a bridge too far - The multi-million-dollar purchase of the small startup proved a bridge too far for the social media company, as the added revenue couldn't make up for the cost in the end.
a cold day in July - It'll be a cold day in July before they get that new interstate built.
a day late and a dollar short - Jake tried to repair his relationship with his girlfriend after forgetting her birthday, but she viewed his efforts as a day late and a dollar short.
a life of its own - The accusations in the political race began to take on a life of their own, growing meaner and more elaborate every day.
a little from column A, a little from column B - She asked me if I drew more from real life or from my imagination when writing; in truth, it's a little from column A and a little from column B.
a notch above - That telescope is a notch better than the others in terms of magnification.
a pound to a penny
a Roland for an Oliver - The rebels might have scored a victory against us earlier, but we'll be sure to give them a Roland for an Oliver in our next offensive.
a short drop and a sudden stop - I wouldn't get too close to the edge of that cliff if I were you, you'd have a pretty quick drop and a sudden stop.
a week from next Tuesday - At this rate, it will be a week from next Tuesday before I'm ready to start writing this report.
a week is a long time in politics - The challenger is enjoying a surge in popularity after the debate, but there's still time before the election, and a week is a long time in politics.
a wild goose never laid a tame egg - We must never presume that humanity will be without violence; after all, a wild goose never laid a tame egg.
Abbot's Priory
about time
about turn - She about-turned abruptly and left.
above board
above one's bend - He's a great handyman but electrical work his above his bend.
above par
above the curve - The research being done on leukemia here is far above the curve anywhere else in the world.
above the law
above the salt
above water - If credit cards are the only thing keeping you above water, then your situation is more dire than I thought.
absence makes the heart grow fonder - We'll see if absence makes the heart grow fonder after our time apart.
abuse of distress
accident of birth - My poverty when I was young was merely an accident of birth; through hard work and determination, I was able to overcome it and lead a successful life.
accident waiting to happen
according to
ace in the hole`His embarrassing secret is my ace in the hole, and I plan to reveal it to everyone the next time he mocks me publicly.
acknowledge the corn - When they arrested me, I decided I might as well acknowledge the corn and confess to stealing the car. Especially since I was still driving it.
acquired taste
across the board
act of Congress-Trying to get my doctor on the phone is like an act of Congress!
act one's age
act out
act up
activist judge-Many attributed the strict environmental rulings to the activist judge who was appointed last November and is known for his love of nature.
activist justice
Adam Tiler-We have caught the pickpocket, but some Adam Tiler made off with the money.
add fuel to the fire
add oil
add up
after one's own heart`Michelle is very tech-savvy and loves to code—just like me! She's a woman after my own heart.
against the collar-I don't think I have time to meet you today. Work has been a bit against the collar recently.
against the grain-The artist always tried to go against the grain, ignoring the artistic trends of her day.
against the run of play-Brazil dominated the game, but Japan secured a draw with a late goal against the run of play.
against the world
age before beauty`Chuck held the door open for Tim, motioned for him to go ahead, and said, "Age before beauty."
agreement in principle-The government has agreed in principle that it will cover the cost of building a new school, but so far we haven't seen a clear proposal on how this would be accomplished.
ahead of the curve
ahead of the game
air one's dirty laundry in public
air out
air rage
alarums and excursions-What on earth is going on? The alarums and excursions in the living room woke me from a sound sleep—keep it down!
albatross around one's neck
albatross round one's neck-The old property became an albatross around his neck as the costs of repair and renovation began to skyrocket.
alive and kicking
all and sundry -Jason bought drinks for all and sundry to celebrate his promotion.
all bark and no bite
all bets are off-The team seemed poised for a deep playoff run, but now that their star player is injured, all bets are off.
all dressed up and nowhere to go
all duck or no dinner-We've got one last chance to secure an investor for the company, so it's all duck or no dinner with this meeting!
all eyes
all eyes and ears
all good
all hat and no cattle
all heart
all hell breaks loose
all holiday
all hollow
all in a day's work-Dealing with screaming kids is all in a day's work when you're a pediatrician.
all it's cracked up to be
all one's eggs in one basket
all one's life's worth-It's all your life's worth to try and find a seat on the train at rush hour.
all one's taste is in one's mouth
all out
all over
all over but the shouting-With that last goal, it's all over but the shouting at this point.
all over hell's half acre-We'll never find all the papers we dropped, the wind has scattered them all over hell's half acre by now.
all over oneself
all over the board-I think we'll have a great trip across the country; we've got places all over the board we want to visit.
all over the place
all over with
all rights reserved
all set
all sixes and nines
all sizzle and no steak
all talk and no cider
all that
all that jazz
all the marbles
all the rage
all the same
all the tea in China
all the while
all there
all things being equal-Other things being equal, we should have no trouble getting your order to you on time. I anticipate no problems, all things being equal.
all things considered
all things to all people
all thumbs
all to smash
all told
all very well
all wet
almighty dollar
along about
amateur hour
ambassador of Morocco
amber gambler-If you keep being a reckless ambler gambler, you're going to get into a car accident soon enough!
amber nectar
American Dream
an apple a day
an arm and a leg
an offer one can't refuse
anaconda mortgage-Be careful not to sign into any kind of anaconda mortgage, or they could take everything you own!
ancient history
and all
and all this
and be done with it
and change
and counting
and crap
and finally
and his mother
and how
and shit
and so forth
and so on
and the like
and then some
and whatnot
angel's advocate
angle for farthings
another day, another dollar-A: "How was work?" B: "Not bad. Another day, another dollar."
another nail in one's coffin
another string to one's bow
answer back
answer on a postcard-I'd like to get people's opinions on where to go for a summer vacation. Answers on a postcard, please!
any more for any more
any nook or cranny
any old
any old nook or cranny
any old thing
any port in a storm
any time now
any time soon
any way one slices it
anybody who is anybody-If we want to find a financial backer, we have to go to the gala tonight—anybody who is anybody will be there.
anyone's guess
anything goes
ape leader-At the risk of being labeled an ape leader by ignorant people, I have chosen a life without marriage, and I am perfectly happy to do so.
apothecary's Latin-He only spent a year learning Latin, so now he just mutters apothecary's Latin to sound more learned than he is.
apple of someone's eye
apples and oranges
apply oneself
apron string
apron-string hold-A property or estate owned by a woman but controlled by her husband during her life and then by her family after her death.
arch doxy-The leader of a female band of thieves or gypsies, who acts as an accomplice to her male counterpart, an "arch cove" or "arch rogue."
are you deaf
are your ears burning
arm candy-an attractive person: The mogul is just using that beautiful young thing as arm candy.
arm to the teeth
arm up
armchair quarterback
arm's length
army volunteer
around Robin Hood's barn
around the clock
around the corner
around the Horn
arrive at
arse end of nowhere
arse over tip
arse over tit
arsy varsy
arsy versy
artful dodger
as a rule
as a whole
as all get-out
as best one can
as ever
as ever trod shoe leather
as ever trod shoe-leather
as far as one knows
as I was saying
as if
as if there were no tomorrow
as in
as is
as it happens
as long as
as luck may have it
as luck would have it
as of
as of late
as often as not
as soon as
as the crow flies
as the day is long
as the next girl
as the next guy
as the wind blows
as well
as yet
as you know
as you sow, so shall you reap
ask after
ask around
ask for it
ask for the moon
ask my arse
ask out
ask round
ask someone to leave
asking for a friend
asleep at the switch
asphalt jungle
ass over teakettle-Finding out Bill is selling the company has turned my whole world ass over teakettle—I can't believe I'm going to have to find a new job after 25 years!
assault and battery-A criminal act involving both a threat of violence and actual physical contact with the victim.
assume the position
at a canter
at a glance
at a loss
at a loss for words
at a moment's notice
at a pinch
at a stand
at all
at all hours
at arm's length
at bay
at best
at bottom
at cross-purposes
at death's door
at first
at first blush
at full tilt
at heart
at home
at large
at last
at latter Lammas-I have my tenants and their dues in good order, but I fear that some are planning to pay at latter Lammas.
at odds
at once
at one's fingertips
at pains
at peace
at places
at rest
at sea
at sixes and sevens-After caring for three sick kids all week, I'm totally at sixes and sevens.
at stake
at that
at the best of times
at the coal face-These reports are just speculation—they didn't consult anyone actually at the coalface.
at the drop of a hat
at the end of one's rope
at the end of one's tether
at the end of the day
at the expense of
at the feet of
at the helm
at the high port
at the ready
at the receiving end
at the top of one's voice
at the top of one's lungs
at the very least
at the wheel
at this point in time
at times
at variance-We're doing the experiment again because our results are at variance.
at work
atomic cocktail-an oral dose of radioactive substance used in treatment and diagnosis of cancer
atta girl
attention whore
Attic salt
auld lang syne
autem cackler-The church is strong, but those autem cacklers have dissuaded many from the congregation.
