidentally shaves off a small piece of the boy's hair while trying to use a razor, and ends up shaving a bald stripe down the middle of his head to even it out. Although it looks ridiculous, the boy is satisfied with his new hairstyle.
After the boy's mother returns and pays Bean for the haircut (which she cannot see as Bean has covered the boy's hair with a hat), he returns to his seat just as Derrick returns from the phone, only for it to ring again. Bean then resumes being the substitute hairdresser, his next customer being a man with a ponytail (which apparently took over two-and-a-half years to form). While trimming the ponytail, Bean becomes distracted by the magazine the man is reading and unintentionally detaches it. After he finishes, Bean uses a portrait of a ponytailed man over a mirror to deceive him and the man leaves, unaware that his real ponytail has gone.
Bean's final customer is Roger (Frederick Treves), a man who is supposedly a regular at Derrick's. After taking off his glasses, Roger mistakes Bean for Derrick due to his poor eyesight and asks for his usual haircut. Bean then proceeds to use the razor but, despite being as careful as he can, he accidentally shaves off Roger's toupee causing it to get stuck in the razor. He remedies it by applying mousse on Roger's bald spot and using bits of hair from the floor to create a new "toupee". Derrick finally returns from his phone call just as Roger pays him and leaves, and Derrick's initial confusion intensifies when the boy's mother and the man who had the ponytail storm in and demand to know where his supposed assistant (who is none other than Bean himself) is as they hate the terrible haircuts he gave (even though the boy insists he likes his haircut while his mother doesn't).
Bean sneaks out by disguising his face with the Prince Charles calendar to avoid being recognised. Roger then storms in and mistakenly greets Bean as Prince Charles himself thanks to his poor eyesight, before going over to and berating Derrick for his haircut. Bean then finally sneaks out of the door and makes a run for it.
Act 2: The fête and the Pet Show
Following his haircut, Bean heads to a fête where firstly, he is unable to find somewhere to park his Mini, so he instead parks in one of the sheep pens after sounding the horn in order to get the sheep out of the way. Upon going inside the fête tents, he cheats at the indoor games, such as nudging a young boy playing a wire loop game, causing him to lose the game.[1] He then plays the game himself, but after failing on the first attempt, he unplugs it and wins; the owner only realises it has been unplugged after giving Bean his prize. Afterwards, Bean plays a game called "Hit the Headmaster", where he must throw wet sponges at the "headmaster" (George Webb) in which gets a bit carried away by throwing random objects, such as canned peas and cereal boxes, at the "headmaster". He almost throws a chair, but a nearby teacher stops him.
Later, Bean participates at a pet show by entering Teddy into the competition. In the competition, Bean cheats his way through everything using Teddy despite winning easily due to the other kids' dogs not being trained well, much to the annoyance of the contest organizers. At the end of the show, two kids are awarded a ribbon each while Bean is awarded a huge bone by one of the contest organizers. However, Bean doesn't want it, so he instead takes a jar of honey to his satisfaction. Following this, he throws the bone back into the tent, inadvertently creating chaos off-screen involving the children and their dogs, who are presumably fighting for the bone. As the chaos ensues, Bean promptly exits the tent with Teddy.
Act 3: The Railway Station
Following the pet show, Bean gets off a train at London St Pancras railway station. Unfortunately, he has lost his ticket on the way, so he decides to sneak past a security guard (Robin Driscoll). After numerous failed attempts, he hides inside a mail bag and crawls towards the gate. When the guard leaves once the clock rings, Bean climbs onto the gate, but two station workers turn the gate around to which Bean crawls off the gate (while celebrating that he has made it through) and ends up falling onto the railway tracks. Two station workers appear and put the mailbag (with Bean still inside) on board a train carrying cargo and mail that is destined for Moscow. As the end credits roll, we see short clips of a ship sailing through a rough sea (most likely carrying the mail and cargo from the train earlier), and then of a French steam train and of marching Russian soldiers in Moscow's Red Square (indicating that Bean ended up in Russia).

Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean
Act 1: Christmas Shopping
Seeking to prepare for the big day, Mr. Bean ventures into town on Christmas Eve and visits Harrods to buy some Christmas decorations, continuing his trend of behaving inappropriately in such a prestigious department store. After parking directly at the front of the store, and harassing a man dressed as Santa Claus by plucking on his false beard[6], Bean proceeds to test two different types of baubles, going with one that bounces off the ground (after the other one simply smashes on the floor). He then looks to test out some Christmas lights, and managing to get into a storeroom while an employee is busy dealing with a customer, tries it out on a socket being used for the store's exterior lights, plunging the entire exterior of the store into darkness in the process.
As the employee sorts out his purchases, Bean spots the shop's Nativity scene display and performs a creative yet inaccurate story by playing around with it and some nearby toys, first by making some of the figurines shush anything that could wake the baby Jesus, having a shepherd figurine round up some toy sheep, and then having two toy tanks and a toy Dalek battle with a toy Tyrannosaurus rex, eventually having the little baby Jesus figurine airlifted by an angel attached to a magnet hanging down from a toy helicopter to the bedroom of a doll house alongside his parents' figurines. His fun is soon disrupted by the store manager - introducing a toy policeman into the Nativity scene to halt proceedings - who hands him his purchases and watches as Bean leaves the shop.