autem dipper
autem diver
autem mort
autumn romance
avant la lettre
average bear
average joe
average up-To purchase shares of the same security at successively higher prices in order to achieve a larger position at an average price that is lower than the current market value.
away game
away with the fairies
aye aye, sir
babe in arms
babe in the woods-"she was no babe in the woods and knew exactly what she was doing"
babysitter test-The new smart television is radically advanced, but it also passes the babysitter test: anyone in the house can learn to use it in just a few minutes!
back at you
back burner
back down
back forty
back gammon player
back in
back in the day
back in the game
back into
back of one's hand
back off
back office
back to square one
back to the drawing board
back to the wall
back up
back-cloth star-Everyone said after the show that his performance was riveting, but to be honest, I think he's just a back-cloth star. He made it so he was the only one we could ever see!
back-to-back-to-back`The team was labeled a dynasty after winning back-to-back-to-back championships.
backwater`"the country remained an economic backwater"
bacon-faced`These bacon-faced magistrates, puffed up with their own self-importance, grow fat off the hard work of the poor.
bad apple
bad blood
bad company
bad egg
bad hair day
bad iron
bad joke
bad news
bad old days
bad penny
bad taste in one's mouth
bad word
badge bunny-A woman who is romantically attracted to police officers and who seeks out their companionship.
bag and baggage`You need to be out of your dorm room, bag and baggage, by Monday morning.
bag of tricks
bag of weasels`Something that has pronounced weasely characteristics, such as pettiness, bad temper, and deviousness.
bail out
bake up
baker's dozen
baker's half dozen
balance out
balance the books`The President laid out a new economic plan to try to balance the books by increasing taxes on the wealthy.
bale up`We need to bale up the rest of the field before sundown.
ball hog`Boy, you're being a real ball hog today! Why don't you pass it to one of your teammates for a change?
ball of fire
balloon goes up` The balloon went up last Friday when the scandal became public.
balloon knot
ballpark estimate
ballpark figure
balls to the wall
balls-out`If we're going to win this battle, we have to go absolutely balls-out!
balls-up`Mary's Monday morning routine went balls up when she spilled coffee on herself, missed the train, and arrived to work late.
balum rancum-The balum rancum that goes on in that house at night is something well-bred gentlemen would do best to avoid.
banana nose
banana republic
Banbury story of a cock and a bull`The old sailor, after several glasses of whiskey too many, began to tell some Banbury story of a cock and a bull, which none of us were able to decipher.
band together
bandwagon fan
bane of one's existence
bang away
bang down the door`To present oneself as a strong candidate for a role or achievement, explicitly or implicitly. To demand something.
bang for the buck`"classy sports cars with huge bang for your buck"
bang on
bang out
bang to rights-The officer caught the gangster bang to rights, having discovered several kilograms of narcotics hidden in the back of the vehicle.
bank night`Wouldn't you know it? The one time they call my name for Bank Night and I had to leave early for a dinner party!
banker's dozen
bankers' hours
bankrupt cart
baptism by fire
bar none
bar off
bar sinister
bar star`A female who frequents bars or lounges, usually late at night.
bar up`Crime has gotten so bad in this area that we've had to bar up our windows.
barber's sign
bare one's soul
bargain basement
barge in
bark up the wrong tree
barn find
barrel of laughs
barrel of monkeys
base over apex
basement battler`They face another fierce basement battler in this week's match, and a lot is at stake for both teams.
basket house
bastardly gullion-The scoundrel, the bastardly gullion! He has robbed us of all we own, and after we had the decency of giving him shelter for a night!
bat a thousand
bat an eyelid
bat five hundred`That math exam didn't go so well, I only batted five hundred or so.
bat one's eyes
bat the breeze-I just batted the breeze with John for a while when he passed me on the street.
batten down the hatches
bawl out
be a hundred years too early-Don't make me waste my time! You are a hundred years too early to be an opponent worthy of fighting me!
be all ears
be around
be glad to see the back of
be in and out
be in for
be in luck
be it as it may
be left holding the baby
be mother
be my guest
be on to
be one's own worst enemy
be oneself
be still my heart`You want me to go shopping with you? Oh, be still my heart! No, thank you.
be that as it may
be there
be up to
be-all and end-all
bean counter
bean queen
bear a hand`Jim is great, he's always willing to bear a hand with any housework that needs doing.
bear fruit
bear in mind
bear oneself
bear the brunt
bear up
bear with
beard the lion in his den
beast with two backs
beat a dead horse
beat around the bush
beat as one
beat Banaghan`The dog figured out how to open the latch on the fence, and the cows took off after him! This beats Banaghan, to be sure.
beat feet
beat it
beat off
beat one's swords into plowshares`We must beat swords into ploughshares so that our children can inherit a peaceful world.
beat one's brain
beat one's head against a stone wall
beat someone's brains out
beat the bishop-A: "Why is he all embarrassed today?" B: "Oh, his crush walked in on him beating the bishop. How horrifying is that?"
beat the clock
beat the daylights out of
beat the meat
beat the pants off`The final score was 17-1? Wow, we really beat the pants off that team!
beat the shit out of
beat the stuffing out of
beats me
beats one's swords into ploughshares
beats one's swords into plowshares
beautiful people
beauty mark
beauty queen
beauty sleep
beaver away
become of
become one flesh
bed blocker
bed in
bed of roses
bee in one's bonnet
beef to the hoof
beef up
been there, done that
been there, done that, bought the T-shirt
been there, done that, got the T-shirt
been to the rodeo`Don't think I'll fall for that old trick; I've already been to the rodeo and back, you know.
before it was cool
before someone's time
beg off
beg to differ
behind bars
behind closed doors
behind its time
behind someone's back
behind the bit`This colt is so stubborn, it has been behind the bit each time I've tried to ride him this morning.
behind the eight-ball
behind the scenes
behind the times
behind the wheel
behind time
belemnite battlefield-I was lucky in my first year as a professional paleontologist to stumble upon a huge, undiscovered belemnite battlefield.
believe it or not
believe one's ears
believe one's eyes
believe you me
bell out
bell the cat
bells and whistles
belly up
belly up to the bar
below par
below the belt
below the salt
bench jockey
bend one's elbow
bend over backwards
bend someone's ear
bend someone's will
bend the knee
bend the truth
bend to one's will
bend to someone's will
beneath the surface
benevolent overlord
bent on
bent on a splice
beside oneself
beside the point
best bet
best laid plans
best of both worlds
best of the bunch
best pleased
best regards
best thing since sliced bread
best thing since sliced pan
best-kept secret
bet one's boots
bet one's bottom dollar
bet the farm
better angels
better half
better than sex
between a rock and a hard place
between Scylla and Charybdis
between the hammer and the anvil`With the choice between two unpleasant or distasteful options; in a predicament or quandary.
between the jigs and the reels`He drew loans from all over the country, using one to pay off the other. Between the jigs and the reels, he ended up owing more than millions to various banks and investors.
between the pipes
between you, me, and the bedpost`I overheard the boss talking to her secretary last night and—just between you, me, and the bedpost—she's giving the promotion to George after all.