Following his fun, Bean heads to a local Christmas market, where he meets up with his girlfriend, Irma Gobb, and is dragged to the shop window of a jeweller's, whereupon she tries to give him the message that she wants a sparkly ring in the display by pointing to a portrait of a couple getting engaged. Bean nods to her in agreement (albeit expressing disgust when she kisses him on the cheek), and heads into the shop, much to Irma's delight. After buying something from the jeweller, Bean spots another man dressed as Father Christmas, and proceeds to pluck on his beard, only to find it was indeed real, prompting him to make a quick exit while the man recovers.
Afterwards, Bean volunteers to help the conductor of a Salvation Army brass band performing "God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen" at the market collect money in his bucket; in doing so, he catches a young pickpocket with a wallet in his hand and forces him to surrender all the items he stole, include cash and jewellery (notably, Bean retrieves a ring the boy hid in his mouth by smacking him on the head). Bringing these to the conductor, who secretly decides to check out what he brought back (implying that he is greedily stealing the goods rather than donating them), Bean finds himself conducting the band, and has some fun with them, before having them conduct the same song with an upbeat, jazzy feel to it, earning a big round of applause from the crowd. With the conductor now back, Bean attempts to buy a Christmas tree from a stand, only to get to the stand just as the last two trees are bought. Frustrated and wanting a tree, he cuts down the market's large tree and attaches it to the roof of his Mini and drives home with it, with everybody at the market oblivious to the theft.
Act 2: Christmas Eve
Back at his flat, Bean leans out his window and pushes the rest away upon having set up his stolen Christmas tree with his new lights and his bauble, letting it crash onto the street below. He then sets up three stockings in the room – one for Teddy, one for himself and one for a tiny mouse living in a hole behind some furniture – before writing a few cards (all of the same design) and sealing them in envelopes, then stepping outside and posting them to himself. Satisfied with his decoration, Bean searches a cupboard for some Christmas crackers, but is underwhelmed by the lack of a loud pop from one, and so decides to take out the fuses of the other crackers and stuff them all into one to make a "super cracker".
Warming up his flat with a fire, enjoying a box of chocolates and drinking a glass of sherry, Bean tries to find something good to watch on TV but only finds war and horror shows. As he turns his TV off, he hears muffled singing coming from his door, whereupon opening it he finds a small group of young carol singers performing "Away in a Manger". Deciding to watch them perform from his seat as if he was watching TV, Bean soon becomes bored and rudely shuts the door on them just as they finish the song before heading for bed.
Act 3: Christmas Day
The following morning, Bean wakes up excited to the fact it is Christmas morning, and proceeds to check the stockings – his turns out to be a sock of his filled with the other; Teddy's turns out to contain a tin that holds a pair of button eyes within; the mouse's turns out to have a piece of cheese that Bean immediately places onto a mousetrap.
Bean soon gets to work in the kitchen on preparing the large turkey he won at the market, but while stuffing it, his watch comes off and gets lost inside. Unable to find it, Bean sticks his head into the turkey, whereupon he finds himself unable to pull it off just as Irma arrives. After attempting to cover up his predicament from his girlfriend, Irma eventually helps him to remove it allowing Bean to recover his watch but at the cost of the turkey as it is accidentally thrown out of the window in the process.
With the turkey gone, Bean and Irma instead eat cranberry sauce sandwiches along with carrot slices for dinner, whereupon Irma refuses to give Bean his present until she gets a Christmas kiss, only for him to distract her and rudely snatch it, ignoring her anger as he finds it to be a model ship. Realizing he is being forgetful, Bean produces Irma with her present, only for her excitement to turn into confusion and disappointment when he reveals that he bought her the portrait in the jeweler's display, believing it to be what she really wanted. Seeing her crying, he reveals that he "forgot the main bit", and produces a ring box, which she finds not to contain the ring she wanted, but merely a hook for holding the portrait. An upset Irma angrily storms out of the flat, leaving Bean puzzled and muttering to himself "What was wrong with it?" Realizing that she cannot pull his super cracker with him, he decides to do it himself, saying "Merry Christmas" to himself crestfallenly. As he does so, the act cuts to a view of his window from the street, along with a banging sound and a sudden white flash.

Mind the Baby, Mr. Bean
Act 1: The Baby
Mr. Bean decides to goes to an amusement park at Southsea, Portsmouth; However, has difficulty finding it especially after some people at the beach give him contradicting directions, but is eventually successful in locating the amusement park. However, the boot of his Mini was not properly closed and as he reverses and moves forward again; a baby's pram gets caught in the handle, and tags along with him to the funfair.[1] Once Bean notices the "kidnapped" baby, he initially attempts to leave it in a crowd of chatting mothers with babies, but they are oblivious to both Bean and the baby's presence; and leave the baby behind. Being a responsible citizen, Bean reluctantly goes back for him. Bean, however, sees a policeman outside the amusement park entrance and races to find him, but loses him among a crowd of teenagers wearing fake police helmets from a nearby gift shop. Bean eventually realises that he has no choice but to look after the baby whilst enjoying himself. Bean unchains a guard dog and uses the chain to tie the baby's pram while taking the baby with him on various rides. First, he goes to the dodgems, but in his hurry to pay the man in charge, he puts the baby's feet on the pedal and has difficulty getting back to the dodgem by riding on the back of other dodgems and driving his own while standing up. The man in charge stops the dodgems and confronts Bean, who manages to hide the baby and sneak off.