beyond the black stump
beyond the call of duty
beyond the pale
bide one's time
big boy
big boys
big break
big bucks
big cheese
big deal
big enchilada
big end of town
big fat
big fish in a small pond
big girl
big gun
big kahuna
big mouth
big name
big ol'
big old
big ole
big picture
big shop
big shot
big sleep
big spender
big talk
big tent
big up
big wheel
bigger fish to fry
bill of goods
bio queen
bird in the bosom
bird of one's own brain
birds of a feather
birds of a feather flock together
bird's-eye view
birth tourism
birthday suit
bit by a barn mouse
bitch goddess
bitch out
bite me
bite my shiny metal ass
bite of the cherry
bite of the reality sandwich
bite off
bite off more than one can chew
bite one's lip
bite one's tongue
bite someone in the arse
bite someone's head off
bite the big one
bite the biscuit
bite the bullet
bite the dust
bite the hand that feeds one
bite to eat
bitter end
bitter pill
bitter pill to swallow
black and white
black babies
black gold
black magic
black mark
black over Bill's mother's
black rider
black sheep
blame Canada
blame game
blank canvas
blank out
blanket term
blare out
blast from the past
blast off
blaze a trail
blaze away
bleed red ink
bleeding edge
bless you
blessed event
blessing in disguise
blimp out
blind date
blind leading the blind
blind with science
blink of an eye
block out
blocking and tackling
blood and guts
blood in the water
blood is thicker than water
blood moon
blood, sweat and tears
bloom is off the rose
blossom out
blot one's copy book
blow a kiss
blow away
blow chunks
blow hot and cold
blow it
blow me
blow me down
blow off
blow off steam
blow one's chance
blow one's load
blow one's wad
blow out of proportion
blow out of proportions
blow over
blow smoke
blow someone out of the water
blow someone's cover
blow someone's mind
blow the lid off
blow the whistle
blow this pop stand
blow this popsicle stand
blow this Popsicle stand
blow to kingdom come
blow up in one's face
blue chamber
blue devils
blue moon
blue note
blue state
blue wall of silence
blue-eyed boy
blue-sky thinking
blurt out
Bob's your uncle
body blow
body English
bog off
bogged down
boil over
boil up
boiling frog
boiling hot
boiling mad
boiling point
boldly go where no man has gone before
bolt bucket
bomb out
bone dry
bone hard
bone in her teeth
bone in the throat
bone of contention
booby prize
boogie on down
book dumping
book in
boot camp
booze can
bored out of one's mind
born and bred
born in a barn
born on the Fourth of July
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
borrowed time
bottle away
bottle up
bottom bitch
bottom falls out
bottom feeder
bottom fishing
bottom line
bottom of the line
bottom of the ninth
bottom out
bottom the house
bounce back
bounce off
bounce off the walls
bow and scrape
bow down
bow out
bow-legged wi' brass
bowl a googly
bowl of cherries
bowl over
box clever
box oneself into a corner
box seat
box someone's ears
box the compass
boy howdy
boy in the boat
boy toy
boys and girls
boys and their toys
brace of shakes
bragging rights
brain bucket
brain candy
brain surgeon
brain surgery
branch off
branch out
brass ceiling
brass farthing
brass monkey
brass monkeys
brass neck
brassed off
brave out
brazen out
bread and butter
bread and circuses
break a law
break a leg
break a sweat
break cover
break even
break ground
break in
break into
break one's back
break one's duck
break one's lance
break out
break ranks
break someone's heart
break the bank
break the buck
break the cycle
break the deadlock
break the fourth wall
break the ice
break the Internet
break the mold
break the Sabbath
break the seal
break up
break wind
breath of fresh air
breathe a sigh of relief
breathe a word
breathe down someone's neck
breathe easy
breed in the bone
brick in
brick in one's hat
bridge the gap
bright and early
bright lights
bright line
bright young thing
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
bright-line rule
bring a knife to a gunfight
bring about
bring down the hammer
bring down the house
bring forward
bring home
bring home the bacon
bring it weak
bring on
bring one's arse to an anchor
bring one's own hide to market
bring out in a rash
bring owls to Athens
bring round
bring to bear
bring to heel
bring to justice
bring to light
bring to nought
bring to the table
bring up the rear
broad in the beam
broad shoulders
broad strokes
broaden someone's horizons
broken record
broken vessel
Bronx cheer
brown bag
brown bread
brown noser
brown power
brown study
brown thumb
browned off
brownie point
brush aside
brush by
brush down
brush off
brush up
bubble over
buck fever
buck for
buck the trend
buck up
bucket down
bucket list
Citations:bucket list
bucket of bolts
bucket of rust
buckle down
buckle up
Buckley's and none
Buckley's chance
buff out
buff up
bug off
bug storm
bugger all
bugger off
Buggins's turn
build a better mousetrap
build bridges
build castles in the air
build on sand
build up
built like a brick shithouse
built like a tank
bulk billing
bull session
bum rap
bum rush
bum steer
Bumfuck, Egypt
bump and grind
bump in the road
bump into
bump off
bump up
bum's rush
bun fight
bundle of energy
bundle of joy
bundle of laughs
bundle of nerves
bundle off
bunny hop
bunny hug
buoy up
buried treasure
burn a hole in one's pocket
burn one's bridges
burn one's candle at both ends
burn one's fingers
burn out
burn rubber
burn that bridge when one comes to it
burn the candle at both ends
burn the midnight oil
burst in
burst into tears
burst out laughing
burst someone's bubble
bury one's head in the sand
bury the lead
bury the lede
bush league
bush telegraph
business as usual
business end
business girl
busman's holiday
bust a cap
bust a move
bust a nut
bust ass
bust chops
bust on
bust one's balls
bust one's chops
bust the dust
busted flush
busy work
but good
but seriously folks
but then
butcher's bill
butt heads
butt in
butt out
butter face
butter fingers
butter one's bread on both sides
butter wouldn't melt in someone's mouth
butterfly upon a wheel
button nose
button one's lip
buy into
buy out
buy straw hats in winter
buy the farm
buy time
buy to let
buy up
buzz off
by a hair's breadth
by a landslide
by a long shot
by all accounts
by and large
by any means
by any stretch of the imagination
by far
by guess or by gosh
by halves
by hand
by heart
by hook or by crook
by mistake
by no means
by no stretch of the imagination
by one's lights
by one's own hand
by rights
by the book
by the Grace of God
by the numbers
by the same token
by the skin of one's teeth
by the way
by trade
by virtue of
cake crumbs
cake walk
call a spade a spade
call an audible
call it a day
call it a night
call off the dogs
call on
call out
call roll
call someone's bluff
call the shots
call the tune
call to account
call to the bar
call up
calling card
calm before the storm
calm your tits
camel through the eye of a needle
camel's nose
camp out
can it
can of corn
can of worms
canary fit
canary in a coal mine
candle in the wind
can't get enough
can't help
can't stand
can't wait
cap in hand
cap it all off
cap over the windmill
captain's pick
care a button
care a jackstraw
care package
carried away
carrot and stick
carry a torch for
carry a tune
carry coals to Newcastle
carry forward
carry off
carry on
carry one's weight
carry oneself
carry out
carry over
carry someone's water
carry the can
carry the mail
carry the message to Garcia
carry through
carry water for
carve out
carved in stone
cash cow
cash in
cash in one's chips
cash on the barrelhead
cash up
cashed up
cast a shadow
cast aside
cast aspersions`I'm sorry to cast aspersions on Julie, but her work ethic is really terrible. She hasn't handed one assignment in on time.
cast in concrete
cast one's vote
cast pearls before swine
cast the first stone
cast up one's accounts`The morning after another rather indulgent evening, I decided it was high time for me to cast up my accounts.
castle in the air
cat and dog life
cat got someone's tongue
cat in the meal-tub-Many people want to legalize marijuana but are in denial of the cats in the meal-tub that may come with doing so.
cat in the sack
cat piss
cat that ate the canary
catbird seat= A position of power or prominence.
catch a cold
catch air
catch as catch can
catch big air
catch dust
catch fire
catch flies
catch heat
catch hell
catch it
catch napping
catch of the day
catch on
catch one's death
catch one's drift
catch sight of
catch some rays
catch some z's
catch someone napping
catch someone with their hand in the cookie jar
catch someone's drift
catch someone's eye
catch the eye
catch the sun
cat's cradle
cat's meow
cat's pajamas`Boy, that singer last night was the cat's pajamas, wasn't she?