Act 2: The Kiddie Ride
Bean finds a Postman Pat kiddie ride and decides to put the baby inside to cheer him up, however, puts nine coins in it so it will play for ages and keep the baby safe while Bean can go off and have fun on his own. Bean goes on a roller coaster, but quickly gets bored and falls asleep (though he is frightened by someone awakening him). He then goes to an archery range but accidentally hits the employee in the head, before running off. He tries his hand in an amusement arcade and cheats by repeatedly hitting the machine but he gets his comeuppance when a young boy unknowingly steals his prize. Meanwhile, a long queue builds up by the kiddie ride. Bean, apparently oblivious to the queue, tries to put more coins in when an angry mother confronts him by complaining to him that they have been waiting for half an hour and makes him take the baby out. Disgruntled, Bean obliges.
Act 3: Changing the Nappy
While walking the baby in his pram, Bean suddenly detects a bad smell and, after some pondering over the source of the smell, realises that the baby needs its nappy changed. Unable to find any fresh nappies in the pram, Bean steals a teddy bear from a little girl (pretending that he will look after it while she goes on a ride), cuts the stuffing out and uses it as a makeshift nappy for the baby while leaving the real nappy to be blown about the funfair and ending up on various people's faces and man's ice cream. Unfortunately, the baby cries and Bean tries to calm him with his squeaky toy, but the guard dog he set free earlier on, follows the noise (comically barking each time Bean squeaks the toy) and gets close to the baby. Though the dog means harm towards neither Bean nor the baby, Bean lures the dog into a ticket booth and locks it inside. In order to cheer the baby up, Bean cheats in a game of darts by prematurely piercing cards with his darts and throwing them in such a way that it appears he hit a card with all three darts, winning a goldfish. But the plastic bag carrying the fish leaks, and when the water fountain proves to be not working, Bean desperately puts the fish and the remaining water in his mouth in order to keep it alive. He then plays a round of Bingo and wins, but upon shouting "Bingo!" he accidentally swallows the water, along with the fish. Fortunately, he spits the goldfish and the water out of his mouth and into a fishbowl with another goldfish; Bean notices this and smiles before leaving.
Act 4: The Reunion
Later on, the baby cries again, and this time, nothing Bean does calms him down. Bean buys lots of balloons and ties them to the pram, but, although it succeeds in making the baby stop crying, the balloons carry the pram into the atmosphere while Bean is paying the vendor. In panic after seeing this, Bean steals a bow and arrow from the archery game where he hit the operator, sharpens the tip of the wooden arrow with a pencil sharpener and fires it, popping some balloons and allowing the pram to land right in the same spot Bean accidentally took it from, where the baby's mother is complaining to the police. The mother is reunited with the baby, much to Bean's relief. Bean almost forgets to return the squeaky toy to the baby, but realises how much he will miss the baby and decides to keep the toy to remember his little friend. Satisfied about returning the baby to his mother, Bean starts to drive home, unaware that the guard dog, having escaped from the ticket booth, has sneaked into the back of his Mini after Bean squeaked the toy. As he drives off, Bean squeaks the toy again and the dog barks, shocking Bean.

Mr. Bean Goes to Town
Act 1: The Television
Mr. Bean has just bought a portable television and, after bringing it home and having to crawl out his car window, brings it upstairs to his flat whereupon he inserts a few coins into his electricity meter to feed power to the wall. Upon unpacking the television out of the box and setting it up on a stand, he realises he's looking at the rear of it. Bean plugs it into a socket and wonders why it is not coming on, only to realise he forgot to wire the plug with the TV's power cable. Upon doing so by screwing the cable into the plug, plugging the aerial and turning on the TV, he discovers he gets no reception regardless of where he moves the aerial to. When he puts it on the ground, bends over and looks at it, the TV suddenly gets reception, only to go to static the moment Bean looks towards the TV screen. No matter what he does, he cannot get reception unless he is looking only at the aerial with the TV screen not in his sights. Ingeniously, he decides to take off all his clothes and assemble them on a chair to resemble himself while using the TV's cardboard box to cover up, finally managing to get a clear picture on the TV. Unfortunately, just as Bean sits down to watch the programme, the electricity meter runs out and cuts off the power, much to his annoyance.
Act 2: The Thief
Later that day, Bean heads out to the local park to try out his new Polaroid camera. Unable to get a clear shot, Bean asks a passerby to take his photo, but the man tricks Bean and makes off with the camera.[2] Upon realising what happened, Bean seeks the thief out and eventually traps him in a rubbish bin while stabbing him with a pencil, before he manages to get away just as Bean alerts a passing police officer (Matilda Ziegler) to the theft. At the police station, Bean tries to identify the thief in a police lineup, but asks the police sergeant to make a slight alteration after having difficulty trying to identify the thief by requesting the men in the line-up to have rubbish bins over their heads. Using his pencil, Bean stabs each one until he hears the culprit's scream of pain that he recalls, effectively identifying him to the police.