cat's pyjamas
cattle call
caucus race
caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
caught with one's pants down
cause a stir
cave in
caviar to the general
cease to be
center field
chain reaction
chalk and cheese
chalk off
chalk up to
champ at the bit
champagne taste on a beer budget
chance upon
chance'd be a fine thing
chances are
change hands
change horses in midstream
change of heart
change of life
change of pace
change of tack
change one's mind
change one's tune
change over
change someone's mind
change the channel
change the game
character assassination
charge down
charge up
charity mugger
charley horse
charm offensive
charmed life
chase a rainbow
chase after
chase off
chase one's tail
chase rainbows
chase tail
chase the dragon
chat up
cheap thrill
cheap-arse Tuesday
cheaper by the dozen
cheat on
cheat sheet
check and balance
check is in the mail
check through
cheeky monkey
cheer up
cheese cutter
cheese it
cheesed off
cherry on top
chesterfield rugby
chew off
chew on
chew the cud
chew the fat
chew the meat and spit out the bones
chew the scenery
chew up
chicken feed
chicken out
chicken scratch
child's play
chilly climate
chime in
China syndrome
Chinaman on one's back
Chinaman's chance
Chinese compliment
Chinese green
Chinese overtime
Chinese puzzle
Chinese Wall
chink in the armor
chink up
chip away
chip in
chip off the old block
chip on one's shoulder
chip shot
chip up
chirk up
choke off
choke the chicken
chomp at the bit
choose up
chop down
chopped liver
chow down
Christmas graduate
Christmas tree bill
chrome dome
chrome horn
chuck in
chum up
chump change
circle the drain
circle the wagons
circuit slugger
circular file
circular firing squad
cite chapter and verse
civil tongue
claim to fame
clamp down on
clash of the ash
class clown
class warfare
clean house
clean out
clean someone's clock
clean up
clean up one's act
clear cut
clear one's lines
climb down
climb the walls
clip someone's wings
clock in
clock is ticking
clog up
close enough for government work
close in on
close of play
close one's eyes
close one's eyes and think of England
close ranks
close the face
close the stable door after the horse has bolted
close to home
close, but no cigar
closed book
cloud nine
clout list
clue stick
clutch artist
coals to Newcastle
cobbler, keep to your last
cock a snook
cock cheese
cock in the henhouse
cock of the roost
cock of the walk
cock pilot
cock-and-bull story
coffee talk
coil up
coke dick
cold comfort
cold day in Hell
cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
cold fish
cold hard cash
cold shoulder
cold snap
cold treatment
cold turkey
collect dust
collect one's thoughts
come a cropper
come a long way
come across
come again
come along
come around
come back from the dead
come clean
come down
come down the pike
come down to
come down to earth
come down to us
come first
come forward
come from a good place
come full circle
come hell or high water
come home to roost
come in from the cold
come in handy
come into being
come into one's own
come of age
come on
come on over
come online
come out
come out in the wash
come out of one's shell
come out of the closet
come out of the woodwork
come out swinging
come the acid
come thick and fast
come through
come to
come to a close
come to a head
come to a sticky end
come to an end
come to blows
come to grief
come to grips with
come to Jesus
come to life
come to light
come to mention it
come to mind
come to nothing
come to nought
come to one's senses
come to oneself
come to papa
come to someone's aid
come to someone's rescue
come to terms
come to terms with
come to think of it
come unhinged
come unstuck
come up
come up roses
come up with
come upon the town
come what may
come with the territory
comedy of errors
comfort girl
comfort woman
comfort zone
comfortable in one's own skin
comfortably off
coming out of one's ears
command performance
common ground
common or garden variety
common purse
common touch
company man
company town
concrete jungle
confront one's demons
connect up
conscience money
controlled substance
cook the books
cook up
cook up a storm
cooking with gas
cool cat
cool head
cool one's heels
coon eyes
coon's age
cop on
cop oneself on
cop out
corner the market
corporate ladder
corporate welfare bum
corporation pop
cost the earth
cotton to
couch potato
cough up
could not get elected dogcatcher
couldn't carry a note in a bucket
couldn't happen to a nicer
couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery
couldn't stop a pig in a passage
count one's blessings
count sheep
country mile
courage of one's convictions
covenant of salt
cover one's feet
cover one's bases
cover someone's ass
cover up
cowboy shower
cowboy up
cowgirl position
crab mentality
crack a crib
crack a fat
crack a smile
crack down
crack of dawn
crack on
crack through
crack up
cradle robber
cradle snatcher
cramp someone's style
crank out
crank the handle
crank up
crap up
crash course
crash dive
crawl before you walk
crawl over each other
crawl with
cream in one's jeans
cream of the crop
creature comfort
creature feature
creature of habit
creature of the night
creme de la creme
crème de la crème
criss-cross applesauce
crocodile tear
crony capitalism
crop up
cross my heart
cross my heart and hope to die
cross off
cross out
cross paths
cross someone's palm
cross someone's path
cross swords
cross that bridge when one comes to it
cross the aisle
cross the line
cross the Rubicon
cross to bear
cross to take up
crowd in on
crunch numbers
cry all the way to the bank
cry down
cry for help
cry foul
cry in one's beer
cry one's eyes out
cry someone a river
cry the blues
cry uncle
cry wolf
crying shame
crystal clear
crystal dick
cue up
culture hero
cum grano salis
cup of joe
cup of tea
curate's egg
curb appeal
curb crawler
curl someone's hair
curry favor
cut a dash
cut a figure
cut a rug
cut a swath
cut a wide swath
cut above
cut and thrust
cut bait
cut below
cut both ways
cut corners
cut down
cut from the same cloth
cut in
cut it
cut it fine
cut loose
cut no ice
cut of one's jib
cut off one's nose to spite one's face
cut one loose
cut one's coat according to one's cloth
cut one's teeth
cut out
cut red tape
cut someone loose
cut swathes
cut the cheese
cut the mustard
cut the umbilical cord
cut through
cut to pieces
cut to the chase
cut up
cutie pie
cutting edge
daily grind
damn by association
damn right
damn straight
damn the torpedoes
damn with faint praise
damned if one does and damned if one doesn't
damp squib
dance of the seven veils
dangly bits
Daniel come to judgement
dark horse
darken a church door
darken someone's door
darn tootin'
dash off
date with destiny
daughter of Eve
Davy Jones's locker
dawn of a new day
dawn on
day after day
day and age
day in, day out
day lark
day of days
day or night
day out
daylight robbery
days of yore
de ciento a viento
de ciento en viento
dead air
dead and buried
dead asleep
dead cat bounce
dead center
dead duck
dead end
dead fish
dead giveaway
dead heat
dead in the water
dead last
dead loss
dead meat
dead men's shoes
dead 'n' buried
dead of night
dead on
dead ringer
dead soldier
dead to rights
dead tree edition
dead weight
dead wood
deadbeat dad
deadstick landing
deafening silence
deal a hand
deal breaker
death knell
death spiral
death warmed up
deathbed conversion
debris field
December bride
decimal dozen
deep down
deep end
deep pockets
deep six
deep thinker
deep water
deer in the headlights
Delhi belly
delight in
deliver the goods
deliver the message to Garcia
den of iniquity
Derangement Syndrome
desk jockey
detective work
devil is in the details
devil lies in the details
devil's advocate
devil's luck
dial back
dial down
diamond in the rough
diarrhea of the mouth
dick milk
dick munch
dicksize war
dictated but not read
die a thousand deaths
die down
die off
die on one's arse
die on the vine
die out
die the way one lived
dig deep
dig in
dig in one's heels
dig one's own grave
dig oneself in a hole
dig out of a hole
dig up
dig up dirt
dime a dozen
dime's worth
diminishing returns
dip a toe into
dip into
dip out
diplomatic flu
dirt file
dirty cop
dirty laundry
dirty look
dirty money
dirty word
dirty work
disagree with
Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells
dish the dirt
dishpan hands
dismal science
dive in
do a
do a bunk
do a slow burn
do away with
do by halves
do down
do drugs
do exactly what it says on the tin
do ill
do it tough
do justice
do me a favour
do me a lemon
do one's bit
do one's business
do one's damnedest
do one's darnedest
do one's utmost
do right by
do someone a frighten
do someone dirty
do someone proud
do someone's head in
do the dirty on
do the hard yards
do the honors
do the honours
do the math
do the trick
do up
do well by doing good
do well for oneself
do what
do with mirrors
doctors make the worst patients
dodge a bullet
does the Pope shit in the woods
dog and cat
dog and pony show
dog around
dog in the hunt
dog in the manger
dog my cats
dog's breakfast
dog's chance
dog's life
dole out
dollar-sign eyes
done and dusted
done deal
donkey work
donkey's ears
donkey's years
don't call us, we'll call you
don't drop the soap
don't get someone started
don't give up your day job
don't go there
don't hold your breath
don't knock yourself out
don't let the door hit you on the way out
don't shit where you eat
don't tell me
dope sheet
dormitive principle
dormitive virtue
doss around
dot the i's and cross the t's
double back
double booked
double Dutch
double entendre
double over
double taker
double talk
double tap
double-edged sword
down and out
down at heel
down but not out
down cellar
down for the count
down in the dumps
down in the mouth
down on one's luck
down on one's uppers
down pat
down the cludgie
down the drain
down the khazi
down the line
down the pan
down the road
down the road, not across the street
down the toilet
down the track
down the tubes
down to a fine art
down to the short strokes
down to the wire
down under
Downing Street
drag king
drag on
drag one's feet
drag through the mud
drama queen
draw a line
draw a line in the sand
draw back
draw down
draw even
draw in
draw off
draw one's last breath
draw stumps
draw the line
draw the short straw
drawing card
dress down
dress to kill
dressed to kill
dressed to the nines
dried-fish woman
drift apart
drift off
drill down
drink from a firehose
drink with the flies
drinking hole
drive a coach and horses through
drive away
drive home