Act 3: The Shoe
While heading through town, Bean feels an itch in his foot that he cannot get rid of even when banging his shoe on the ground. Deciding to scratch it, he removes his shoe and sock and places them on the roof of a parked car, only for the car to drive off with them. Bean finds himself forced to hop through town trying to find them, briefly stopping in a shop to find a shoe that matches his own but being unable to buy just one shoe when the salesman insists he buys a pair. Chasing after the car, Bean eventually manages to jump in front of it, causing his shoe and sock to fall off and into his grasp, and leaving him to thank the driver.
Act 4: The Photo Booth, the Club and Night Disco
In a dark and possibly abandoned alley, Bean finds himself having difficulty doing the back of his head upon stopping at a shop window to comb his hair in its reflection. To resolve the problem, he uses an ID photo booth to help him do this, before heading off to a nightclub called "Club Phut" (the word was previously seen as graffiti at the start of "The Return of Mr. Bean"), meeting up with his girlfriend Irma Gobb. As they head inside, Bean hits the power box for the club's neon sign, causing it to stop flashing and eventually cut out. Inside, the pair enter the stage area where a magic act is being performed by a magician, whereupon Bean inadvertently becomes a volunteer when he tries to get a waitress to serve them. He soon causes mayhem when the magician uses his watch for a magic trick, and messes up some of the magician's magical gimmicks while searching for his watch, much to Irma's embarrassment. Upon retrieving it but seeing his girlfriend gone, Bean heads out and into the club's dancefloor while the magician angrily searches for him after he ruined his show.
Inside the disco, Bean tries to dance with Irma, only for his girlfriend to ignore him and dance with another man instead. Jealous, Bean tries to butt in and take back Irma, who ignores him and simply continues dancing with the other man, eventually leading him to force the man out of the disco. Hoping to get Irma to dance with him, Bean asks the DJ to change the music to something romantic, only to find that the man returned and is embracing Irma. Heartbroken, Bean exits the disco but unwilling to be beaten, he spots the club's power breaker and shuts it off on his way out. In the ending scene, Bean passes by a shop with televisions in its display window on his way home, which go to static when he passes them and return to normal, even when he sticks his hand in front of them after the end credits.

Mr. Bean in Room 426
Act 1: Checking In
For a bank holiday weekend, Mr. Bean decides to stay at the Queens Hotel to which upon parking his Mini by the entrance to lobby, he fights with the bellboy (Matthew Ashforde) over his suitcase, believing him to be a thief until he offers to move his Mini to a parking space by giving him his steering wheel. As Bean checks in, a quiet man (Michael Fenton Stevens) checks in as well and Bean becomes determined to beat the man to his hotel room (room 425), but the man gets to the lift before him. In retaliation, Bean runs up the staircase and stops the lift on every floor. He almost succeeds in entering his room first but due to his impatience he struggles with unlocking his door and the man ultimately enters his room before Bean enters his.
Once inside his room, Bean immediately starts investigating, such as flicking the light switch on and off rapidly, standing on his suitcase to see the sea through his window, testing out the telephone and when the bellboy clears his throat to ask for a tip, he gives him a cough sweet instead. Bean finds the remote control for the television and initially mistakes it for a phone, due to his own TV at home having no remote. He tests the remote control's signal range and turns the volume up once he is outside his room until his other neighbour in room 427 comes outside to investigate the noise. Bean hides the remote in his jacket and pretends to tell the guest inside room 426 to be quiet, and goes back inside once the neighbour is gone.
Back in his room, Bean unpacks his suitcase and places Teddy in his makeshift "bed" in the drawer, accidentally decapitating him in the process. He personalises the room by changing the lampshade for his own, placing his own curtains on the window and drilling holes to hang framed pictures on the walls (the noise can be heard throughout the hotel). He then decides to have a bath, but realises his room doesn't have a bathroom. Bean then hears the sound of water running in room 425, and is annoyed to discover that that room has an en suite bathroom whereas his doesn't. Bean uses a glass to listen through the wall in order to locate the bathroom, and then once the man in room 425 leaves, he uses his drill to cut a giant hole in the wall in order for him to gain access to the bathroom.
Once again, the noise is heard throughout the hotel, and the vibration travels all the way to the lobby and restaurant, prompting the manager (Roger Brierley) to investigate where it is coming from. Just as he knocks on the door to Mr. Bean's room, the man from room 425 complains that he left his watch in the bathroom but can't get the door open. The manager also tries to turn the handle (in vain) and apologises to the man, suggesting that it may be jammed.
However, it is revealed that Bean has locked the door and is in the bathtub quickly washing himself. He then finishes and hides the hole with his wardrobe and the curtains from the bathroom. The manager then says that he will have someone come and look at the man's bathroom door just as Bean peeks out of his room wearing nothing but a towel to see what all the fuss is about. The manager notices this as Bean heads back into his room and gives him a suspicious look before walking away.
Act 2: The Rotten Oysters
At dinnertime, Bean again tries to beat his neighbour to the dining room by knocking on his door and then running off, only to find that the lift is out of order. Annoyed, he goes to take the fire exit stairs, but becomes even more annoyed when he gets stuck behind a slow-moving elderly woman with a walking frame.[2] Instead of simply asking the lady to let him pass, he decides to go around to the other staircase, but becomes further annoyed when he somehow ends up stuck behind her again. He then contemplates pushing her, but stops himself when he hears a couple walking past.