drive off
drive out
drive someone crazy
drive someone up the wall
drive the porcelain bus
drive-by media
drool bucket
drop a bollock
drop a bomb
drop a bombshell
drop a brick
drop a dime
drop a hint
drop a log
drop in
drop in the bucket
drop in the ocean
drop off
drop off the radar
drop out
drop someone a line
drop the ball
drop the f-bomb
drop the gloves
drop the mic
drop the topic
drop the writ
drop trow
drown out
drug of choice
drug on the market
drugstore cowboy
drum up
dry behind the ears
dry eye
dry one's eyes
dry out
dry run
dry up and blow away
duck out
duck soup
duck test
due course
Citations:due course
dumb as a post
dumb down
dumb luck
dumb shit
dummy run
dummy spit
dump one's load
Dunkirk spirit
dust mouse
dust off
dust off a batter
dust settles
dusty miller
Dutch courage
Dutch reckoning
duty calls
dwarf standing on the shoulders of giants
dyed in the wool
dying quail
dynamite charge
e thumb
eager beaver
eagle eye
ear to the ground
ear tunnel
early bath
early bird
earn one's crust
earn one's keep
ears are burning
easier said than done
easy come, easy go
easy does it
easy on the eye
easy on the eyes
easy pickings
easy street
eat an elephant one bite at a time
eat crow
eat for two
eat humble pie
eat it
eat my shorts
eat one's young
eat one's cake and have it too
eat one's gun
eat one's hat
eat one's heart out
eat one's own dog food
eat one's Wheaties
eat out of someone's hand
eat shit
eat someone out of house and home
eat someone's dust
eat someone's lunch
eat, breathe, and sleep
economical with the truth
edge out
egg on
elbow grease
elbow room
electronic superhighway
element of surprise
elephant in the room
eleventh hour
Elvis has left the building
Elysian Fields
embarrassment of riches
éminence grise
emotional cripple
emperor's new clothes
empty promise
empty the tank
end of
end of the line
end of the world
end up
engine room
English fever
enough to choke a horse
enough to make the angels weep
err on the side of
err on the side of caution
escape fire
esprit de corps
eternal sleep
eternal triangle
eureka moment
Evel Knievel
even keel
even money
even the score
ever after
every bit
every inch
every last
every man Jack
every old nook and cranny
every time
every which way
every which where
everybody and his cousin
everybody and his mother
everybody and their brother
everybody and their dog
everybody who is anybody
everyone and his brother
everyone and his mother
everyone and their brother
everyone and their dog
everyone and their mother
everything and the kitchen sink
everything but the kitchen sink
everything in the garden is rosy
evil twin
exception that proves the rule
excess baggage
exchange flesh
execution style
exit stage left
expose oneself
express elevator
extra pair of hands
extract the urine
eye for an eye
eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
eye of the beholder
eye sex
eye up
eyes on the prize
face down
face facts
face that would stop a clock
face the music
face value
faceless bureaucrat
fact is
factor in
factor space
facts on the ground
fade out
fail at life
fair and square
fair enough
fair game
fair sex
fair shake
fair to middling
fair weather fan
fair-haired boy
fair-weather friend
fall apart
fall around
fall at the last hurdle
fall behind
fall between the cracks
fall between two stools
fall by the wayside
fall for
fall foul
fall from grace
fall in line
fall into
fall into one's lap
fall into place
fall into the wrong hands
fall off a truck
fall off the back of a lorry
fall off the back of a truck
fall off the turnip truck
fall off the wagon
fall on deaf ears
fall on one's face
fall on one's sword
fall on someone's neck
fall out
fall over
fall short
fall through
fall through the cracks
fall victim
falling out
false alarm
false friend
false light
false note
family jewels
fan dance
fan the flames
fancy one's chances
fanny about
Fanny Adams
far and away
far be it
far cry
far post
fare thee well
farm nigger
farm out
farmer's tan
fart in a windstorm
fashion plate
fashionably late
fast and furious
fast asleep
fat chance
fat lip
fat of the land
Faustian bargain
faux queen
feast for the eyes
feast or famine
feather in one's cap
feather one's nest
feathered oof-bird
featherless biped
fed up
feed off
feed the dragon
feeding frenzy
feel for
feel free
feel in one's bones
feel one's oats
feel oneself
feel the pinch
feel up
feel up to
feet first
feet of clay
fence in
fencepost problem
fend and prove
fend away
fever pitch
few and far between
few cards shy of a full deck
few sandwiches short of a picnic
Appendix:Snowclones/few X short of a Y
fiddle while Rome burns
field day
fifth wheel
fight a losing battle
fight fire with fire
fight fires
fight one's corner
fight shy of
fighting chance
figure of speech
file off the serial numbers
fill in
fill in the blank
fill one's boots
fill one's face
fill one's hand
fill someone's shoes
fill the bill
fill up
filter down
filter up
filthy lucre
filthy rich
final cut
final nail in the coffin
final say
find another gear
find fault
find it in one's heart
find one's feet
find one's place
find one's voice
find oneself
find out
find the net
finders, keepers
finders, keepers; losers, weepers
fine feathers make fine birds
fine line
fine print
finer things
finest hour
finger in the pie
finger to the wind
fire drill
fire hose
fire in anger
fire in the belly
fire on all cylinders
firing line
firm up
first among equals
first and last
first annual
first come, first served
first loser
first love
first of all
first of never
first off
first port of call
first rate
first up
fish in troubled waters
fish or cut bait
fish out
fish out of water
fish to fry
fish-eating grin
fishing expedition
fit for a king
fit out
fit the bill
fit to be tied
fit to wake the dead
fits and starts
five will get you ten
fix someone's wagon
flag down
flame up
flannelled fool
flap one's gums
flash back
flash in the pan
flat chat
flat out
flat strap
flatten out
flavor of the week
flea in one's ear
flesh out
flick the bean
flight of fancy
flip one's lid
flip out
flip the bird
float someone's boat
flog a dead horse
flog a dead pony
flog the dolphin
flog the log
flood the zone
floor it
floppy infant syndrome
flower of the flock
fluff up
flunk out
flush out
flutter in the dovecote
fly by
fly by the seat of one's pants
fly in the face of
fly in the ointment
fly low
fly off
fly off at a tangent
fly off the shelves
fly on the wall
fly out of the traps
fly the coop
fly the flag
fly too close to the sun
fly under the radar
flying start
flying visit
fold one's tent
fold up
folk devil
follow in someone's footsteps
follow suit
follow the crowd
follow through
food baby
food chain
food for thought
fool around
fool away
fool's bargain
fool's errand
fool's paradise
foot voting
foot-in-mouth disease
footnote in history
for a change
for a fact
for a song
for a start
for all one is worth
for all the world
for chrissake
for crying out loud
for England
for fuck's sake
for fudge's sake
for good
for good and all
for good measure
for goodness' sake
for goodness' sakes
for heaven's sake
for keeps
for mercy's sake
for my money
for old times' sake
for once
for one's life
for one's particular
for Pete's sake
for pity's sake
for real and for true
for that matter
for the ages
for the asking
for the birds
for the heck of it
for the hell of it
for the love of
for the love of me
for the most part
for the nonce
for the time being
for two pins
for XYZ reasons
forbidden fruit
force of habit
force someone's hand
forget oneself
forgive and forget
fork off
fork over
forked tongue
forty minutes of hell
forty winks
foul up
fountain of youth
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
four score and seven years ago
four sheets to the wind
four-leaf clover
fourth estate
fourth gear
fourth wall
fox in the henhouse
fox sleep
fox's socks
freak flag
free hand
free lunch
free ride
freeze out
freezing cold
French kiss
French leave
fresh legs
fresh off the boat
fresh out of
fresh start
fret the gizzard`to harass; to vex one's self; to worry.
friend of Bill W.
friend with benefits
friends in high places
friendship with benefits
frig it
frog in one's throat
from a mile away
from A to izzard
from A to Z
from can see to can't see
from central casting
from cover to cover
from here to Sunday
from hunger
from my cold, dead hands
from pillar to post`After Kevin joined the Air Force, the family kept moving from pillar to post.
Citations:from pillar to post
from post to pillar
from scratch
from soup to nuts
from stem to stern
from the cradle to the grave
from the Department of the Bleeding Obvious`Pauline: "The Prime Minister has said that lower-class families are bearing the brunt of the recession worse than anyone else." Johnny: "Wow, any other riveting news from the Department of the Bleeding Obvious?"
from the East German judge
from the get-go
from the ground up
from the word go
from time to time
from womb to tomb
front and center
front runner
frown at
fruit of one's loins
fruit of the poisonous tree
fruit of the union
fruit up
fry up
fuck all
fuck it
fuck knows
fuck off
fuck over
fuck someone's brains out
fuck with
fuck y'all
fuck you
fucked by the fickle finger of fate
fucked over
fucked up
fucking hell
fudge factor
fudge the issue
full blast
full circle
full marks
full of beans
full of hot air
full of it
full of oneself
full of piss and vinegar
full speed ahead
full tilt
full tilt boogie
full to the gills
full whack
fun and games
funny bone
funny man
funny money
funny stuff
gagging for it
gall and wormwood`Ever since I lost the election for school president, I only feel gall and wormwood when I think of my unworthy opponent.
gallows humor
game face
game out
game plan
game, set, match
gandy dancer
gang up
gang up on
gapers' block
garden variety
Gary Glitter
gather dust
gather rosebuds
gather way
gear up
gender bender
genetic lottery
genie is out of the bottle
German goiter
German virgin`In poker, a starting hand of two nines. So called due to "nine, nine" sounding like the German nein, nein, meaning "no, no."
get a charge out of
get a fix
get a grip
get a kick out of
get a leg up
get a life
get a move on
get a rise out of
get a room
get a wiggle on
get ahead of oneself
get along
get amongst it
get away with
get away with murder
get back at
get back on the horse that bucked you`I've been single for three years since my divorce, but now I think it's time to get back on the horse and start dating again.