Fed up knowing that it is a big staircase and that he could be there for a long time, he takes a risk and climbs onto the opposite side of the banister to finally get past her. But his victory is short-lived when he ends up behind an equally slow-moving elderly man with 2 walking sticks (presumably the lady's husband). Now stuck between the two with insufficient space to repeat the same tactic and still feeling unable to ask for space to pass, Bean is forced to go down slowly.
Once he reaches the restaurant, he takes a plate and cutlery and sees his neighbour and three people ahead of him in the queue. As a result, he cheats his way to the front by knocking the cutlery and napkin from the two people in front of him. Now behind his neighbour, he proceeds to copy what food he is taking from the buffet, but doubling the quantity and even going so far as to fill his entire plate with oysters, and putting back what the man puts back. Bean then steals the table that his neighbour was going to sit at and starts imitating him by drinking water and using a napkin before putting an obscene amount of salt onto his food.
He then gluttonously eats whatever the man is eating at a certain time. When the man starts to eat his oysters, Bean eats all of his without smelling them. However, the man notices an odd smell coming from his own oysters and asks the headwaiter about it; the headwaiter smells them and apologizes by saying that they are off, then goes to collect the platter of oysters from the buffet and is repulsed by the smell. Upon seeing what is happening, Bean becomes horrified that he has just eaten rotten oysters.[3]
Act 3: Locked Out Naked
That night, with lots of tissue paper and a full chest of medicines beside him, Bean is feeling sick with high fever as a result of eating the rotten oysters from earlier and wakes up from a nightmare about his neighbour and the restaurant owner laughing demonically at him while oysters are being eaten nastily. He then undresses due to being too hot and is about to go back to sleep when music blasts from next door. Bean looks at the alarm clock and upon realizing that it is 12:05 am, gets up while forgetting that he's nude, knocks angrily at the door and shushes loudly. The music stops and he walks back to his room just as the door closes and locks itself. He reaches for his key, only to remember he does not have it. To make matters worse, he finds himself locked outside his room naked and starts to panic. Bean hides in a doorway as a couple come past from a night out.
Once they have gone, he escapes by covering himself with a fire extinguisher and door signs ("Private", "Exit", etc.) while avoiding people. He begins to run down the stairs, only to get stuck behind the elderly lady, yet again. So he goes back up and heads for the lift; on the way he comes across another couple making out, so he sneaks past them by crawling under the carpet. He then enters the lift, but the door closes on the string by which he is dragging the "Exit" sign along with him. We then see the floor numbers go down and hear a lady screaming in sheer shock.
Down in the lobby, Bean peeks out the lift and sneaks out with "Out of Order" and "No Entry" signs, into his work space. Meanwhile, the manager is talking to Danny La Rue (playing himself), saying his show was marvellous and that they love him. The performer delightfully goes back in to give them another encore. The clerk then gives Matthew (the porter) the keys to the car and tells him to bring them to Mr. La Rue's car. Meanwhile, Mr. Bean gets the keys to his room from the front, and hides behind a pole as Matthew parks the suitcase and leaves.
The manager gets back behind his counter and almost sees the suitcase moving several times (Bean being in it changing). Matthew then comes back and locks the suitcase, and brings it out to the car, dropping it on the stairs. Just then, Mr. Bean shows up at the counter in a sparkly gown and wig and lipstick, saying "426 please", and the manager replies "Certainly, madam".
Right at that moment, Danny La Rue walks by, noticing his stuff is being worn. So he approaches angrily, and says to him "Here, that's my frock" and yanks an earring off Bean's ear, and the screen suddenly goes black, while we hear Bean unconvincingly cry out in pain.

Mr. Bean Rides Again
Act 1: The Heart Attack Man and the Postbox
Mr. Bean wants to post a letter, but since the battery of his Mini is dead, he decides to take a bus instead. Upon reaching the bus stop where a man is already waiting, the man suddenly has a heart attack, terrorising Bean. Bean tries to revive him by stomping on him, stuffing pills down his throat, trying mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (with the man's magazine) and using electric shock treatment using jump leads connected to a nearby lamppost. The electric shock treatment initially works, but he forgets to remove the jump leads from his hands when the man offers a handshake, giving the man another electric shock, making him pass out again. An ambulance arrives to which while the paramedics treat the man, Bean uses the ambulance battery to jump start his Mini. Bean drives off and leaves the ambulance disabled due to a dead battery, forcing the paramedics to call for a replacement.
Afterwards, Bean heads to a postbox, but on the way he accidentally swallows his postage stamp. He offers to post a letter for a lady, pretends that he has posted it but hangs on to it until she is gone, so that he can use it for his own letter. He removes the stamp using steam from his car radiator, and sticks it to his own letter using a sweet stuck (since the first episode) to the inside of his pocket. He sticks it to his own letter with a fist (when using just one finger to stick it down does not work). The postman arrives to empty the postbox, just as the lady returns to find her letter on the ground. She complains to the postman that there was a stamp on her letter, but now it is gone. Bean hides inside the postbox to avoid getting reprimanded by the postman for the theft of the stamp. He gets locked inside for an unknown amount of time (the original commercial break occurred here), though as the postbox had a "1" showing, it was probably all night. When he is finally released (by another postman), he loses his car keys down a drain and gets a bus home. He waits at the bus stop with another man. The man gets on the bus but Bean cannot as all the seats are full, forcing Bean to wait for the next one.
Act 2: The Holiday
At his flat, Bean packs for a holiday but his small case does not have space for his clothes, as well as his tins of baked beans. He reduces the size of his belongings (often using scissors) to fit them into the case. He cuts a pair of trousers (before realising he already has a pair of shorts), breaks his toothbrush, pours some toothpaste down the sink, takes just one sandal and uses a flannel for a towel. He does not have the heart to cut up Teddy. After finally managing to fit his things in the tiny briefcase, he reaches under the bed, only to discover that he owns another briefcase that is almost double the size of the small one. But since his small briefcase is already packed, he just puts it into the larger suitcase, along with the one thing he could not pack before, a book.
Bean boards a train and reads a book, across from another man who is also reading. The man begins laughing loudly and continually at a passage in the book, annoying Bean. Bean struggles to cover his ears to avoid the laughter, eliciting curious stares when the man looks up. He finds some chewing gum under the carriage seats, puts it into his ears and thus it works. Finally, the train conductor comes in and asks to check their tickets. Bean is startled by his presence, whereupon he accidentally throws his book with the ticket tucked inside out of the train window, and the man bursts out laughing once more.
Eventually, Bean boards an aeroplane but is forced to look after a sick boy next to him. He tries to cheer the boy up by various means, by sticking magazine bits on his face to amuse him, playing with a self-inflating life jacket (it later flies out of Bean's seat) and by blowing air into a paper bag and trying to pop it. He discovers that the bag has holes in it, and starts rummaging for another bag. While his back is turned, the boy vomits into a mid-flight sick bag and offers the bag to Bean, who takes it unaware and smashes the vomit-filled bag. The act ends with the popping noise of the bag and the screen cuts to black, not showing the outcome.

The Return of Mr. Bean
Act 1: The Department Store
On his way to an Allders department store, Mr. Bean encounters a busker (Dave O'Higgins) playing a tenor saxophone in which he finds himself unable to give him any change, as he only has a banknote on him. Having an idea, he places a handkerchief on the ground nearby and performs a rather silly dance, allowing him to get some change from an elderly woman whereupon he quickly places in the busker's saxophone case before disappearing through the nearby tunnel. Following this, Bean soon arrives at the store and takes a moment to admire his new charge card. After having to flee from the perfume department upon feeling overwhelmed by the fragrances, he soon begins searching for items to buy, testing them out first, with some done in unusual fashion – he removes a toothbrush from its packet to see how it feels on his teeth, tries on a towel, finds a good peeler by using them on a potato he brought with him and tests two frying pans for size with a raw fish he had inside his jacket.
When looking for a new telephone, Bean finds the ones on display don't have a dialing tone and so thinks they don't work, and eventually takes one from a receptionist's desk when he finds it works, unaware that it isn't for sale. At the checkout, he sets his card on the counter, only for another customer (Paul McDowell) to mistakenly take it after accidentally covering up his own charge card of the same kind that the store clerk (William Vandyck) had returned. Bean, realising this, pickpockets the man and swaps the cards back (instead of simply speaking with the man about the mix-up), but when returning the customer's wallet to his back pocket, he manages to get his hand stuck and finds himself being unwittingly pulled all the way into the men's toilets. In the cubicle, Bean finds himself trapped, with the customer not knowing he is there until he helps him to find the roll of toilet paper; though the man initially accepts gratefully, he suddenly realizes that he is not alone in the cubicle and jumps up in fright as Bean smiles nervously at him.
Act 2: The Restaurant
Heading to a fancy restaurant to celebrate his birthday, Bean is seated at a table and left to choose his meal from a menu by the maitre d' (John Junkin). While making his choice and leaving the money for the food on a plate, he writes out a birthday card to himself, feigning surprise upon opening and reading it. When the maitre d' returns, Bean orders what he thinks will be a regular steak, and as he waits for his food, he takes a moment to sample some of the house wine before using the glasses on his table to chime out "Happy Birthday to Me". When the waiter (Roger Lloyd-Pack) arrives with his meal, Bean pays him for the meal, making him think he is being given a generous tip. Upon being left to eat his meal, Bean realizes that he ordered a steak tartare, whereupon he becomes disgusted by the meal upon tasting a bit of it and being forced to swallow the first bite so as to avoid upsetting the restaurant staff. Seeking to avoid eating the rest of it, Bean cuts it up and sticks bits of the meal in random places on his table. First, he hides some of it in an ashtray then a tiny flower vase, before hollowing out a portion of the bread roll on his table and using the hollow to hide more of the meal, before sliding some under a small plate, and another portion within the base of a sugar bowl.