get behind
get bent
get bent out of shape
get better
get blood out of a stone
get busy
get by
get changed
get down to brass tacks`"we've had a meeting as to the general terms, and now we're going to get down to brass tacks"
get down to business
get even
get fresh
get high
get in
get in the boat and row
get ink
get into one's stride
get into someone's pants
get into the wrong hands
get into trouble
get it
get it how one lives
get it on
get it over with
get it up
get lost
get moving
get off lightly
get off one's chest
get off one's high horse
get off the ground
get on someone's case
get on someone's nerves
get on the end of
get on the stick
get one's act together
get one's ass in gear
get one's butt somewhere
get one's claws into
get one's claws out
get one's feet wet
get one's fill
get one's finger out
get one's fingers burnt
get one's foot in the door
get one's freak on
get one's hands dirty
get one's head around
get one's hopes up
get one's juices flowing
get one's marching orders
get one's money's worth
get one's panties in a bunch
get one's shine box
get one's shirt out
get one's shorts in a knot
get one's skates on
get one's tits in a wringer
get one's way
get one's wires crossed
get out of bed on the wrong side
get out of Dodge
get out of here
get out of jail free card
get out of someone's hair
get out while the getting's good
get outta here
get over
get over with
get rid of
get some air
get someone's back up
get someone's dander up
get someone's Irish up
get something off one's chest
get something straight
get started
get stuck in
get stuck into
get taken in
get the bacon bad
get the ball rolling
get the better of
get the boot
get the chop
get the dirty water off one's chest
get the drift
get the goods on
get the lead out
get the point
get the sack
get the time
get the wind up
get the word out
get thee behind me
get there
get this show on the road
get through one's head
get through to
get to first base
get to grips with
get to the bottom of
get to the point
get together
get under someone's skin
get up on the wrong side of the bed
get up someone's nose
get up the yard
get up with the chickens
get well
get wet
get what's coming to one
get wind
get wind in one's jaws
get wind of
get with the program
get with the times
ghetto bird
ghetto lottery
ghost at the feast
ghost from one's past
ghost home
gift from above
gift horse
gift of the gab
gift that keeps on giving
gild the lily
gild the pill
gimme a five
ginger knob
gird up one's loins
give 110%
give a fuck
give a good account of oneself
give a hoot
give a light
give a rat's arse
give a rip
give a sneck posset
give and take
give as good as one gets
give away the store
give back
give battle
give birth
give chase
give curry
give ear
give face
give head
give heed
give hostage to fortune
give in
give it one's best shot
give it the gun
give notice
give one enough rope
give one's all
give one's head a shake
give one's left nut
give out
give pause
give someone a bloody nose
give someone a break
give someone a hand
give someone a hard time
give someone a piece of one's mind
give someone a ring
give someone a speaking to
give someone an earful
give someone an inch and someone will take a mile
give someone grief
give someone Hail Columbia
give someone his head
give someone static
give someone the boot
give someone the brush-off
give someone the business
give someone the chair
give someone the cold shoulder
give someone the creeps
give someone the eye
give someone the heave-ho
give someone the old heave-ho
give someone the runaround
give someone the slip
give someone what for
Citations:give someone what for
give someone what-for
give something a go
give something a miss
give something a try
give something a whirl
give the devil his due
give the elbow
give the lie
give the lie to
give the royal treatment
give the time of day
give up the ghost
give weight
give what for
given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow
glad tidings
glass ceiling
glory be
gloss over
glutton for punishment
gnaw someone's vitals
go a long way
go a-begging
go against the grain
go ahead
go all around the Wrekin
go all out
go all the way
go along for the ride
go along to get along
go along with
go along with the gag
go apeshit
go around the houses
go back in time
go back to the drawing board
go ballistic
go bananas
go batshit
go begging
go blue
go by the board
go by the wayside
go commando
go deep
go down in flames
go down on
go down that road
go down the drain
go down the khazi
go down the pan
go down the road
go down the toilet
go down the tubes
go down the wrong way
go downhill
go downtown
go Dutch
go far
go figure
go fly a kite
go for a song
go for broke
go for it
go for the gold
go for the jugular
go for the throat
go from strength to strength
go from zero to hero
go Galt
go great guns
go halfsies
go halves
go hand in hand
go hang
go in one ear and out the other
go in the out door
go in with
go into one's shell
go jump in the lake
go moggy
go native
go nowhere
go nowhere fast
go off
go off at score
go off half-cocked
go off the boil
go out
go out of one's way
go out on a limb
go out with a bang
go over
go over someone's head
go overboard
go pear-shaped
go places
go play in the traffic
go public
go red
go round in circles
go snake
go so far as
go soak your head
go south
go straight
go the distance
go the extra mile
go the way of
go the way of the dinosaurs
go the way of the dodo
go the whole hog
go through hell
go through the mill
go through the motions
go through with
go to
go to bat
go to Canossa
go to great lengths
go to ground
go to sea
go to seed
go to someone's head
go to the bow-wows
go to the dogs
go to the ends of the earth
go to the mat
go to the mattresses
go to the polls
go to the wall
go to town
go to town on
go to work
go together
go too far
go towards
go under
go up in flames
go up in smoke
go west
go wild
go with
go with the flow
go without
go without saying
go wrong
God forbid
God forfend
God is in the detail
God's gift to man
God's gift to women
God's green earth
God's honest truth
God's work
going away
going rate
gold in them thar hills
gold mine
gold standard
golden duck
golden goose
golden handcuffs
golden handshake
golden hello
golden opportunity
golden parachute
golden rule
golden shower
golden ticket
golden touch
golden years
golf widow
gone north about
gone with the wind
good and
good books
good doctor
good doctors
good drunk
good egg
good enough for jazz
good enough to eat
good for nothing
good God
good graces
good gracious
good head on one's shoulders
good job
good life
good looker
good old boy
good old days
good riddance
good turn
good value
good voice to beg bacon
goodness gracious
goodness gracious me
goodness me
goodnight Irene
goof off
goon squad
goose is cooked
gooseberry eye
gooseberry season
got it going on
grab and go
grab bag
grab by the lapels
grace period
grain of truth
grammar Nazi
grammar police
grand poobah
grand scheme
grand total
grandstand play
granny dumping
grasp at straws
grasp the nettle
grass roots
grass tops
grass widower
gravy train
grease monkey
grease payment
grease someone's palm
grease the wheels
greasy spoon
great beyond
great deal
great job
great unwashed
greatest thing since sliced bread
Greek calends
green about the gills
green fingers
green hand
green indigo
green light
green state
green thumb
green with envy
greener pastures
grey area
grey matter
grey power
grin like a Cheshire cat
grind down
grist for the mill
grist to the mill
ground ball with eyes
ground rule
grow a pair
grow a set
grow apart
grow cold
grow on
grow out of
grow up
grunt level
grunt work
guess what
guilt trip
guilty pleasure
gum up
gunboat diplomacy
gunner's daughter
guns blazing
gut check
gut factor
gut feeling
gut reaction
gutless wonder
gym bunny
hack it
had better
hair of the dog
hairy molly
halcyon days
hale and hearty
half a mind
half murder
halfway decent
Hallmark moment
ham it up
hammer and tongs
hammer home
hand down
hand in glove
hand in one's dinner pail
hand it to someone
hand off
hand over
hand over fist
hand over hand
hand someone his hat
hand someone his head
hand to God
hand to mouth
hand waving
handbags at dawn
handle with kid gloves
hands down
hands up
handwriting on the wall
hang a leg
hang a Louie
hang a Ralph
hang a uey
hang an arse
hang around
hang by a thread
hang heavy
hang in
hang in the balance
hang low
hang on
hang on every word
hang one's hat
hang out
hang out one's shingle
hang out to dry
hang paper
hang the moon
hang together
hang tough
hang up
hang up one's boots
hang up one's hat
hangar queen
hanging offence
happen along
happily ever after
happy as a pig in shit
happy landings
happy medium
happy place
hard as nails
hard cheese
hard done by
hard feelings
hard lines
hard nut to crack
hard of hearing
hard on the eyes
hard pill to swallow
hard yards
harden someone's heart
harp on one string
hash out
hash slinger
hat hair
hat in hand
hatchet job
hatchet man
hate someone's guts
hats off
haul ass
haul someone over the coals
have a ball
have a bone to pick
have a brick in one's hat
have a fable for
have a fit
have a go
have a good one
have a good time
have a hand in
have a handle on
have a head for
have a heart
have a jag on
have a laugh
have a lot of time for
have a mind of one's own
have a mountain to climb
have a pair
have a say
have a seat
have a snootful
have a stab
have a tiger by the tail
have a way with
have a whale of a time
have a word
have an eye for
have another thing coming
have another think coming
have at
have bats in one's belfry
have been around
have blood on one's hands
have butterflies in one's stomach
have eyes bigger than one's belly
have eyes bigger than one's stomach
have eyes for
have eyes in the back of one's head
have got