Shortly after this, a violinist (Steve McNicholas) walks towards his table and spotting his card, plays "Happy Birthday" for him, before playing another tune, holding on a note until Bean eats another piece of steak. As soon as the violinist turns his back on him, Bean spits it down the man's trousers. Spotting that a woman on a neighbouring table is distracted by the tunes of the violin, Bean takes her handbag and puts pieces of the steak into it, but while putting it back, he manages to make the waiter trip up over his outstretched leg. Using this opportunity to cover up his actions, Bean blames him for his meal being spread everywhere he hid it, leading the maitre d' to apologise for the accident and relocate him to another table. The waiter soon brings over a new meal on the house, which to Bean's horror turns out to be another steak tartare which is slightly larger than the original. He must now finish it, as the waiter, maitre'd and violinist are all watching him.
Act 3: The Royal Premiere
Later, at a cinema within London, staff prepare to host a royal premiere by awaiting the arrival of the Queen. Bean, who happens to work there, arrives a little late but is excited to greet the Queen, wondering how to do so and eventually deciding upon a swift bow.[1] As he stands in line between the cinema's manager (Robin Driscoll) and an usherette (Matilda Ziegler), he finds that the men all have pocket handkerchiefs within their smart evening suits. After unsuccessfully attempting to steal the manager's own, Bean uses the white, blank side of a postcard to create a makeshift one. When he notices the manager checking his breath, he soon checks his own and decides to use a breath freshener in his mouth. Bean then becomes concerned that his teeth are not clean and snags a loose thread from the usherette's uniform to floss his teeth, only for the thread to get stuck between them. He eventually yanks it out before briefly turning away to scream in pain.
Content the Queen will be impressed with his fresh breath and clean teeth, Bean soon notices his fingernails are not clean and opts to use the fly of his trousers to clean them, finishing up just as the Queen arrives. As she begins to greet the staff, Bean realises he forgot to zip up his flies, panicking when they become stuck and then when he sticks his hand down his trousers to pull them up and leaves his finger stuck out through them in a rather lewd manner. Fortunately, he manages to remove his finger and zip his trousers up in time, but upon greeting the Queen with his swift bow, he accidentally headbutts her and knocks her to the ground. As staff and security rush in to help her up, Bean makes a swift run for the exit as the episode ends.

Tee Off, Mr. Bean
Act 1: The Laundry
Mr. Bean goes to the launderette where he experiences a series of mishaps. Firstly, he realised that the cost of washing has increased from £2 to £3, so he curses and has to take out another pound coin from a specially designed envelope in his trousers. A black belt thug (Grant Masters) arrives and rudely pushes Bean away into the next front-load washing machine. Bean then proceeds to put his laundry, which consists of some shirts, an inflatable toy, a lampshade, Teddy, a welcome mat, two oversized fuzzy dices and a few pairs of underwear (each labelled with a different day of the week), into the washing machine.
Bean then realises he has the wrong day's underpants on, so he stands behind a partition to change out of them, accidentally getting his trousers mixed up with a lady's skirt. As Bean, now wearing a skirt, walks past the man, this motivates the thug into taunting him. Bean then realised that another pair of underwear has accidentally not been put into the machine, but by this time, the machine has already been turned on, so he simply tries to put them on but the bully interferes by stepping on them for his own amusement.
Finally having had enough of being bullied by the thug, Bean decides to get revenge by replacing the man's softener with a cup of black coffee from the vending machine. This works, as the man does not realise that he is pouring the coffee into the machine instead of his detergent. However, when the thug gets suspicious after sniffing the cup, Bean drinks the softener to make it look as if he is drinking coffee. Later, the thug blames the launderette's manager as his martial arts gear comes out of the machine, all severely stained from the coffee.
After retrieving his mutated washing (including a shrunken Teddy) from the clothes dryer, Bean attempts to retrieve his trousers from the lady's washing by climbing into a dryer to find them just as the lady returns. Not noticing Bean is inside, the lady closes the door and turns the machine on, resulting in Bean spinning inside the dryer along with the clothes.
Act 2: The Game of Golf
Following the launderette, Bean heads to a golf course to play a game of mini golf. He scores a hole-in-one on the first hole, but on the second hole, he hits the ball onto the open grass. The owner (David Battley) orders him to play properly by using the club to get the ball back to the course and not with his hands. After accidentally hitting the ball outside the golf course, Bean goes on a very elaborate journey around London as the ball ends up into a bus, inside a lady's shopping bag (she is later seen explaining the scene to a police officer), on a boy's ice cream cone, up the exhaust pipe of a Proton Saga (causing the engine to explode), down a drain, into a litter bin, into a rubbish collection vehicle and finally onto the village green.
When Bean attempts to hitchhike back to the golf course, the first car that drives in is the blue Reliant to which Bean is disgusted by it and when the unseen driver pulls over and opens the passenger door, Bean pretends he's not seen him and the Reliant drives off. When another car pulls up, Bean cuts out the patch of turf the golf ball landed on with the golf club in order to allow him to return to the course without physically touching the ball.
As the sun sets and the ending credits, Bean makes it back to the course just as it is closing for the day and finally rolls the ball into the hole, before leaving with a final score of 3,427 strokes.[1]
Act 3: The Nineteenth Hole (BluRay exclusive)
As a special feature on the 2019 release of the Mr Bean's Holiday BluRay, additional, deleted scenes were included from this episode.
The groundskeeper comes over, and informs Bean that the course is now shut, and he must return his ball to the ground. Bean hands over his ball, but accidentally gives him Teddy as well. The groundskeeper gets into his golf buggy and drives away. Shortly afterwards, Bean pats his pockets, to reveal that he no longer has Teddy. Bean runs after the buggy, but cannot catch up.