have had it
have had it up to here
have had one's chips
have in mind
have it both ways
have it coming
have it going on
have it large
have it your way
have its moments
have legs
have more chins than a Chinese phone book
have more money than God
have no time for
have one's act together
have one's back up
have one's cake and eat it too
have one's ducks in a row
have one's ears lowered
have one's fingers in many pies
have one's hand in the till
have one's hand out
have one's hands full
have one's head read
have one's heart in the right place
have one's mind about one
have one's moments
have one's name taken
have one's number on it
have one's way
have one's way with
have one's wits about one
have second thoughts
have seen one's day
have seen this movie
have someone by the short and curlies
have someone by the short hairs
have someone on toast
have someone's back
have someone's blood on one's head
have someone's guts for garters
have someone's hide
have someone's number
have the biscuit
have the blues
have the floor
have the hots for
have the last laugh
have the tiger by the tail
have the time of one's life
have the wind up
have the wolf by the ear
have the world by the tail
have time on one's side
have to do with the price of fish
have truck with
have up
have words
hazard a guess
head and shoulders
head for the hills
head of steam
head over heels
head scratcher
head south
head start
head to toe
heads or tails
heads up
heads will roll
hear out
hear the end of it
hear the grass grow
hear things
hear through the grapevine
heart of glass
heart of gold
heart of hearts
heart of stone
hearts and flowers
heat wave
heaven forbid
heavy as a dead donkey
heavy going
heavy hitter
heavy lifting
hedge one's bets
hell and half of Georgia
hell if I know
hell mend someone
hell on earth
hell on wheels
hell or high water
hell to pay
hell week
helping hand
hem and haw
hens' teeth
hen's tooth
herd cats
here goes nothing
here to stay
here we go
here we go again
here you are
here you go
here's to
hewers of wood and drawers of water
hidden in plain sight
hide in plain sight
hide nor hair
hide one's light under a bushel
hide the sausage
hiding to nothing
high and mighty
high cotton
high ground
high horse
high noon
high on the hog
high road
high strangeness
high time
higher than a kite
highway robbery
hike up
hill to die on
hind tit
hindsight is 20/20
hired gun
hired muscle
hissing hot
hit a snag
hit above one's weight
hit below one's weight
hit home
hit it big
hit it up
hit on
hit one out of the ballpark
hit paydirt
hit piece
hit someone for six
hit the big time
hit the books
hit the bottle
hit the bricks
hit the buffers
hit the fan
hit the gas
hit the ground running
hit the hay
hit the headlines
hit the high notes
hit the jackpot
hit the nail on the head
hit the pavement
hit the road
hit the rocks
hit the roof
hit the sack
hit the skids
hit two targets with one arrow
hit upon
hitch one's wagon to a star
hive of activity
hog heaven
hoist by one's own petard
hold a candle
hold a grudge
hold a light
hold back
hold court
hold down
hold forth
hold it together
hold off
hold on
hold one's breath
hold one's fire
hold one's head high
hold one's horses
hold one's liquor
hold one's nerve
hold one's own
hold one's peace
hold one's tongue
hold one's water
hold onto your hat
hold out
hold over
hold over someone's head
hold someone's feet to the fire
hold someone's hand
hold sway
hold that thought
hold the cards
hold the line
hold the purse strings
hold the reins
hold the ring
hold together
hold up
hold up one's end
hold water
hold with the hare and run with the hounds
hold yew hard
hold-up play
holding pattern
hole in one
Hollywood moment
holy catfish
holy cow
holy crap
holy crap on a stick
holy crickets
holy fuck
holy macaroni
holy mackerel
holy moley
Holy of Holies
holy shit
holy smoke
home away from home
home game
home run
home stretch
home sweet home
home team
home training
homeless dumping
homely as a hedge fence
Honest Abe
honey do list
honey trap
honor in the breach
honorable mention
hoof it
hook up
hoover up
hop up
hope against hope
hopping mad
horizontal dancing
horizontal jogging
horizontal mambo
horizontal refreshments
horizontal tango
horror show
horse and rabbit stew
horse around
horse of a different color
horse opera
horse pill
horse sense
horse's ass
horses for courses
horse's mouth
horseshoe up one's ass
hose down
hot air
hot and bothered
hot and cold
hot and heavy
hot button
hot desking
hot hand
hot lunch
hot mess
hot off the presses
hot on
hot on someone's heels
hot potato
hot shit
hot stuff
hot to trot
hot under the collar
hot water
hotter than a pistol
house cooling party
house nigger
house of cards
house of God
house of ill fame
house poor
household name
how are you
how come
how goes it
how so
how's the weather
how's tricks
huckleberry above a persimmon
hugs and kisses
hum and haw
human touch
humble pie
Humpty Dumptyism
hunger sauce
hunker down
hunt where the ducks are
hurler on the ditch
hurt someone's feelings
hustle and bustle
hutch up
I can tell you
I can't hear you over the sound of
I could eat a horse
I don't fancy yours
I have a bridge to sell you
I just work here
I never did
I rest my case
I see, said the blind man
I take it
I wish
I would
ice cool
ice maiden
ice queen
I'd say
idiot box
idiot light
idiot mittens
if anything
Citations:if anything
if I do say so myself
if I'm honest
if it's all the same
if looks could kill
if need be
if needs be
if nothing else
if only
if pigs had wings
if the shoe fits
I'll be
I'll be a monkey's uncle
I'll be bound
I'll be damned
I'll be danged
ill health
I'll say
I'm not being funny
I'm sure
in a bake
in a bind
in a canter
in a flash
in a heartbeat
in a league of one's own
in a nutshell
in a pig's arse
in a pig's eye
in a pinch
in a state
in a walk
in Abraham's bosom
in addition
in all honesty
in all one's born days
in all one's glory
in and of itself
in and out
in any way, shape, or form
in at the deep end
in bad odor
in bed
in bed with
in black and white
in business
in character
in chorus
in cold blood
in control
in detail
in Dickie's meadow
in Dutch
in effigy
in evidence
in fee
in focus
in for a dime, in for a dollar
in for a penny, in for a pound
in for an inch, in for a mile
in for it
in for the kill
in from the cold
in front of one's nose
in full force
in full gear
in full swing
in heaven's name
in high dudgeon
in high gear
in jest
in kind
in layman's terms
in layperson's terms
in laywoman's terms
in light of
in line
in living memory
in no small measure
in no time
in no uncertain terms
in no way, shape, or form
in nothing flat
in one foul swoop
in one go
in one's altitudes
in one's back pocket
in one's cups
in one's dreams
in one's face
in one's head
in one's pocket
in one's right mind
in one's wildest dreams
in order
in other words
in plain sight
in plain view
in recent memory
in safe hands
in shape
in someone's pocket
in someone's shoes
in spades
in spite of
in stitches
in stride
in the act
in the altogether
in the bag
in the black
in the blink of an eye
in the books
in the buff
in the can
in the cards
in the clear
in the crosshairs
in the dark
in the dock
in the doghouse
in the drink
in the driver's seat
in the driving seat
in the face of
in the fast lane
in the final analysis
in the first place
in the flower of one's youth
in the front row
in the game
in the here and now
in the hole
in the hopper
in the hospital
in the hot seat
in the interest of justice
in the lead
in the least
in the limelight
in the line of duty
in the long run
in the long term
in the making
in the money
in the nick of time
in the nip
in the offing
in the pink
in the pink of health
in the post
in the raw
in the red
in the reign of Queen Dick
in the right place at the right time
in the running
in the same boat
in the same breath
in the short run
in the soup
in the swim
in the tank
in the thick of
in the thick of it
in the toilet
in the twinkling of an eye
in the wake of
in the way
in the way of
in the weeds
in the wind
in the wink of an eye
in the works
in the world
in the worst way
in the wrong place at the wrong time
in the zone
in this day and age
in thunderation
in too deep
in touch
in two shakes
in vain
in view of
in virtue of
in with a chance
in your dreams
in your face
Indian sign
inner circle
inner strength
ins and outs
inside baseball
inside job
inside joke
inside out
inside the box
installed base
interpret away
into detail
into thin air
iron curtain
iron eagle
ironing board
irons in the fire
is go
it can't be helped
it figures
it is what it is
it takes all kinds to make a world
it takes two to make a quarrel
it takes two to tango
itch the ditch
itchy feet
itchy trigger finger
it's about time
it's all good
it's all Greek to me
it's five o'clock somewhere
it's one's funeral
ivory tower
jack in
jack of all trades
jack of all trades, master of none
jack o'lantern
Jack Tar
jam today
jam tomorrow
Jane Doe
Jane Roe
jaw away
jerk around
jerk off
Jesus, Mary and Joseph
jet set
jill of all trades
jive turkey
Joe Average
Joe Citizen
joe job
Joe Public
jog on
John Hancock
John Henry
John Q. Public
John Thomas
join forces
join the club
joined at the hip
jolly along
jot and tittle
jot down
judge, jury and executioner
jug ears
juice up
jump at
jump at the chance
jump before one is pushed
jump down someone's throat
jump for joy
jump in one's skin
jump on
jump on the bandwagon
jump out
jump rope
jump ship
jump someone's bones
jump the gun
jump the queue
jump the shark
jump through hoops
jump to conclusions
jungle telegraph
junk in the trunk
junkyard dog
jury is out
just a minute
just a second
just about
just another pretty face
just deserts
just folks
just in case
just like that
just the same
just what the doctor ordered
kangaroo court
keel over
keep a civil tongue in one's head
keep a close watch
keep a cool head
keep a lid on
keep a low profile
keep a weather eye open
keep an eye on
keep an eye open
keep an eye out
keep an eye peeled
keep at arm's length
keep company
keep house
keep it between the ditches
keep it in one's pants
keep it one hundred
keep it real
keep it up
keep mum
keep on
keep on truckin'
keep on trucking
keep one on one's toes
keep one's cards close to one's chest
keep one's chin up
keep one's cool
keep one's eye on the ball
keep one's eyes peeled
keep one's fingers crossed
keep one's hair on
keep one's head
keep one's head above water
keep one's head down
keep one's knickers on
keep one's lips sealed
keep one's mouth shut
keep one's nose clean
keep one's options open
keep one's pants on
keep one's pecker up
keep pace
keep quiet
keep shtum
keep someone company
keep someone in the dark
keep someone in the loop
keep someone on ice
keep someone posted
keep straight
keep tabs on
keep the ball rolling
keep the home fires burning
keep the peace
keep the wolf from the door
keep to oneself
keep up
keep up appearances
keep up with the Joneses
keep watch
kernel of truth
kettle of fish
keys to the kingdom
kick against the pricks
kick ass
kick ass and take names
kick at the can
kick bollocks scramble
kick butt
kick in
kick in the teeth
kick into touch
kick it
kick off
kick one's heels
kick out
kick some tires
kick someone when they are down
kick the bucket
kick the can down the road
kick the habit
kick the tires
kick the tyres
kick to the curb
kick up a fuss
kick up one's heels
kick upstairs
kick with the other foot
kicking and screaming
kicking at an open door
kicking boots
kid around
kiddie table
kidding aside
kill me
kill one's darlings
kill the fatted calf
kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
kill the rabbit
kill two birds with one stone
killer instinct
kind of
kind regards
kindest regards
kindred soul
kindred spirit
king of beasts
king of the castle
king of the hill
King Shit of Fuck Mountain
King Shit of Turd Island
king's ransom
kiss and cry
kiss and make up
kiss arse
kiss ass
kiss my ass
kiss of death
kiss of life
kiss off
kiss someone's ass
kiss someone's ring
Citations:kiss someone's ring
kiss the gunner's daughter
kiss up
kiss up to
kit and caboodle
kitchen sink
kitchen table software
knee slapper
knee-deep in the Big Muddy
knee-high to a grasshopper
knight in shining armor
knit one's brows
knit one's eyebrows
knit together
knock down
knock for a loop
knock it off
knock on wood
knock oneself out
knock out
knock out of the box
knock some sense into
knock someone down with a feather
knock someone off their perch
knock someone over with a feather
knock someone's socks off
knock the living daylights out of
knock together
knocked up
knocking on heaven's door
know beans about
know every trick in the book
know from a bar of soap
know inside and out
know no bounds
know one's ass from a hole in the ground
know one's onions
know one's own mind
know one's shit
know one's way around
know someone
know someone from a can of paint
know someone from Adam
know someone in the biblical sense
know the score
know what is what
know where the bodies are buried
know which end is up
know which side one's bread is buttered on
knuckle down
knuckle dragger
knuckle sandwich
knuckle under
lab rat
labor of love
labour of love
ladies' man
lady garden
lady or tiger
lady's man
land of opportunity
land on one's feet
land poor
landing strip
lap dog
lap of luxury
lap up
large and in charge
larger than life
last burst of fire
last hurrah
last minute
last nail in the coffin
last of the big spenders
last resort
last straw
Last Supper
last thing
last thing one needs
last trump
last word
latch onto
latch-key child
late bloomer
late model
lathered up
laugh a minute
laugh all the way to the bank
laugh in one's sleeve
laugh one's head off
laugh out of court
laugh up one's sleeve
laughing stock
laundry list
law of the jungle
lay a finger on
lay an egg
lay down the law
lay down the marker
lay eggs
lay eyes on
lay hands on
lay it on thick
lay odds
lay of the land
lay off
lay on
lay on the line
lay over
lay rubber
lay something at the feet of
lay the groundwork
lay to rest
lead by the nose
lead nowhere
lead on
lead someone down the garden path
lead the line
lead time
lead up to
lead with one's chin
leading light
leap to mind
leaps and bounds
learn to walk before you can run
least said, soonest mended
leather working
leave a sour taste in one's mouth
leave behind
leave home
leave it at that
leave it be
leave no stone unturned
leave nothing to the imagination
leave off
leave someone high and dry
leave someone holding the baby
leave someone in the lurch
leave someone out in the cold
leave to one's own devices
left field
left turn
left-handed compliment
legal beagle
legal duty
legal eagle
legend in one's own lifetime
legend in one's own lunchtime
lemon law
lend a hand
lend an ear
lend itself to
les jeux sont faits
lesser of two evils
let alone
let bygones be bygones
let down
let fly
let go and let God
let it be
let loose
let nature take its course
let off
let on
let one go
let one's hair down
let oneself go
let sleeping dogs lie
let slide
let slip
let someone down gently
let someone go
let someone have it
let something slip
let the cat out of the bag
let the chips fall where they may
let the grass grow under one's feet
let the perfect be the enemy of the good
let them have it
let's be having you
let's get the party started
let's not and say we did
letters after one's name
level best
level off
libel chill
licence to print money
lick and a promise
lick into shape
lick my balls
lick one's chops
lick one's wounds
lick out
lick someone's ass
lick someone's balls
lick the pants off
lie before
lie ill in one's mouth
lie through one's teeth
life and limb
life and soul of the party
life is too short
life of Riley
life of the party
life's a bitch
lift one's game
lift someone's spirits
light a fire under
light at the end of the tunnel
light bucket
light in the loafers
light on one's feet
light skirt
light the blue touchpaper
light up
lighten someone's purse
lighten up
lightning fast
lightning in a bottle
like a bull at a gate
like a chicken with the pip
like a duck takes to water
like a duck to water
like a phoenix from the ashes
like cheese at fourpence
like it or lump it
like mother, like daughter
like one's life depended on it
like shelling peas
like speaking to a brick wall
like talking to a wall
like the sound of one's own voice
like water off a duck's back
lily-livered-I'm not surprised that Tom didn't come to the rally—he's too lily-livered to defend his beliefs in public.
line in the sand-I don't mind my roommate being a bit messy, but leaving dirty dishes for me to clean up is where I draw a line in the sand!
line one's pockets
lion's den
lion's share
lip service
liquid courage
listen up
little emperor
little head
little old
little pitcher
live a lie
live and let live
live beyond one's means
live in sin
live it up
live large
live off
live on
live on the edge
live one
live over the brush
live paycheck to paycheck
live the dream
live wire
live with
living death
living end
living proof
load up
loaded for bear
loaded language
loaded word
loaf about
loaf around
lock horns
locker room humor
log off
lone gunman
lone it
long arm
long arm of the law
long drink
long finger
long game
long green
long haul
long in the tooth
long pork
long row to hoe
long run
long screwdriver
long shot
long since
long story short
long time
long time no hear
long time no see
look before you leap
look daggers-I noticed the bride looking daggers at the best man as he started making vulgar jokes during his speech.
look down on
look down one's nose
look down one's shirt
look down upon
look for a dog to kick
look forward to
look here
look into
look like
look off
look on
look out
look out for number one
look the other way
look the part
look through
look to
look up
look what the cat's dragged in
loom large
loose cannon
loose change
loose end
loose ends
loose lip
loosen someone's tongue-A few drinks will loosen her tongue, and then I'm sure she'll tell me the secret without me even having to ask.
loosen the apron strings-Sending kids to summer camps has been in decline in recent years, as parents have become less and less inclined to loosen the apron strings.
loosen the purse strings-We'd have a much better and more stable product if the boss would loosen the purse strings a little.
lord it over
lord of the flies-You can't tempt me, lord of the flies!
Lord willing and the creek don't rise-We've had a lot of delays, but God willing and the creek don't rise, we should have the house finished before winter.
lose face
lose ground
lose it
lose one's cool
lose one's head
lose one's mind
lose one's shirt
lose one's shit
lose one's temper
lose one's touch
lose the number of one's mess
lose the plot
lose touch
loss of face
lost cause
lost errand
lost in translation
lost soul
lot lizard-Like clockwork, the lot lizards start scoping out potential customers as soon as the sun sets.
louse up
love at first sight
love goggles-Dana's love goggles keep her from seeing how controlling her girlfriend is.
love muscle
love nest
love of one's life
loved up
low blow
low on the totem pole
low road
low-hanging fruit
lower the boom-Well, Mom lowered the boom and grounded me for a month because I came home after curfew again.
lubrication payment-Whenever I start up a new factory overseas, I make sure to bring along enough cash on hand for any lubrication payments I may need to make.
luck of the draw
luck out
lucky break
lucky dip
lucky dog
lucky duckling
lucky star
lump in one's throat
lump it
lump to one's throat
lunatics have taken over the asylum