Bean looks around, sees another golf buggy near a bunker, and jumps in. He starts it in reverse by accident and crashes it into the bunker, overturning it. Unscathed, he climbs out, and sees his golf bag. He positions it with the wheels down at the top of a hill, jumps on, and rides the bag down the hill. He skids to a halt at the bottom, to see the groundskeeper disappearing into the trees. Bean pulls out a golf club and gives chase.
Making it back to the clubhouse, panting, Bean sees the golf buggy, now empty, and makes his way inside. After being ignored by the barkeeper, he spots someone at the bar wearing the club uniform, and spins them around threateningly. They aren't the groundskeeper, and Bean is embarrassed. Upset, he orders a drink. When it arrives, Teddy is inside the glass, he looks over, and the barkeeper, revealed to be the groundskeeper, smiles at him. He leaves the bar, walking past the buggy in the bunker, now on fire. He holds Teddy up to do a little wave at the clubhouse before turning around and walking away.

The Trouble with Mr. Bean
Act 1: The Dentist
Mr. Bean's alarm clock goes off at 8:00 am, but he continues to lie in his bed while ignoring the chimes of his grandfather clock, dunking a battery-powered alarm clock into a nearby glass of water and stopping a hose spraying hot water from his teasmade by plugging it with the big toe on his right foot.[3] Eventually, Bean gets up fifty minutes later, conducts some light exercise, brings out his clothes and then has difficulty shaving when his electric razor catches his nasal hairs. Upon noticing a reminder that he has a dental appointment, he suddenly realises he is running late and proceeds to grab his clothes, his shoes, his toothbrush and toothpaste and heads for his Mini, coming back suddenly to ensure his cuddly toy, Teddy, is tucked in bed. Rushing for the appointment, Bean proceeds to get dressed while driving, using a brick on the accelerator for some of the journey alongside his feet for the steering before eventually brushing his teeth, using the car's screenwash to rinse his mouth out before spitting it out, the contents landing on the backside of a local builder; who assumes it is bird droppings.
Arriving at the dental surgery of Mr A. M. Peggit in the nick of time, Bean parks out front, forcing the blue Reliant out of the only parking space. A traffic warden then appears, prepares to ticket the Reliant and makes Bean notice that a part of his pyjamas is sticking out of his trousers, forcing him to remove it and toss it in his car window. Once inside the waiting room, he can't find anything good to read other than a Batman comic book in the hands of a young boy who refuses to share the book, and tricks the boy's mother into thinking he has wet himself in order to get the comic- only to find he has no time to read it as the dentist is now ready to see him. Inside with Mr. Peggit, Bean causes mayhem behind the dentist's back, adjusting the dental chair to unusual positions and messing about with some of the equipment. Eventually, he accidentally injects the dentist's leg with a needle containing a dose of local anaesthetic, causing him to fall over and then pull down an X-ray blocker, knocking him out. Feeling inconvenienced by this, Bean decides to do what the dentist was planning to do – put a filling into his tooth. Although he manages to do this, he soon finds that the holder containing the dental map of his teeth can flip vertically and horizontally thus leaving him to drill each tooth and put filling on all of them, effectively causing them to be stuck together. Fortunately, Bean gets a fright when Mr. Peggit wakes up and, satisfied with his own work, he leaves the dentist to enjoy the rest of the day.
Act 2: The Picnic
Following his dental appointment, Bean drives to the park to have a picnic. The car park is full but for a gap between two cars only just wide enough for his Mini yet with no room to open the door, so he gets out and pushes his car into the gap. However, much to his annoyance, a car next to his car drives off. While passing by a boating lake, he spots a young boy having difficulty with his remote controlled boat. Offering to help, he opens up the controller and tweaks the circuitry inside, fixing the problem. Unbeknown to both Bean and the boy, the controller also takes control of an elderly man's electric wheelchair just behind them, which goes wherever the remote control boat goes. After hogging the controller for some time, Bean hands it back to the boy and leaves just as the now empty wheelchair comes in behind him, pushing the boy into the lake (off-screen) just as Bean finds a nice spot. He soon begins setting up his picnic which consists of a large blanket, a pocket radio, a cake stand, a plate, a bottle of orange juice, a small chair, a book and a nice iced cupcake complete with a cherry on top. Unbeknown to him, a car thief breaks into his Mini and hotwires it, only to find the steering wheel is missing; Bean had removed it and had it with him in his picnic basket.
As Bean prepares to read his book and eat his cake, a wasp suddenly buzzes around his spot and refuses to leave him alone, irritating him. He soon attempts to deal with it as he goes after his cake, swatting at it, jousting with it, chasing it around and even trying to drown it in his bottle of juice. Bean finally manages to kill it by tricking it into landing on the pages of his book and then quickly closing the book. Satisfied, he soon resumes what he was doing only to find an entire swarm of wasps coming for him, forcing him to abandon his picnic site. Unable to lose them, Bean tosses his cake into a nearby car unaware that the car thief is now in it, who soon finds himself being targeted by the wasps. During this, the wheelchair from earlier stops by the car as the episode concludes.

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